Attachment 143 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~crN HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER ORIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 4s:9-t:o TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and DATE: June 7, 2000 Members of the City Commission FROM: Lawrence A. Levy 0. ~ City Manag~ SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS FOR, AND APPROVING AMENDMENT NO.4, IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,867, TO THE ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AGREEMENT WITH ROBERT A. M. STERN ARCHITECTS, FOR THE CULTURAL CAMPUSIREGIONAL LIBRARY PROJECT, FOR ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SERVICES ON THE PHASE I AND PHASE II OF THE STREETS CAPE PORTION OF THE PROJECT. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: r Adopt the Resolution. FUNDING: Funding will be provided by the City Center Redevelopment Agency (RDA) and reimbursed from the General Obligation Bond Fund for the Streetscape when it becomes available. ANALYSIS: On September 23, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 98-22904, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the firm of Robert A. M. Stem Architects (Stem) for the architectural and engineering design of a Regional Library, a 400-space Parking Garage and a Master Plan for Park and Streetscape Improvements in the area surrounding Collins Park. On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of approximately $92 million in General Obligation (GO) Bonds. The proposed and recommended improvements included $1,800,000 for a complete renovation of Collins Park, and for completion of the Streetscape surrounding the Cultural Campus, which includes the Regional Library, the Bass Museum and the Miami City Ballet building. r AGENDA ITEM LtM_ G-j-OO DATE r On January 12,2000, the Mayor and City Commission approved awarding a contract to Homestead Concrete and Drainage, Inc. for the construction of Phase I of the Streetscape design included in the Stern Master Plan previously approved. The Administration is now requesting approval of Amendment No.4, in the amount of $26,867, to the agreement with Stern, and appropriation of the funds, for the construction administration portion of the Streetscape Phase I and Phase II. The scope of work includes permitting assistance, shop drawing reviews, payment applications review and approval, answering requests for information, analyzing requests for proposals and site visits. The fee also includes $2,900 for reimbursable expenses. It is recommended that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the resolution approving Amendment No.4, in the amount of $26,867, and appropriating the funds for the construction administration portion of the Streetscape Phase I and Phase II. Funds will be provided by the Redevelopment Agency to be reimbursed from the General Obligation Bond Fund for the Streetscape when it becomes available. r ~ RM.UlBAPR04.wPO Attachments r- ._--,~.,-I... r' Amendment No.4, dated June 7 , 2000, to Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Architect 1997 Edition (AlA B141-1997) between Owner, The City of Miami Beach, and Architect, Robert A.M. Stem Architects; In accordance with the Agreement, dated as of Januarv 16. 1999 The Owner has made the following revisions to the description of the Project: The fees for additional services for the construction administration of the Miami Beach Cultural Campus Streetscape, Phases I and II shall be based on the following scope of services: /'" Bid & Contract Ne~otiation Phase Services for Phase II onlv: I. Pre-Bid Phone Conference 2. Responding to Bidders' Inquiries and Preparing Addenda Construction Administration Services for Phases I and II: I. Review and Approval of Shop Drawings and Submittals for general conformance with infonnation given in the Contract Documents. Responding to Contractor Requests for Infonnation (R.F.I.'s) Preconstruction Conference: conducted by conference call with representatives from RAMSA, Borrelli, and H.J. Ross to explain the intent and ssope of proposed site improvements detailed in the construction documents, and to discuss procedures for administration and review of the Construction Phase. Up to 10 Site Visits to Monitor the Progress of Construction ,(including Substantial and Final Completion Inspections and Field Reports) Change Order Preparation to comply with official regulations or construction market conditions. Evaluation of Pay Requests Field Review of Marked-Up Prints, Drawings and Other Data furnished by the Contractor showing significant changes in the work made during construction and preparation of Record Drawings. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The following adjustment shall be made in the Architect's compensation: The Architect's compensation for Basic Architectural/Engineering Services forthe Project shall be increased by $26,867.00, based on the above scope of services. All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Amendment entered into as of the day and year first written above. Owner-Architect Agreement Standard Addendum. miamaddlserv4.wpd Pagel June 12.2000 r r r r Owner ffi By: Neisen Kasdin, Mayor Jfl.LO.f fcu~ Robert Parcher, City Clerk Owner-Architect Agreement Standard Addendum, miamaddlserv4.wpd Architect By: ~(/:- Alex Lam;.. Partner \C:\MyFiles\miaconuamendments\miamlMldlserY4.wpd APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~ !o-lOtl2l Dolo Page2 June 12. 2000 ,,;,,"~-_::"-'--.------' .'r__, I Afteraction June 7, 2000 City Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach r- C7M Commission Memorandum No. 459-00 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Amendment No.4, in the Amount of $26,867, to the Professional Services Agreement for Architectural and Engineering Services with Robert A.M. Stem Architects for the Cultural CampuslRegional Library Project, for Additional Construction Administration Services on Phase I and Phase II of the Streetscape Portion of the Project. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Public Works) ACTION: Heard in conjunction with RDA Item 3E. Separated for discussion. Resolution No. 2000-23959 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman; seconded by Commissioner Bower; Voice Vote: 7-0. Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli and Jorge Chartrand to handle. r ,r- Prepared by The City Clerk's Office 10 r- RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23959 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.4, IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,867, TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH ROBERT A. M. STERN ARCHITECTS FOR THE CULTURAL CAMPUSIREGIONAL UBRARY PROJECT, FOR ADDITIONAL CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRA nON SERVICES ON THE PHASE I AND PHASE II OF THE STREETSCAPE PORTION OF THE PROJECT. WHEREAS, on September 23,1998, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 98- 22904, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement with the firm of Robert A. M. Stem Architects (Stem) for the Architectural and Engineering Design of a Regional Library; a Master Plan for Collins Park and the Cultural Campus Streetscape (the Project) (the Agreement); and WHEREAS, on January 6, 1999, the Mayor and City Commission, authorized appropriation of the funding necessary to implement the Agreement with Stern for the Project; and WHEREAS, on November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation Bond (the Bonds), which included recommended improvements, valued at $1,800,000, for a complete renovation of Collins Park, and for completion of the streetscape surrounding the Cultural Campus; and r- WHEREAS, on January 12,2000, the Mayor and City Commission approved the award of a contract to Homestead Concrete and Drainage, Inc. for the construction of Phase [ of the street'cape design included in the Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Administration is now requesting approval of Amendment No.4 to the Agreement, in the amount of$26,867, for the construction administration portion of the Streetscape Phase I and Phase II. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Amendment No.4, in the amount of$26,687, to the Professional Services Agreement for Architectural and Engineering Services with Robert A. M. Stem Architects, for the Cultural CampuslRegional Library Project, for additional construction administration services on the Phase I and Phase II of the streetscape portion of the project. PASSED and ADOPTED this ~ day of June, 2000. AfiTEST: vLfLcV\.ct f 0:.,'1. (iM.^ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & W~GUAGE & FOR EXECUTION 11 MAYOR r ~iJJf- . '-(~JtC17/ .......:....:..-'"-,.:.:...:'-_. . .c. .;.. _ 'J:~';.'. 460 Wc~ "j~th :-.treet, t'iCW IOnt, rl T lVUUl ,...~ ""'" ,..., ~ ...... . ...~_ ,_ . '" ......... r- Feb. S. 2000 Mr. Jorge Char:tmnd CilY or MllIl1l i Bo.ch n.,p~ of ""bUe Work.> CiLy HlIlI. 4- Floor 1700 Cunvent,un Cc:nlcr Ol'iVQ Miami l.le~ch.1-"1. 33139 Rohen A.M. 51""l1l Architecls Re: Cun.",truc:tinn Admini,tntinn$cn-ic25 For Pha.1c t, Mian,j Stacb Cultural ClIunp1l." Strcetscapc ncur Jurgc. AIli yuu req\le.ned. we ~re hereby sUbmin:ing 3n Addh.ional Sc:rvicu~ h:~u:r ftir ConstrUCtion Admini.stratlon Scrl(ic~"I.:ax.llocil1ll.:u with Phwu;: t nl'thl.l Miami Reach Cultural ('an' pus St\'ecuc~pc Ph~.!iC:: I t,r lhL! ~t~ct!u.:a.,,~ has ~ ccn!trueion duration of 120 days. Con.~truction Atlminis\n1Lion SL!rviccs inc:lud~; r- I. R~yi.w .nd Appr.y~1 orShop Dru....ings .nd Suhmiltul, [m' ~cnc,.lenn(onn.n.. wilh inronnation give:n in the Cnntract Oacul'nents. 2. Responding to Contractor Requesu for Information (K.l'.I:5) 3, Prccun~tn.\cLiun Cunrl.:f":nc~: conducted by cQnferenc: call with rc:prescnuLl,ivcs IranI RAMSA.l.lomlli. Qnd H.J. R"". 10 cxpl.in thu ;lIlonl and :\Cupe of pl"OposctI ~itc impmve:mena detailed in me ~on~t1"Uctl()n documents. :snd ro discuss proct.odutt.:s for adlnlnistration and review af the t:OllstT\ICli\)1\ ~hi'l$C:. 4. Up to 4 Sih: Visits to Manllor tht: Prcgrcl5S ()rconstn.af,;lion. (im:lul.liog Field Rel'Ons) W"lli\ticip.IC Ihcfullowingsch.-dulu: . . ()1l.SiIC Royio," orS~mpl. POYing Insmllation. (;)5 pc. ,pCl:ificlIlions) . Inlerim5itc Tnsp.:ction an.e:r nl~t rlJrrT\wurk i$laid out. to verify Ia.~o\lt ofpa"inJ ood lree pil forms prior to pouring conen:... . S.b.LantiuJ Camp"'l)an (including dcyeloping Punch Lis!) . Final Completion S. Chung(l Oder Prep01Ml\i,'n lu t:lJm~ly with I)ITicilll rugubltjtln:' Uf clln:itructiCJn mnrket conditions. 6. F.v,du:tinn of Pa)' R.C:CjUC:S15 7. Field I~evie:w of Mi1rk~-Up Pril\ls. t)rn\Vill~ ~nd Other t.)ata rumlshed by the CUnlnlclor llinowin~ si"nilicant chw'g~:s in thl.': work. mad; during consll"'JcUan and Prepui.1.t:on ('If T\ccnrd Dr:-win~i'[. I!!! H\)ur:J/W~. ROle FL'" S !mill Shop n",winglSub",itt.11 Ij Hrs. S nSOlllr. S QSS.SIl Rcvic\V~ . IU:.I. Responses 18 Hrs. S 73.501I1r. S I ,:;23 .Oll Preeonslr. C[Jn.c~nct: tJH.r,;. S 73.S0/H,. S 661.SIl Sil. Visits 50 ltrs. S 73.501ltr. $3,675.00 Chilngu Ord\:r Prep. 10 Hrs. S 7J..I0/Hr. $ 735.00 hvnl. o(Pny Requests 4111"$. S 73.501I1r. S 294.00 Ficl<l Ruviuw/DTw:;':i, 1M Hr.. S 73.50111r. SI,323.00 TOTAL S (E."ludi"~ R.imbun:\bl.s), $8,967.UO r- EIil/2""d H::Jt::I38 llolt'lW ,lO iJ.I::l 1'0:9t 0002-l't-1E=! .'~c... ~ _.1. _. ,. t.t.a c,) 1O.1.\"J.L. ~ Reimhursable F.lcnenses: Reiln~u....ble cxpcns~. which will he billud., our enst. will include ()~her OllL.ide eOn."II.nL', long dlsu\nce lch::ph<,ne calls, racsilni11: tran3mi~~ion. tr..vcl and llCcDlnmudatkms, J1rintin" und photocopying. phntogrnphiele''Vicc. nnd rcpmducliom;. CA llO ploningllU"'icc.,.nd exp""" '"nil or courier sl::l"vices. Reimbu rsablC!l: (Not- ro.tseeed) Sl,900.00 Irlhi~ proposi'll is Dcc~plnbi~, pl::ilSl:: :tend us illcttc:r IQ lh.at effect or .sign an41 ndbli1 a CYI'Y ul' thi.\ !Q-Ucr to U~ rur our CiI..:s. 1( )IOU h..\Vc qllc3li~lMS or n~l.:d further it,rCrmtLlion, ple-usc dOI\'l h.esila\c to c=l1 Ai=:t L:lmts or inC. We look. (orward lO your premr'tl respun~c. ~;~~~ Dawn Ii. Handler, RL^ ~ A1Sociatc U~: . 12. )/~&o r- ce: Rob lluford ^ lex LnlO is ~'runl< Ci:aror:o Jaime Uem:l!; File: 98011.04 r- >:0/\:<l'd fOl:j3E1 I W<J r W :0 All J 1>I'l :9. 000C:-I'.-E13:1 ;.,:.~_..:.-...\""....:d_'""-..f.._'__.._+~v',,. _"'_~-'"____-'~<_'~ .. ~_:. ,,'" " ua c,:, IO.LUJ. --- Reimbll~abtc F,)f:rn:nse!: R.hnbul>Obl. .xp~ns.." whi.h will h. billed at our .osL will in.lud. other OUl,id. con,"ltnnl', 1011& distan.. telephone .nllR, fncshn il. lrnnsm .....ion. lr..el nile! ...omllludolion,. printin~ una photocopyln&. photogrnphi. .I.",i... end reprndU'lion... CA DO plottinl.l""rvi..s,und .xp....., mail or coul'icr sl:l"vices. R..imbursablo: (Not- "o.F...e.d) SZ,900,OO tfthis propcsnl is acceptable. pl:nsc ~c.rtd us all:ttcr to that effect ur sign ;lncJ rvtl,ull~' cupy urthi& lcltcr to U:i rur ollr (jl~:i. 1 r you hl\Ve q\.I!:~Litms or n\:~d further infcrmnlion, ple1lse dOlt '1 hl!sil;ne 10 cell Aiu Lorn!. or ,n.. W. look forward \0 your prorr:PI respun... ~;;~~~ onwn Ii. Haodl~r. RLA ~ Associate Rend :U1d avr..:ed La' .2. J/~<!X; r ce: Rob Bu.ford Alex Larni.. fnJ1lk QorDZ20 Jaime Uam:lH Filc; 980 II. 04 r rn/>:0"d fO\:i3H I WI:; r W =0 .'-1 t:) l>0 :S, 000C:-V,-EI3:l _<.._'i.....:lI.)"'-._~_,c.:_ ",- Robert A.M. Seern Archieeces G - " <.,- - .. .-, .. :: ~ ..~:.. -'" ..- ~ :=-- c: , u.:.:..; '.~";; ~ ."- ~- , S ".- .. .. ~ , ,-.. => -' <:> . -" ;..- r '.". I. 460 Wcse 34th .street. New York. NY 10001 TeI.1 l.1 96:'" ;100 F~'( 1l~ 96:'" ;;1:):$ April 28, 2000 Jorge Chartr1lnd. Project Manager City ofMiarni Beach. Public Works Depamnent 1700 Convenlion Center Drive Mi.mi Be.ch, FL 33139 Via Fax: 305-673-7028 Re: Design Fees. Collins Park De.r Jorge: I am in receipt oryour tbx dated Apnl 26.1000 regarding outstanding fee discussions on our project. As you know. \ve h::1\'e spent .;onsid~rable effort and made significant concesslons alre:1dy regarding our fees. Jnd request [hat you se::k Council approval for the:: revised fees as we have submined [hem. I will summ:lrize ~Jch of th~ outstJ.nding fee :l!SCm:~-iGr'.: ~~ to who:re W~ .:nrrent smnd: 1. Libr:1rY Redesign Fee: Our original fee proposal to you fot" the work needed to redesign partS of our building to .ccommodote lbe proposed project by Ron Bloomberg w.. for S87.500.00. Borrelli and Associates gave ::1 detailed breakdown of the :lctual estimated time required to do the work. CMB responden with a reduction in the fee to S59.220. based on marking down the expected number of hours for e:l.ch task. With all due deference to rh~ City. we feel that our o:onsultants are ill the best position at this pomt to understJnd in JelaiJ what is n~cess::uy to complete the revislons. ~onethcle'is. we agreed to reduce our propusal to.~ 76.640. a deducuon to S 10..360, from our original proposal. . , Collins Pork :vr..,er PI,n Fee: Our origin.1 propo..l to you for work or Collins Pork. b,sed on .n hourly bre.kdown of the Scope.. we underst.nd it forthe entire pork (both blocks) w.. S 160.1 60.00. The City offered a fee of 10% or the construction cost for the project. which for the entire project would be S 136.900.00 b..ed on ,n overoll project budget of S 1.369.000.00. Please note thilt we have agreed in principal that estimated reimbursable expenses in the amount oiSI.J.OOO,OO at: nvt inclu~t~c in this fee, If the work is done separately for each ofrhe two blocks. additional time. and therefore !':::::. is :eq:.:.::-:c. Thi~ is d~:e to t~e f:l.c: :h::.t ::. l:::rge F::':"'" ~f th~ o;'~st of ct':.:. pr::i~,:r ~s !h~ time necessary to meet with the many groups with an imercst in the ?J.rk. ;md to i'rci'ar:: documents for the many agencies that wHl need to revie:\v J.nd approv~ the plans. T:us conunitment of time does not diminish signific::mtly if \....e were to d~sign only on~ block. inste.d of both. As we stated in our letter to you on April I~. we anticipate an additional Cost of 534.350.00 would be needed to complete both ph..es if done independemly. For the west ponion only. we would prorate that fee. so that the fee for the west block only would be 599.200.00 ~ ((99.200/136.900) x 34.350.00] ~ SI2.l.090.00. plu, J.pproximately S 10.000,00 in reimbursable: expenses. A Limited liability Putncrship .~-_.-." r-- Robc:rr A.M. Srern .-\.tchlrccrs r-- r 460 West 34th Screet, New York, :-''Y 10001 Tel ~l~ 967 5100 F", ~l~ 9675588 Jorge Ch.rtrond Re: Design Fees, Collins Park April 28, 2000 P.ge 2 3. Streetsc.pe Phose II Fe. \Ve will complete Bid S'cgotiation J.nd Construction AdministrJ.tion Fee Phase II of the Streetscape project, for the $9.000 you have suggested. but will nO[ include any reimbursable expenses from other phases within this project. as had previously b~en requested by Ct\'(B. \Ve :1re :maching our own fee an.:Jlysis for [he project. indic.:J[ing [h.:Jt a fee 01'523.370.00 would be appropri::nc for [he Scope:1S we underst:1nd it. Ph:;;.~e c::!.!l m~ to discuss ~his rn:.rter funher. Sincerely. I;;AAA~&- Alex.nder P. L.mis. AlA P:lltner APUbjg cc: Robert A.M. Slem Rob Buford D.wn H.ndl.r J.ime Borrelli. B-A M.y", Diaz-Bun.c.voli. eMB !'f. \~OOOgne:\\l~. ')O.,':~tl,.~~y.Ce'ign''!:.'A;:3 ....p<.t A Limited Li3biticy Partnership