Attachment 144 ,-- ,-- ,.- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH City Manager's Office Interoffice Memorandum lC\ DATE: June 8. 2000 TO: Nancy Liebman Commissioner FROM: Lawrence A. Levy City Manager SUBJECT: North Shore Park The following is in response to your inquiry of June 6, 2000, requesting information on the status of North Shore Park. . Please note a response was sent to your to your original request of April 20, 2000 on April 27,2000. See Attachment I. . As a further update, note that on May 22, 2000 a Letter To Commission was sent concerning the requested revisions for North Shore Park as a result of input gained at the recently held community meetings, the North Beach Youth Center Oversight Committee meetings and the Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board. The architectural design process was suspended until the issues noted in the memorandum could be resolved (including the replacement of two clay tennis courts with two hard surface tennis courts and the addition of an outdoor basketball court or courts), and recommendations approved by the various Commission members. This Approval was obtained and notice to proceed given to the project architects on May 26, 2000. It stated in the LTC that barring any further revisions the architects would work toward the projected July 19,2000 bid. Please see Attachment II. . Another issue that has recently arisen and is impacting the completion of the North Shore Park construction documents is the requirement to comply with Florida Statute 553. This Statute relates to specific requirements of the accessibility code and legally mandates that "Vertical accessibility shall be provided to all levels above and below the occupiable grade level, regardless of whether the code requires an elevator to be installed in such building, stmcture or facility except (1) elevator pits, elevator penthouses, mechanical rooms, piping or equipment catwalks, and automobile lubrication and maintenance pits and platform; (2) unoccupiab1e spaces, such as rooms, enclosed spaces, and storage spaces that are not designed for human occupancy, for public accommodations, or for work areas". This requirement is presently impacting not only North Shore Park but also the Scott Rakow Youth Center ice rink. The Statute directly impacts the bleacher seating for the ball fields and gymnasium at North Shore Park and the bleachers in the Scott Rakow Youth Center ice rink. The Statute mandates that there be wheelchair accessible not only at the ground level but at each level of bleacher seating. In order to address this matter in a logical :--~'-"7.7'':''T:-~''- ~ manner the project architects have presented their projects and made presentations to the City's Barrier Free Environment Committee and received the Committee's approval and support. Additionally, the Statute requires a formal request and presentation to the State of Florida's Accessibility Advisory Council and the Florida Building Commission to seek a waiver of this requirement. Both the architects for the North Shore Park and Scott Rakow Youth Center projects are scheduled to make presentations to the State Committees in Orlando, Florida on June 13,2000. Please see Attachment III for a copy of the Accessibility Advisory Council's June 13, 2000 meeting which include the presentations of both the North Shore Park and the Scott Rakow Youth Center projects. The final construction documents can't be completed until the decisions related to these issues are made by the State of Florida's Accessibility Advisory Council and the Florida Building Commission and forwarded to the City. Based on the State of Florida requirement. Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, Inc., has revised the project schedule. Please see Attachment IV for a copy of the revised schedule. The Administration remains committed to completing this project as soon as possible, however, due to the various regulations and requirements that must be met to comply with the permitting process and the ongoing efforts to insure extensive and comprehensive community input the schedule adjustment is unavoidable. We \viII keep you informed of the progress of this project. Should you have additional concerns, please advise. ,,- c: Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager Kevin Smith, Director, Parks and Recreation Department Ricardo Mendez, Assistant Director, Public Works Department Michel Miglorie, Capital Projects Coordinator Odalys Mon, Special Projects Coordinator LL:MDB:KS.t. u.P M:\$CMB\ TEMP\NST A66.LIB ,,- r- ATTACHMENT I r- r- '-,.... '". ,,~."~,,~- :~ " . --- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH City Manager's Office Interoffice Memorandum .lD. DATE: April 27, 2000 TO: Nancy Liebman Com . si ner /._ :1\ fV1~4'v La nee A. f:,tvy City Manager FROM: SUBJECT: North Shore Park The follo~ving is in response to your April 21, 2000 memorandum requesting inform::uion on ,he status of North Shore Park. Issue'!. When will the project be ready to bid? i'rfa:v I have a copy of the bid spec to insure tIle project is being proposed in. stages? Response: As per Attachment A, a Commission Memorandum dated January 26, 2000, the North Shore Park project was scheduled.to go to bid in April- May, 2000. Due to the following actions this time frame has been revised. .> .~ . At the Commission meeting of February 9, 2000 a request was made that a resolution creating a "North Shore Youth Center Oversight Committee" be placed on the next City Commission agenda The role of the Committee was to monitor the design, planning, construction and use of the North Beach Youth Center, as well as provide input. (See Attachment B). This Resolution was prepared as instructed and approved at the Commission meeting of March 15,2000, (See Attachment C). . As a result of this action the design drawings and constructions documents process could not be completed until the newly approved Committee had its appointments made, and a meeting was held to provide the Committee an opportunity to review the project drawings and make comments as stipulated in the Resolution. . On March 30, 2000, the North Beach Youth Center Oversight Committee held its first meeting. At the time the project architects and staff presented the plans for the proposed youth center and gymnasium, tennis center and courts and other areas of the park including the ball fields, restrooms, playground etc, The Committee expressed concerns related to the second floor space sizing and configurations, and specifically the space allocated to the Barry University project and asked that the issue be revisited with the Barry representatives to consolidate their spacial needs. The Committee also asked that the architects revise the proposed spaces for specific programmatic activities such as dance, pre-school and the weight room, The staff was then requested to return in a week \vith the solutions to these issues. \r- .' ''-:'':c'" "','" '. ~ . On April 5, 2000, the North Be:!ch Youth Cente~ Oversight Committee held its second meeting. At the time the project architectS md st:!IT presented the proposed solutions to the Committee's concerns as expressed at their March 30. 2000 meeting. Following a discussion of the issues with the Barry University represenmives. project architects and staff the Comminee unanimously approved the modified site plan and approved the architects to proceed with the construction dr:!wings. (See Attachment D for:! copy of the 3;5 meeting minutes). Due to the time taken to accomplish the above stated actions the architects have revised the time line for bidding/permitting from April- May. 2000 to June 0 I - July 19,2000. Additionally, as requested. :! copy of the bid specifications will be forwarded to you when they are available. Issue 2. How did the planning subcommittee go? rVere there allY recommendations for programming the park? Response: . . On February 28, 2000, a Letter To Commission was sent establishing the North Shore Park and Youth Center Program Advisory Comminee. (See Attachment E). The task of this Committee was to identify who the park would serve, how it would serve them and what types of programs ar.e needed? . On February 29, 2000. a North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop was held to review the status of the plans for improvements to the Park. discuss desired programmatic'activities and obtain comments relating to the current site and floor plans. Please see Attachment F for a report of this meeting including the public participation process related to future programs and facilities uses. ~ . On April 13, 2000, a follow up community workshop was held to present the report from the first workshop summary, and actions that transpired in response' to the participants comments, program requests and other related information. In summary, the communiry heartily endorsed the North Shore Park and Youth Center designs and additionally made the following recommendations: . Two (2) hard surface tennis courts should be constructed in place of two (2) of the clay courts, to be used by youth to learn to play tennis as well as others' who may desire to play on a hard court. The community felt strongly about this point and asked that a concerted effort be made to accomplish this request. . The Youth Center must include access for all users including adults, the disabled and senior citizens. A contingent of senior patrons clearly voiced the need for a spacious, well designed ceramics room for their use. Others expressed the need for dance, aerobics and a variety of passive activities. Additionally, several disabled citizens expressed the need toensure they have space to use in the new Youth Center to host their Saturday evening social club meetings as they have for the past thirty four (34) years. ,,- .~-~.~ ,-- . It was stressed that every effort should be made to construct the two (2) outdoor basketball courtS as requested in the initial meeting. Those prese~,t with an opinion on the subject felt that the proposed solution of constructing the courts on the southwest edge of the park. away from the tennis center was a viable option. Please see Attach.r..ent F for a schemo.tic of this option. . Additiono.lly, to further document the progro.rnmatic interests and needs of the North Shere Park users and non-users the fo.culty and students of Barry University conducted a l;se~ Survey and Focus Groups Study. The study. which was conducted during the weeks or February 29th and March 13th, surveyed participants to gain their input and document the:~ interests in areas including but not limited to programs. activities. precieved/desired facility needs and other recreo.tional key areo.s. 1.+8 surveys were conducted on 0iorth Shore Park and another 22 were done with teens at Nautilus and Miami Beach Senior High Schoel. Please see Attachment G for a copy of this report. Issue 3. Has anyone from the youth groups (soccer or baseball) seen tlte plans for the addition of basketball courts on tlte southeast corner of the park? Has anyone looked rzt tIle program impact of adding two outdoor courts? Tlte present outdoor basketball courts are not supervised now and they do have an impact on tlte current tennis courts. It migltt be a good idea to discuss tlte impact witlt tlte tennis. staff and players before we locate unsupervised basketball courts adjacent to the soccer and baseball fields. Response: . ,-- The proposal for basket1:lall courts in the southeast corner of the park is the schematic that includes the gymnasium. This cop.cept was approved by the community and the Design Review Board. The two (2) outdoor basketball courts being proposed are to be located in the southwest corner of the park. As previously stated, these outdoor courts would be sited on the southwest edge of the park. away from the tennis courts and therefore will have no impact on the tennis center. Additionally, the Administration has discussed the location of these courts with Richard Johnston, the Tennis Center Manager, who stated in his opinion the site is a good location for these courts and their distance from the tennis courts will have no impact on the center's patrons. The need for outdoor basketball courts was a request made by participants at the community workshops. The Administration shares your concern that the addition of these courts in the proposed location may create an increased need for staff supervision, as well as require an organized schedule for court usage. In order to pennit the design process to proceed uninterrupted staff will continue to study this issue to ensure the best solution is developed. Should you have additional concerns, please advise. ,,- c: Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager Kevin Smith, Director, Parks and Recreation Department Sugar Firtel, Assistant Director of Recreation Odalys Mon, Special Projects Coordinator ~KS Michel Maglorie, Construction Manager M:I:SCMB\ TEMP\NSTIME.LIB ....-.,...~~-.~ ,,-- ATTACHMENT A '. ",,-- "-' l,"-- . ,_y __,' .. ,_ ..",.c~._:""",:,:,:~.~..,.,.. :ITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~'~/:..:' L' ,"GQ """"NV::NT1CN C2N7:~ ::RlVE MI':'.MI aE.~Cl-!. FLCR1CA :1:~:S ~,..~' _! "'..... !"'. ~iami-beac;,.n.US :. = co:.vE"nSSION :.v1E:YIOR.-\-."'DC;\r NO. I On -n 0 TO: i','!:lyor Neisen O. Kasdin aud Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy Ir~ City Manager ~ DATE: Jam'::lr;; Z6, ZOOO fROM: SUBJECT: STA HiS REPORT OF THE NORTH SHORE PARK A::\'D YOt:TH CD'TER PROJECT ADMIi';ISTR~ TInN RECO'VIME?'<'DATTON: The Administration recoIIl.!nends ll:1e Mayor a::d Members or the City Corr~'11issior: revie.." ::c.e rollowing status report on L'1e North Shore Park and Youth Center project and ad,ise irL':ere are further questions, comments or concerns. ANAL YSrs: A.t the October 7. 1998 Corrmlission meeting: a!l:enda item R8C- A Stams Reoort a-'Jd Recuest :or - Direction on t.~e Plli-posed Youth Cente: at N~r~ Shore Park \vas disc'Jssed by~ili.e Com....-rus;ion. .--\3 indicated in the ar:.ached copy of the iteo, the:e were three (3) options as to ho'..v to proceed submitted ror the COrrur'.ission's consideration. These included: 1) cons:..-ucting the youch ce::ter ..,ith S 1.7 million that was available at the time; 2) proceeding "ith the design developme::J.t 0: the park and youth center assuming t1.e funding or approximately S 1 million would be secured ar a fu=e date; 3) placing the project on hold until the additional S 1 million was iderttifid to complete L'le youth center. The Corn.,,'"Dission ultimately approved Option #:2 'vvhich authorized the ...l..d:nif\i5~~:ion . to proceed with the design development of L1.e North Shore Park and Youth Center assuming- the additional fundio~ of aTlproximate!v $1 million would be secured at a later date. The Administration has comoIied ...ith the Commission's directive and has oroceeded ;"'it'1 desis:n development schematic pla:ns for the second fIoor or the youth center, approved by the Design Review Board on ]2114/99. Funding: necessarv for the second fIoor of the Youth Ce::J.ter as we:I as - , oL1er improvements was included in ll:1e 99 General Obligation Bond approved by the electorate on l'iovember 2, 1999. At the Janu~-v 12, 2000 Corr~'TIission meetin\!, :1.'1 amendment to :."e croressic::al , - - ser\iices agreen1ent \\.ith BermeUoJ .AjaITlil & Pa:1ners, Inc.: to proceed wi~h the ?t'epar:.::o:-'_ of cor..s~ructionJbid docll.."11ents 'Y\"Z!.S approved. The following is a projected timetable ror the );-orth Shore Park and Youth Ce::ter progran: . Completion of construction dra-.vings k'Juar-:: - April ::::000 . Plan review, bidding :l.'1d permir'.ing process . April - June 2000 Commission award of bid Jcre - July 2000 Const.-uction Julv 2000 - July 200! , ' . . r- 401 AGE~DA ITDr .RCf F=='" 1 DATE 1-21..-00 -~'~"--'~ ,- At r.'1is time, the es,izna,ed CO;-';STRrCTT01>i FlT'.'DS c:lr:e:1t!y cedicatec to the \'od1. Shere Paz:': project include: '".1 S 15 1'.-iiIlion Parks Improvene:lt Bond (Allocated) 99/00 Ge:lera! Obli"ation Bond Pro"ra:::; (l'naIlocated) - _. BUD Section 108 Loa..'1 CUnaIlocated) B=y University Grant (Cnalloc:lled) S3,97:,181 1,203,052 89l,HO 7311,808 . TOTAL ESTLYIATED CONSTRl'CTION F'C:-iDING: S~.29i.181 As indicated above there is cucer..tly S3,9i2:1S1 allocated for the construction ofebe 1\0r;::: 5to:e Park a..'1d Youtil Center program. On 1/12/2000 ,he Mayor :!.'1c. :vlembers ofdJe City Commissio:l :loproved tb.e execution ora tvfe:norar..dum of p...zreerr:e:;,t be:o.vee:l Barrv Cn.iversit',,'~s .A..cac.e::J.v for -- . ~ . Better Cornrnu.."'1ities a..l1d w.1e City of ?v1ia..-ni Be3.ch to provide rec:eational ~"ld culru.:al accivir:es ar:d social ser,,'lces to f2.J.-nilies and c:b.ildre:1 in North Be2ch, a.-:d appropriating 5260,000 fror:1 Ba:./ Cniversir)'s Housing and li:b~"1 Development's Hispanic Serving Ir:s~itutions .j,..ssis~ir..g Corrununities (HSIAC) Program to the North Shore Park bond project work order to be expended on the construction of the North Beach Youth Center. -- It is anticipated tlJat t.lJe HOD Section 108 funding will be available in tlJe spri.l1g of2000 (as a rescit of seeking approval of the S 1 miliion ame:lded ED! grant), and the 99 Ge:leral Obligation Bond fur.dinO' in AonI of 2000. The anticbated iznDrovemerlls to be comole:ed with the unal!oca:ed ~ = . .. . S2,325,000 include .tlJ,e second floor of r.'1e youth center, e:ilianced baseba!! fierd(s) lighti...'1g, community center renovations, improved parking, ballIield restroom renovations, addirional landscaping and alu!ninum picket fencing. Attached for your information is a comprehensive history of the action steps ta..\:en to accomplish the tasks necessary to move this project forward since the October 7, 1998 Commission directive was Q:1Ven. :1-<04 ~ T:IAG END A \2000IJAN2600IREGULAR.INS?&. YC.:VlEM ,- 402 '-~.;.-.-""-T--' ~r.' r T Y 0 F M ~;:~;,;~""~;;:;~,~~'~";:;"7:=~ =Z'i7Z? ~;.:.:... =- _.-.:'. ::. 8 E P. C lL[ ,'.:!"':':.ll ==-;c:..... ,='.=.=.:=..:. ::::? j:., t',/l , I ~ CO;\I:.r:SSIO;'; .\.!~:'.ro ?_J..."';:) :::~-: .'"0, CO I _C; E I ~ TO: ;~i; ~~.~~~ ~~~~;~ ~c~~s~ ~.~~ ~:~~s:o ~ 'If 5:e:-;:,: ?,jC~:;''::= A,.. C;.. ..r.....-'1.- ./ '" ..: . '-"-." 1/ /'/ ._ ST.~_Tr.:- R.2?O?~T ASD F~Q:'~EST YO? Dr~CTlO~- P~O?05~D YOeTE CE:.'\"T:::E '~4T :-;O?.TE S::O?~ P.':'.:...:':. :;.':'.:-~: C:::::<: - ~::::? 4" _ ~ ! '-' F?-O:.[: Sl:3..TZC7: 0;'; ~ J - J ....D:-,ffi'.l'ST'KA TTO~" P..ECO:-,P,E;\;1).~.TTO:';" J , I~ is re~:.!esi::= 62.: t..:;: ?vf.2.:~":: a..--:c Zvr~:::b~:s c: ~-:~ Cir:: C~=...;.-::':$5:'Jr:. :e":~'.~: :-:.~ __ .." :~ ..:i:"".......;,....~ a.... ;-:..., .i...:";7_:-_,iS-:-~-_':O.-.' ":I~ ;"."'\ .~..-.~:,; .,,.... --......~...,.: '''';'-.'.'.-.' :-......_ --...,..,- ........ :-.:.OvlC... L.;............_.. .I",i ... _ _ ........1,,/ '"' ... .:..........___ _ ~_'~........"'s_.... ~. or"l.O: Shore ?r~-:. s:.!:~s ::::;cr: Yc:..::.:. 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T:"..1, G ~ 'D..1, \0C7'J7?S\.~~(j~-:''':'_~. .....". S? .57.';' 361 405 ~ ...~-;":",.-~~i~.~ --- !"ORTH SHORE PARK A,,-U ynCTH CE"iER PROGReSS St'"\['.URY ,) . I "-- th C ..-.-: -~ t --.... ",,~...; f>t.,~ ,\ ~--: ;~_.; h ~ "<=0"'; .~or"':'I"''''': ~o Si::ce the .apprOV:l ~..vr:l ~e OJ.;._.~.:..s.;)J.or.:.. 0 7~vC...._.. l..:...._ ......\.....~:.:..n..~_~.:..~on ...~ ::10".........:. ..'-.'- '. . I ~. . - . h . . ... .., . C~rr:~le"e the sche::r:anc p a:,-:$ lor Lle secone. :~OO:' ane. as a!2'2reSS1VelV Dt.::Si..:.e:: t..::e aCC::lOr::ll .... 1",.r- . . -.... . . .fu.r..dir:.z of approximately S i milIior: ::ecessa.:"y t-.J ::esig:1 a.r..c cocs'UUc: t,:e secoi.c t10cr cft.~e ~.orth . !) '. y ." C,;> -~.. - t..,' .=o.-ri.... .... l~i'll";-':J' ,....j h':1'''''' -,.,---' "",..:. Snore.. ::l:.:-... OUL.U ....0.:..... 10 tlllS __..... :....:..c 10...... ...........:::: a,-~.cr:s ;;.,..... .........;,;.~:-lr........ ? - 1999 ~ .. . 'J" ~ I ... , . -' I fi \' ' January _:>, .. bermellCJ .-\.1a.'":11 &: :,z...-.J"':.e:s, :JC.'suomzttetJ. Crre re.....'lSeap ens or ~ 'ort/! Slzore Park (0 tIle Planning Departl1zent to contilZue the design review process :"1.:l! \.';::,s ir.itiaced at the July 14, 1993 DR3 c:ee:::.~, ..:l.~ t.:.~e 7/14/98 ~:ee:i::.g! the is.sue cf6e ;cs.sibIe eX:;2.nsion of d:e Y 01j:"~ Ce:--.:e: .~V2S dis::.:ssed. The Boare \vo;",:ld no~ cc~:: II:e ~roj e::t ~o . . , _ ~Q,.J I 'J t1;.:o -: ~,t: -:, ......,..:; "'1--... - ~ 1....1",3 t' .r'".:.......... ,. ; ......,.,; C.......-..... :::l~"'; .i.: p.:.oc.........;. ur..n. J..... s....ne~.l..:1_.l.CS ~.:.~o~"........ L;.~.... ...01....P .......... op Ion 0 ~H'" .....\lS.O~"........ _.._..... ......."'" L.......S cire.::uon \vas not giver: t:.'1.til :.~e OCtO be: 7. 1998 City Ccrr.m.issior:. mee:i::g. Tr:e ~..:1tci?ated care ofpresenraticn to the Design Revie\v 30nrd \Vas rvfarch 9, 1999. HOlt/ever) du.e to the significant change in tire scope of thi! project, it has bun deti!rmined that a new application for review had to be submirti!dfor the :Vortlr Shore Park projecr. . April 28, 1999 - The City Cor.unission Approved a Resolution Au:horiz~-:g the City y[anager, or His Designee, to Submit at: .Application to the U.S. Depa..""t:ne:n ofHOl..:.5L.-"lg 2....i.d Urban Developrr:e:1t rrlTJD) fJr a Sec,io:l 108 Lon.:1, in the .A~'TIO"''lt of S",OOO.OOO, 3..'ld ar, Economic Developnunt Initiative Grant, in the Amounr of 51,000,000 for Street Improvements on Normandy Isle and Public Facilities 1mprovemi!ntsfor the ;Von!, Shore "Yout!: Center; Aurhorizing: tl1e ?v{a....c:- 2.;.1.d tlle City Cle::-k to Exe:::.;te _~.::v and All _. . J .~Q:ree:nents Related to the L02..;."1 and th,: Grant. If A'Narded; a."'ld Aoorocr:atinz Said Lear: and Grant Funds, If Awarded. . . .. - r- . Mav 26, 1999 - Tne Cirv Corr,,-nission Aouroved n Resolution Sm:lOonin!Z a Panne:shiD ...,i:.fj . .. - - ~ . - . Barry University and the Mi<L-m Beach Housing Authorit'f for a Grant from the U.S. Deoartment of Housi.'l!Z and l: rb<L'l Oeve1ooment Hiso<L'lic Ser,icin!Z Institutions Assistin!Z ~ - ~.. - - Communities ir. Order to Fund a Youth Ce:lter Proposed for North Beach Area. A grantfor 5400,000 was awarded, ofwhich, 65% oft!zefumling must support 'I "bricks and mortar" building program for the North Bi!ach Youth Center. May 26, 1999 - the City Com:rJssion Approved a Resolution .'\pproving and Au::,orizing tfje City M<L'lager to Issue a Ce:-:ificate of Consistency '.'.i,h the Ciry's Consolidated PI<L'l to B3..Tj Unive:sity Schoo! of Social \Vork Academy for Better COr:!munities to Utiiize Granr Funds P:ovic!ed Direcdv bv tb.e U.S. OeDamnent of Housing aac! Uro<L'l Deve101lmem ~ .. . - . Through the Hispanic Servbg Institutions Assisting Comrm:..'lities Grant ProgTa.'1l, To Providi! Construction Funds and Funding for Recreational Ser;ices for the Nor:!, Bec:c!z YOILiI, Center. Julv 7. 1999 - The City Com.:~:1issio:l ACDroved a Resolution AccroDrinting :"u.-.ds. in t.he 8.m~unt of5960.961, G;:J.erared as Interes~ E3..i.'"Tlings from u.1e $15 ::iil!i~n Ge:1~:al Oc~iga!ion Parks Improvements Bond Prog:-~"'!l for the P~:ioc! of Octobe: 1997 Th..""U Jan!.1~ry 1999; Said ADaropriation to Fully Func! the COSt of the Base Bid Projects a.'lc! Budget Es;im",es Approved by the Com.:nission on Mny 20, 1998, which Included ti-je Projected Ime:es; to be Earned. 596,985 was allocatedfor North S!z~re Park. .: r- , 406 r- j r- ~ J 1 - 1999 Th~ C'IM' CO.............;S.I.0l"'! ~ -':--'"''i'''''''''''.~ P""s,,"'~io~ n;-"'....~::""'.- ~:..", ~ ..:~~,...i---.,..;o~ U Y I, -.. _ ~/ .......J...:J... .-..:-:-,v ._........ ...,... Vl'-~. I.. i..,I....__.....,= .....'" .-........u....~'-....l. .4. ~O lvIaint:!.i~ t.J.e Se~tion 103 Lo.3..r.. Acclicat0~ A=c:"oved ?:.:.rs:.::.r:: to ?~~sci'..::icc ~:o. :;:9- ... .. :2314i, To Apply to Pllblic ImFrOve:7le::rs in L~C ~'or:.:: 3~~c:: Ta:ge: ..l:e::lS of:::: C:ty of :vliami Beach. ,VOTE: This incllldd 51 million for th~ d~sigl! and constr:Jcriol! of th" North Shore Youth Center. S b 1-1 1999 T" C'M' C _:.: ..\ ~~-- .," . R" ....: ..\ ",'0 .";7:-~ .c, C'... eptem er . ~ - ~.e tL.' OrT_....S.:l'.or:.. .~.!:-'.vv",,_.;. ...JvL...\.Jon _ .....,..0: ._1...= I...... 1:.: Manager to Submit 2 Grant Applications, for 5100.000 Pa Application, to the Florida Department of Environme.'1.tal Protectiol!, Divisioll of R~creation alld Parks, for the Purpose of Funding a Portion oft/Ie Renovatiol!s of the Bail Fields and the Tennis COllrrs at J.Vortlz Shore Park, a.-:d L.1e Te:lris COT.l:-3 at F:a.-r:i:lgo ?a:~-:. to ce ~..-I2.t:he:::. \vi.:.i. S 1 00,C00 ". he. c'.j a ~'ir Eoc" ..\ppli ..;., R""" -~':''''c:;s''': ;,... w:,.... A....,...,- 'a"': ,j" \,f;l1i ... .L...om t e .L un me.LU .... u., .ca~.Oh' as ......Ol...~..'-.. ,-""" h~ ~..'- . .:-~~O\""..... ........ ~ _....0... Gene:al Obligation Bon.d Progras to Rer:oVil!e a."1d Re81.:ild Pa:ks a."1d Rec:e::..::o:;, Facilir:es \vith.i:J. t.':e Parks System in 1'vEami Beac:-.: Ft.:r;:ne:- .A.;:prcpria::""1g L,-:e G::!.r:rs. if A',var.:i~d by 'h C't"'. . tf, \"i r: 0 ..:"".. r.... r-J,....}? ~~.:::;' .... o~..:~. ;)-..; ='~~; r:; P ,..:- G" .,.--,1 0' ;;'::"~:-. :"' W. e L,}', In ~.l.e \ 0.':< r\,.;......5 o. I..i..... ~'4o. ..... ....cor....l. ...1.. _1.1,.;.. 1.......;.._n.::O.l. aI.'\. ...n....;,... 0".:_.10._ Bond ProgTil.t:l R,e:1ovarion Projects: a:.'1C A'JL~or:zi:1.g the \fa::or a:.J.c Cir:," Cle:k to ExecL.:.:e A!l Necessary Docurne::rt5 Related to the Appiica,ions. . September 14, 1999. The Cit:v Commission A;:'pro....ed 3 Resolutions Calling :0: a Speci2.i Election to be Held on Tuesdav, No....e::-;.ber 2, 1999 for rhe Punose of SubLlir:in2 to the - ,- Electorate of the City of :yfiami Beach 3 Quesrions Asking \Vhe,he: the Clry Shall be Authorized to Issue Gener2.i Obligarion Bonds >lor Exceeding (l) 59,720,000; (2) S5i,915,000;.and (3) S24,120,000 i::r Prizlcipal...I....-::oUTIr Payable from Ur'Jimi!ed Ad V2.iorem Taxation, Bearjng Interest at Rates Deter:nined aL the Tirr:e(s) of Sale Thereof, Nc~ Exceeding tbe Maximum Legal Interesc Rare at Such Time(s) to Renova,e, Expand ar:d b:.pro....e Fire Stations and Related Facilities Located i.t, me City a>ld Acquire and E~:lip Fire TrJcks; to Improve Neighborhood. Inrras1:Uct'JIe in tb.e Ciry, Consisting of Streetscapes and Traffic Calming Measures, Shoreline Stabilization and Related 1vfaintenance Faciiities; To Improve Rec:e::!.!ionaI Facilities 2-l1d Equipment, Access, Security and Related lvfni:1!enance Facilities a11d Equipment for Parb and Beaches Located in rhe City; and Pt'oviding an Effective Date. NOTE: Included in tIle Parks and Beaches Bond was a total of 51,350,000 for North Shore Park and Youth Center. It was anticipated that $1 million would be allocated to address the unfunded costs of the secondfloor of the Youth Center. November 2, 1999 . The Electorate of the City of Miami Beach approved the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds not Exceeding (1) S9.i20,000; (2) S5i,915,000; a....:.d (3) 524,120,000 in Principal Amount Payable from Ur'Jimited Ad Valorem Taxation. Included in the Parks and Beaches Bond was a total of 51,350,000 for North Shore Park and Youth Cmter. It was anticipated that 51nzillion would be allocated to address the unfunded costS of the secondfloor of the Youth Center. December 8, 1999. The Joint Meeting of Fina.'1ce and Cirywide Projects Com:r:i,:ee, Neighborhood Comminee, G.O. Bond Ove:sight C0IT1.C11ttee \\'0.5 held. A preserr~a~ior: \vas made by the Administration concerning ame:1ding the exisi:::1g professional agreeme:1ts wita;" each architectural firm currently working on parks projects. !lncludinO' Bermello. Ai~miI ~nd P~rtners. Inc.. for North Shore Park and Youth Center) An exte::rsive discussion tr:mspired concerning tl:1e benefirs of such aa action, the pas! performance of each Bm:, tl:1e 407 - .;,~--..,-~ ,-- ~) ,-- .' .~ ! LL'JG/:-'':S/OM , - . . . -. - . c . .. '.. -. - c" a:nount ::::! tees pale to e:lcn. or :::e tL.'":::S to c.:!:e an . :.:.e :=SSS~Cll:::: 0: ~~ t:::r:s :0 1~2.:-.'::':~ addicicr..cl \vorkload. Tr..e fi::!2.! re;:o~r::e:1cn::on of L~~ Ccc.=:ir:ees '.VZl.S :0 a..~e::c t::e contracts St:oject to r:::egotia:icn to lov,,"e: fees. December 14, 1999 . T~e Desi51! Review Board Appro':ed the Seeo/ld Floor Desi::;n for ;'!ortlt Sltore Youth Center. D b 1"' 1999. -;, C.,.... C~- :<.: ., "O~ od ,;' ? '~o"- ,'-,- ,;.. "'''"'~'' - 8 ; 9cc ecem er ..., ide 1../ l.,;uT....._~~Onr..C......._(,... _.~........._ .._""..~....",.I...I""_""h'..;e. :.. ~.. T. 'I "",,:... :,.I-.e i:':....':l "":1"" C;~~ .'co p- ;"",,...- C --;-~... ':\7...:~1-'_~:" . C......... -;~.....,. ~Otnt 1V e..........g OJ. I.o.~ J. .h.:..nC,-, '-O.;,..c. ;,1./ .\01... 10j'_"'~::) 0..........__,. .....:u......c...cca ,-,:...lL__.~__ and. G.O. BOj;.d Ove:sight CC:7':.....::ir:ee. Tl1is re~Jor;: i~cI:...:.:e-:: L~e re::Cr:1..-::e:.c.a:.:c!"l. of ~:e Committees to a..:.-ne:,,,d t1:e ex:s~:::!.g professional ag:eer::e:::s \v:th eac:: a::::i'Cec::.z:al !::::!. ct.:.rrently \.vork..:ng on ::arks projec:s. (Inc!udin~ BermelIn. ..i,i:lmil :lnd P::lirners. Inc.. fnr North Shore Park and Youth Center) subject ,0 re::eg:::~::on:o lower :ees. . January 12! 2000. Tne City Con:zr:issior:. approved a :es:>.::ion a:.:.rl:or:z:r:g the e~<:ec~:ic~ ot-'-::in "m~nd~ent to th' cu~ont a~~~"""'~nt "1'tl. B~---~lI(\ .;. ;~-j] c. 'D~~.:lo"- [........ ..., Dro' ..:,..:", __ ....... "".. ..~ . .... ..~...~ =..""..~......... . .u. ..................,. ...,,--.._ c..... ......I..i.......~: ......., ioU.. .......... architectura!/engineer:ng se:-vices for six (6) parks projec:s, including North Shore Park and Youth Center, as proposed in the City's Parks Master '?la.'l a.-:d aFFroved by the Mayor and City Cornl1,ission esrablishi.J.g a revised overall fee of -~.'; ::-Or.:1 :.~e p:ev!oi..:sly approve:: rate of 7.2~1o of construction cost; aooroonmed the a::".::..:::t of S4i2.936 comcrised. of .. ... '.. $441,936 for the additional a:~hiIec~al/e:1gir:ee::ng s.e:-.:i.:es ce~ess2.::'': !O complete ti:e 1 00'1 "..;.;; d I'''' "he 1909 G"'-~ ':fl Ob[i .,...: ..... B ..... ":l--.o-r"l-' -' ~ - ,,-, t" parKS as s:-e......e u ~~.. ... '-'......r_~ .g__~40.L... en,-. .'-'=~...........: a....c _"1 ar4"O_,-~ no .\,,; exceed S30,OOQ for sun'eying, testing and ot..:er rei:L.:'..::sable ex;;e::ses Wiu1 funding available for t.~e City's General FU,..'"1d Undesignared Fund B.1la."lce to ce rei:::bursed form ~e future General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Issue. . Januarv 12,2000 - T:'le C[tv COIT'~-nissioD atmroved a resoI-.:t:on a!lr.':or~inz anc a!mrovinz ~ ~ . .. - .. ... - the Mayor a.'ld City Clerk to execute a MemOranCu.I:1 ot- Agreemer:: betweer: Ba.-r:; IJniversit'j's Acade:ny for Better Cor::unw~ities a.....c tr~e Ciry of~/Ear::.i Be.::.c:: for t~e pu..?ose or establishing a partnership to enhance the welI,being or :'?:.:iiies a.'ld youth in the Nor-h Beach area by contributing funding to construct the ::-;orth Shore Youth Center, providing rec:eationa! and cultural activities ar:d social se:-::ces to f=iIies a.,d children in Nore.': Beach, and appropriating 5260,000 from Barry University's Housing and Urban Development's Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSL.;.C) Program. to the North Shore Park bond project work order to be expended on the construction of the North Shore Youth Center. T:\AGE(\;DA \~OCQV A..~:500\R.EGt:LA.R\';''\IS? &. YC.,\.fE;:...( r 408 ,-- ATTACHMENT B . . I ..--- \. r- .' . , - , . ^ -, ',' "":'7",":,;--'~ ~ r- ( r-- --:-:- ", r':, '-1 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR &COiJii1)[iSSION CITY 0 F ML~\n B IDAEB- 3 AM 9: II ,,._; TO: -; ,..,-, C' ,- :...'( r \ :: FROlve S1J13JECT: GTII CENTER O\'ERSIGID COM:YIITTEE DATE: 02/02/CO " Please dnft and place on the n= City Commission agenda a resolution creating a "NoIth Beach Y Ol,lth Center Oversight Committee.' The Committee should consist of nine (9) members with the role of monitoring the design. pt:wning, COllS"~-uaion and use of the North Beach Y oum Ce=, as "" well as providing input. . '" " Agendaltem~ Date 2. -<1- 00 285 (... -j~& Bp Iff - .r- ATTACHMENT C r- ,." . " C_r- .' . ',.~.~,-,,:",'.'~ ~ OFFICE OF THE MAYOR & cOliifis.s-foN CITY OF MIAMI BIDAITE-3 ~M 9: II TO: ,r.-'c.,- . . -, ,- 'JI I I '- FRO!vl SUBJECT: DATE; . . . ....,; :." "..-. \ - UR..'l..Y LEVY CITY ~fAJ.~GE...~ JOSE SjI,.ITrrl COMjI,.lISSIO' 02/02lCO . PI= dnf: and place on the next City Commission ~enda a resolution creating a "North Bea6 Youth C=cer Ove:;ighc Cocmnittee." The Committee should consist of nine (9) membe...., with the _ role of .c:::ooicor'~ the desig:J, pLmning, cOQstruc::ioQ:md use of the Nor'"..h Beach Youth Ce=, os . well as providing input. ,-. ,-. '. Agenda Item r.:<'lT .. 3 - \..5=0 0 Date 365 c T>9G 8p TH- . . ." ,. ----;:-- RESOLUTION NO. ".- A RESOLUTION OF THE i\-L.\YORA,';']) CITI COMiHISSIOi'i OF THE CITY OF MIA.MI BEACH, FLORIDA, CREATING THE NORTH BEACH YOUTH CE1'fTER OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE AS AN AD HOC COM"-'IITTEE OF THE MIAi\H BEACH CITY COMMISSION, PRESCRIBING THE MEN1BERS AND THE TER"IS OF OFFICE OF THE i'<1EMBERS, AND THE COMMITTEE'S DUTIES, FUNCTIONS, POWERS, Ai';']) RESPONSIBILITIES. .VHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach. Florida have determined that an Ad Hoc North Beach Youth Center Oversight Committee is needed to serve the City of Miami Beach ("City") to monitor the design, planning. construction, and use of the North Beach Youth Center, as well as providing input to the City Commission on the operation of the North Beach Youth Center. J','OW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE I\U YOR A~']) CITY .- COMMISSION Of' THE CITY OF MIAl'-'1I BEACH, FLORIDA, that: 1. A North Beach Youth Center Oversight Committee ("Committee") is hereby created as an Ad Hoc Committee of the Miami Beach City Commission. The Committee shall consist of nine (9) regular voting members, two of whom shall be ex-officio members who shall include a representative from the Parks and Recreational Facilities Board alld a representative from the Youth Center Advisory Board. The remaining seven (7) members shaH be direct appointmentS, with the Mayor and City Commissioners each making one (I) individual appointment. Commissioner Jose Smith shaH be the liaison to the Committee. 2. All appointments shaH be made for a one (I) year term. Members of the Comminee shaH be appointed based upon their interest and knowledge "ith regard to parks and recreation issues. Appointments to fill any vacancy on the Committee shall be for the remainder of the .- unexpired term of office. A member may be removed mthout cause at any time at the sole discretion .' 366 ~ I ,; ,.- J I I I j~..: .,. I ~r-;; ~'..' 1,-: rG.: ,. .~i; .€.;. ~~). ofth.e City Commission by a majority vote of the e::ltire membership orthe City Corr.mission. ,.- The general requirements of membership :u:d service on the Committee shClli be thase J. as set forth in Section 2-22 of the City Code unless otherwise provided herein. 4. The Committee shall have the following duties. fJnctions, powers, aed responsibilities: a) To serve in an advisory capacity to the City Corru'!lission and monitor the design, planning, construction, and use of the Norch Beach Youth Ce:ner. b) To perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to it by the City Commission. 5, ". The work of the Committee will be deemed to be concluced upon the issuance of a c~rtificate of occupancy for the Nonh Beach Youth Center at which time the Committee shaH automatically dissolve. PASSED and ADOPTED this _ day of ,2000. "." ..~ . ATTEST: lVL~ YOR CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM 8. LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ''\ ... ;[.(,1 Wl1/1t City A'ttomey '}r:r .. rt-) 'DaN 2 ,. 367 ....,.-.-.-.-....... " .r' ATTACHMENT D .. - r- i , ,..- \ " ',-.. ." . . ._------:-'-- . "_.._--~~._..~'~.-. ,..--, t -L..-, C's/.J ~ ~ -/ ..- - ,- North Shore Youth Center Oversight Committee Meeting April 5, 2000 Attendees: Joe Fontana, Chairman Mike Tnompson, Vice-Chairma.'1 Margalita Ceped, Corn.rnittee Member Marty Hayman, Comrr-ittee Member Ted Berman, Comminee Member Others in Attendance: Rai Fernandez. Project Architect, Berme!lo, Aja.rnil & Pa.'1Ilers Odalys Mon, ParJcs & Recreation Depar-cment Ken \Vierleski, Parks & Recreation Deoar-...-nent Ellen Vargas, Parks & Recreation Depar-...-nent Andy Plotkin, Parks & Recreaton Deparcment Chris Keidaish, Bermello, Aja;::ti1 & Partners Dr. Jacqueline Mondros, Ba.'!j' University lvlichelle Rodriguez, Barry University ~ . I ' -- Rai Fernandez, Project A:!chitect from Bermello, Ajami1 od Partners made a presentation of the Youth Center and Gymnasium plans v.ith the revisions requeo.ed at the Committee's fIrst meeting. The committee requested that the architects provide them with a separate cost es+illnate for the Youth Center and the amount of fimds spent to date. Subsequent meetings will be held on a need basis. Kevin Smith is to contact the Chairman, Joe Fontana if issues come up so a meeting of the committee can be called. The committee requested that the glass walls in the second floor corridors remain and that drapes be used in the dance room when necessary. Dr. Jackie Mondros from Barry University made a brief presentation as to what their office needs are. · 2 full-time staff members . I on the field all the time . I in the office (small private office required) · 6 graduate students - each 30 hours mostly outreach. Only in office for minimal planning and meetings. · 6 HSI Grant - each 18 hours per week after school and evenings only. They will run programs in ( ,-- \ ,~ '. , .... '~:"~"'." '~.', ..,-'-" '. "7'-"'~''''':'''-'''' ':-,' .w~.,""'" ...--....:... ...... . . ...... ';' w:.: ?.'::-"-'.'f:.':,-::-<';"~~~:-'-.r ""'~"" '~7':"'~7".T:~~.-:~':-"~,; ,.;:"\.~~~:::?-..~~:..:~;-=:.:~:'-::~;;,~/,.-:. .~..,..,~..~.:?~.~:.~.~~: ....,: :.:.,,~, .~~,......,~.~'-~7 '. ...:.,.:- .. .,.. -.-.'-.. . ~- .-.: ,.~.' ,'"..-..~~7~:;.:~:'.~.. "~' "I' --: , ~, ""'" ,.- '" Locked file cabine:.s - h'UD requirerne:1'C Tne committee approved a 22' X 20' space an the second floor of the cl1ilding. Tne COrrL~cree asked that ti:e bid s~ecifications be re~/iel,ved. az:c accrovec bv t.:~::: or-or to t.~~ Cir; . .' 4_ . 4 . submitting it to potenti:ll biccers, Tr..e specir:cations shadd i.t'.c1uce: . completior.. dates . liquidated damages . project sequencing '" very specific ~o avoid probre:TIs during construct:on Tne committee that all chan>:es orders be aooroved bv them. - .... A motion v;'asmade by Mr. Mike Tnompson to accept t":e modified site pla."! and it was seconded by Nfr., Ted Bennan. Motion passed unanimously. ..,-~ . ,.- r- .' , ," . - ~ 'T7::::~:;' :'; :c i.;;:::j,'~'i'>;.;:i:~~;;'~::;~': ~;'~7 ~~:: ;~~:,:.:; ':~.:; '::"~i~;~7,~.~t~~~;:' '..'-' ..:~":.,.;,~ ~': " ': ~~. :.::>::~::~.~;' ".. - :~: .~"" " -- North Shore P,rk ,nd Youth Center Community Workshop Report Introduction The City of Miami Beach, held a public workshop on Tuesday February 29.2000, 6:30 pm at the North Shore Park youth Center. The purpose of this workshop was to review the status of the plans for improvements to the North Shore Park. propose::: as par: of the Parks Bond Improvement Program and the new General Obligation Bond Program. For purposes of this workshop the North Shore Park consists of the facility located between Dickens and Harding Avenues and 72" and 73'd Streets, and the adjacent facilities east of Coll:ns Avenue, also between 7'l" and 73'd Streets. Presenting at the workshop were: Janet Gavarrete - Assistant City Manager Kevin Smith - Director Parks & Recreation Rai Femandez- Architect Aida M. Curtis- Landscape Architect City of Miami Beach City of Miami Beach Bermello, Ajamil & Partners Curtis + Rogers Design Studio In addition the following siaff and commissioners were also present at the meeting: Com. David Dermer; Com. Mattie Bower, Com. Jose Smith; City Manager- Lawrence Levy ;Ronnie Singer- Executive Assistant-City Managers Office; Sugar Firte! - Parks Dep;. Betty Fleming - Parks Dept.; Odalys Mon - Parks'];)ept.; Ellen Vargas - Parks; William Cary - Planning Dept.; Joyce Myers- Planning Dept.., and various other members of the Parks and Recreation Department. -- The workshop was designedto provide the meeting participants with opportunities to : I. Review the conditions and parameters that underlie the planning and design process for this park, . 2. Review the latest site plan and floor plans that have been developed following the above parameters, 3. Present their ideas about the future use and desired programmatic activities for the park 4. Present their comments relating to the current site plan and floor plans. The meeting agenda was as follows: I. Project History Review II. Openning Remarks III. Building and Landscape Design for North Shore Park and Youth Center IV. Program Overview - Parks and Recreation Department - Barry University ...- North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 1 .._,..~,-... v. Discussion and Workshop A. Who will this park and youth center serve? B. How will it serve them? What type of programs and activilies are needed? Closing Remarks and Adjournment ~ VI. Public Participation Process The public participation process allowed the citizens in atiendance with two opportunities ti communicate their preferences and concerns regarding the planning and programming of this facility. The first opportunity occurred in the comment group discussion and the second was through individual comment sheets. The meeting was attended by approximately 70 citizens and representatives of various organizations. Following the presentations by the City and Consultants, a general discussion was held regarding the users that this park serves. This discussion narrowed the categories of those served into the following: - Pre-school User Group - K- 6 User Group - Teen Group - Adult Group - Senior Grou p - Special Needs Group , ,.- These user groups iderttified could utilize the facility during different time frames, making a more optimal utilization of the spaces. The community participants were then asked to break into self-selected groups with a "spokesperson", responsible for recording ideas.generated. Each group was responsible for answering the following questions as it related to programming and activities desired for each of the designated user groups: A. What type of programs/activiteswould you like to have provided at the North Shore Park and Youth Center for your specific user group? B. What times day would you like these activities to occur? How frequently? C. What specific facilities would be required to operate the programs? The spokesperson would record the various answers on easel paper. The goal of this exercise was NOT to reach consensus among members, but to bring out a broad range of ideas from all participants. As a result there may be some comments from one group in opposition to another. The reason for doing this as a group vs. individually, was to enable meeting participants to hear each other, and in cases one person's comment might prompt discussion or ideas from others. After approximately 30 minutes, the comment groups were reconvened to listen to the presentations by representatives of each group. The presentations were designed to share the ideas recorded on the .--- North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 2 .' IND!vlDUAL COM:'rIENT FORMS r- Donald Shockey: . Use canopy trees extensively Coordinate with potential development of parking parcel by Equity One New and continue medians on 7Z" St. and 73" Street Research sucessful new youth centers elsewhere and incorporate any new ideas Keep in mind a main goal is to attract "problem kids" who may be turned off by conventional activities. Consider surveying them somehow to see what they would want. Definite things they would want: outdoor basketball weight lifting Consider rollerhockey area, reduce baseball field to one to accommodate Investigate opportunities for sponsorship collaboration with Nike and other corporations Technology related activities . . . . / . . A reassessment of youth need will be helpful. Some needs may have changed. . r- Gary Knight: . Visit the four best youth centers built in the last 3 years in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia (and other cities with diverse ethnic population and similar youth basis) and see what they did, what have they learned, etc. . Assemble all organizations in Miami Beach which currently have youth programmings in arts, sports, culture, etc. What have they learned, what can they contribute to his new youth center? . Get a crack youth administrator to put together 2 proposal programs and test it on target audiences you want to serve . Do the above steps again for pre-school, teens, seniors, etc. . Give the resulting program to the Architects Design a new building based on the foregoing. . Forget the kilns indoors unless you want high air conditioning costs. . Concession area on the present plan serves no purpose. Youcannot send kis outside from rec center to utilize. Put inside facility wiht 2 service areas one to service outside crowds and one to service the inside users. . Storage areas just outside and give homeless a place to live in those cubbies Open space area at rear of facility between classroom and gym. Make enclosed for t r- \. North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 11 .. ~....._-.~-- /""" usage by children for storage ~rea of books and personal items after school 'lnd summer camp. New program of day care of 1- 4 year olds \Vill serve the community and city employee kids. Jane Gilbert: ~ North Shore need outdoor, well-lit basketball coures that are open to the public 24 hours a day. This is critical. Make sure multi-purpose room has a prung wood floor for dance classes/ rehearsals. Conduct a programming needs & resources asssesment. Resources inlcude local reagional and national non-profits organizations able to offer programming, public and private funding sources and community talent and volunteers and an alternative facility in North Beach (ie. Biscayne Elementary. Needs - look at issues facing children, youth, families, single adults, and elderly. Also ethnically. Ex. - truancy, social problems, domestic violence/ abuse, drug use, gang activity, unemployment, isolation, health. Youth need: individual family counseling services, youth and adult vocational! GED educ~tion, tutoring assistance, spores and recreation, arts and cultural education and experi~nces. In addition letters from Laura Jimenez, and Maria Ruiz were submitted for consideration. These are enclosed as part of this report. Also included is the sign-in sheet, although it will be noted that not all attendants signed in. /""" North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 12 ."'---,'7""~.'~-- . ,- LAURA JIMENEZ 1375 Cleveland Road Miami Beach, Florida 33141-1712 (305) 865-8212 - home (305) 374-5600 - office February 29, 2000 Kevin Smith, Director City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department 2100 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 RE: North Shore Park and Youth Center, Oceanfront Bandshell '. and North Shore Activitv Center Dear Mr. Smith: .- Thank you for inviting me to the workshop to discuss programming for the captioned sites. Since I realize the importance of this matter, I put my thoughts down on paper but am available to answer questions also. Please consider the below suggestions which answer the questi~~s you posed in your February 17, 2000 letter: 1. Who will North Shore Pari< and Youth Center serve? Children, adolescents and parents in the nearby and surrounding areas. 2. How will they serve the community? What type of programs and activities are needed? . '- The park and youth center will enable the community to prevent problems by keeping. children busy, interested and involved in activities. Unfortunately, this area has the highest concentration of juvenile arrests. Done correctly, and making needed adjustments along the way, this Youth Center will attract and keep children and adolescents safe which will substantially curb delinquency and gang and youth violence. in our area. Here are a few suggestions of classes to offer: after school sports and recreation programs, drama, dance, arts and/or crafts, music/rap and video, community service, conflict resolution, job readiness, computer skills lab, parenting skills and Friday teen movie night. Where interest warrants, these classes should be offered until curfew and on weekends. Midnight basketball deserves serious consideration. Numerous cities across America are using midnight basketball to reduce substance abuse, violence and related activities. The City of Miami Beach could join over 50 cities which Participate in the Midnight Basketball League for set up, coordination and guidance. Across America, Mayors and community leaders have commended the success of the League program because it effectively reaches at-risk young adults and strengthens their communities. r- CM8002:1 ." i', ... -"'---, , ,.-.,..---.......~~ Ka'/in Smith, Cir~c~or Fecruarj 29, 2000 Fage 2 ,,- I cannot stress enough the importence cf prcperly marKeting and offering C:2sses in resconse to Iccal interests and the even more arduous task of maint2inina that in,eres:. "Vhile this is the best I could co in limited free time, I kr~cw that it is -by no r;;ea,-s comprehensive. Ii there is any eoui::t that the results of this meeting co nct prCeL:02 tc: picks far this area, perhaps the next step shcl.:!d be to coneL:cl a needs 2SSeSS,Tle:-: questionnaire through the nearby area schcals, obtaining both stude", ane parent inpc:. Since numerous caretakers of cur children are unable to guiee their children wit,'] ~he:r home learning activities, any such needs assessment shal.:!d incluee this cptian. If 2 needs assessment is eeemed unnecassary, gl.:ieanca with home leaming shaule be 2:ee:: as another class above. After school sports and recreation pragr2ms should eeeress varying skill leveis through multitiered prcgramming. I wculd also like to note that when sports are kept in the proper perspective, sheer competition and winning at any cost is eeemphasized. Ins:ea:: valuing each child's best efforts, discovering new competencies, increasing self wcrth. learr)ing from losing, respecting their bodies, strengths and limits, teaching connections and enabling children to express their deepest emotions from their heart should be accentuated. The right attitude and the right coach can make all the difference. This same vision can also be applied to enhance development in any class offeree at the location. For example, a wise art teacher would encourage participation, draw au: originality, dispel fear, renew interest and enhance talent. ~ Foremost on everyone's mind should be saiety because no matter how wonderfl.:1 the programs turn out, and no matter how much fun and how fantastic the activities ene up being, there is absolutely no substitute for taking whatever steps are necessary to prevent even one tragedy from ocourring through proper supervision. f envision this park and youth center as another method to keep children and families safe, entertained ane out of trouble. You are on the right track. By Offering an alternative to the streets for parents and adolescents, you will be providing a great service to our community. These are important and needed front-end investments in children. Thank you all for your input and for allowing me the opportunity to speak. LEJ:ip :J0;~:~rrs" ( GL''':';~7//'1 1. ..-- eM~l .'-' '--"'--'"'-""," '" A~~hor: JanetGavarrete at C4H-PO Date, 02/25/2000 05,45 PM P~ioriey: Normal TO: BettyFleming ~~~: JulianFe=nandez ..): MariaR.uiz Subject: Re: Noreh Shore Youth Center Maria, thanks. You are on ta committee. Will forward the LTC nex~ week. Janet Reply Separator North Shore Youth Cente~ MariaRuiz at C-H-PO 02/25/2000 12,28 PM Subject' Au.Char: Date: "- Some issues I'~ like addressed on the North Shore Youth Center Workshop (again I apologize that ! cannot attend) : r- ~) ~ultiple se~Tice providers 2) Age-appropriate programming 3) User/ quality assurance surveys '4) Programming hours that match curfew 5) Passive recreation space (TV, pool table, etc.) 6) Specific programming for te~nage girls (represents a signifcant population block with upward trend in delinquency) 7) Segregation between adults/ youth 8) Total Quality Management philosophy among staff 9) Dedicated':l1.ome'..ork/ class space w/ computer portals 10) Efficient scheduling plan for use of facilities by multiple providers/ age groups These a4e just an overview of the topics of greatest concern. I am sure that members of the Oversight Committee will address,others. I hope the workshop meets and exceeds your expectations. Have a great weekend, ( r- '-. ." '-.'._.-:Y.~':'"":'"- . ,r" . ATTACHMENT E . . ,,r" \. r .' __n_ o. ..-.......,-.......,....,_,.. I TY OF M lAM I BEACH l,I"c I r: - -'" '( :-OAL!... 1iCC ':~NV=:\f7":C,'\l C2N7:::R :::RJ1/~ .\o1IA,'J1! :E..J.C:-:. .=:_::P~c;A J.:!~:9 : '.k:.?-m i~t:eac;' .:1. us L.T.C. :>0. ~ - - -.- - . - -. ~ . LETTER TO CO,,!:.'-!ISS!O:> TO: Mayor 0i~:s~n O. KJsdin Jne :v[embers orthe Ctry Commission l/ Lawrence ...1.. Levy. City y(anJg~r...!C:? F~:r~. :S.:I:(() FROM: SCB.fECT: NORTH SHORE P.-VU< .",,-'<'D YOeTH CE~'TER PROGR.-\)! .-\I)vlS0RY CO)lYIITTEE Tne City of0.-fiami Be:1ch is excited about plJ.ns for renovadon and enhanceme:1t of Nor-h Shere Park 2r.c Youth Cen!~r. The City h<ls commir:ed S6.2 million ~o builC a ne'.v youth cem::- r:lcilir:;, ball!le~':5. te:-:r;:s cour--.5 and renovations to the oceanfront bandshe!! and acrivity center. Tne new COnSi:fuct!On is s.::he-:ule~ to go Qut-to bid !vIay 2000. \Vith the plans in place, \Ve want to focus on prog:-amming for the park, Th~ foHowing individuals will be asked (0 participate a5 a sreering commirtee to assisl: (he city \.vith c~mmL:~ir:.' input in ans\'lering the fot!owing questions: t. \Vho will the park se",'e" o How will it serve them? What type of programs are neeed? ","onh Shore Park and Youth Center Procram Advisor.. Committee ." :>" ,-. Association Member Name Barry University Jackie ~fondio5 Biscayne Elementary School Boys ane Girls Club Principal Carlos Fe:7laneez Deborah Dowling Communir;' Development Block Gram, Chair Dr. Toed Narsen Eleerly Affairs Stanley Shapiro Jerry Libbin '-. " ::..( E,::;T~.E.;::..r:Z- \. General Obligation Project Oversight Committee Hispanic Community Center Housing Authority, Chair Margarita Cepeda Amy Turkel Nor:h Beach Deve!opment Corporation DOO3.ld Shockey North Shore Youth Center Task Force Jce Font:loa Office ofChildren's Affairs Maria Ruiz Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board Nina Weber Wonh Miami Beach Police Athletic League ,-. Scott Rakow Youth Center Advisory Board, Chair North Beach Residents Bernie Weiner Jody Knofsky Jane Gilbert &. Mike Thompson L.TC. r- /v'orth Shore Park Steering Committee Febnlary 18. 1000 Page 2 This item \vill be placed on the next City Commis3~cn agenda and r will reques~ that the Con:mis3ion ::lp~ci::: a Commissioner to act as liaison to the North Shore Park and Youth Center Program Advisory Commic:ee. LAL~S/bf c: Members ofche Genera! Oblig;:1Cion Bond Ove:-sighc Commirtee Christinil M Cuervo, Assistant City ManiJ.g~r Janet Gavarr::e:, As~isranc City Manage:- Matthew Schwartz. Assistant City Manage:- Mavra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant Citv Manaz-er Ro~nie Singer, Assist::mc City Manage':- - Ke.in Smith. Parks and Recreacion Departme" Michel Magliore. Public Works Department Joyce Meyers, Planning Deparnnent F:\CMGRISALL\L TC-OO\NSYCSC. WPD .. ,-. . ,-. I, ,. .. ,. "._.-."~c-_..,..~" r- ATTACHMENT F ,.- , r- \"" .' .._._~ @ i i I I I I i I 1(-- I i , I I I I , I , I I f.,r -~- Ij : i. I r; ~ 1! Jj j" "I iiJ],! ;. J4] H 1il:~ _ 1 e ;ii, hid III ~;", 2- ",~ '!l~1;j l~ u~ "''''2- 'i!l! ;:'on :. ::: tj I! ij ~ 1;'_11': I;, '::.llll 'jlitj j ::. I I I: j~ l~i~g - , I ~ ~ t i < ~ Ii Ii 1',-- ; \ '-- . 1f .~ ~:i l~ . ..:1 JHU1 ~ 2 j ~ I ,! ~- @.~ ,- .- --=.' " ," .~:r.ISlfo..1l. 'vI.:.! I /=~.. 107.... L:.j -.; Ii" ";\ X- 'I" I II , - , -' I !; I: i .. " i :i i I I. _I .J '. . , - . . . . i"f 41 --... Ii : , " " " :1 --::/. . g ~ , -. '"'\'. ..--.--- '''-- ATTACHMENT F " . , --- c ___ ~--. ' .' _, ___,.....,.......,.....,.,_~-c ~,~ ":'",.:;....~_...:~~~::-"'.;-,.:. ~.' -:. ~~.. . - ~ -.. . . "... .' ~'.- ........ -.... .'-'---.. -". -," ..... .._~~"=~~-;;:;:-- ..;...: .; - . --.. . ~-- ----.- -.- ~ ~ ."- "-._:.:;;::.::::~;:-h-'~':~;;~=.:-... .~~,-=-_'_~~'.,.-,,_'-'-,:-:/~,..~.-.-_~_~::-.:.:./:_~~:~_"""_-",~.-,~~::,~-,,-_,,,--_-;-"..i-:--~='%':",:':'.';'.:"::~ -. . :'.-- - ... -:-':.'; ~~...;~-=--:::.:..~ _ _ _ ....._....._---. _~~:. 4._~.__.._._ . _-.. :-'_"-_:"'_'_~" . - - .- :. ~"-~'-."-'.-'- -,", .~. .;.':"-=~' "'..- 'r- North Shore Park and Community Center Focus Group Report A total of 148 surveys in the form of focus groups were done of residents of the NOl1h Beach area during the last two weeks as a follow up to the February 29'" Public Workshop at the NOl1h Shore Park. Of those 148, users of the Center were from the following)dentified groups: !' ,-- Basketball Tennis Senior Line Dancing Ceramic Club Preschool Children K.6 Teens Special Needs Adults I Families 22 surveys were also done of teens at Nautilus and Nfiami Beach Senior High who are presently non-users of the Center in order to under51:and what interests these teens might have that would bring them to the Center. Attached fInd the complete breakdown by group regarding interests. In generaL the common theme throughout all of the groups felt the following: . Park should be kept clean . Park should be educational . It should be fun . All groups either wanted the Center to be intergenerational or had no feelings regarding that issue r- .' . '~"-'-C'T"'-,-7:'~ - - -- - -. - .-.-. .. -- ::;~~;~~~~~~~~~:~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~:." ,::-.~;~:.~- -.-: --~'. ~~~_:~~~'--"~"}~~~~-~~'- ~~~.- ~=--~~:-=::..- . -: - --. -. -_.- ._~.. ~ North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _Basketball Date _April 11, 2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit_ KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use the Center now? All those interviewed are users but not all are registered, paying users . \Vhy do you use it? "W'hat attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? 100% basketball, football, soccer, other outdoor sports 20% indicated they use the Center because it is free and they cannot afford to play elsewhere. About 50% wanted indoor. courts while the other half liked to play in open air. " . ,.- . If you do not use the'Center, why not? %at would you like offered that would motivate you to use the Center? %at kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? There is no structure; would like to see more formal sports schedule . %at time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you like to see this Center open? Morning, afternoon and evenings, 7 days per week 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities / programs you indicated were 0 ffered? Every day twice per day . %at do you want the Center to do for you? Fun, good playing atmosphere Keep it maintained and more people will come t. . r- ." --_......_~ --_._- _,_ _,-_ . ... ~::..__'~_~__-~,_'___' _";'::"-__~-,' _>-=-.-~-"":":=-=-:::':'-"_ _ 4_ ... --':~~:--~~ ~-:-- .._- . . .._- ._. - - - .. -' .._~_._... .. ::-_-::.='3-:.........~:.::-:.:."'~;,;::.-~---.. .--:".::-....~~, ". :,._-~~-----. . - -'. ..------.----- .._~....__.._-_. --. -":-":"":--..=- KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COM:';IENTS ~ . 'Nbat types of classes would you like to see offered? \Vhat classes would you li.1ce to see continued? Karate, computer room, video games, boxing Languages Football classes All kinds of martial arts . Will you use the gym? Will you use u1e wei!Zht room? 100% would use the gym; 20% would use the weight room Must be free . How many tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis courts? Cement or clay? 40% - 4 cement; 4 clay - total 8 40 % - 8 clay ..~ . ~ . How many basketbillcourts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor or outdoor? 60% - 6-8 indoor 40% - 2.4 both indoor & outdoor . \Vhat is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into two fields or one? iO% want 2 fields with one to be used as soccer or football, as needed 30% want one large field . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 85% No 15% Computer Room Yes 95% No 5% Video Game Room Yes 60% No 40% Soccer field - Yes 50% No 50% { ~ .' -=--=- .. .---. .- . - . ..-.. .._-,-.._.-. .;,~~~:.:~=-=-_.=-~ =-~:::::=-:-~'.~~....:..;.:: ~ .~_.~- - - -7'~~-:"~:-._:-..'.' "'~~'..-~~-- . ., . . c' .-- :-:......., _.tl '- Friday night movies Yes 85% No 15% . .'r- Weight Room Yes 950/0 No 5% Running Track Yes 95% No 5% KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COM:'flE:"iTS . Would you use any of the foUo'Ning classes? (Circle choice) Homework ClLlb Yes 45% No 55% Aero bics. . Yes 50% No 50% Cociflict Resolution Classes Yes 55% No 45% Language classes Yes 50% No 50% Performing Arts I Dance Yes 60% No 40% Martial Arts .. . Yes 97% No 3% I r- After school tutoring! mentoring Yes 55% No 45% . Job cOWlSeling Yes 85% No 15% Vocational Training Yes 55% No 45% Art I Drama Yes 80% No 20% Boxing Yes 90% No 10% Knitting Yes 10% No 90% Gardening Yes 10% No 90% Any other comments or suggestions? \ .r- Be open to all .' . .------.- ,.._-~--,.:-,~~~ - - " -.-.-.-------:. :" - -- -.. --.-' - ---~'-"- -. - .--... .--:-~~ no. . ._~.. - .. --~..:~~..:.....-:.:..._-, '.'--".-. ---.. - ;..~=~~".-=.."':::::-~==.-~~"':.~..~-~.. ._---~--'.~~..:=::~.."...~.. '.:. -- .--- . -'-_..~....;.-- --- '-. ...:.;.....::..'~~_.......:_-;:.:.:--...;._._. .'-- --~-~_-:- ~ North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _Tennis Date _April 11, 2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit_ KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSIOC'i . Do you use the Center now? All those interviewed are users . Why d~" you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? 100% feel the program is good but needs to be better kept . If you do not use the Center, why not? Vihat would you like offered that would motivate you to use,the Center? What kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in?' ~ Tennis lessons to increase interest . What time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you like to see this Center open? Mornings, evenings -7 days per week . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities / programs you indicated were offered? 1-2 times daily was most common answer . What do you want the Center to do for you? (r- ......-- ." .---- t' ---,-c-r~ -. - - . .--.----.,. - _.- . .-. ... -_.- ..,. -.. -..--' ---. -=-~.-.~~-;~ :.~~t2~J~..~__~.:...:..- ~~~- ..-.- ~:..- ----.-- ..-.-... ..- _ ...~~..,I?.~_:_. _~=H"'"1:=-=O.~'-. .- .-......,.........-r- - . ~--- . :---':-: " ..' --. -'-- --". - .- - --.- -.. . --- -"-- ..- ..- --. -~--- KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COM:\[E:'iTS .:'~ . Would you use any ofehe foIlov"ing classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 0% No 100% Aero bics Yes 10% No 90% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 3% No 9i% Language classes Yes 40% No 60% !'erformin~ Arts / Dance Yes 40% No 60% Martial Arts Yes 3% No 9i% After school tutoring! mentoring Yes 3% No 9i% Job counseling .~ . Yes 0% No 100% ,,-- . V ocatiooal Training Yes 3% No 9i% Art / Drama Yes 5% No 95% Boxing Yes 10% N'o 90% Knitting Yes 0% No 100% Gardening Yes 0% No 100% Any other comments or suggestions? Need clean restrooms Place to eat Need wall around courts so balls don't go in the street Have tournaments Water fountains, water drains on courts Cr .' ~-;:...:.:~::.,:~~.~~-=-~,;:;:.~..;.;;.:.:- ---:"~:.:..=.==u.-..:::::.s-.-..:...._=-... - -- -...-... .-. . ~: -~:..~-= -.::......;..._..=..:~.-.::-.,.- ._~~ -~ -=- - ~.:;:=~'-::~_:~~~~~. .-- ,... -- ~ . - --- - . ~-~ KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION' AND COM:'YIENTS r- . \\i'hat types of classes would you !i.l(e to see offered? \V'hat clc.sses would you !J1ce to see continued? Tennis lessons, especially for kids Ceramics . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight roomry 50% would use the gym; 50% would use the weight room . How many tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis cour,s? Cement or clay? Average'~esponse was 10 courts; most request clay but 10% wanted Y, cement . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor or outdoor? Indoor & outdoor - no number ,,-. . \"'hat is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be Ir.ade into two fields or one? Most had no opinion but 40% of those who did wanted. 1 field . Would you use any of the follov,ing? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 80% No 20% Computer Room Yes 50% No 50% Video Game Room Yes 30% No 70% Soccer field Yes 20% No 80% Friday night movies Yes 50% No 50% Weight Room Yes 50% No 50% Running Track Yes 50% No 50% \. .-- ..- ..------.-.,,---..., . . .. - "..-.. .,...~- --..- --', .--- ._.~..' -~ ..;.: "- ...:~-::-:-.-. ._- ..- "-~-- ---- . ~'-----.-~.'-;. ---' . '..~- .~~~ . .~:._...:;.'<~."7""::-_ ~ North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _Senior Line Dancing Date _April 11, 2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit_ KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use the Center now? All those interviewed are users . Why cia you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Cemer to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? 100% come because it is a fun way to stay fit They all indicated it keeps' them occupied and happy 100% said they need more senior programming like this ~ . If you do not use'we Center, why not? \Vhat would you like offered that would motivate you to Use"the Center? What kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? . Vlllat time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you like to see this Center open? Daytime; 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities / programs you indicated were 0 ffered? 2-3 times per week . What do you want the Center to do for you? Be a community center for all ages Advertise more because many of us are snowbirds and we need more members Provide social atmosphere lr .' ---_. . . ~""'-',-:"~'-'~,'- _=-"'_ _ _u.:..==--..~=~ .....=::: .:_~ ":=';~~~:::,'''.-::..._~-~- 7..-~ --:.~ . -. . - ,. '~:,,:.~~--.~,=-~ ~ .::~-~...~. - ... -- -:-:-=._---:.-::._=:::...-..:=._~--=- ...---.-,,--.,.- .,;......=--:_. .... -~~.. --.. KEY AREAS FOR DISCuSSION ..;:'iD COM::';IENTS r- . What types of classes would you like to see offered? What classes would you like to see continued? Educational classes; senior programming; senior social time 3 day cruise, dinners for seniors . Bridge, yoga, card room and games, travel club, exercise Shuffleboard . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room? 0% would use the gym; 0% would use the weight room . How ~y tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis courts? Cement or clay? N/A . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor or outdoor? . . ..-0. . I _~ N/A . What is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made intO two fields or one? N/A . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 9% No 100% Computer Room Yes 0% No 100% Video Game Room Yes 0% No 100% Soccer field Yes 0% No 100% Friday night movies Yes 0% No 100% Weight Room Yes 0% No 100% ( Running Track Yes 0% No 100% r- ..-----. "__T._;_~"".-:- ~ ....._._"." do. .. .__.' --. ~~;~.;",:{~-~_ --_-7-.~~.~~ ;;;..:.,:.""':.-....- -~-_........~.:-.,...:.:. ..~-' -- . ..-- ..'--.' .'. -- . _. .- .--..' . .' - '.' _... ........ "-"-'"'="--- ::..._~-~-----,. -:. ~=="'-'- ~ n~~':~ ::~....~ ;:.-~. ._.::~ -0-": ~- ~=.~~~::~==~~:: ~~~.~~:.-:::_~ . --- - .-. -- ....-.. - ;:-:::-.:..::. , r- KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS . Would you use any of [he follo,-"ing classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 0% No 100% Aerobics Yes 100% No 0% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 0% No 100% Language .classes Yes 95% No 5% Performing Arts / Dance Yes 0% No 100% Martial Arts Yes 0% No 100% After school tutoring! mentoring Yes 0% No 100% , ,.-. Job counseling Yes 0% No 100% Vocational Training Yes 0% No 100% Art / Drama Yes 1000% No 0% Boxing Yes 0% - No 100% Knitting Yes 10% No 90% Gardening Yes 0% No 100% Any other comments or suggestions? Should be an Activities Center for seniors not just youth (r- _-~~~7'_ _.--=~~~-" ~~%.--~,:;;;;:,;i:~",";:'';;''~-:-::::':~.~:~~'i:.~...;,.-..~::.,..,_~- .. '_~--:::- ~_ ~---;::.::~-"..__--.....: ........ _+_~_____~ ,~~ ~ .~~,:.:.,._.-,~:'~_v:.-_..:.=-:.-~:~....."~.""_' :::~~ ~~~:.:--=-=.=;:':~-:~:_- ':"--.u-- ___ _.:..: . ~~"=-=:"~~-':':--:::-_'~< _.-_-- 7,?_:-_ ~:~.~-?-=-__~ _"_ _ _ --,. __ . ~ -- -- . -.. -- - -.- ."- -." - _.~ .-:--:::: -..~-:.~ -- North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _Ceramic Club Date April 11, 2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit_ KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use the Center now? All those interviewed are users . Why do you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? .- . 100% come because of the feeling "like family" They all indicated how much they liked the dedicated teacher 100% said it is like therapy to make "wonderful art" If you do not us~{He Center, why not? What would you like offered that would motivate you to use the Center? \\Ibat kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? . What time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you like to see this Center open? Daytime; 5 days per week 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities / programs you indicated were 0 ffered? 2-3 times per week Everyday . What do you want the Center to do for you? Be a community center for all ages To teach and be a learning cen ter Provide social atmosphere ---- .' - -- "'"1.._--:-r~ -. . - ." ..... .-....- '=:~~,.~~~l~~;~::~~~~::~;~~~~~~=;;:~: .----- .._.......~ '--.c.. - - - -. ,-.-..- ~..:....- ~ KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION A~D COM:\IENTS . What types of classes would you 1i.\:e to see offered? \Vhat classes would YOll like to see continued? Enrichment classes; senior programming; senior social time Ceramics, arts & crafts, photography Bridge, yoga, card room and games, travel club, exercise Senior Drop-in center . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room? 10% would use the gym; 0% would use the weight room . How many tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis courts? Cement or clay? N/A . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor?t: outdoor? . r- N/A . What is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into two fields or one? N/A . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 5% No 95% Computer Room Yes 5% No 95% Video Game Room Yes 0% No 100% Soccer field Yes 0% No 100% Friday night movies Yes 0% No 100% Weight Room Yes 5% No 95% ( r- Running Track Yes 5% No 95% ~. . "-...-.--.. ..... -.-...- .. ...... -- -- - ---=--.---"----" -" ---""--- -,'-"-'-~~..::.::---=--._-"-, - -"" - - ..--.- .-. . ---""---",------ -"--'- ~-'""-"--'; .,"" ~~"" ;.---.-- --:.:.:.:~-~-= - --;:.-==. :-::.:::--.:.'- .- - . - .-. ~.... . --~-- _ __ ___-_-':"...%'_ _< ..' __ _ _ 0_' ___ _ ~._r.: _...'~,_~.......:;u ..h_ ._ ~ .'. . - .- - - ....." - ~-..--:...;.~~::=---::::~--:-_---=:.:.=::-:::> - --- ~'- ._-- ~- -~-~~'.::'-:. --;--~-..._:~._'-='~-------==-"-~' ~~-~.'.~'~ -.......-. "/""- KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS . Would YOU use anY of the foUo\\in!Z classes? (Circle choice) -' - Homework Club Yes 0% No 100% Aero bics Yes 50/0 No 95% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 0% No 100% Languag~ .classes Yes 5% No 95% Performing Arts I Dance Yes 60% No 40% Martial Arts Yes 3% No 9i% After schoo I tutoring! mentoring Yes 0% No 100% . .~. ,..... Job counseling Yes 0% No 100% V ocario na! Training Yes 0% No 100% Art I Drama Yes 80% No 20% Boxing Yes 0% No 100% Knitting Yes 10% No 90% Gardening Yes 10% No 90% Any other comments or suggestions? Be open to all; Should be an Activities Center for ALL, not just youth Need full time Ceramics teacher More toddler programming Keep the Margaret M. Swett Social Club every Saturday night Need more social programs - adults need a place to learn and gather ( ,- ." ,.-..-,---.."'.....,.,..~ ....._._......_._-_.~. . ...--'-'-..- ..-, - ...::.~~--...=-~~- ~~;:~~~,~~~~~::=~~~~~~~~'~~_"''-'.~-~i~~~-=-~~' .~..:.:.~~.:;~~.~~~. "_~.~~: 7~~~~ _.. _._.....~ ___.. __'~_-J- . _.. .-_ _ _ _.____.'____ __'__,-"._ North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _Pre-School Date _April 11, 2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit_ KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use the Center now? All those in terviewed are users . Why do you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Cemer's fa~ilities or programs? 100% feel the educational-program is good Close to home EconomiC3l .~ . If you do not us~theCenter, why not? What would you like offered that would motivate you to use the Center? What kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? N/A . What time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you like to see this Center open? 10% -Needs to be open later 90% feel it should stay the same . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities I programs you indicated were offered? Monday-Friday . What do you want the Center to do for you? Have a variety of youth programs ages 4-16 Classes to learn English , ,-- Needs to be clean l. .' ~------ .. '.- ..-..-. '.:. ::..-' :..-:;...:~- - - "'-' ,----..-.---.......... . .-. _ =-....-- ___- ,_..--=a...~,_.~~._~-=-..~'=-.:..._.-..;._.~,~~..:.... C ~~.~*~~:..~:~~~;':..~~-:S:~.:.~~.;;~;- ~~; ,~-~~~..~~~~~~.~'::~_... ~.~ i.-~~ '~~_-=-~~::~.o:_. -:...~ _:~-~::~.~,.......- - -. ._ _ '---'._ _ _'.._._ ~~_. ._ _._ _ _-_'.-'_"_ __.'_._ .-.-"-.-- --- -'-::"::::':'_7-- KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS . What types of classes would you like to see offered? \Vhat classes would you like to see continued? More classes during vacation, swimming, gymnastics Ballet, piano, guitar, music in generol English classes Drug Prevention classes . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room0 100% would use the gym;100% would use the weight room . How.manY tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis COLh-rS0 Cement or clay? 90% said it should remain the same 10% said there should be 4-6 clay courts . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor 01' .outdoor? ,r- Indoor & outdoor - no number . What is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into two fields or one? All want 2 fields; one suggested batting cages . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 70% No 30% Computer Room Yes 100% No 0% Video Game Room Yes 90% No 10% Soccer field Yes 100% No 0% Friday night movies Yes 100% No 0% Weight Room Yes 100% No 0% ( r- Running Track Yes 100% No 0% " -'-.~-~- . - . .' - -. . . ~)~-~::=~:.~~~-:::~~~~~7~~::;::--:~:~:;,;:~~~;:::;r-~~::-=,=~~=.:::-,~?:: ~ -'- -- .. ----,--- - .- -- - ---.~ .---. ----_. - -,. KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION A.'iD COM:YIE~TS --- . Would you use any ofrhe follo\.Ving classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 97% No 3% Aero bics Yes 100% No 0% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 60% No 40% Language classes Yes 100% No 0% Perfonning Arts / Dance Yes 97% No 30/0 " Martial Arts Yes 80% No 20% AJler school tutoring! mentoring Yes 100% No 0% Job cOWlSeling " Yes 70% No 30% ;. { -r- Vocational Training Yes 97% No 3% Art / Drama Yes 80% No 20% Boxing Yes 10% No 90% Knitting Yes 20% No 80% Gardening Yes 10% No 90% Any other comments or suggestions? Parenting classes Another playground Make more programs for kids of all ages Thank you for all you have done Lv- .' . - . .. -'- ... .. ~ . - ._; . . :-~~;;'~~:' ;~.:.----=- ;:.~~~~~-=~..:;;:-:- ~.~---- ;::-~~~ ----=-.;::;-- -:....~..~:.;.,;;-~; :::":.:;:..~--::,..,--.....;.'~'~.;'=--~-::::--- ~~_~~~~:~:::.'::" _:- ~__.~~":..C"~'~~?:::.::..-;~'~~-::-:-:- ~_-:~~-:.. . _ ___~-=_/_~.-::: ~ ~_ .--;_ ;.~..; _-:_~~ - ~-:--=== : .. -. ._ - . _.0_ .,_'.__.,. __ ._......_-.:-..,_ ._ .-- , \ ~ -'- "-'::-'-3::::::::.'~:-=::, North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _K-6 Children Date _Apri111,2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit-,-,- KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use the Center now? All those in terviewed are users . Why do you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? FUN . If you do not use the Center, why not? What would you like offered that would motivate you to ,":se the Center? What kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? '.;.~ N/A . What time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you!ike to see this Center open? N/A . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities I programs you indicated were offered? LOTS . \Vaat do you want the Center to do for you? BE F1TN ." , ' , ~-:::;::=-~=::-=~~~-,., ''''=,~<~~:~~~~?;~-,,--;.:,~~ '. ~-'""':'::=:~~~~~u_~z~_=.~' -_...._-~----_._. .-.---.. .-.....--.-. ~ KEY AREAS FOR DISCT.:SSION A:'o'D COM::'YIE:'o'TS . 'What types of classes would you like to see offered? 'Nr.at classes would you like to see co ntinued? Bowling, basketball, football, baseball Ice slc1ting, roller blading, horseback riding Dancing, hockey . Will you use the g:m? Will you use the weight room? 100% would use the gym;100% would use the weight room . How many tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis courts? Cement, or clay? ' N/A' . " How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor or outdoor? N/A "'" (' . 'What is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into two fields or one? . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 70% No 30% Computer Room Yes 100% No 0% Video Game Room Yes 100% No 0% Soccer field Yes 100% No 0% Friday night movies Yes 100% No 0% Weight Room Yes 100% No 0% RlIrmma Track Yes 100% No 0% ~ ( r- ~ . ;~:"=-=C~C']~~'~-::-_'-'.'~~~..'.-~::'-_~.=..'-=-_.~-_'-...~_-~..'~~~:"- -;:. --~:""::;'''-..;,-. :.- ~ .. ....:. . -;-::-:":'.',::,,".~..~ ,- ..-. -.,,----_...~_._- ----=--:,-~:-.:.:-.:...~.~. .-..:' ~:-~_:~ .- ''''- .....KEY AREAS-FORD;SCUSSfONX,'iD-COLYL"!ENTS~- '--.' -,.- ./'"' . Would you use any of the following classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 0% No 100% Aerobics Yes 100% No 0% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 0% No 100% Language classes Yes 0% No 100% Performing Arts / Dance Yes 97% No 30/0 Martial Arts Yes 80% No 20% After schoo I tutoring! mentoring Yes 100% No 0% Job cOWlSeling .' " Yes 0% No 100% r- ...... V ocatio na1 Training Yes 0% No 100% Art / Drama Yes 80% No 20~'O' Boxing Yes 10% No 90% Knining Yes 0% No 100% Gardening Yes 0% No 100% Any other comments or suggestions? cr- .. --.-- -'i""",-:-"'~ ~~~~~~~?~~;~,~i~f~_;~~~:-'~.2~~~~-~-;_~--~~~~;:rj:.=.;:~-~~~:~:"~-=-:=-:-7; ~ North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _Special Needs Date _April 11, 2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit_ KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use the Center now? i5% those interviewed are users; 25% are not users . Why do you use it? \Vhat attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? Bring seniors, neighbors, Idds together . If you do not use the Center, why not? What would you like offered that would motivate you to use the Center? \Vhat kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? '; . --- /- , Did not know about it Would like more programming for the disabled I handicapped . Vihat time of the day would you use the Center? Villat hours would you like to see this Center open? . Until late . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities I programs you indicated were offered? As much as possible . \Vbat do you want the Center to do for you? Bring people of all kinds together "...... (, "'-'-~-r- :,;;;;::::- ~.. '.::i:.';;:..:~.' "--~~'~'"':'"'''-_~'':'-''~-'-'':''--':'~:::''''::''-::-_~':-:".__:_~:.....:_ ._:..-.;....:.;_==_:-_~___~._.~=___., ~~~-_.::-~.-..~7~~::-_~.~.._:_.~+__:_~~~~.:. _,' _ _:.~,.~.,~:::::~7.~ :.;:=._" ~_.:"_'~...:::;,..:;.::-._-,:.__,' ":-'___:::'~'~':;<'~';'.:.";:'...:~.-:::-:_';:._-.:;7=.?'-:~:_" _~_ ' , -. .. ..--:'.-_...-.=-=---- -'. ._~ - ---------.. - - -.. ;,-"-- -" _.- -.'. ..~. 7-~-~"';:;;'__:::- - : -=: --- KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND .COM:'vIENTS . \l/hat types of classes would you like to see offered? \Vhat classes would you like to see continued? E.xercise, gymnastics, music Current events, senior classes . 'Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room? 80% would use the gym; 40% would use the weight room . How many termis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis courts? Cement or clay? ., N/A. . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor or outdoor? N/A . . -r- ( , . What is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into two fields or one? . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 0% No 100% Computer Room Yes 100% No 0% Video Game Room Yes 100% No 0% Soccer field Yes 10% No 0% Friday night movies Yes 100% No 0% Weigh! Room Yes 100% No 0% Running Track Yes 100% No 0% ....r \.., .' .....--_.~. ""?:~_~~_:'~:"~.:'~~. ~:~~~':':':',-,,"""i::::=..-=..._~,--::~_:":-';"'-=-._--- -=:::.::-.:..... _.:--. -- -.~--~:-.;' _:....:- .=:~-.:=.:-'" _. -----. -=:'":":.-::_.~ -=-:-:--=-":~'_":'.-:-: _~_:.:~:~ .:.:-_'_ .:.::.~:-_:::.""-"",-"~_':.;;;.-:i:'::._=-::_~~';":-~.~ _~.:.:'_~ -~,: . ~. _ .~..__ -:----..---:-.-:'~s_...: ,~-':--_~-:-_-:::-:-=.....:....~~..;.. __ .___ n .........._ -- .,-- KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COM:.'ilE:"iTS ~ . Would you use any of the following classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 0% No 100% Aerobics Yes 100% No 0% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 0% No 100% Language classes Yes 90% No 10% Performing Arts / Dance Yes 97% No 3% .. Martial Arts Yes 40% No 60% After school tutoring! mentoring Yes 20% No 80% Job cOWlSeling . . Yes 100% No 0% ....~ -- ( Vocational Training Yes 100% No 0% Art I Drama Yes 100% No 0% Boxing Yes 0% No 100% Knitting Yes 0% No 100% Gardening Yes 80% No 20% Any other comments or suggestions? cr' .- ...--...-- _..._.~.......--,---,.. - ......... ".OM .' - --- - -- ---- - - - -- --. - ..:..~==-:-.:.:-~ .:~~_,-",,- _._ 0- .,_ _ :-:- _ . ._.,_.----,- .....-.-.----.~'-..-.- -' ',---.:-,.-"- .-,.- .' . -- - '. .--:---.~. - - :'~?~'~=:-:--~~';;""~ ..:c..:..:........~.._;.,..~..--=-~~:""'".~- ..-........ ....._-~....,..._.;... _._---:'""::"'~..-.--~_. -~-~--~......:...- . _.,__._~. O' .__ ..n __ ._ _,__ _ _.'._ .. --'0 -.,;:=;':'..~,"--..~_.....--- North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _Adults / Families Date _April 11, 2000 Facilitaror(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit_ KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use me Center now? All those interviewed are users and indicated their reason is to "have fun" . Why do you use it? Vihat attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? 100% baseball, pool, bowling, playground, basketball- family "things" . If you do not use the Center, why not? What would you like offered that'would motivate you to ~ the Center? 'What kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in?'- ,~ ( l N/A . 'W'hat time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you like to see this Center open? After 9:00 a.m. during summer, after school,and evenings, 7 days per week 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities / programs you indicated were offered? Every day twice per day . 'Wbat do you want the Center to do for you? Have a good time and meet people; fun Take better care of the trees and flowers ;,'r- \.- .' --'-.-,'-:'--'~""".. . --------="= -- KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION A2'iD COMMENTS ---- . Wbat types of classes would you like to see offered? \Vhat classes would you !i.i<e to see continued? Computer classes T enn is lessons Football, baseball, basketball classes Jump rope classes . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room? 100% would use the gym and the gym . How'inany tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis COlms? Cement or clay? 2 cement; 2 clay - total 4 (2 indoor) . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor or outdoor? ".- '. ~.:. . 4 - 2 indoor & 2 outdoor . What is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into two fields or one? 80% want 1 field 20% want one large field . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 90% No 10% Computer Room Yes 90% No 10% Video Game Room Yes 100% No 0% Soccer field Yes 50% No 50% Friday night mo vies Yes 90% No 10% Weight Room Yes 100% No 0% ( - '......_- .....,...---,-~ ----,,----r-_~~ -- ~-...... -~_.. ._..._-"- -._ "':'" ::'_":'~-=-.- .--..-.- "-'--', __~,.~:-.:o;- -: -.--~"'" -- ".. -. '-':'--':''':'' .-'--.. -:...::--::-----.-- ----.-;-:.,~.=-::-..---~--~--~-~-~ .....___._ _-._.____.---._.__......._~__________..._,._. .--___ -1-" _ ~ Running Track Yes 100% No 0% KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION A:'!D CO:'1L\IENTS . Would you use any of the following classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 100% No 0% Aerobics Yes 100% No 0% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 90% No 10% Language'classes Yes 95% No 5% Performing Arts / Dance Yes 95% No 5% Martial Arts Yes 50% No 50% After schoo I tutoring! mentor.ng . '" Yes 100% No 0% ,-- Job counseling Yes 95% No 5% V ocational Training Yes 50% No 50% Art / Drama Yes 80% No 20% Boxing Yes 50% No 50% Knitting Yes 0% No 0% Gardening Yes 0% No 0% Any other comments or suggestions? Clean the park up Should be a pool More water fountains near tennis courts More water drains on the sides of the courts Have fences on the sides of the courts so balls don't go out Have indoor tennis l:-- " . -.' .' -......,. . ---.---- -.. . .... ".,-.-.. '. . ~,- .'" ._-~-:-:- r- ATTACHMENT II r- ,.-. . -..~.~~-- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH .cITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER ORNE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami.oeach.ltus . L.T,C. No, 114-2000 LETTER TO COMMISSION May 22, 2000 TO: The Honorable Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission FROM: SUBJECT: NORTH SHORE PARK AND YOUTH CENTER PLAN Over the past two weeks the Administration has met with each of you individually to present a modified plan for the construction for the North Shore Park and Youth Center. The modifications discussed were a direct result of comments and input received at the following public meetings: " ,-- I. Community workshops held at North Shore Park on February 29th and April 13th, 2000; 2. North BeachY outh Center Oversight Committee meetings on March 30th, April 5th and May II th, 2000; and 3. Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board on May 4, 2000. The modifications requested focused on the following points: . The substitution of two (2) of the twelve (12) clay tennis courts in the new tennis center with hard surface tennis courts. The community felt this modification would better enable youth learning the game of tennis, as well as youth playing for their schools, to practice and play on the surface that is most commonly used for this level of play and competition. Additionally, it was felt by some that having a choice of clay or hard courts better served the community. . The option of adding outdoor basketball courts in the southwest section of the park for individuals who may prefer them to the basketball courts that will be constructed in the gymnasium. The additional court(s) would be sited in the area that is currently a parking lot. Any parking spaces eliminated would require on street parking to be reconfigured to angle parking. ,"-' ~ Based on these discussions and your comments, a consensus on these issues was developed. Unless advised of additional concerns, on the morning oflvfay 26, 2000 the Administration will instruct the project architects to: . Design the tennis complex to include two (2) hard surface tennis courts and ten (10) clay (Hydro) courts. . Include one (1) outdoor fenced basketball court on the southwest end of the park. (Please refer to the attached site plan for a comprehensive overview), In conjunction with this, the Administration will begin the planning process to reconfigure on street parking. Barring any further revisions, this notification to the architects will enable them to continue working toward the projected July 19th bid issuance. Should you have questions or comments, please advise. LU~"/KS c: Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager Kevin Smith, Director, Parks and Recreation Odalys Mon, Special Projects Coordinator Michel Maglorie, Projects Manager ,.-. M:ISCMBlTEMPINSBB.OO r- ~'''.''-l''''-- L ,-- ~:@ c: o o '" --~ " ~ > z i r r ~ ~ r ii' : iP.':~:' ir i' it i . . z ~ Q C :;: o 0 ~ c c ~ ~ ~ ~ tl. ~ ~ ~ ~ IJ O~~~_. 6 ~lre ~ tE -'- / , " , d , l I r C;l i e>t"(ns...".;....' z ~ ~ = > . r. ~ ~ = > c c 1~::;') D I' .~ JJ ....CES:J. ." .::'~;: :,,;......... ';' .".-,--.." ;/.! -''- ........;,.. '-""".,'''''' ::;f;:.,-_,<_.;...,.,__,_;_:.",:ij;~! j",~""'''.''''''''''~:;' ,.,........,.;-,...,- -'" i'.i..''",I....-;.:.''',.;'''.... ":;::. _::~'" : ',:.: ',".k '::;;:: ::.. ;r:,.. . .::;(: .,._...<.::.-,.......'c.,;.,....., [B3J CE8J CE8J CE8J cmJ CEEO CESJ CESJ CESJ C~ """'~ ,...~ .."!'~ ~ ~ - , .. 88l ~ I 'll-.~ . "I 1'1"- I I'i:.. I,ii: I !l; !, i.:;: ~ r: 'I! ,:. .i w ji 01; i:: ,- I.1 jl'l;~ ~; Hit.:: !!m'lllB 1:::1\:;; ! ri~ ! .~. . '\...,'- r ~ I L I ~ L'" , ; = o n o o ~ ~ ",. I L I L r iiH H ~~ 'li:I!~~~ !~ 1 r" ~~ ~ ., I 1:::0 ., jllrl ~:io _ : I il iJ \:;:.,:" . ., ...... I ,; - ATTACHMENT III ,-- r- . ,.." .,_.-:'------,- -:": .....- . -.-, e. . - . . ,. , s.........~ /2c.c, - .".;...'!.... --:. ,.", , , . . .~' f..l',; r::,",: "."",,~ C'! r. !'- STATE OF FLORIDA D E'P'A'R'T'ME'rq T 0 F C OM M U NIT Y A F F A IRS ,. '-'- -,.., .. "De'dicatl:id i6'making Florida a better place to call home" JEB BUSH Govemor STEVEN M. SEIBERT Secretary June 24, 2000 Mr. Michel Magloire City of Miami Beach for Scott Rakow Youth Center 1700 Convention Center Dr., 4th Floor Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Mr, Magloire: Your application for waiver from the specific requirements of the accessibility code has been received and is scheduled to be heard by the Florida Building Commission at its next meeting. In addition to the Building Commission, it will be reviewed by the Accessibility Advisory Council which will make a recommendation to the Building Commission whether or not the waiver should be granted. Please be prepared to demonstrate the criteria for the granting of your waiver as indicated in 9B-7.003 of the Rules for the Florida Building Commission, A copy of this rule was included in the original waiver application sent to you. The meetings are scheduled as follows, the time of the Florida Building Commission 10 hear Waiver applications will be announced during the Advisory Council meeting: Accessibility Advisory Council Clarion Plaza Hotel 9700 International Drive Orlando, Florida Phone: 407/996-9700 June 13,2000 9:00 Pu'vf,- 12:00 PM Florida Building Commission Clarion Plaza Hotel 9700 International Drive Orlando, Florida Phone: 407/996-9700 June 13,2000 1:00 PM.- 2:00 PM Both meetings are opeD to the public and you or your representative are urged to attend. The Building Commission and Council often have questions about the applications and can make more informed decisions if interested parties are avaifable to respond. If you would like additional information. please feel free to call Ms. Sandi Curlee (850) 487-1824 or visit our web site at: http://www.dca.state.f1.us/fhcdlfbc/index.htm. In our continued efforts to be more aware and sensitive of these issues we find it more appropriate to use the term "disabled" vs "handicapped", Sincerely, k~-~,-- lIa J~n~- Program Adminisrrator Codes and Standards lJ:sc r- 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: 850.488.8466JSuncom 278.8466 FAX: 850.921 .0781'Suncom 291.0781 Internet address: http://www.dca.state.fl.us CRlnCA1. STATE CONCERN FIELO OFFICE 2796 Qveneas H'grlway. SUlle 212 Maratnoo. FL 3JC50-2227 (:l0512~9-2402 COMMUNITY Pl.ANNING EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 2555 Shumard Oak ao...levard 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard TZlflanassee. Fl :12399-2100 Talla03S5M. FL J2JS9-2100 (850)488-2:356 (e50) 41J_Sl9€i9 HOUSING & COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallanassee. FL 32399-2100 (850) JSa.7956 ,-- DRAFT I FLORIDA BUILDING COMMISSION June 12 -13, 2000 Orlando, F10rida Objectives . To Adopt the Updated Workplan . To Conduct Rule Development Workshop tor Criteria tor Reviewing ,.l...mendments and ylodincations to the FEC . To Approve and Adopt Criteria for Reviewing ....mendmems and yfodifications to the FEC . To Discuss Code Transition Training Requirements . To Hear Threshold Inspector Committee Report . To Hear Code Dissemination Ad Hoc Report and Recommendations . To Hear Manufactured/Prototvpe Buildings Ad Hoc Report . To Hear Accessibilitv TAC Report and Recommendations . Update on proposed Amend~ents/Changes to Building Code Rule tor Julv Consideration . To 'Consider and Decide on Accessibility Waiver Applications . To Hear Partnership tor Building Department Ad Hoc Report . To Hear Plans Review Criteria Ad Hoc Report . To Hear ProdlIct Approval Ad Hoc Report . To Hear Plumbing TAC Report . To Review Assignments for Next Month ,-- Note: Agenda All Agenda Times-Including Public Comment Period and Meeting Completion Time--Are Subject to Change Sunday, June 11,2000 1:00 - 5:00 2:00 - 5:00 MaI'lufacturedJPrototype Buildings Ad Hoc Partnership for Building Departments Monday, June 12, 2000 - 8:00 -12:00 8:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 12:00 12:00 12:00 1:00 - 3:00 1:00 - 3:00 1:00 - 3:00 3:00 - 6:00 Product Approval Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Accessibility Code Review Accessibility T AC Lunch Threshold Inspector Certification Committee Code Dissemination Ad Hoc Joint Building Fire TAC Plumbing T AC Plans Review Ad Hoc .._,,....- ~......--..,,-- r- Tuesday, June 13, 2000 9:00 - 12:00 Accessibilitv Advisorv Council . . 8:00 8:05 8:10 8:15 8:30 9:00 10:00 10:15 10:45 10:55 11:05 11:15 11:45 - Welcome, Introductions Review and Approval of Agenda and Minutes (April and May) Approve/Affirm Ad Hoc and Committee Reports Reviewed at ylay's Meeting Review and Approve Updated Workplan and Ad Hoc Committee Schedule Rule Development Workshop for Implementing Legislative Directive Regarding Criteria for Reviewing Amendments and Modifications to the FBC Review, Approval, and Proceed with Rule Adoption of Criteria for Reviewing Amendments and Modifications to the FBC Break Discussion of Project to Identify Transition Training Requirements for the FBC and Develop Training Delivery Program Threshold Inspector Committee Report and Recommendations Code Dissemination Ad Hoc Report and Recommendations Manufactured/Prototype Buildings Ad Hoc Report and Recommendations Accessibility T AC Report and Recommendations Update on Proposed Amendments/Changes to Building Code Rule for July Consideration 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Consideration of Accessibility Waiver Applications 2:00 Partnership for Building Departments Report and Recommendations 2:10 Plans Review Criteria Ad Hoc Report and Recommendations 2:20 Product Approval Ad Hoc Progress Report 2:30 Plumbing TAC Report and Recommendations 2:40 Legal Staff Reports: Declaratory Statement & Accessibility Waiver Appeal. 2:45 Review.Committee Assignments for June's Commission Meeting 2:50 Summary and Review of Meeting Work Products 3:00 Adjourn - ... ...~"--:-,"C~-_. ".- AGENDA ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COUNCIL Clarion Plaza Hotel 9700 International Drive Orlando, Florida June 13,2000 9:00 A.\1.- 12:00 PM June 13,2000 1 :00 PM.- 2:00 PM (Commission Consideration of Waiver .-\pplic:uions) This Meeting Is Open To The Public I. Call to Order ...........,............,.,...........,............,.,........................,...,.......Barbara Bernhart ., Review of Minutes of the 4/6/00..............................................................Barbara Bernhart o. Review of Request for Waivers from Accessibility Requirements. I. Liberty Baptist Church 2451 Dora Avenue Tavares, FL ~ Paradise Beach Resort 333 South Atlantic Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32 I IS - 3, Graiidview Condominium 100 Monaco Street Destin, FL 32541 4, The Miami Children's Museum 3205 SW First Avenue Miami, FL 33133 5. South East Cutlery Service 407 E. Prospect Road Ft. Lauderdale. FL 33334 6. Westview Terrace Apartments 12501 NW 27" Avenue Miami, FL 33167 7, Melting Pot Restaurants. Inc. 8810 Twin Lakes Blvd. Tampa, FL 8. Sacred Heart School 5752 Blanding Boulevard Jacksonville, FL 32244 - 9, Gunther Motors 1660 South State Rd. i Ft. Lauderdale FL ,-- 10. Monsignor Edward Pace Higb School 15600 NW 32,d Avenue Miami, FL 11, City of Miami Beach North Shore Park Youth Center & Gymnasium 50 I n,d Street Miami Beach, FL 12, City of Miami Beach Scott Rakow Youth Center 2i00 Sheridan A venue Miami Beach, FL 4. Miscellaneous Discussion 5. Adjourn ,-- r- ..".-.-.-.,.,.....- r- ACCESSIBILITY ADV1S0RY COUNCIL April 10, :WOO Vice-Chairman Warren Jernigan called the meeting to order at 9: 10 A.~!. ~[ Ll}e Sheraton Orlando North Hotel in Maitland. :v!embers present were /Vir. Jernigan, Torn Nicholson, .-\ngel Watson and Ricardo Oliver. StarT present were Mary Kathryn Smith and Kathy Butler. Review of Requests for Waivers from Accessibility Requirements. R/C Theatres 10 Screen at Ocean Walk Village: Gary Jarvis represented the ~ppiicant. which was requesting a waiver from providing vertical accessibility to all levels oi stadium seating in a movie theater complex. Seatlng was provided in all three zones in each theater and companion seats were designed :0 accompany each accessible wheelchair $pate. .-\11 accessible seats have sight lines less than 30 degrees. Ms. Watson complimented Mr, Jarvis on his proposed design and moved to recommend granting the waiver as presented. Following a second by Mr. Nicholson. the vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of the motion. Regal Cinemas 16 at Kendall Village Center: Mr. Jernigan recognized Mr. LaWTence Corley and Mr. Rodney Sartain, who represented the applicant. The project is a 16 theater movie complex. and the,applicant requested a waiver from providing vmical accessibility to all levels ..- of seating. Seating in more than zone B has been designed only in auditoriums seating more than 300 persons. Required compa.l1.ion seating was indicated and the sight lines were less than 30 degrees in wheelchair designated locations. Ms. Watson moved to recommend granting the request for Theater design A, a!ld to deny for designs B-F. Mr. Oliver seconded the motion and the vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of it. The Lung Center: Mr. Jemiga:l recognized DT. Robm Fasoli representing the applicanL which was requesting a waiver from providing vertical accessibility to an 854 square foot second floor alteration, Tne proposed alteration is for three private doctors offi=., and the applicant affirmed that no patients would be treated in those areas. Tne cost of the a1teration'is $13,500, excluding a $42,000 sprinkler system, Ms. Watson questioned whether the Commission had jurisdiction to grant a waiver of this narure in the office of a health care provider. Following discussion, Mr, Nicholson moved to recommend granting the request, provided a platiorm lift or stair lift system is installed, !vis. Watson seconded LfJe motion., and the vote cfthe Council was unanimous in favor the:eof. Liberty Baptist Church: The applicant :14uested a waiver from providing vmical accessibility to four classrooms on the second floor of a church facility. The second floor was originally constructed as a shell above the sancruary below. and is now being finished because of cl1urch growth. T.1e building official concluded that these classrooms are a place of public accorrJrlodation.. and are subject tot he provisions of the accessibility code. Tne project is expected to cost 560,000 and estimates provided indicated that a lift would cost between ~ 530,.000 and $35,000. Toilet facilities serving the proposed classrooms are not accessible. Ms, Watson moved to recommend denying the request, and was seconded by Mr. Oliver. The vote of -'~':.;.":,;.~;;. --.~~~ -,~.~.. .- -. --_.~ _"_J' -'- ->--~_.-...~ r- occupancy load greater than five persons,eliminaung c.'1e possibility of uSing the starutory exemption for vertical accessibility. She moved to recoffilnend der:ying the request. Following a second by Mr. Oliver, L'1e vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of the :TIonon. 200 Carillon Building: ~Ir. Stephen Churnbris and :vIr. Rober: Tims represented the applicant which requested a waiver from providing vertical accessibility to the second level of a proposed two story parking garage. The applicant staled that accessible parking was aire:JCy provided at a ground level parking lot. and accesslble llarking had not beer: designed for tlle garage itself. No direct access from the parking garage to the building it serves has been provIded. Mr Nicholson questioned whether the reqUIred 98 inch clearance ~"1l0 the garage on the first level had been provided. Mr, Stated that as designed, the garage wouid not have the required clearance, since they felt the adjacent parking lot spaces :=re surncientto comply with the code. yIr. Nicholson and )'fs. \Vatson concurred that if covered parking were available to the general public, comllarnble parking must be provided for persons ",ith disabilities and thai the required entry clearance must be constructed to accommodate conversion vans, Mr. Nicholson moved to recommend denying the request and was seconded bv yls, Watson Tne vote of the Council was unanimous in favor thereof: .-- The Miami Children's Museum::<o one was present representing the applicant, which was requesting a waive from providing vertical accessibility to all rows of sealing in a rerractable bleacher system. The area in question is a multi..use room that will be reconfigured depending on the nwnber of panicipants and type of activity. The overaJl seating p Ian may be modified depending on the specific use of L'1e room at a given time, The applicant indicated that accessible seating wiiJ be provided at the floor level il1'unediately adjacrnt to the bleachers a weJl as in the acceSSible projection. .\Is. Watson moved to defer consideration and obtain additional information from the applicant abOUI the bleacher system. Mr. Nicholson seconded the motion, md the vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of it. Outback Sporo: No one was present representing the applicant, which was requesting v~cal ac~~sibilit"J to por.able skyboxes. T:J= sicT..,oxe:; ~ se-: up for t=porary use at = t;'3cks, golf tournaments and are used as corponte hospitality centers. Tnree designs were submined for s~xes having 21,33 and 45 persons respectively. The application indicated that each building has theater style searing and a unisex toilet room. The buildings will be installed from.. to 12 feet above the ground. No means of vertical accessibility were addressed, a:ld Ms. \VaDon moved to ~ccmmend de::ying: the application. ?v1r. Oliver seconded the motio!'l_ and the vote of the Council was unani...nous in favor thereof. Southridge Park Bleachers: :vIs, Lissene P. Martinez and Mr. Rog~ Cronkright Represented the applicant. which was requesting a waiver from providing vertical accessibility to all 15 rows ofbieacher seats in a new, 5260,000 facility that will seat 1.545 pe:sons. ..i.ccessibility h:!S beer: fJrovlded via ramp to L"te first row of seats. The principal use of the seats will be spectatolO at hig..,:: school sporting e',ents. T.le applicant stated that the bleacher manufacturer indicated that to reduce ramp slope to facilitate access to the upper levels would cost 554,000 and reduce the number of seats provided. She stated that since the bleachers were being purchased by Miami Dade County P:u-Ic.s and Recreation. the cost was a specific allocatioo - the Council was unanimous in favor of the motion. Southeast Cutlery Service: :VIs. Smith advised the Council that the applicant requested that consideration of its application be deferred unol the June meeting. Paradise Beach Resort: Tne applicant requested a waiver from providing vertical accessibility to a stairway used to access the beach from a hotel. The proposed stair from the swimming pool deck to the beach is a replacement for a beach access stair that was desiToyed by Hurricane Floyd. The height of the stair is approximately eight feet. The applicant stated that it is not feasible to provide a ramp from LfJe top of the seawall to the beach, Its length would be prohibitive and a sold landing cannot be provided at the beach level. The stair is estimated to cost approximately $4,800. Action on the request was deferred until the June meeting to obtain additional information from the applicant. ~ Holy Cross Lutheran Dayc3re: Rev, Paul Hoyer and Mr. Greg Nielsen represented the applicanL which was requesting a waiver for water clo~t and grab bar heights for a proposed daycare center in the children's unisex r=-ooms and for sinks installed in classrooms, The request is based on safety for the children, who would be in danger if they were required to use water closets and lavatories installed at heights suitable for adults. Tne applicant stipulated that irthe request were granted, the toilet facilities would be designed and constructed in conformance with federal 36 CFR Part 1191, "Guidelines for building elements designed for children's use". Mr. Nicholson moved to recommend granting the waiver. and follo\\'ing a second by Ms. Watson. l11e vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of it. Grandview Condominium: Ms. Smith reported that the applicant could not be present. and recounted a telephone conversation she had with Mr, Robert Shelton. The project is an existing 16 unit condominiu!Tl. The owners requested a waiver to allow them to remove an existing wheelchair lift at the p<l<)l deck. The ocean salt spray generated by the adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico is not conducive to using mechanical equipment, which quickly rusts and ':;~crnes unusable. Tne Pl~ ,y owners have already had to rep~ the lift onc:, and Mr. Shelton reported Ll)at it was impossible to maintain, Following brief discussion. Ms. Watson moved to recommend denying the request. and was seconded by Mr. Oliver. The vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of the motion. ~ Tepper Aviation: Mr. Scott Sder and Mr. John Snell represented the applicant. which was requesting a waiver from providing ';ertical accessibility to a 6,200 square foot me"'..zanine office area in a commercial airplane hangar. The building consists of 66,030 square feet which includes ~8,OOO square feet for airplane storage and I!. 760 square feet for a shop and shipping and receiving facilities in addition to L'Je m=anine, Mr, Eder stated that Tepper Aviation is a C:lrgo iTansport operation and based on FAA regulations is prohibited from carrying passengers: therefore. no members ofLfJe public visit the facility. Tepper employs 23 people, 13 of whom work at the facility, and 1 C are r1ight crew members. He said the offices used by the pilots on the mezzanine are occupied periodically by no more than one pilot at time for no longer than two hours. Those offices do not constitute permanent places or employment. Ms. Watson pointed out that the Okaioosa County Building Official noted that the mezzanine has the capacity for an Y'.'-.'..--~ r- ~ - and additional funds were not available. :Yls. Watson comme;ued that she felt it was li7lperative to have accessible seating in more than one level. and moved to recommend denymg the reque5l. ~Ir. :-.Iicholson seconded the motion. Tne vote oi the Council was unanimous !n ravor or iL Regal Cinemas at Kendall Village: Mr. J e:nigan recognized Mr La"'Tence Coriey, who asked that the Council reconsider previous :lCtion taken on the Regal Cinemas a1Jplic:ltion, :vir. Nicholson moved to reconsider. and was seconded by ~ls. \1./at50n. Tne vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of the motion. :vir. Ccriey reoorted that he had consulted with his office, and concluded that it would be possible to provide seating in zones A & B in theater types 3 & c. Seating in all zones could be achieved in u'1e 0, E & F u'1eate:>. Following review oi the modified plans, as submitted, NIr Nicholson moved to recommend granting the request. He was seconded by Ms. Watson. and the vote of the Counc;] was unanimous in iavor of the motIon. Review of :'1linutes: .';lr. Jernigan asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes oi the December 6, 1999 meeting. Ms Watson moved to approve the minutes as published, and was seconded by Mr, Nicholson. Tne Vote on the motion was unanimous in favor of the motion. He then asked the same about the minutes of the February l-l, 2000 meeting. Mr. Nicholson moved to approve the minutes, and following a second by \Is. Watson. the vote of the Council was unanimous in ravor thereof. Report of Accessibility TAC: Mr. Jernigan recognized :vIr. Richard Browdy. Chairman of the Commissioft's Technical Advisor; Commirtee, .';ir, Browdy reported on the TAC meeting that was held the previous day. He said :hat the TAC discussed at length issues pertaining to ve:cical accessibility apipicabiliry, cu.-b r3.rnps and parking waive:>. He commented 1h3.t the T AC was very concerned that there are vaca:lcies on the Council. and that attendance in recent months has been poor. The TAC plans to recommend that L'1e Corrm1ission Chairma:l ask the Secre1ar-J clthe Department of Community Affairs to make all appointments nec~ssary to bring the Council membership up to a full complement that can adequately repr~sent the interests of oersons with, disabilities.. He said tIle Council might want to also consider recommending 3. , . - change to t..1;.e le2isiation &ill! woule ~~~vide for an a.ite:naIe for each Council member in the - . event the members are unable to attend, M..r. Nicholson moved :0 support the appoinonent of ail needed vacancies<:lr replacements on the Council and the Commission. Ms. Watson seconded the motion. and the Vote oflhe Council was unanimous in favor oiit. Ms. Watson moved to recommend that the Secretary review the attendance record of all Council members over the past y~:-~ and co~.sider :.-::)laci.:;g: 2J1Y rne:no-:r ".l/no had. missed. rJ:r::e c':' mere meetings, regardless of the reason. Following a second by Mr. :-.Iicholson. the Vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of L'le motion. Mr, Browdy concluded his report by stating that the TAC intended to recoITJ.!nend L'lat Commission Chairman appoint an adjunct member to the CommiSSIon, a person WHh a disability since Dr. Diana Richardson had been unable to oa:"ticinate for the oast seven] . .. . r:1Dnths because of family iih1ess. T:'~e being no Ew-J:e: business to cor::e before the Council. ~be meeting ac.jou=-::e~ J: 11:55 A.M. r- - ,-- ST^TE OF FLORIO^ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home" lEB BUSH Govemor STEV'EN M. SEIBERT 5ec':"el:arv MEETING OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING COMMISSION PLENARY SESSION Apri110,2000 PENDING APPROVAL The meeting of the Florida Building Commission was called to order by Chairman Raul Rodriguez at 1 :03 p.m" on Monday, April 1 0,2000, at the Sheraton Orlando North Hotel, Orlando, Florida. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Raul Rodriguez, Chairman Richard Browdy Karl Thorne Leonard Lipka Christ Sanidas John Calpini George Wiggins Francisco Quintana Craig Parrino Michael McCombs Peggy Harris Medard Kopczynski Jim Mehltretter Bob Leonard Steven Bassett Suzanne Marshall Dan Shaw BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Dr. Diana B. Richardson Stephen Corn . Harold Covey Sam Walthour Nick D'Andrea OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Dixon, Executive Director. Ila Jones, Prog. Administrator Jim Richmond, Legal Advisor Jeff Blair, FCRC 2555 SHUMARD O^K BOULEVARD. TALLAHAssee, flORIDA 3239'-2'00 Phone: 850.488.6466/$uncom 278.8466 FAX: 850.921 .0761/Suncom 291.0781 Internet ~ddress: http://www.dca.state.il.us ROllo... KtY5 "'- of Cnliul SQte Conc-e'rl r.ed 0Mce 27"J6o.-l-lltt'o-v,Suillt212 ~~. F1on~ ))0'>>2':27 ,-- Plenary Session Minutes April 1 0, 2000 Page 2 WELCOME. INTRODUCTIONS Chairman Rodriguez opened with asking for discussion or corrections to the minutes from the March 13, 2000 Commission meeting. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES Mr. Browdy motioned for approval of the March 13, 2000 Florida Building Commission meeting minutes, Mr. Lipka seconded the motion. Vote to approve the minutes was unanimous. Motion carried. Mr. Jeff Blair conducted a facilitated review of the meeting agenda. (See Facilitator's Report Attachment.) Mr. Lipka motioned to approve the meeting agenda. Mr. Quintana seconded the motion. Vote to approve the meeting agenda was unanimous. Motion carried, ,-- PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Clifford Killinasworth, Certified Pest Control Ooerator & Certified General Contractor Mr, Killingsworth read a prepared report. (See Killingsworth Environmental Apri/6, 2000 Attachment.) Q&A Mr. Wiggins asked Mr. Killingsworth to identify the specific section of the Code to which he objected concerning termite protection. Mr. Killingsworth stated that he had prepared a written statement including the Section 18-16 siting soil treatment as termite prevention, which he believed could be misinterpreted by enforcement officials in the future. Mr. Pete Billinas, Buildina Code Consultant, Sarasota, Florida Mr. Billings presented comment from a prepared report. ,-- Mr, Joe Belcher , ..----,....~-....--.~- ,-- Plenary Session Minutes April 1 0, 2000 Page 3 Mr, Belcher offered comment from a prepared speech. Mr. Dennis Braddy, Executive Director of Architectural Manufacturer's Association of Florida (AMAF) Mr. Braddy opened with stating his Association was still in support of a product approval system and that if there was not going to be a product approval system leaYing the system as it is would be fine as well. Mr. Braddy stated that his Association was also in favor of ASCE 7-98 as it is written with impact seaward of the 120 mph line. Mr. Ed McAdam, Reaistered Professional Enaineer Mr. McAdam expressed concern from the agricultural community regarding adherence of all agricultural buildings to the storage building classification, which appears throughout the Code. He stated that in the rural community it would mean exit lights for chicken coops, passenger doors for chicken coops, etc. Mr. McAdam stated that there was a law tharexempts agriculture outbuildings, but that the Code includes these buildings specifically. He suggested aclear understanding in the Code so there is no misunderstan"ding, OVERVIEW OF KEY TASKS ACCOMPLISHED BY COMMISSION Mr, Jeff Blair conducted a facilitated overview of accomplishments of the Florida Building Commission. He referenced page 10 of the Agenda Packet. (See Facilitator's Report Attachment.) OVERVH:W OF KEY REMAINING COMMISSION TASKS FOR 2000 DELIVERY Mr, Blair conducted a facilitated overview of the remaining tasks of the Florida Building Commission. He referenced page 11 of the Agenda Packet. (See Facilitator's Report Attachment.) OVERVIEW/REPORT ON KEY ISSUES FROM LEGISLATIVE SESSION ~ Mr. Rick Dixon presented a report outlining key issues from the legislative session. (See F/orida Building Codes Legislation Section- by-Section Summary Strike Everytl'llng Amendment to HB 219 and SB 380 Attachment and Wind-Borne Debris Region CS for S8 4 & SB 380 ,. ,-- Plenary Session Minutes April 1 0,2000 Page 4 Attachment. ) Mr. Dixon noted that the most significant change in the Senate 8ill is the definition of the Wind-Borne Debris Region, which has been changed from that adopted by the Commission for the Code, He stated that the Bill now accepts the Commission's recommendation of Wind- Borne Debris Region being defined for all regions at 120 mph and greater wind speeds, south of the 28'h parallel, which is a line running from Tampa to Melbourne. Below the line the region is all of the 120, 130, 140, 150, &160 mph wind-borne debris region, and that above the line the Senate Bill redefines the wind-borne debris region to be 5 miles from the coast on the Eastern coast, from Melbourne to the Georgia border; on the west coast from Tampa north to the big bend, within 3 miles of the coast; then from that point to the Alabama border the region would be 1 mile from the coast. ,-- Mr. Dixon stated that there were other changes in the Senate Bill, which were outlined in the report distributed to members of the Commission. ' Q&A Mr. Kopczynski asked who the sponsor of the amendments on issuing permits based on Engineer or Architect affidavits. Mr. Dixon responded that the sponsor was Senator Sebesta and the Associated General Contractors (AGC) requested the amendments, Mr, Tho.me inquired about the amendment allowing counties to amend the Code without supervision from the Florida Building Commission and commented that it seems to undermine the authority of the Commission. He expressed concern abcut the communication between the county officials and the Commission, Mr. Dixon stated that Senator Clary sponsored the amendment allowing counties to make amendments to the Code. Mr, Browdy inquired about sunset provisions, ~ Mr, Dixon stated that there are no sunset provisions, He furthered that current law requires that the Commission review local amendments and take a positive action to either adopt or rescind, ,-- Plenary Session Minutes April 10, 2000 Page 5 There is no automatic sunset. Mr. Dixon stated that an impacted party would still have the right to appeal the local amendment first to the countywide board, and then to the Commission. Mr. Dixon stated that there are four criteria that local amendments must meet; 1) they have to be more restrictive; 2) they cannot discriminate against products, materials. or methods of construction; 3) they must be adopted through a public open process; and 4) they must be accompanied by a cost-impact statement. Mr. Blair offered a brief review and report covering the following agenda items: Annual Assessment and Task Planning Workshop Review of Commission's Assessment Survey Results Review of Consolidated Tasks/Issues Identified by Commission Review of Key Tasks/Issues Identified by Commission IdentifyAdditional Tasks Issues for Workplan Review and Refinement of Draft 2000-2001 Workplan Approve Refined Commission Workplan for 2001' Legislative Session Delivery Discuss Integrating Legislative Tasks/Issues into Workplan (See Florida Building Commission, Effectiveness Assessment and Key Tasks for 2000 Commission Survey Results Attachment.) Discussion Mr. Bassett noted that Task Q has an action item that is not on the agenda. Mr, Blair stated that Ms. Doppel, the copyright attorney, was unable to attend the meeting and was taken off the agenda, Mr. Parrino requested that a written report be submitted to the Commission when the copyright attorney cannot attend the meeting. Mr. Parrino put his request in the form of a motion, Mr, Bassett seconded the motion, Vote in favor of the motion was unanimous. Motion carried. - Mr. Lipka motioned for approval of the additional tasks and - Plenary Session Minutes April 10, 2000 Page 6 issues for the workplan. Vote in favor of the motion was unanimous. Motion carried. APPROVE EDUCATION TRAINING SUPPORT PROGRAMIPROCESS FOR THE FBC Mr. Blair conducted a facilitated discussion regarding the Education Training Support Program process. (See Facilitator's Report Attachment and Proposed Building Code Education System Development- Timelines and Key Tasks Attachment.) Mr, Lipka motioned to approve the Education System Development proposal. Mr. Browdy seconded the motion, Vote to approve the Education System Development proposal was unanimous. Motion carried. ~ Chairman Rodriguez offered comment that it would be beneficial for the Commission to continue to work with Florida Conflict Resolution Consortium (FCRC) on the education system development plan. He furthered that FCRC should also continue to work with the Commission on the monthly meetings. Chairman ROdriguez stated'that he had sent a letter to Commissioner Seibert to that effect. AMEND DECISION PROCEDURES FOR NOTICING A CHANGE TO THE CODE (AMENDMENTS) Mr, Blair conducted a facilitated discussion regarding the decision procedures for Noticing a change to the Code. He referenced page 36 of th~ Agenda Packet. (See Facilitator's Report Attachment and Commission Decision Procedures for Deciding Whether to Re- Not;ee Chanae the Florida Building Code Rule Attachment.) Mr. Mehltretter motioned approval decision procedures for amendments to the Code. Mr. Thorne seconded the motion. Vote in favor of the motion was unanimous, Motion carried. ACCESSIBILITY TAC REPORT ~ Mr, Browdy offered a report fr.::lm the Accessibility TAC. He stated that members of the TAC participated in the following discussions: 1) a January 5'h letter from Suzanne Schmith to Sonny Sutherland dated , . -....~1.-.....--,-~ r- Plenary Session Minutes April 10, 2000 Page 7 January 5,2000, regarding opinions with respect to disproportionate costs; 2) the outcome of the discussion resulted in a request for counsel present to bring back to the T AC examples of what the new memoranda means with respect to disproportionate costs; 3) and that the previous opinions regarding disproportionate costs were no longer applicable, that the Commission moved to reinstate the pre-1997 decision regarding disproportionate costs by the applicable required means, Mr. Browdy stated that no action was required by the Commission. Mr, Browdy stated that while the TAC is waiting for counsel to get back to them with examples, but that it was the opinion of the TAC that the disproportionate costs waiver criteria was important and if it has been narrowed or diminished, it should be reinstated by the Commission to its pre-1997 opinion and position. -- Mr. Browdy furthered that other issues discussed were curb ramps on requ'ired means of egress. He stated that there was a discrepancy between the Accessibility Code and the FJorida Statutes requiring that curb ramps which are part of a required means of egress be not less than 44-inches. Mr, Browdy stated that DCA staff had been asked to examine the issue and make recommendations at the May meeting, Mr. Browdy continued stating that there was discussion regarding parking waivers, i.e., transferring authority from s.316-1955 to Chapter 553 Florida Statutes. He stated that the TAC recommended that Florida Statut.es be revised to allow for a reduction in the number of parking spaces required by local ordinance to accommodate the 12- feet accessible parking space and 5-feet access aisle with requirements, Mr, 8rowdy commented that the discussion ensued around not waiving the required Florida parking width of an accessible space. He furthered that it was determined that on existing construction, if [it] cannot be waived, that the Commission use its position to require local ordinances to waive the number of required spaces in order to comply with the Florida-specific requirement for accessible space. ,-- Mr, Browdy then stated that the TAC discussed the appointment of a working group to examine the Accessibility Code for inconsistencies and develop a list of technical inconsistencies to be - Plenary Session Minutes April 10, 2000 Page 8 addressed as the Code progresses, He announced that the individuals appointed to that working group are: Angel Watson; Jeff Gross, Architect; Dean Perkins, DOT; and the DCA legal and technical staff. Mr. Browdy reported two additional items with respect to the Accessibility Advisory Council membership. He expressed concern that the attendance of the Advisory Council membership had been poor. He noted that one reason is that a number of the members had been experiencing health problems or have had family members with health problems, Mr. Browdy expressed that the TAC as well as the Council would request that the Secretary of the Department of Community Affairs take appropriate action to fill all vacancies currently existing; to re-evaluate 553.512, f.s. stipulating the type of representation on the Council; and additionally appoint alternate members for each appointed Council member to ensure adequate representation at the Council meetings. .-- Mr. Browdy stated further that the Council had discussed Dr. Richardson's~s husband's health problems leaving her unable to attend Commission meetings for the last six months. He expressed sincere condolence at the death of her Husband on behalf of tne Council. He suggested that when a member of the Commission, the only member representing the disabled community, is unavailable to attend for three or more meetings, that the Chairman of the Florida Building Commission appoint to the Commission a non-voting adjunct member of the disabled community, to advise the Commission on the rights and concerns of the disabled in the absence of the duly appointed Commission member. Mr. Thorne motioned to approve the Accessibility TAC report. Mr, Wiggins seconded the motion, Vote to approve the Accessibility report was unanimous. Motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF ACCESSIBILITY WAIVER APPLICATIONS Mr, Browdy introduced Mr. Tom Nicholson to carry the Commission through the Accessibility Waiver applications ,-- Mr. Nicholson provided the Commission with a list of applicants requesting Waivers from Accessibility Requirements, r- Plenary Session Minutes April 10, 2000 Page 9 Mr. Nicholson stated that the Council had three items deferred: Item 5, South East Cutlery, deferred at the request of the applicant; Item 6, Paradise Beach Resort, deferred by Council for more information; and Item 11, The Miami Children's Museum, deferred by Council for more information. The Council approved the following items: Item 1, R/C Theaters 10 Screen at Ocean Walk Village, approved unconditionally by Council; Item 3, The Lung Center, approved provided the petitioner use a chair-lift to access the second floor; and Item 7, Holy Cross Lutheran Daycare, approved subject to compliance with the kiddy code, ~ Ms, Butler recommended that each item be voted by the Commission separately to be include.d in the Final Ord:r. Mr. Wiggins motioned to approve the Council recommendations to approve items #1, R/C Theaters 10 Screen at Ocean Walk Village and #3, The Lung Center. Mr, Thorne seconded the motion. Vote to approve Council recommendations was unanimous. Motion carried. Chairman Rodriguez called for action on item #7, Holy Cross Lutheran Daycare. Mr, Browdy stated that Item 7 had three specific issues requiring the toilets and grab bars in the single unisex restroom of each classroom below the heights required by Florida Accessibility Code. Mr. Quintana motioned to approve the Council's recommendation with respect to toilets and grab bars. Mr, Wiggins seconded the motion. Vote in favor of motion was unanimous. Motion carried. Mr, Browdy stated that the second issue was to mount the sinks in the classroom at 24-inches high rather than the required 27-inches. ,-- Mr. Shaw motioned for approval of the height variance. Mr. Wiggins seconded the motion. Vote in favor of the motion was - ,'--,~ .--:-:-:-:7~ ,-- Plenary Session Minutes April 10, 2000 Page 10 unanimous. Motion carried. Mr, Browdy stated the third issue which would allow the rear grab bar at the toilet to be 24-inches high rather than required in 4.1,6.7. Mr, McCombs motioned for approval of the grab bar height variance, Mr. Parrino seconded the motion. Vote in favor of the motion was unanimous. Motion carried, Mr. Browdy then stated that the deferred items, i.e., Item 5, Item 6, and Item 11, Mr, Parrino motioned to approve deferrals. Mr. McCombs seconded the motion. Vote in favor of the motion was unanimous. Motion carried. .- Mr. Nicholson brought before the Commission the first item recommended for denial by the Council, i.e., Item 2. Regal Cinemas at Kendal Villag'e Center. He stated that the Council voted to accept auditorium A, but denied the other auditorium waivers, Mr. Larry Corley offered comment on changes that Regal Cinemas had made after the Council meeting. He stated that copies of the proposed changes were being made and requested to be placed at the end of the agenda so the Commission members could have a copy before them for their decision-making process. Mr. Nicholson brought Item #4, Liberty Baptist Church, before the Commission f~r action. He noted additional space was needed for the congregation and a day school, and that the restrooms did not meet current Code requirements. Mr. Shaw asked why Item #4 did not fall under the exemption. Mr, Browdy responded that there was an opinion by Mr. Bragg with respect to exemption for churches, that the only exemption was the sanctuary. He stated that the essence of this waiver is whether or not the church would use the school facility for church members only, or if it were open to the public for day school. ,-- Mr. Nicholson stated that the added facility would be dual purpose, ~-I"""""::~'~~ - Plenary Session Minutes April 10, 2000 Page 11 Mr, Sanidas motioned for deferment until a representative from Liberty Baptist Church could be present or more information can be provided, Mr. McCombs seconded the motion. Vote in favor was unanimous. Motion carried, Mr. Browdy brought Item 8, Grandview Condominium, where a resting lift is the issue before the Commission. Mr. Nicholson stated that the lift had to be replaced because it was inoperable. The Council's recommendation was for denial. Mr, Mehltretter motioned for approval of the Council's recommendation to deny. Mr. Sanidas seconded the motion. Vote in favor of the motion was unanimous. Motion carried. Mr, Nicholson brought Item 9, Tepper Aviation, before the Commission for action. He stated the Council's recommendation was to deny the request for waiver. - Mr. Thorne motioned to approve the Council's recommendation to deny the request for waiver, Mr, Lipka seconded the motion. Vote in favor of the motion was unanimous, Motion was carried, Mr. Brcwdy introduced Item 10,200 Carillon Building, which deals with parking spaces. Mr. Nicholson stated that the applicant was building a parking garage with an office adjacent to it, The applicant is seeking awaiver from vertical accessibility within the garage, Mr. Nicholson noted that the Council suggested there should be accessible parking within the first level of the garage, with a raised deck above it. Mr. Nichelson stated that the Council recommended to deny the request, Mr. Browdy commented that the petitioner argued that the concept of the ground parking meets the requirements of the Accessibility statute, as well as provides 72 more spaces than is required. Mr. Lipka motioned to approve the Council's recommendation to deny the request for waiver. Mr. Sanidas seconded the motion. r- Discussion ,.,.:._,.,--....,.....~- ~~~.~-...::..... ".- Plenary Session Minutes April 10,2000 Page 12 Mr. Corn offered a summary for clarification. He stated that the petitioner needed 1 00 parking spaces, provided 150, with all Accessible spaces on the first floor, and they're being penalized for providing additional parking, Mr. Bassett commented that according to the material provided, the parking garage is located next to a five-story building. He suggested that a ramp over to the second floor of the office building might be less costly than an elevator. Mr. Nicholson stated that it was unclear why there was a need for additional parking spaces, He furthered that it could have been a dispute between the developer and the city. Mr. Nicholson stated that the building was a speculative building. .~ Ms. Butler added that there was no accessible parking within the garage and that there is a vertical accessibility to all levels requirement,that applies to the garage as a building. Ms. Angel Watson, member of the Advisory Council, offered clarificaticn stating that the applicant pro'/ided fourteen accessible parking spaces, none of which were covered, i.e., inside the parking garage. Mr. Browdy commented that the petitioner agreed to provide accessible spaces en the first floor of the Qarage, He furthered tha~ there is a concern wnen a petitioner provide. more parking than necessary, creating a possible opportunity to expand their building in the future an-d use the non-accessible garage as required parking. Mr, Shaw asked for clarification as to whether a van can pull into the garage. Mr, Nicholson stated that vans could not clear in the plans as they were presented to the Council. Mr. Leonard suggested deferment until the garage could be redesigned with .,roper dimensions and signage for compliance, Mr. Kopczynski stated that 316 required the first floor parking ~ garages to sized in elevation to accept van., a. weH a. reQwti'ing tR.' all accessible spaces be on the first floor of the garage. He furthered ,-- Plenary Session Minutes April 10, 2000 Page 13 that the parking slopes present in most parking garages would not meet the requirements for accessible space. Mr. Mehltretter stated that after the applicant heard the discussion regarding the height of the garage, he did offer to raise the level to accept vans. Chairman Rodriguez interjected that the concern of the Commission in this case is that the required parking for disabled be provided under cover, Mr, Lipka commented that the petitioner was not meeting the criteria required for accessible parking and by denying the request for waiver, he can come back to the Commission for further consideration when he has restructured his design. ~ Chairman Rodriguez called for a vote on the motion to approve the Council's recommendation to deny the request for waiver. Vote resulted in fourteen in favor, and four opposed; Mr. Corn, Mr. Browdy, Mr. Parrino, and Mr. Shaw. Motion carried. Mr, Nicholson brought Item 12, Outback Sports, for action by the Commission. He stated there was no representation by the applicant. Mr. Nicholson stated that the Council recommended denial for the request. Mr. Sanidas motioned to approve the Council's recommendation to deny the request. Mr. Lipka seconded the motion, Vote in favor of the motion was unanimous. Motion carried, Mr, Nicholson brought Item 13, Southridge Park-Bleachers, before the Commission for action. He stated that it was a request from the Dade County Parks & Recreation Department for relief from the vertical accessibility to alllevels requirement for the installation of bleachers for this exterior sports facility, Mr. Nicholson stated that the Council's recommendation was to deny the request based on lack of clarity, ,-- Ms, Lisa Martinez, representing Miami-Dade Parks & Recreation Department, offered comment regarding the request for waiver, She stated that with regard to the requirement for more than one seating level for accessibility, she may not have been clear in her ,-- Plenary Session Minutes April 10, 2000 Page 14 presentation. Ms, Martinez stated that the budget of $260,000.00 would not support additional construction to the project. She added that the budget is tight and that construction in two phases would not be a possibility. Ms, Martinez stated that the bleachers are accessible. She furthered that the ADA office made two recommendations before approving the request. Ms. Martinez stated that the first recommendation was to provide two additional stairs in front oi the bleachers to ensure that circulation would not interfere with accessible seating. She continued that the second recommendation was to provide a letter from Parks & Recreation that no one would be permitted to stand in front of the accessible seating. Ms. Martinez stated that the Parks & Recreation department had agreed to the two recommendations. .~ Ms, Martinez stated that there were 1,545 seats available in the bleachers and that 18 accessible seats would be the requirement, however they had provided 20 accessible seats on the first row. Mr. Wiggins inquired whether the facility was a public facility and if it was under Title 2, and if the Commission had the authority to grant a waiver under Title 2, ADA requirements. Mr, Dixon stated that this was a Florida access issue. not a federal issue. Mr. Wiggins continued asking why a ramp couldn't be provided at one end of the-bleacher system, Ms. Martinez replied that a ramp could have been provided at one end of the bleachers but that it was not requested by ADA. Mr. Browdy commented that the bleachers are very long and ior egress purposes one ramp would be insufficient for that number of accessible seats, He furthered that disDersal should not only :Je defined as vertical, but also horizontal,' particularly on a playing field. Mr, Nicholson offered comment relating to the height issue. He stated that in some facilities the wheelchair seating makes it impossible to see most of the field because of team members on the field blocking the view. or because the height of the viewing area, ~ r- Plenary Session Minutes April 10, 2000 Page 15 Ms. Martinez responded that the team member issue had been addressed and the Parks & Recreation department had provided an area on the opposite side of the field for the teams, and that arrangement would be enforced. Mr, Bassett motioned to approve the Council's recommendation to deny the request. Mr. Lipka seconded the motion, Vote resulted in twelve favoring the motion, with six opposing the motion; McCombs, Browdy, Shaw, Harris, Corn, and Mehltretter. Motion carried. Mr, Browdy brought back before the Commission Item 2, Regal Cinemas at Kendal Village Center. for action. Mr. Corley representing Regal Cinemas, provided an illustration identifying the changes made to the accessible seating viewing areas and angles in the auditoriums which were not approved by the Council. Mr, Thorne motioned to approve the changes and grant the request for wa'iver. Mr, Lipka seconded the motion, Vote in favor of the motion was unanimous. Motion carried. PRODUCT APPROVAL AD HOC REPORT Mr, Mehltretter presented a report from the Product Approval Ad Hoc. (See Product Approval Ad Hoc Report Attachment.) Mr. Leonard entered a motion to approve the report. Mr. Wiggins seconded the motion, Vote for approval was unanimous. Motion carried. MANUFACTURED/PROTOTYPE BUILDINGS AD HOC REPORT Mr, Kopczynski offered a brief report of the Committee discussions, Mr. Wiggins motioned to approve the report. Mr. Lipka seconded the motion. Vote to approve was unanimous, Motion carried. PLUMBING TAC REPORT AND DECLARATORY STATEMENT .-- Mr, Shaw presented a report from the Plumbing TAC r Plenary Session Minutes April 10, 2000 Page 16 Mr. Lipka motioned to approve the Plumbing TAC report. Mr. Wiggins seconded the motion, Vote to approve the report was unanimous, Motion carried. Mr, Lipka then entered a motion to approve the declaratory statement. Mr. Parrino seconded the motion. Vote to approve the motion was unanimous. Motion carried, THRESHOLD INSPECTOR COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Mehltretter offered a report from the Threshold Inspector Committee. He stated that the following applicants had been approved by the Committe'e: Choon Hong Tan Robert Joseph Priolo Robert William Lutz ~ Mr. Lipka entered a motion to approve the Committees recommendation to approve the applicants. Mr. Corn seconded the motion. Vote to approve the Committee recommendations was unanimous. Motion carried. LEGAL STAFF REPORTS: DECLARATORY STATEMENT & ACCESSIBILITY WAIVER APPEAL Mr. Richmond offered a report on the Declaratory Statement and Accessibility Waiver Appeal. He stated that the Commission had already addre-ssed the only Declaratory Statement necessary. The Accessibility Waiver appeal is from Martin County which challenges a Commission waiver for theaters in the County. No action was required by the Commission. REVIEW COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS FOR MAY'S COMMISSION MEETING Mr, Blair conducted a facilitated review of the Committee assignments for May's Commission meeting. He referenced page 25 of the Agenda Packet. (See Facilitator's Report Attachment.) ,-- Mr, Dixon stressed the importance that the Commissioners understand that they cannot provide recommendations for amendments < -- Plenary Session Minutes April 10, 2000 Page 17 other than the issues raised by the public in the public comment forums. He furthered that a packet would be distributed including all the written comments which were submitted since the code rule adoption was Noticed. Mr. Dixon suggested if any Commissioners had questions or concerns to contact legal or technical staff, SUMMARY AND REVIEW OF MEETING WORK PRODUCTS ,-- Chairman Rodriguez offered a summary of today's meeting and a review of meeting work products. He stated that the Commission had reviewed the status of the Building Code bill, The Commission has conducted a Commission Assessment and Workplan Issues Identification Workshop. Chairman Rodriguez stated that the Commission had solicited public comment on the Commission action, and considered and decided upon Accessibility Waiver applications. He continued that the Commission had considered and approved the Education Training Support Program. Chairman Rodriguez stated that the Commission had heard a Product Approval Ad Hoc report, a Manufactured/Prototype Buildings Ad Hoc report, a Plumbing TAC report, and a Threshold Inspector Committee report. He furthered that legal staff had reported on the Declaratory Statement and Accessibility Waiver Appeal, and the Commission had reviewed committee assignments for May's Commission meeting, ADJOURN Chairman Rodriguez adjourned the meeting at 4:58pm, ,-- r A TT ACHMENT IV - ,-- .-r'. J U .'~- :;-00 T'JE 5: 2::1 PM r-o-:- F .~x ao. " - r- ~ "RMElLO-AJO\MIL a ,,,,, T PI E R. "II( C A III C II I , , C T " tII, . (.. I II ( I " I II. . ~ ~ .. II II , "ra . I II f t " 1 III II ,,(, I ,. . l A It f) , C . "( _. C M I , ( C T \l " Ii June 5, 2000 Via Fax/Mail Mr. Michcl Magloir. Capital Projccts Coordinator City of Miami Beach 1700 Conventlon Center Drive Mianli Beach, FI. 33139 RE: City of Miami Beach Parks North Shore Park GO Bond and l'ark Bond Pro&rams B&A l'roject No. 9753.101 Dear Michcl, We arc in receipt of your letter dated May 26, 2000, authorizing B&A to replace two of the hydro courts with hard surface tennis courts, remove the existing parking at the southwest area of the site and add a new fenccd-in basketball court. The-parking being removed is to be replaced \\ith angled street parking, As you know our ~ project schedulo callcdfor the completion of the construction documents by the eod of May, Given this ncw directivc and an appearance bcforethe State Accessibility Boardonlune 13, 2000, in ordcrto request a waiver from the requirement to pro,ide access to the pb)'sicaUy disabled to each level of the proposed bleacher seating at the ball fields and gymnasium, our new proj~t schedule is as follows: I, II. 1Il. IV. Complction of Construction Documents Permitting Bidding Construction Administration July 28, 2000 Aug, 1,2000-Scp, 19,2000 Sep. 21,2000-?{ov. 9,2000 ?{ov, 14, 2000-Jan. 8, 2002 We also request a clarification regarding the required work necessary to complete the on-street angled parking, Our currcnt contract is for on site work, any work bt}"Ond the on-site work is an additional service, We will pcrform all the design and docu1l1cntation work for the addition of the basketball court and hard surface telUlis cOllrts, however, we "ill not perform any work regarding theon-str~taJlgled parking until propcrc1arification is issued by tho City of :Miamj Beach, We arc available to discuss this item further at your earliest convenience. --") 'ttlt ernandcz Aida Curtis, C+R Jim Mock, B&A Project File 1I:IIJSERS'.R.~MllPARXS""'Ol\.:wd;"Wpd .- ;11' SOUTH IAVaRO'" DRIY! - 10TH PUIQR . MIAMI. fL 33151 . USA. 1.30,.8,t.2'" _ I'AX 1.385.1$....3. WWlIl'.lIll\laml.(om AAe.1~tt1Z.IIGCOlI.~t l.tfIC~"'_OKlt . ,- "--'~'''-''''--.-