Attachment 131 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH pTY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 ':\\ci.miami.beach.fl.us TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. +\ 1-0 0 Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy \ \'V City Manager ~ DATE: May 24, 2000 A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2,1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List; Specifically for Architectural/Engineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the Miami Beach Botanical Garden Renovation and Expansion; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, Inc. to Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facility and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of Judson & Partners, Inc. Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top Ranked Firm. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS: On November 2, 1999, the City of Miami Beach voters approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bond for Neighborhood, Parks and Beach, and Fire Safety Improvements. In an effort to begin the implementation of these Bond Projects, the City desires to contract with design professionals in accordance with Florida Statute 287.055 for planning and the preparation of the constructionlbidding docwnents needed to undertake the work detailed in the Scope of Work for the above mentioned facilities. The selected firm will be responsible for reviewing existing City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinances and Building Codes, and for incorporating the data into complete construction docwnents including final working drawings, maintenance expenses, construction estimates, specifications, and bid docwnents necessary for the bidding and construction of this project. r AGENDA ITEM c'1P S -2+-0::> DATE ,,-- RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Two May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) The firm will be responsible for obtaining all Federal, State and local permits necessary for the construction of the project, and may also be required to provide consulting services to the City on various matters which do not result in drawings or specifications. The design will be developed with the input of the City Administration, the various City Boards am Committees, as weH as area residents and other interested individuals and groups. The design team wiH be made up of an Architect and Landscape Architect each with demonstrated knowledge and extensive experience in tropical botanical gardens and experienced in the design and construction ofbotanica1/horticultural conservatories indicative of South Florida and its related use in the 21 st Century. The team will work together for correct siting of the new buildings, exterior rooms, evaluation and design of existing buildings and evaluation of interior spaces as they relate to natural lighting. The design will include complete renovation of the Botanical Garden grounds, buildings, patio space and loggia areas, taking into consideration the existing master plan. Improvements are to include replacement of existing conservatory, reconfiguration of indoor and outdoor spaces, creation of a performing arts stage and seating area compatible with the botanical garden, additional botanically diverse landscaping, irrigation, pedestrian walkways, site furnishings and building - improvements, including bringing all aspects of the facility into compliance with ADA requirements. On January 12,2000, the Commission adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for VariOllS City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List. The RFQ was issued on January 20, 2000, with an opening date of March 1,2000. Four-hundred- fifty-six (456) notices and one-hundred-sixteen specifications were issued. resulting in the receipt offive (5) responsive responses from the foHowing firms; Beilinson Architects Curtis & Rogers Design Studio Daphne I. Gurri Architecture Judson & Partners, Inc. Swanke Hayden Connell Architects Letter to Commission (LTC) No. 41-2000, dated March 22, 2000 established an Evaluation Committee consisting of the foHowing individuals: ,,-. Claire Tomlin, Executive Director of the Miami Beach Botanical Gardens Conservancy Victor Varela, GO Bond Project Oversight Committee Member Kevin Smith, Director of Parks & Recreation Charles Buckles, Senior Plan Designer Kent Bonde, Redevelopment Coordinator Kevin Crowder, Redevelopment Specialist r- RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Three May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) On March 24 2000, the Evaluation Committee met to review these responses. Claire Tomlin was selected as the Committee Chairperson. Each member in attendance reviewed and evaluated all responses in accordance with the criteria listed in the RFQ, and submitted their individual score sheets to the Chairperson. The Committee was required, in accordance with the RFQ, to select a minimum of three of the top- ranked finns, The Committee agreed to have each member shortlist by selecting their four top-ranked flnns. Below are the results: First Round: (all firms receiving votes) Firm CT VV KS CB KB KC Total Beilinson Architects X X 2 Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, Inc. X X X X X X 6 Daphne I. Gurri Architecture X X X X X X 6 Judson & Partners, Inc. X X X X X 5 Swanke Hayden ConneIl Architects X X X X X 5 The committee members' initials are as follows: r- CT: Claire Tomlin VV: Victor Varela KS: Kevin Smith CB: Charles Buckles KB: Kent Bonde KC: Kevin Crowder Based on the above results, the Committee agreed to shortlist the following four (4) top-ranked finns: Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, Inc. Daphne I. Gurri Architecture Judson & Partners, Inc. Swanke Hayden Connell Architects On April I I, 2000, the four (4) finns made oral presentations before the Evaluation Committee. The Committee's role was to evaluate and rank the finns based on the following criteria identified in the RFQ: Firm's Experience, Project Manager's Experience, Previous Similar Projects, Qualifications of Project Team, and Certified Minority Participation. r- --,,-'.,-,- ~ RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Four May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) The rankings listed below are the final results of the committees' evaluation(s) of each firm at the conclusion of the oral presentations. Victor Varela did not attend this meeting. Second Round: (four top-ranked firms) Firm CT KS CB KB KC Total Rank Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, Inc. 2 I I I I 6 1 Daphne 1. Gurri Architecture 4 4 2 4 4 18 4 Judson & Partners, Inc. I 3 3 3 2 12 2 Swanke Hayden Connell Architects 3 2 4 2 3 14 3 The committee members' initials are as follows: CT: Claire Tomlin KS: Kevin Smith CB: Charles Buckles KB: Kent Bonde KC: Kevin Crowder The committee ranked the firm of Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, Inc. as the top-ranked firm, and Judson & Pa~ers, Inc. as the second-ranked firm. ~ Attached is the following additional information on the top-ranked firm (Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, Inc.): Attachment 1: Firm Profile Attachment 2; Organizational Chart of the Proposed Project Team. Attachment 3: Previous/Current City of Miami Beach Projects by Curtis & Rogers Design Studio. Attachment 4: Structural Engineer's Previous Project List in the City of Miami Beach. The Committee's recommendation was provided to the City Manager for his consideration. In accordance with the terms of the RFQ, the City Manager has reviewed the Evaluation Committee's recommendation and concurs with its ranking of responses. The Mayor and City Commissioners are not bound by either the City Manager's or the Evaluation Committee's recommendations. The City Manager recommends that the Mayor and Commission accept the ranking by the Evaluation Committee, authorize the City Administration to enter into negotiations with the top- ranked firm of Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, Inc., and authorize the Administration to negotiate with the second-ranked firm of Judson & Partners, Inc., should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked firm. LAL:~~~~ F:\PURClSALLIJOHN\COMM\41-CR099. WPO ~ -,-t'" .~. "".--,-.',--. Afteraction Report May 24, 2000 City Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach ~ C7P Commission Memorandum No. 417-00 A Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List; Specifically for Architectural/Engineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the Miami Beach Botanical Garden Renovation and Expansion; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, Inc, to Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facility and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of Judson & Partners, Inc. Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top Ranked Firm, Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution, (Parks/Economic/Community Development) ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23930 adopted, Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli and Michel Magliore to handle. ,- r Prepared by the City Clerk's Office Page 14 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23930 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER PERTAINING TO THE RANKING OF PROPOSALS RECEIVED IN RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NO. 41-99/00 FOR ARClllTECTURAL, ENGINEERING, LANDSCAPE ARClllTECTURAL AND GRAPIDC DESIGN SERVICES FOR VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NOVEMBER 2, 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION (GO) BOND PROJECT NO.7, FOR ARCIDTECTURAUENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE MIAMI BEACH BOTANICAL GARDEN RENOVATION AND EXPANSION; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE TOP-RANKED FIRM OF CURTIS & ROGERS DESIGN STUDIO TO DEVELOP DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE PROPOSED FACILITY; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE SECOND RANKED FIRM OF JUDSON & PARTNERS, INC. SHOULD THE ADMINISTRATION NOT BE ABLE TO SUCCESSFULLY NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT WITH THE TOP RANKED FIRM. WHEREAS, the City issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No.4] -99/00 for providing architectural, engineering, landscaping architectural and graphic design services for various City projects in accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond project list; and WHEREAS, four-hundred fifty-six notices and one-hundred sixteen (116) specifications for RFQ No, 41-99/00 were issued, resulting in five (5) timely responses; and WHEREAS, an Evaluation Committee recommended by the City Manager and approved by the Mayor and City Commission met on March 24, 2000, and agreed to short list the four (4) top-ranked firms and that they be invited for oral presentations before the Committee; and WHEREAS, the Committee heard oral presentations on April!!, 2000, and unanimously voted to recommend negotiations with the top-ranked firm, Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, and with the second-ranked firm ofJudson & Partners, Inc., should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked firm; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has reviewed the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and concurs with the Evaluation Committeels recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission herein accept the City Manager's recommendation pertaining to the ranking of proposals received in response to RFQ No. 41-99/00 and authorize the Administration to enter into negotiations with the top-ranked firm of Curtis & Rogers Design Studio and with the second-ranked firm of Judson & Partners, Inc. should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked firm, ATIEST: _hrLutit f tu~, ITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION JJtt PASSED and ADOPTED this 24thday of May, 2000 MAYOR ,.-. 11itfP '~ I'"' FIRM PROFILE Curtis + Rogers was formed, with the purpose of providing quality landscape Architectural and Planning services. The firm, founded in 1991 by Aida M. Curtis and Richard H. Rogers. The foundation of our proctice is 0 commitment to quolity projects ond providing client satisfaction. Prior to forming the Studio, the partners, Ms. Curtis and Mr. Rogers warlc:ed together for several years in the Florida office of Sosoki Associotes, Inc.. Mr. Rogers was the Principal in Charge of their Florido Office, Ms. Curtis was on Associate, a project manager and Director of Computer Information Systems. Collectively they hove experience in a variety of project types ranging from parks-recreational, urbon-public, lorge scole residential, commercial, institutional and mixed~ use. By being 0 part of this multi.disciplinory organizotion, they developed a strong respect for the role of different disciplines within a prolect. Curtis ond Rogers Design Studio, Inc. is hispanic/ femole-owned firm. ond has been certified by numerous public: agencies. r ~.... "..",,,~',.- . ,. 'r .'. ,.. ~\. ri ;j.::-. ~i, '~i4, ~;~ ,~ j , ) ;~'-. Amerit111/ Airli1/1S Arr1/l1 r I They ore incorporated in the Stole 01 Florida ( Corp. No. 589127) and are licensed by the Florida Department of Professionol Regulation to practice landscape Architecture (license no. LC-COOO24 1). Both, Ms. Curtis and Mr. Rogers are registered landscape architects in the State of Florido. Curtis + Rogers Design Studio is fluent in current technology. We are oble to produce text, spreadsheets, drawings, graphics ond photography in both hordcopy ond digitallormals. Their Principals personal familiarity with all programs, which allows lar their direct interaction in projects, Recent completed projects in which the principals of the firm have been involved in include: Carnival Cruise Unes Corporate Headquarters, American Airlines Arena, Miami internotionol Airport Central Boulevord, . Projects in progress include: U.S. Federal Courthouse, Miomi, Porrot Jungle at Watson Islond, The Charles Deering Estate revised Master Pion, ~ CURTIS + ROGERS 3.1 A/TA(tI~T I r- ,,- ~ <{ J: U Z o ~ N Z <{ <.9 a::: o r- w "'~lQ ffi<w l!):cl!) OUO ""z"" o~+ ~~~ x-I- uU"" -z=> Gr::Q2U 0. '" "" '" w ---,l!) \i<".;o ::)2:0:: u!i+ 25ii:!a <Q..~ => U I- ""u wW C)!::: w~iS ~~~ ~I-W ~u~ ~wu ~'" 00 ""z 0.:5 ~2- "" I ~ .::l en g ~ => ollU I-- ~ ~ ~ oll z~ <~ ~U 1- ~~ ::;: oll ;:jw4' wZ.... Z"';;: I-- Z~!5 gg< o is ~ ~ - '" ~!iit~ Cl uz'" z-:i':! ~~ u ~. "",-l w =>~ Cl ~2~~ WQ2 u Zo. w "" ~ ~~ Cl Q!i~~ ze;; u Wo. ~ ~ ~~ Cl :;(uz!:':' ::!:~-x ;:5l:: U < , :c au"" w ~g~zl!) ~liz-~ ~F:i~ u >-- LL U U ~ ~~ I w '" [;:I~ '" w:C "" >O:U o<U w 8 I..- ;:S~ ~~ '--- 3w lS~ '" + w6 ~lS '" ...'" w", ~ "'0 ~o w~ z => :S u CURTIS + ROGERS .:., ,.10' Il-rntc,tltl1e.N/ ;L 4.1 r --- r PROPOSERS-elUALlFICATION STATEMENT Page 1 of 4 PROJECT NUMBER: RFQ No. 41-99/00 , PROJECT NAME: Miami Beach Botanical Gorden Renovation , FIRM NAME (AS SHOWN ON CORPORATE SEAL): Curtis & Roge<s Design Studio, Inc. ADDRESS OF PROPOSED OFFICE IN CHARGE: 2982 Grand Avenue, Coconut Grow, Florida 33133 TElEPHONE NO. : {305}442-1774 FACSIMILE NO.: (305) 445-9488 INDICATE SERVICES TO BE P[10VIDED ON THIS PROJECT APPLICANT SERVICES OFFERED FL STATE LICENSE CORPORATE CHARTER MINORITY CERTIFICATION lANDSCAPE LC-COOO241 ~9127 WBE AROilTKlURE - PROPOSED CONS,ULTANTS SERVICES OFFERED NAME OF CONSULTANT FL. STATE CORPORATE MINORITY LICENSE CHARTER CERTIFlCATlO N ARCHITECTURE Zyscovich, Inc. M- M40936 COO1431 STRUCTURAL Donnell, Duquesne & AlboiSQ 1306 L08168 H8E ENGINEERING MECHANICAL, Basullo & Associales 6722 P9300006637 HBE ELECTRICAL AND 0 PLUMBING ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERINGI Milian, Swain & Associales 5460 K58420 HBE COASTAl PERMITTING HORTICULTURAL Lisa Hammer N/A N/A CONSULTANT 4.2 A TlItCHfl1.a.v-r ';$ r r aae 0 WORKLOAD FOR APPUCANT FIRM: (ONL\') Define each project the APPUCANT is handling as of the deadline far receipt of proposals (excluding portions of fees poid to Consultants), Specify number of all principols and technical staff in the finn (excluding ,slaff drafting/CADD operator personnel and Consuhants), -, Projects Fees on Hold Fees Remaining North Share Park $ 50,000 North Shore Open Space Park $ 54,000 Lummus Park $ 45,000 South Poinle Park $160,000 Pinelree Park $ 6500 U.S. Federal Courthouse $ 68,200 Parrot Jungle and Gardens - Watson Island $160,000 Miami Riverfront Redevelopment - $)7,500 - - Deering Estate Master Plan Update $ 47,000 Southwest Kendall Park Master Plan $ 14,000 Amelia Earhart Park $ 44,160 Miami Beach Baywalk $ 8,400 Central Boulevard Renovation $320,000 Parkland Elementary School $ 3,500 South Broword High School $ 26,950 Grand Flamingo $ 23,000 TOTAl. FEES: $744,060 $324,150 TOTAl. PERSONS (Prindpal & Tech. StaII): 2 PRINC/PAtS 3 TECHNICAL STAFF PROPOSERS QUAL1F1CATION STATEMENT P 2 f 4 4.3 r r- --- r -PROPOSERS QUAlIFICATION STATEMENT Page 4 of 4 KEY PERSONNEL OF PROPOSED TEAM TO BE USED ON THIS PROJECT . Name Discipline oLUcense/ Training Oly 01 Residence ' Applicants Principal(s) in Charge Aida M. Curtis, ASIA Londscnpe An::hitedure Com/ Gables, Florida Richard H. Rogers, FASIA Landscape An::hitedure Miami, Florida Prolessianal! Technical Stall Discipline 01 license/ Training City al Residence Espemrva Kelly, ftSlA Landscape An:hitedure Miami.Aorida Jean c. lee Landscape An:hitectuno Miami Shores, Florida Jessica Jerez lancIscape An::hitedure Miami, Florida Consultont(s) Discipline 01 License/ T roini"3: City 01 Residence P.}incipal(s) in Charge - ~ - - - Bemord Zyscovich, AJA Architecture Miami, Florida Aida M A1baisa, PE Strudural Engineering Miami, Florida Arsenio Milian, P.E. Civil Engineering Miami, Florida Rene Basulto, P.E. MEP Engineering Miami, Florida Lisa Hammer Horticultural Consultant Homestead, FL Consukant(s) Discipline of licenseIT raining City of Residence Professianal! Technical Stall Ramon R. Donnell, P.E. Structural Engineering Miami, Florida Pedro J. Duquesne, P.E. Structural Engineering Miami, Florida Emesto G. Wong, P.E. Strudural Engineering Miami, Florida Leonardo Rodriquez, P.E, Structural Engineering Miami, Florida Aaron E. Buchler, P ,E. Civil Engineer Miami, Florida Jose Martinez Mechanical Engineer Miami, Florida Cha~es Yos! Electrical Engineer Miami, Florida . Attach additional sheets if necessaoy 4.5 LUMMUS PARK Miamz; Florida Dm:riplion Lummus Park a 32 acre park. located in the heart of the world renowned Art Deco District is being renovated os 0 passive park as part of the Miami Beach Parks Improvement Bonds. The improvements include 0 ""5tote of the art''' irrigation system, new and renovated restroom facilities, upgrade of site furnishings, ADA compliance and the restoration of the "historic" Coconut grove canopy. Site planning, playgraung design as well as planting and irrigation. With Bermello, Ajami! & Partners, Cost $ 836,000 S ~rvi<<s Oat' Construction completed in February 2000 Client City of Miami Beach Department of Parks Recreation and Cui. ture Kevin Smith (305) 673-7730 ~ MIAMI BEACH BOTANICAL GARDEN Miami Beach, Florida Dmnption The City of Miami Beach established the Mayor's Ad Hoc Garden and Conservatory Committee for the purpose of addressing issues at the Botanical Garden. This com- mittee proposed 0 series of initiatives that addressed a conservatory which had been condemned by the building department, and a vision tor an enhancement of the plant collection and a more effedive use of the garden os on educational asset. StrVim Development of a site plan that reflects the vision of the committee. Preparation of illustrative drawings, With E, N, Bechamps & Associates and Suzanne Martinson. Cost $ 12,000 (C+R only) Oat, Completed 1999 Climf City of Miami Beach Department of Parks, Recreation and Culw lure Kevin Smith (305) 673.7730 AA~3 I ....~. ,~..: . ~ I .a; ',~ i~I~~- . ~ . ,""- '.... I' ...... ~;:--. . > ~~~_:~, ~"':fI ',> .a*. ~I, ." ~. -;i:.c' , ' , ,'-' '. '.~ .. .<t. ) . f ' ,'~ ~ CURTIS + ROGERS r 4,14 II -r-r,4.C;lft1t'w/ 'I PARROT JUNGLE & GARDENS AT WATSON ISLAND Miami, Florida Duerip/ion S~"llit(J Cost Da/( Clint! The 50 year old Parrot Jungle and Gardens, en animal attraction theme pork and botanical garden, is moving to a new and lorger nome on Watson Island. The site design consists of the creation of extensive land forms, streams, waterfalls, logoons and swamps in 0 variety of native and exotic plant environments. The work includes the rreservotion, relocation and importation 0 large plant material. ' Paving, grading, oquascapes, site furnish- ings, planting and irrigation design. With Hakki Koroglu, $ 27,000,000 total praject/$ 3,500,000 C + R direct respansibili1y Construction 2000-2001 Perrot Jungle & Gardens at Watson Island Miami, Florida Dr. Bem Levine (305) 461.2053 SHERATON BAL HARBOUR BEACH RESORT Bat Harbour, Florida ~ Dump/ion Strvkes Cost Dale Client r Landscape architectural services for the renovation of a 3.5 acre Beach Resort in 601 Harbour, The project includes multiple swimming pools, tennis courts, waterfalls, fish ponds, natural and artificial rock work, garden buildings os well os a major restaurant. Challenges included building the project in four months, while keeping the hotel functioning, as well as meeting all requirements necessary to obtain State and local environmental permifs, Construction Documents through Con- struction Administration for planting, irri. getion, hardscapes end drainage. With Sasaki Associates. $ 12,000,000 construction cost. Completed 1996 ITT Sheraton Corporation 777 Westchester Avenue White Plains, NY 10604 Paul McGowan (914) 640.6370 I ~1 CURTIS + ROGERS 4.15 ~ MASTER PLAN FOR PARK BOND IMPROVEMENT SITES Miami Beach, Florida Description Strvkes Cost Dall CIi,,,t Moster planning, and design guideline development lor 20 porks os port of o 15 Million Dollar Bond Improvement Program, Porks ranged in size Irom 0,5 acres to 34 acres, with both active and passive recreational components. The process included the receipt of and response to public input. Site inventory and analysis" conceptual and nnal plans, cost estimating, design guidelines and implementation schedules. $ 15,000,000 (Bond Issue) Completed in 1996 City 01 Miami Beach Depl. 01 Porks, Recreation and Culture Kevin Smith (305) 673-7730 DEERING ESTATE AT OLD CUTLER - MASTER PLAN Miami, Florida DmTiption Sm:icu CO,fI Dale Climt r The existing Charles Deering Estate property is being enlarged by the acquisi- tion 01 two parcels, The property now encompasses 425 acres of pristine natural, historical and archaeological leotures, The recreational program for the estate includes 0 variety of interpretive trails, picnicking, lishing and canoe launching facililes, Particular challenges include balancing environmentally sensitive land with the needs of the neighboring residential community while providing public access to Biscayne Boy, Master planning, historical, archeological environmental interpretation, and public facilitafion. $ N/A To b. completed 2000 Miami-Dade County Porks and Recreation Deportment Amy Woll (305) 755-7887 I ..~ CURTIS + ROGERS 4.16 U, S, FEDERAL COURTHOUSE Miami, Florida Dump/ion S emu! CDS! Dafe Client The Projed sits on two downtown city blocks adJacent ta the existing Federal Court buildings, 80% af the site is apen space. The area immediately adjacent to the building is a lawn with seating at the perimeter, Between the lawn and the street is a perimeter of vegetation 90-30 feet in width. This area is to become an urban arboretum consisting of subtropical trees and palms. Public access is available throughouf the site. Design of pavement, grading, planting, irrigation, site furniture and integration of public art, With ARQ/HOK architects, $ 2,000,000 (C+R portion only) Construction 2001 General Services AdfTlinistration Atlanta, Georgia Tim Blair ARQ/HOK (305) 372-1812 CENTRAL BOULEVARD WIDENING AND RENOVATION Miami, Florida De.Miplion Servi,u COJ" Dale Gtiml r Virtually the entire existing roadway into Miami International Airport is being removed and replaced. The work consists of the creation of a tropical landscape environment in concert with the demands of vehicular movement, storm water management and maintaining access to the airport. The landscape will be palms and tropical foliage and flowering trees providing an unmistakable image afMiami. Planting, irrigation and site lighting design and Documents, With ICF Kaiser and Parsons Brinckerhaff, $ 9,500,000 (landscape) Completion of construction 2003 Miami-Dode County Aviation Deportment Chuck Bassil (305) B76-0666 ~ CURTIS + ROGERS 4,17 - Supplementallnformotion to Relevant I Experience PITJ}'<I: Lummus Pork Projed: Moster Plan for Pork Bond Improvement Sites $44,000 Tolal Fm (C + R): Tolal Fm (C+RJ: $ 73.860 City of Miami Beach Clienl: Deft" of Parks & Recreaftan & City of Miami Beach Clienl: Cuture Deportment of Parks Recre. Kevin Smith atian and Culture 305-673-7730 Kovin Smith CoSI oj C01lSh7idiofl $ 840,242/$ 836,000 (305) 673-7730 Estimated/ Adllal: COSI of COIIJlntdiofl $ 13,500,000/$ N/A Estimated/ AClllaI.' Pro}etl: Miami Beach Batanicol Gorden Projtcl: Deering Estate at Old Cutler. Moster Plan Tolal Fet> (C + R): $ 12,000 Total Fm (C + R): $ 61,500 Climt: City of Miami Beach Deportment of Parks Client: Miami.Dode County Parks & Recreation and Culture Recreotion Deportment Kevin Smith Amy Wolf (305)673-7730 (305) 755-7887 Cost of Conslntdion $ 900,000/$ N/A Cosf of COIIJlnlction $ N/N$ N/A Eslimal,a/ Ar"'al" ESlimalta/ Ar"'a/: ~ Projtt'1: Parrot Jungle ond Gardens at Projtrt: U, S, Federal Courthouse Watson Island Tolal FIlS (C + R): $ 121,933 Total Fm (C + R): $ 265,500 eli",/: General Services Administra- Clitnl: Parrot Jungle and Gordens at tio" Watson Island Atlanta, Georgia Miami, Florida Tom Blair Bern Lovine ARQ/HOK (305) 461-2053 (305) 372.1812 CDst of ConsfNIdion $ 3,500,000 (C+R)/$ N/A Cost of Con.rtnld1on $ 2,000,000/$ N/A Esnmalta/ A"""" EsnmaluJ/ AaNaJ: Pro}srt: Sheraton Sal Harbour Beach Projtcl: Central Boulevard Widening Resort and Renovation To/al FIlS (C + R): $ 40,000 Total Fm (C +R): $ 385,000 Clienl: ITT Sheraton Corporation C/iml: Miami-Dade County Aviation 777 Westchester Avenue Deportment WIllie Plains, NY 10604 Chuck Bassil Paul McGowan (305) 876-0666 (914) 640-8370 COil of C01lSh7IdUJ1I Cost of Comtrudion $ 12,000,000/$ 12,000,000 Estimat,a/ Ad.a/: $ 9,500,000/$ N/A Esnmal,a/ AcI1Ia/: . ~ - CURTIS + ROGERS 4,18 Relevant Projects - City of Miomi Beach ,,-. ALTON ROAD MEDIANS Miami Beach, Florida I LUMMUS PARK Miami Beach, Florida Demiplion The work consists of new planting and irrigation for six blocks of the Alton Road Medians, Expected beginning of Construction fall 1996 Landscape Architedural services for Design Development and Construction Documents. Smite! Total P.. $ 16,750 (C+R) Conllni"'.. COlt $ 215,000 I $225,000 EILI Ad.oI D." Client Canstrudion Documents completed September 1, 1996 City of Miami Beach Deportment of Parks, Recreation & Culture Kevin Smith, Director (305) 673-7730 41 Sf STREET MIDDLE BEACH BEAUTIFI- C~TTION Miami Beach, Florida Dmriptio1l Th~ work includes new sidewalks, planting and irrigation, between Alton Road and Jefferson Avenue, landscape Architectural services far Design Development, through Con- struction Administration. Curtis + Rogers has been responsible for design development, cost estimating, construction documents, permitting and construction administration for the implementation of the first phase. Schematic Designs were providEtd by Savina & Miller Design Studio, sub- consultants to Curtis + Rogers, Smitt! TotalP.. S 20,000 C./UIn<<fi.. COlt $ 125,000 1$115,000 EILIAdnol Daft December 1996 - Phose I Client City of Miami Beach Miami Beach, Florida Ms, Jadcie Gonzalez Middle Beach Coordinator (305) 673-7505 Ducript:io1l StrUm Total Ptt This 32 acre pork, located in the Art Deco District is being renovated utilizing Parks Improvement Bonds, Improvements include a 'stote of the crt. irrigation system, renovated restroom facilities, site furnishings, ADA compliance and the restoration of the "historic. Coconut canopy. Site planning, playgroung design os well as planting ana irrigation. With Bennello, Ajomil & Partners, $ 43,400 (C+R) Conllni"'o, COlt $ 836,000 EILIAanol Doh Client Construction completed in February 2000 City of Miami Beach Department of Paries Recreation and Culture Kevin Smith (305) 673-7730 MASTER PLAN FOR PARK BOND IMPROVEMMENT SITES Miami Beach, Florida Dmription SerUm TotalFtt Moster planning, and design guide- lines for 20 parks as port of 0 Bond Improvement Progrom, Parks ranged Irom 0,5 acres to 34 a<:res, both odive and passive. The pracess included the receipt of and response to public input. Site inventory, c~nceptu.QI ~Ians, cost estimates, design gUidelines and implementation schedules. $ 73,860 (C+R) C.nllni"'.. ConS 13,5oo,OOO/N/A EILI Adliol Do" Climt ,,--. CURTIS + ROGERS :/ Completed in 1996 City of Miami Beach Dept.of Parks, Recreation and Culture Kevin Smith (305) 673-7730 4.18.1 Relevant Projects. City 01 Miami Beach - Pege 2 NORTH SHORE PARK I PINETREE PARK /"" Miami Beach, Florida Miami Beach, Florida Desmption Landscape architectural services for the Descriptio" Renovation and improvements for implementation 01 the North Shore Perk the implementation 01 the Pinetree Master Plan (also by C+R~, Park master Plan (also by C + R). The 7.8 acre park wi I contain a Financed by a city bond progrom renovated tennis center with hydro- including parking, walkways, sig. tennis courts, new community center, nage, irrigation and planting incor- a multipurpose athletic lield complex, poroting nolive plants. renovated basketball courts, a lully SmiN accessible playground facility and a Site planning, construdion dacu. pedestrian promenade, ments for planting and irrigation, SffliaJ Site planning, pedestrian walks and with Bermello, Ajamil & Pertners, plazas, court and field construction, T ofal Fee 5 6,789 playground desiih' planting and irri~atian.C+R wit Bermello, Ajamil Co/U/mtio. COJ/5230,000/5227,OOO & artners, Elt/ A<I1ial Total Fee 552,000 (C+R) Dau 2000 Con!tntcti.. COJ/ 5 1,500,000/N/A CIi",/ City 01 Miami Beach, Depl. of Parks, EIt./ A(/IIa1 Recreation and Culture Dall Documents completed 2000 Kevin Smith (305) 673-7730 CIi",/ City 01 Miami Beach Depl. 01 Perks, Recreation & Culture Kevin Smith, Director SOUTH POINTE PARK (305) 673-7730 Miami Beach, Florida NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK -- Miami Bea,.h, FliJrida DlJaiption This project provided a moster plan for renovation and imrcrovements to Services lor implementation 01 the theFfa'rk based on dio ague with city Descriptio" sta and the community Done as a North Shore Open 5.jh,ce Park Master part 01 a city wide park band pro- Plan Jalsa by C+R). he improvements gram. inclu e selective clearing of exotic plant Senices Moster planning, with public input, materials and the restoration of 0 unified coastal hammock . Trails and conceptual plan and estimated cost interpretive walkways willbe added to complement the environmental educa- Totol Fa 573,860 (011 parks) tion component olthis pork. Sm;rer Desi~n through construction supervi- Co/UtnI<lio. COJ/5900,000/NA Ea./ A<I1ial sian or troils, walkways, natural area restoration, planting and irrigation, Dak 1996 With Bermello, Ajamil & Pertners CIi",/ City 01 Miami Beach Totol Fee $ 50,000 (C+R) Depl,ol Parks, Recreation and Culture Kevin Smith CO'ltnlctiO' eOJ/ 5 1,OOO,000/N/A (305) 673-7730 EI~/A<I1ial Dau Construction in 2001 CIi",/ City 01 Miomi Beach Dept. 01 Perks, Recreation & Culture Kevin Smith (305) 673-7730 l~.' "I ,/"" CURTIS + ROGERS 4,18,2 Relevant Experience - City of Miami - Poge 3 ~ MIAMI BEACH BOTANICAL GARDEN Miami Beach, Florida I MIAMI BEACH STREETSCAPE Miami Beach, Florida Desuiplion SmiceI TOIa' Pet The City of Miami Beoch established the Mayor's Ad Hoc Gorden and Conserva- tory Committee for the purpose of oddressing issues ot the Botanical Garden, This committee proposed a series of initiatives that addressed a conservotory which had been condemned by the building department, and a vision for on enhancement of the plant collection and a more effedive use of the garden as an educational asset. Development of a site plan that refleds the vision of the committee, Prepara- tion of illustrative drawings. With E. N. Bechamps & Associates and Suzanne Martinson. $ 12,000 (C+R only) Co.,""dio. CO" $ 2,100,000 Elt/ A.1Mm Date Client r- --- Completed 1999 City of Miami Beach Dept. of Paries, Recreation & Culture Kevin Smith, Director (305) 673-7730 Dmripliofl Sm;ttI Total Pet Assistance to the City of Miami Beach in preparing illustrative mate- rial of street sections, planting light- ing, parleing, paving and traffic calming. The deliverables included mounted rendered beards, letter sized illustrations for handouts and digital copies of 011 worle, Rendered drawings in plan and sec. tion. $ 27,860 (C+R) Co.,""dio. Cost $ N/ A Blt/ Aaual Dati Compleled 2000 Climt , CURTIS + ROGERS City of Miami Beach Depatmenl of Planning Janel Gavettete (305)673-7010 4,18.3 r- AIDA M. CURTIS, ASLA UJndJeapt Arrhi/<</ Principal I r- Ms. Curtis has 1 7 years 0/ experience on a variety 0/ prajed types including parle design, urban design end corporate/commercial design. Ms. Curtis' strong management and technical skills have produced many outstanding projects. She has worleed on a number 0/ multidisciplinary teams and has been responsible lor producing complex bid packages. Ms. Curtis is committed to utilizing the state 0/ the art technology including CADD, proiect management and cost estimating so/twore throughout project design and implementation, Prior to forming the Design Studio, Ms, Curtis was project manager and CADD Director lor the Coral Gables of/ice 0/ Saseki Associates, CUrTently, Ms. Curtis is serving as the Project Manager lor the South Dade Greenways, 194 miles 0/ multi- purpose troils and the Implementation 0/ a $15 million bond improvement progrom for the City of Miami Beach's paries. In addition, Ms. Curtis continues to be involved as generol Landscape Architectural Consultant to Miami-Dade County Parks Deportment, and the City of Miami Beach, Parks/ Recreational Expmena Amelio Earhart Sporfsplex; Miami-Dade County, Fl Cypress Park; Carol Springs, Florida Deering Estate at Cutler Moster Plan Update; Miami-Dade County, Florida Florida Intemotional University- Multi-purpose Sta- dium; Miomi, Florida Lummus Porle; Miami Beach, Florida Moster Planning lor Bond Program Porks; Miami Beach, Florida North Shore Open Space Park; Miami Beach, FL North Shore Pork; Miami Beach, Florida South ridge Athletic Facility; Miami, Florida Sugar Sand Pork; Boca Raton, Florida Sawgross Regional Porle; Coral Springs, Florida Public/ Urban Exptri.ncr Alton Road Median Enhancemenf$; Miami Beach, Florida American Airlines Arena; Miami, Florida Campbell Drive Interchange; Homestead, Florida Carol City-North Dade District Statton; Carol City, Flarido Davie Palice, Fire & EMS Facility; Miami, Florida 1-95 HOV Lanes; Delray Beach, Flarida Miami Beach Public Boywalk; Miami Beach, FL Miami International Airport; Miami, Florida .Central Boulevard Impravements .Cargo Building 2224 Opa-Lacka Airport Landscape Improvemenf$ Orlando Centroplex; Orlando, Florida ParTot Jungle and Gardens @ Watson Island; Miami, Florida Tri-rail Cypress Creek Station; Ft, Lauderdale, FL U,S, Federal Courthouse; Miami, Florida Additio1lt11 Clients Porto/ino Group Comival Cruise Lines Sallie Mae ITT Sheraton Polm Beach County Schaal Board Broward County School Board Profesdo1lt11 Cm/entia/s Registered Landscape Architect in the State 0/ Florida, LA 0001330 Member 0/ the American Society of Landscape Architects Member Association 0/ Women Architects and Engineers, Director ASLA Certificate 0/ Honor lor Excellence in the Study of Landscape Architecture. Texas A & M University, Bochelor 0/ Science in Landscape Architecture. EmplrtJmtnt 1991- Present Curtis + Rogers Design Studio; Principal 1984~ 1991 Sosok.i Associates, Inc.; Associote- Landscope Architect 19B3- 19B4 Henderson, Rosenberg, Scully- Landscape Architect .~.~ CURTIS + ROGERS r- 4.19 ~ RICHARD H, ROGERS, FASLA La"dscape Architect Principal I Mr. Rogers' prolessionol experience spons over lorty years, His experience in physical planning, site design, and construction includes public, recreational, institutional and private projects. He has worked throughout the United States os well os ports of Europe and the Middle-east. Several 01 these projects hove received national design awards and ore widely recognized os models lor the prolession, Mr. Rosers has been recently inducted os 0 lellow to the American Society of Landscape Architects. Prior to fanning Ihe Design Studio Mr. Rogers was 0 Managing and Design Principol 01 Sasaki Associates. Corporate roles at Sasaki included Director of Landscape Architectural Services, the Executive Committee and Member of the Boord 01 Directors. In 19B4 he moved to Miami Florida to became the Principal in Charge 01 the Coral Gables ollice, His role at Curtis + Rogers, is 01 Principol in Charge 01 011 design aspects 01 the projects. r- Parks! RBma!itJMI Experie,,<t A.D. Borne. Park; Miami-Dade County, Florida Amelia Earhart Park; Miami-Dade County, Florida Bear Cut Observation Tower; Miami-Dade County, Florida Doral Park; Miomi-Dade County, Florida Florida International University - Multi-purpose Sta- dium; Miami, Florida Ives Estate Park; Miami, Florida Lakes by the Boy Park; Miami-Dade County, FL Ma.ter Planning lor Bond Program Parks; Miami Beach, Florida Metro Zoo; Miami-Dade County, Florida Miami Beach Botanical Gardens; Miami Beach, Florida The Parrot Jungle and Gardens 01 Watson Island; Miami, Florida Sugar Sand Park; Boca Rotan, Florida Pllbli<!Ur6a" Expenmce American Airlines Arena; Miami, Florida Arlanlic Avenue Beautification; Delray Beach, FL Miami Beach Streeiscape; Miami Beach, Florida Miami International Airport - Centro I Boulevard Improvements Orlando Centroplex; Orlando, Florida St. Petersburg Pier; St. Petersburg, Florida U. S, Federol Courthouse; Miami, Florida South Miami Downtown Beautificotion; South Miami, Florida 41" Street Middle Beach Beautification; Miami Beach, Florida Additio"al Clients Carnival Cruise lines Disney World ITT Sheraton Corporation Portofino Group Sallie Mae Swire Properties The Grahom Companies ProfessioMI Crrdtntials Registered landscape Architect in the State 01 Florida Certified by the Council 01 Landscape Architec lural Registration Boards Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects President 01 the Baston Society of Landscape Architects, 1971-72 Jacob Weidenman Prize in Landscape Architec- ture, Harvard University Landscape Architectllral Projeel Otga,,;~!itJn pub- lished by the American Society 01 Landscape Archi- tects &oftop Development published by the Landscape Architecture Foundation Harvard University, Graduate School 01 Design, Moster of Landscape Architecture Michigan State University, Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture Empftry11Hnt 1991-Present Curtis + Rogers Design Studio, Inc.; Principol 1960.1991 Sasaki Associates, Inc,; Principal Landscape Architect ~1 CURTIS + ROGERS r- 4.20 ;-. ESPERANZA M. KELLY, ASLA Landscape Arr:hiftcf Ms, Kelly has 13 years 01 experience in design ond conslrudion. She has worked on many public and private proied$ throughout South Florida, Her experience includes a variety 01 proied type such as pork design, corporote/commercial design and urban design. She has experience working with many municipalities such os Florida De:;3orlment of Tronsportation, City of Miomi, City of Miami Beach, Broward County School Boord, Miomi-Dade County ond Polm Beoch County School Board, Ms. Kelly is proficient in the use of Autocad and other programs lor the use of conslrudion documents, presentation drawings, specifications and estimating. She has experience in coordination of proiects from design to construction documentation and construdion administration. Prior to working with Curtis + Rogers Design Studio she was Projed Manager and Estimator far Vila and Son Landscaping Corp" a local Landscape Controdor. Ms, Kelly has extensive experience in sile and construdion administrotion, ParIes/ R6mlZliol/tll Expmence ;- Deering Estate ot Cutler Master Plan Update; Miami-Dade Caunty, Florida Doral Meadows Pork; Miami-Dade County, Florida Doral Park; Miami-Dade County, Florida Lakes by the Boy; Miami-Dade County, Florida Lummus Park; Miami Beach, Flarida Master Planning for Bond Progrom Parks; Miami Beach, Florida Pine Tree Park; Miami Beach, Florida Serena Lakes Pork; Miami-Dade County. Florida South Ridge Athletic Facility; Miami-Dade County, Florida Public/Urban Exprrience 41 st Street Beautification; Miami Beach, Florida Alton Rood Median Enhoncements; Miami Beech, Florida American Airlines Arena; Miami, Florida Davie Police & EMS Facility; Davie, Florida Florida Turnpike and Compbell Drive Interchange; Miami-Dade County, Florida I 1-95 HOV Lanes; Delroy Beoch, Florida Miami Beach Streetscapes; Miami Beach, Florida Parrot Jungle and Gardens at Watson Island; Miami, Florida Construction Expmen,.. City of Miami Tree Replacement Prajed; Miami. Fl Country Walk Patio Homes; Miami-Dade County, Fiarida Country Walk Redevelopment; Miami-Dade County, Florida FAU Educational Building; Boca Raton, Florida FOOT Corol Gobles; Corol Gables, Florida FOOT Crondon Boulevard; Key Biscayne, Florida FOOT SR B36 Interchange; Miami-Dade County, Florida Key Biscayne Neighborhood; Key Biscayne, Florido Key Biscayne Trees; Key Biscayne, Florida SFWMD-Bayan Pork; Miami, Florida SR 826 Phase III, North Miami Beach, Flarida State School W; Miami, Florida U. S. Coast Guard; Miami-Dade County, Flarida Professional Credentials South Florida Horticulturol Society Silver Medal T ropica 90 Florida Intemational University, Masters of Land- scape Architedure North Carolina State University, Bachelor 01 Envi- ronmental Design in landscape Archiledure Emp"rJment 1995-Present Curtis + Rogers Design Studio, Inc., Landscape Archited 1992- 1995 Vila and Son Landscaping Corp., EslimotorlProied Manager 1990-1992 M, A. Suarez and Associates, Inc., CADD Manager 1988-1990 City 01 Miami Public Works Deport- ment, Landscape Archiled 1987-1988 Land Archileks, landscape Archiled /~ .-- CURTIS + ROGERS 4.21 ,- JESSICA A. JEREZ undscapt Designer Ms, Jerez has 5 vears 0/ experience on a variety 0/ projects. She has warl:ed on public and private projects throughout South Florida, Prior to worl:ing with Curtis and Roger.> Design Studio she was assistant project manager for Action landscape and Design, Inc" a local design.built company, Ms. Jerez hes experience in site inspedion and site administration. Parks! Recr.ational Experience -- A. D. Barnes Pari:; Miami-Dade County, Florida Amelia Earnart Park; Miami.Dade County, Florida Bear Cut Observation Tower; Miami-Dade County, Florida Deering Estate at Cutler Master Pion Update; Miomi-Dade County. Florida Dora I Pari:; Miomi-Dade County, Florido lakes by the Boy; Miomi.Dade County, Florida Lummus Pari:; Miami Beach, Florida Miami Beach Botanical Gardens; Miami Beach, FL North Shore Pari:; Miami Beach, Florido Pinetree Park; Miami Beech, Florida Rock Island Park: North lauderdale, Florida South Dode Gr~enwoys; Miami-Dade County. FL Southwest Kendall Pari:, Miami, Florida The Parrot Jungle & Gardens of Watson Island; Miami, Florida PublicI Urban Experience Americon Ainines Arena; Miami, Florida BC Parking lats; Miami, Florida Carol City-North Dade District Stotion; Carol City Florida 1-95 HOV lanes; Miami-Dade County, Florida Miomi Intemational Airport - Central Boulevard Improvements; Miami, Florida South Miami Heights Fire Rescue Station; Soulh Miami, Florida SR 836 Tall Plaza; Miami, Florida U, S. Federal Courthouse; Miami, Florida Corpomul Co",,,,errial 501 Washington Avenue; Miami Beach, Florida Basketball Properties Limited Parl:ing lats; Miami, Florida I Bell Haven Public Housing; Miami, Florido Brickell Premier: Miami, Florida Carnival Cruise lines; Miami, Florida Edgewafer Apartments; Miami, Florida Grand Flamingo (aka Morton Towers); Miami Beach, Florida Harbour Centre Office Building; Aventura, FL Mistral Towers Condo; Miami Beach, Florida Porto/ino Baywolk; Miami Beach, Florida Seneca Industrial Pari:; Hallandale, Florida SSDI South; Miami Beach, Florida The Bentlev; Miami Beoch, Florida Edllcatio1Ullllns/itJitio1Ul1 E"perience Ado Merritt Middle School; Miami-Dade County, Florida Florida International University - Parl:ing Garage; Miami, Florida Nathan B, Young Elementary School; Broward County, Florida Proftssio1Ul1 Cnden/ials Notional Hispanic Scholarship Aword Minority Leadership Award University of Florida, Bochelar 0/ landscape Archi- tedure EmpktY",en/ 199B.Present 1998 1997-1998 1995.1997 1994.1995 1994 Curtis & Rage.. Design Studio, Inc. Action landscape and Design Inc, O'leary Design Associates Corral/Howard and Associates O'leary Design Associates Rosenberg Design Group/laura Llerena & Associotes .'\. {~ CURTIS + ROGERS ,-- 4.22 ,-- JEAN C. LEE undscajJe Archilecl Ms, Lee has 7 years of experience on a variety of project types including park planning, large ;cole commerciol/residentiol development and urban planning. She possesses extensive knowledge of South Florida ecology ond horticulture, Ms, Lee is proficient in the use of Aulocad for the produdion of construction ~c:xuments~ prese~tQtion plans, specifications ond detaIling, She IS expenenced in coordination of large projects through th. design, documentation and construdion administration processes. Parks/ &mational Experience Miami Beach Walk from Lummus Pork to 21" Street, City of Miomi Beoch Bear Cut Preserve-Moster's Thesis Projed; Miami- Dade County, Fiorida South Dade Planning CharreHe; Homestead, FL Publi,'/ Urban E)o.perien,~ ,-- American Airlines Arena; Miami, Florida Brickell Avenue Landscape Improvements; Miami, Florida Miami Intemahonal Airport, Central Boulevard; Miami, Florida U, S. Federal CouHhouse; Miami, Florida Edlll.'tllional/lnsliltilio11ll1 E>.perien,~ Florida International University - Parking Garoge, Miami, Florida Florida International University - Wertheim Con se!VOtol'(, Miami, Florida Johnson 8. Wales Culinal'( University; North Miami, Florida Cotpoml4/ Commercial E.'<jJerimce Blue Lake Corporate Park, Boca Raton, Florida Tiburon Estates, Naples, Florida Ritz Carlton Naples Golf Lodge, Naples, Florida Citibank Bronch Office, Coral Gables, Florida I Miscellaneous Experience Grand Flamingo Apartments, Miami Beach, FL South Pointe Condominium, Miami Beach, Florida Professio11ll1 Credentials ASLA Student Chapter. Certificate of Honor, Florida Intemational University, Moster of Land scope Architecture. Miami, FL University of Florida, Bachelor of Science in Env; ranmental Horticulture Entpftrymenl 1 999. Present 1995-1999 1993-1995 1992- 1993 Curtis + Rogers Design Studio Bradshaw, Gill & Associates, Ine, ColTtlllHoward Collaborative Savino & Miller Design Studio t~ CURTIS + ROGERS ,-- 4.23 A++CA~ <+ ,--. ~~=!5 il!!!!!i ~Ii ~~N~~ L~~~~ESNE ~~S:E~~ =::110110:::: ~l~ ml'llltlll gg II ~~~ mnmmillOllm. <1930 S.W. 7<1th CT. MIAMI. FLORIQA 33155 gg gg mi gg gg gg gg 13051 BBB-0711 FAX BBB-5258 _ R. ern... RE. _ J. 0.0-. RE. AIda M. _. RE. AssocIate.: fmo&tD G. Wang. RE. \IIctDr M. a- AsmIglo P.- [)orUz -. RE. PROJECT OUR RRM HAS DESIGNED IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ' ,-- Miami Beach ConvenIIon CerMr . AdditIon Jaclde Gleason lhsatBr cllhe PelfonnIng Arts Wolfson/an FOLIldation PortoIino Headqll!1!ter Building Joe'. Stone Crab - Partdng Addtion City cI Miami Beach Police Station & Paridng Facility - Co![ins & 13'J:tSlreeI Paridng Garage - - - L'Excellence ConcIomlnlum Apartmenl8 Nelhef1and Hotel - Addition Mirason CondomInlum Apartments Mar Os Plata Condomlnlum Aparlm8nl8 Block Tower AplrimBnI8 FontaInbleau Hotel AddltIon Soulh Beach Cinema Performing Arts Center LIncoln lhsater 555 Washington Avenue (0IIicB & Partdng) Perfonnlng Arts Center ,-- , .- 4.39 r- THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK r- r- "....-.-..".-. -';-~''''-'"'7''"'''-':-