Attachment 142 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER ORIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~C;-'8' -co TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and DATE: June 7, 2000 Members of the City Commission FROM: Lawrence A. Levy GP City Managey SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS FOR AND APPROVING AMENDMENT NO.3, IN THE AMOUNT OF $134,090, TO THE ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AGREEMENT WITH ROBERT A. M. STERN ARCHITECTS, FOR THE CULTURAL CAMPUSIREGIONAL LIBRARY PROJECT, FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES TO COMPLETE THE DESIGN AND PERFORM CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION ON THE COLLINS PARK PORTION OF THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED MASTER PLAN. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: ,-- Adopt the Resolution. FUNDING: Funding will be provided by the City Center Redevelopment Agency (RDA) and reimbursed from the General Obligation Bond Fund for the Stteetscape when it becomes available. ANALYSIS: On September 23, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 98-22904, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the finn of Robert A. M. Stern Architects (Stern) for the architectural and engineering design of a Regional Library, a 4OO-space Parking Garage and a Master Plan for Park and Streetscape Improvements in the area surrounding Collins Park. On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of approximately $92 million in General Obligation (GO) Bonds. The proposed and recommended improvements included $1,800,000 for a complete renovation of Collins Park, and for the Streetscape surrounding the ,-- Mana AGENDA ITEM C-, L DATE "--,-('}; ,-- Cultural Campus, which includes the Regional Library, the Bass Museum and the Miami City Ballet building. The Administration is now requesting approval of Amendment No.3, in the amount of $134,090, to the agreement with Stern. and appropriation of the funding, for the implementation of the Master Plan of the area previously approved by the Administration and the City Commission. The scope of work includes the complete redesign of the Collins Park area West of Collins Avenue, including construction documents and construction administration for new landscape, irrigation. pathways, a decorative fountain. grading, utilities, and existing monument relocation. The fee also includes a not to exceed amount of $10,000 for reimbursable expenses. The design of the area East of Collins Park is not included in this amendment. It will be presented at a later date when further information on the overall parking needs of the area is available and decisions are made on the location of a parking garage in the vicinity. It is recommended that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the resolution approving Amendment No.3, in the amount of $134,090, to the Stern agreement, and appropriate the funds, for the design of the West portion of Collins Park as proposed in the Master Plan previously approved. Funds will be provided by the Redevelopment Agency to be reimbursed from the General Obligation Bond Fund for Collins Park whe it becomes available. ~ Attachments - ,r- Amendment No.3, dated June 7 , 2000, to Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Architect 1997 Edition (AlA 8141-1997) between Owner, The City of Miami Beach, and Architect, Robert A.M. Stem Architects; In accordance with the Agreement, dated as of January 16. 1999 The Owner has made the following revisions to the description of the Project: The fees for additional services for the design of the Portion of Collins Park to the west of Collins Avenue, in Miami Beach shall be based on the following scope of services: Desi"n Phase: Project Management, Consultant Coordination, Obtaining City Approvals, Preliminary Site Plans, (including Layout and Materials. Planting, Site Grading, Irrigation, Special Site Features), Preliminary Estimate of Probable Construction Cost, Outline Specifications, Project Meetings. Assembly and Production of Presentation Materials for City Design Review and Approval. Construction Documents: Project Management, Consultant Coordination, Project Meetings, Final Plans and Details, (including Layout and Materials, Planting, Site Grading and Drainage, Irrigation, Lighting/Electrical, Special Site Features), Final Estimate of Probable Construction Cost, Final Specifications, Assembly and Distribution of Final Construction Documents. ,...... Bid and Contract Negotiation: Attend Pre-Bid Conference, Respond to Bidders' Inquiries/Prepare Addenda, Prepare Conformed Construction Documents. Construction Administration: Shop Drawing/Submittal Reviews and Approvals, R.F.1. Responses, Preconstruct ion Conference, Site Visits, (including Substantial and Final Completion Inspections), Change Order Preparation, Evaluation of Pay Requests, Field Review. The following adjustment shall be made in the Architect's compensation: The Architect's compensation for Basic Architectural/Engineering Services for the Project shall be increased by $134,090.00, based on the above scope of services. All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Amendment entered into as of the day and year first written above. Owner-Architect Agreement Standard Addendum. miamaddlserv3.wpd Pagel June 12.2000 r- r- r' ,.- Owner By: Neisen Kasdin. Ma r JW,cUt p~ Robert Parcher, City Clerk Owner-Architect Agreement Standard Addendum, miamaddlserv3.wpd Architect By: 0../ h...cI Alex Lam;.. Partner \C:\MyFilcs\miacontram~dmenlS\miamaddlserv3.wpd APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~ ~~~oU Page2 June 12. 2000 f Afteraction June 7, 2000 City Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach r C7L Commission Memorandum No. 458-00 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing Amendment No.3, in the Amount of $134,090, to the Professional Services Agreement for Architectural and Engineering Services with Robert A.M. Stern Architects for the Cultural Campus/Regiona1 Library Project, for Additional Services to Complete the Design and Perform Construction Administration on the Collins Park Portion of the Previously Approved Master Plan. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Public Works) ACTION: Heard in conjunction with RDA Item 3D. Separated for discussion. Resolution No. 2000-23958 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman; seconded by Commissioner Bower; Voice Vote: 7-0. Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli and Jorge Chartrand to handle. ,- r Prepared by The City Clerk's Office 9 ,-- RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23958 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.3, IN THE AMOUNT OF $134,090, TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR ARCIDTECfURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH ROBERT A. M. STERN ARCHITECTS FOR THE CULTURAL CAMPUSlREGIONAL LIBRARY PROJECT, FOR ADDmONAL SERVICES TO COMPLETE THE DESIGN AND PERFORM CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION ON THE COLLINS PARK PORTION OF THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED MASTER PLAN. WHEREAS, on September 23, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 98- 22904, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement with the firm of Robert A. M. Stern Architects (Stem) for the Architectural and Engineering Design of a Regional Library; a Master Plan for Collins Park and the Cultural Campus Streetscape (the Project) (the Agreement); and WHEREAS, on January 6, 1999, the Mayor and City Commission, authorized appropriation of the funding necessary to implement the Agreement with Stem for the Project; and WHEREAS, the Administration is requesting approval of Amendment No.3 to the Agreement, in the amount of $134,090, for the implementation of the Master Plan of the area previously approved by the Administration and the City Commission.; and ..- WHEREAS, on November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation Bond (the Bonds) which included $ t ,800,000 for a complete renovation of Collins Park, and for the streetscape surrounding the Cultural Campus, which includes the Regional Library, the Bass Museum and the Miami City Ballet building; and WHEREAS, the Administration is requesting that the $134,090 be appropriated from RDA funds to be reimbursed from the Bonds when same become available NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Amendment No.3, in the amount of$134,090, to the Professional Services Agreement for Architectural and Engineering Services with Robert A. M. Stern Architects for the Cultural CampuslRegional Library Project, for additional services to complete the design and perform construction administration on the Collins Park portion of the previously approved Master Plan. PASSED and ADOPTED this ~ day of June, 2000. 111 MAYOR JJEST: lkU6 P r1A.Ck CI CLERK f:\WORK\SALL\CHATRAND\CULTURAl,\STkNRESI.WPD APPROVED J>S TO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ."- 1J{g%!; ~ ,-- RlJbcrt A.M. Slern Architects ,-- r 460 WeSl 341h Slreel, New York, NY 10001 T.1212 967 5100 F..' 212 9675588 Ap,il 14,2000 Jorge Chartrand. C(H'lstruction Miulnger City of Miami Bench Department ofPIRl1ning &; 7.tlnin~ 1700 Convention Center Drl\l\: Miami Beach, FL 33139 Rc: Miami Ue.eh Library .nd Cultural Arl. Campus. RA~1SA #98011 AdrJitinnuJ Services, Scope orScrvic~s Cot" Collins Park. Collins Avenue Parking Lot and Bc~chfront Park Landsupe Oesign 11l1d Construction near Jorge; As per your request, we arc hereby ~ubl1ljttinK u revised Additional Services i1nd Fee Proposal in connection with the Collins P3rk landscape design project for the Miami Reach Library and CulLural Art.1I Campu:s. Our reI; is based on the understanding that the budget for the pnrk pr~jec: is S 1.369,000. (Note that budgeting to date is ba"ed un 1999 prices and dues nOl incluue cscahllion). The Scopc of Work fOf the Collins Park block betvleen Park Avenue and Collins Avenue. Md for thl: Collins A\tt:llUC Parkll1g I~ul itnd adjacenl Bcachfront Park includes: the desig.n of pedestrian paths. beach front parking lot. I"lal1led medians on Park Avenue. and an irrigation system; selection and local ion oflrCC!i, shrubs and ground coycrs: IiIYOUl ofpcdeslriall lighting. benches. and trash receptacles; design of special site elements, (pool. pergola and landscape wall adjaccnllu beach); reloculion 01' onsilc monuments. This proposal is based I)n the rolluwing assumptions: A. We will develop emd built! upnn thc concept design which ouromce has nlreadycolnpleted and presented to rhe Miami Ueac:h Design Heview Uoard. (See ulluc:hiJu). The Scope I'" :Services includes dcsign of, and !.:()nSLruc.:liull dncuml:nts for: ~ite layout, gradinG and ulilities, planting. irrigation, site demils; nlOl1ument reIOc.1rion: obtaining necessary ~pprovals ilnd permits; and cuordinating uur work with apprnl,riate city agencies. Bidding and negotiation of' contracts ror construction. Rnd construction adminislratiun services ore also included. All oJ'thl.: ahuve services are in addition to our basic scope of services which called for il master plan for the di~tricl and complete constnaction documents fur lhl.: Lihrary; tbey are I1lso in addition 10 the strcctscapc work cuvered under sepal'nt~ ngrcements. A. The design of Ihe Rotunda and nssocinlcd planting is not inc:-Iuded in this contract, (See illlllChcd concept design for propo~ed limil of work). We wuuld be pleased lU provide: yuu wilh it separa1e proposal for this work. C. Neither l"catil1~ standard sl~/las. 110r designing cuslum signage ore included in lhis proposa.1. D. The construction of tile park would nol cun;mellcc until rhe e;<isting, library is demolished in t:ady 2(){)2. subsequent to the completion of conslru~tjon of the new libl'ilry. We propose tu cummence work 6-8 months prior 10 the anticipated ~tOllrt of constnlction oJ'lhc pl\l'k. 1......11'-""1......"""'......'..1'" ,-.. Robert A.M. Stern ArchilecL' ,-.. ,-- 460 West 34th Slreot. New York, NY 1000 I Tcl 212 967 S I 00 Fax 212 967 5588 April 14, 2000 G. These fees arc based On the prcviouslY-l'e\fiewed masu:rplnn for Collins Park. the Collinlli Avenue parking lot and adjacent bcachfrol1t rark. AllY signilicant changes to the existing desiGn proposal. as rr.:quested by the Oversight Committee. Dcsig:1 Review Board Committee and Commission. Cultural Arts Cuuncil, Public Works or Parks Facilities will add additional design time to the project. and will constitute additional services. F. Value engineering costs will constilUte additiunal services. G. The: City of Miami Beach will research and pruvioc to us all Miami O.:nch local codes nnd standards which apply tu and affect this project. H. The bid opening and evaluaLion of hids will be conductc:d and attended by the City of Miami Beach only For:\ breakdown of [he services which would be provided. see ntt.1chcd Scope ol'Serviccs. Our fe~ for this scupe of work. would be ba'ied on a fixed 10% fee based un the: construction bud~e( for this p:r(~<',\:l. Any increase in the: budJ;et for this project. or any work requelllcd of our linn or our associated ~ubcunsultRl1t firms which is beyond lhe basic scnpc orwork and ~c(Jpe uf services shall constitute "additional services" ror which our fee will be adjusted. ..-.-- -- -_. ._-- ~ To'al S (E.cludinq Reimbursabl..): StJ6,900. Reimbursable F.x"cnses: Reimbursable c:xpenses. which will be billed at ollr cost. wlil include olher outside consultants. lung distance telephone calls. facsimile transmission, lravel and accommodalions. printing and photocopying, pholographic services, supplu.:s Dnd reproductions. tAnl') planing Sl;rvicc:i. model supplies. and I.:x.press mail or cuurit:r services. R.imbursable., (Not-To.F.....d) SIJ,OOO. Alternlllivc Pronns~.1 You have also aske~ us lo prepare separale proposals fur Collins Park aad l'or the Collins Ave. Parking l.01 and Adjacent Il.achfronl Pa,'k. Splilting up the uv.rall project inlO lwo scpamte contracts would involve redundant admini!Strative and reimbursablecO!ils. and additional design cusls based on preparing construction document'i ror two proje(;ts, includlng the rolluwins: . processing ilnd permin:ng ctJsts . project management ar.d consult.,nt cool'dinalion costs . (lbtalning agency approvals . preparing and presenting plans In the City {...II""'...'........."'...,.,....... r- Raben A.~l. SIi.:rn ^rchitec:s r r- V 3~ljd 460 West 34th Stre.t. New York. 10< Y 1000 I rei 212 'lb 7 5100 Pa" 212 967 .\,XK Apr:114.2000 Page :3 .. proj::l;t meetings. vnlue engineering '" preparing 2 scpunuc bid packages . the bid nnd contruCI negotiation phc15C .. the cun!\lrllCtiull adminislrillior. phnst.: .. reimbursable e:'(pcn~c~ (including :ml:; distance Lelephone ca!:5. t~1cslmilc lran.~r:l L'\sions. lmvcl and accummud.minns. printing and pho{m:()PYll~g. pnotographic r:1at:;r:al~. supplies and n:pro<.!uC!ilms. CAL>O plut:ing )lcrVlces. lmd ~xprcs::; r.'lOli: scrv~ce!). 'I'he O1dtliliol1<11 COS! of preparing this project as :wo separi.ltl.: contr:l.~:S would :oL~ll arrro:<imall:ly 534.350. iJle::\sc .\(j"i.~c liS tn whether this project win be cOlnpletcc.: un"h:r tJOe or twu CmHI1IC:S. The terms cJ/"uur ntl..ic contract Sh.ltt otherwise ~ovefl1 this "l:.w:cmenr. I J'Lh is proposal is ilCCCI".lblc, f11ea.c;~ c;~nd us u Iclh:r HI that effect or sIgn and l'e!unl OJ I.:Op)' nfthis lelter:o us for ()ur lilcoS 'fyou hi'lVl' qucslitms m IleL:d rllr1hcr inl'nrrnatiorl, piCCl!\C d(ll1't hcsilall.' 10 cud Ah::t Lamis or me. We louk forw<1rd :0 }.(lur prom;n response. ~inc:~~dy, Dawn F., Ilandh:r, R:.,\ A'i50r.i.lle Reo.(j .:1111.1 ugre::d to: Oale: c"''' ~ar.c:1 lluion.! Ai..:;:< l.a:ni.i Fro.l~i<. (jaruZ7o Jilimc ROI'n.:Hi ?;Je: 9SO' 1.0.1 ()H/dh . "'.~""'~''''''''''''',.'''''' ..... : :<I:l, ~S96 X~, 9~IUO~:GI 80:91 00, ,5"71) SSL'oN 31" ~ ~ ~ - , Scope of Services Desi&n of Collins Park and Collins Avenue Parkin& Lot Miami Beacb Reeional Library Design Phase Task Project Management Consultant Coordination Re~eareh Miami Reach r .oeal Codes and standards (i.e.: planning and zoning issues. historic district issues) Site Layout & Materials Design r .ayout & Materials Details Plantin!l Design Planting Details Preliminary Site (jrading Irrigation Oesign Design Special Sile Features (i.e. Ormunental Pool, Plaza. Pergola. Land~cape Wall) Generate preliminary Estimate of Probable Construction Cost for above work Outline ~pecifications Periodic Project Meetings Assemble & Produce Presentation Materials for City Design Review & Approval (Assume.. 3 pre.\'entalioll.\' in Miami (0 DRU, DRU Commit/ee, and Oversight CommUtee) Construction Document Phase r- Task Project Managemenl Consultant Coordination Periodic Project Meetings Sile Removals Plans Site Layout & Malerials Plans Layout & Materials Details Site Grading & })rainoge Plaos Planting Plans Planting Details Lighting/Electrical Plans & Details --- Irrigation Plans & Details Atypical Plans and Delails (i.e. Ornamental Pool, I'laza. Pergola, Landscap.. Wall) Final Eslimate 0 f Probable Construction Cost Develop Final Sp..cilicalions Assemble/Oistrihute Final Construction Documents Bid and Contract Negotiation Phase Il!.lli Attend Pre-Bid Conf. Respond to Bidders' Inquiries/Prep. Addenda Prepnre Con formcd Construction Documents r- -- Construction Administration Phase Task Shop Drw'glSuhtnittal Reviews & Approvals R.F.l. Responses PreconSlr. Conference Site Visits (Including Substantial and Final Completion Inspections) Change Order Preparation Evalo3lion of Pay Requesl' Field Review r- .-- "- " " " ' '-" '. \\i~ \' 'I ~ \ ~' I '....~:..';~.i i I: "j. I ~l~ I i ~,'" II '1", II ~' ,i I I [ . ~..__. : i I' r- r:::J1 ,-- Roben A.M. Seern Architects u ~ := < .;:- ......: ;: ,. ..:r "'~- :.:..:- ..,.. >..: .- -. 0... -' :......;--., , U'. w;- "c: ::.= :; ~. ,- , ...:,: '. .,'" ::r: , r- ,-- .::> ::; - <=> I - ;- r- 460 We" 34th Street. New Yatk. NY 1000\ Tel 212 967 5100 Fo" 212 967 5588 April 28. 2000 10rge Chanrand, Project Manager City of Miami Beach. Public Works Depamnent 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Via Fax: 305-673-7028 Re: Design Fees, Collins Park Dear 10rge: [am in receipt of your fax dated April 26. 2000 regarding outstanding lee discussions on our project. As you know, we have spent considerable effort and made significant concessions already regarding our fees. and request that you seek Council approval for the revised fees as we have submitted them. I will sununanze each of the outstanding fee ~iscussl~ns' ~s to whe-re W~ current srand: 1. Libra,y Redesign Fee: Our original fee proposal to you for the work needed to redesign pans of our building to accommodate the proposed project by Ron Bloomberg was for 587.500.00. Borrelli and Associates gave a detailed breakdown of the actual estimated time required to do the work. CMB responded with a reduction in the fee to $59,220. based on marking down the expected number of hours for each task. With an due delerenceto the City. we feel that our consultants are in the best position at this pomt to understand in detail what is necessary to complete the reviSIons. Nonethele$s. we agreed to reduce our proposal to $76.640. a deductIon to 510.360. from our original proposal. 2. Collins Park Master Plan Fee: Our original proposal to you for work at Collins Park. based on an hourly breakdown of the Scope as we understand it for the enlirepark (both blocks) was $160.160.00. The City offered a fee of 10% at the construction cost for the project. which for the entire project would be $[36,900.00 based on an overall project budget of $1.369,000.00. Please note that we have agreed in principal that estimated reimbursable expenses in the amount of 5 14.000.00 are not included in this fee. [fthe work is done separately for each ofthe two blocks, additional time. and therefore fcc. is req:.l~d. Thi~ is due to the fact !ho.t::!. !:lI'ge p:.lr"" :)fth: ':cst cfme~r~e~t:s l~:- time necessary to meet with the many groups with an interest in the Park. and to prepare documents for the many agencies that will need to review and approve the plans. This commitment of time does not diminish signilicantly if we were to design only one block. instead of both. As we stated in our letter to you on April 14, we anticipate an additional cost of 534.350.00 would be needed to complete both phases if done independently. For the west portion only, we would prorate that fee, so that the fee for the west block only would be $99.200.00 + [(99,200/136,900) x 34,350.00] = $124.090.00. plus approximarely 510.000.00 in reimbursable expenses. A Limited. Liabili[f Partnership -- Robert A.M. Stern Architeccs r- r- 40U West j4th ~[reet. New 'rork. NY 10001 "lel2.Lll.)o/ :HUU .tax 41.l "j01 ))00 Jorge Chartrand Re: Design Fees, Collins Park April 28, 2000 Page 2 3. Streetscape Phase 1I Fee We will complete Bid Negotiation and Construction Administration Fee Phase II of the StreelScape project, for the $9,000 you have suggested, hut will nol include any reimbursable expenses from other phases within this project, as had previously been requested by CMB. We are attaching our own fee analysis for the project, indicating that a fee of$23.370.00 would be appropriate for the scope as we understand it. Ple:.l.~e call m~ to discuss this matter further. :~ci Alexander P. Lamis. AlA Partner APLlbjg cc: Robert A.M. Stem Rob Buford Dawn Handler Jaime BOlTClIi. B+A Mayra Diaz-Bunacavoli, CMB Ih \20009ncr\04. OO\Cln.PrkDe.ignF...A:zI .wpd A Limited Liability Putncrship