Ad #396 Notice of Public Hearing 12/6/06 m .. -::. !\A1!\I\AI.BEf\CH 'lir C;'\.V, . ~- ~. ,:, "'.' . 'A' ..CITY OF MIAMI BEACH., . " NOTICE OF PuBLIC HEARING , " .:. " '", -'-~- .'." Robert E.ParCher, City Clerk ,City of Miami B.each / "...-<'_._'i.. -'__-:_'~___,_--:,-_ _ .:,_ .'._____ _',,', '.'-,:,>.,"";'>-,.-' __ ,','_":~ PUrsuanttoSeclloIl286.010$. Ffa._, the Cftyhereby edvlse8 the public that If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the CIty Cpmmjsaloo with respect to any matter COnskle~ at /18, meetlno or lis !learlng, such person must ensure that a verbatim reCClrd. of thePfO(:lledlngs .,. mede, wl!1ch racord includeS the testimony ind evidence upon whiCh the appeal is to be based. This notice 'dQti$ not const/tpte _nt by the Cftyfor the.liItroductlon,oradmJss/onQfClth8lWise Inadmlsslble or Irrelevant evidence, nor doeSlt~EIl~or:~8notot/1enf(lseallowedbyJaw.>, 'Y,...? ". " . - ':',,'-".:.",>< \-':->-.:-,:'"j, _:,' - -".' - ',. - - --."-~-- ---'-;~: " - -' ."- ',' --, . ToreqUltaf this' materia'iil ai:cesslble format, sign language Interpreblrs. lnformatiollon eccess for persons with disabilities, and/or any accoml1lC1d8lloh to review any docUment or Participate inanyclty-8PO/lSlIl'8d proceeding. please contecf (305) 604-2489 (voice), (30$) 673-7218 (TlY) five days '"advance to Initiate your request.m Ull8l81l18Y also CI!"711 (Fll)l1da Relay Service). Ad II3lI8 '..... . , . .. .' .ll9\)';)i!;;i{\t1lUhw ,V-j;.f,',(, I -------.-.--..-..-_....._--.__._,..._._~~---.... ----'"""""'-------.,-~- ~ ~.....; ~:I- ID' o o N ai a:: lil :E w > o Z >0:1 C3 In a:: :::l :r: .... i z: I' ! e "I:t ~ :r: :e "' :i: CD :l: GM1AMl BEf\CH ,_ _...... :"'., .;...... ,: .. .....: ',_ .~.o ...... ....... "",:' ,>,"'_' .. '. .. ',: ',: ',>: ,," ._..... :.:....:.. :, ',' ';', '_ .... ,', "0' .: _:..,0,:: ,;.: ':::- : ',-',' -i. .." : .. .. ",' .. .. '0. .. ___.. _,'_', .. -' _0 ..... .,,-.--.,......, ,_ .,....._ ...... -'0' .. ',. 'lir ',-: ., , '., 'CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ... . 'NOTICE OF PuBUC HEARING' ,'_" ....,..._........,..._....'. ,.,._,,_,', "",:-'/'.,C'S . NOTICE ts HEREBY GIVEN thita pubHc hearing, as rSqulr8d puraJaritto Section 255.20(1 O)(a)-(d) , Florida Statutes"wlll be held by the Mayor and City COmmission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, in the Commission Chambers, 3rdfloor,.CIty Hall, 1700 ConVention Center [)rlve, Miami Beach, Florida, on .' ~~,~~~!~J,at!O:-!5,.~h.':~~~~~~~.f9l'9~ng: .,".., " TO "CONSlOEtt WHETHEffiT IS IN THE PUBUC'S BesT INTEREST, TO WANf, BY 5I7THS VOTE, THE FORMAL COMPE11TlVE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS; AS PERMITTED 8YSECTION 2"~7(e) OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY . CODE, ANDING SUCH WANER. TO BEW THE ,BESIINTERESTOF THE. CITY, AND APPROVING AND AUTHORJZlNGTHE MAYOR AND CITY ClERICTO'EXECU1'E.AN AMENDMENT TO THE EXISTING DESIGN! BUILD AGREEMENlBETWEEN THE CITYOF MlAMIBEACH ANO'iOO:.MAN INTERNATIONAL, INC., FOR THE WASHINGTON AVENUE1MPROVEMEtlTS 'PHASEsn, W AND V STREETSCAPfANO UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT; SAID AMENDMENT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $12.036,370;()O, FOR TtiE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING '. ENGINEERING, UaBAN,. DESIGN,. ,lANDS~E ARCHlTECTURE,' . DESIGN PERMITTING, CONSTRUC11QN,"AND'CQNSTRUCTlON ADMINISTRATlON'SERVlCES, FOR .THE ADDITIONAL LUMMUS NEIGHBORHOOD ~IGHT~OF~WAY (ROW) IMPROVEMENTS, CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BID PACKAGE 10-B. . , .' .;);. ......... t ,.,\ ':.... '. . ....; ."',.':,,' <,.....' ", InqUiries concerning this meeting should be directed to the Capital Improvement Projects Office (CIP) at (305) ~73~7071,:, . , . " . ..' . ',. " ,;\ ,"". .., -" - .. ," Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk -..,,-~. - . 'Cltyof Miami B~_t3.Ch _ .::. :':,::.. .,':',::':",_::_', ,:.::_.:.::_:_,.::"_:.,,.,,:::,,-_:,:,,:-_,",,_:.,. ,",> ._' .:....'::._ ':,,', .. ',' -,:,:_..'_ coli Pursu&ntlIl.sectIori. 28l1.010$.FI8.S1al. the Cftyheteby advis1s the public 1J1at If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the CIty Comm\88lon with respect to any matter conside~ at 11& meetiov or ItS ~lJaring, suelr pel'$Oll. must ensure that a verbatim recQl'1! of the..~ ,. inade, which record includeS the testimony. indevldence upon which the appeal is to be based. This notlcedQes not CQnstltUt8 COO~11t by the CItY for theli'ltroductlonor admls8lon llf(.lthl!lWlse Inadmissible or Irrelevant evidence, nor oo.s It~~~~r~nototherwlse~l~dbYlaW.t",,',;i To requ$afthls'''lat8rlal in IICce8$ibIe format, sign languagel~reblrs. infol'lllatlClnon access for persons with disabilities. and/or 'any accOmlTlUdliUon to review any dOCUment or Participate lnany city-sponsored proceeding, please contact (305) 604-2489 (voice). (305) 67H218 (TTY) five days In edvance to Initiate your requeslm users may.also call 711 (FIorlda Relay Service). AdIl3ll8 ' ;./ , r~J, j -----'-... _.._------,----.-. _.__...........-~..........--_-..._..,,;.;;....---... <-~.- .~ ~~. <D. o o N oi 0:: w a:I :E w > o z ,,;~ c( o VI 0:: => ::t: ..... i t' ! ~ :!i ID ::t: '~ i: (Xl :t .....,J