Attachment 140 .. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami.beach.fI.us COMMISSION MEMOR~NDUM NO. +<6S--0"C:) FROM: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and DATE: June 7,2000 Members of the City Commission Lawrence Arf:Levy :r~ City Manage Report oftli Finance & Citywide Projects Committee Meeting Held On June 6, 2000. TO: SUBJECT: A meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee was held June 6, 2000, in the City Manager's Large Conference Room and began at 4: l5p.m. Commissioners Simon Cruz, Nancy Liebman, and Jose Smith were present. City staff in attendance were: Lawrence A. Levy, City Manager; Christina Cuervo. Assistant City Manager; Janet Gavarrete; Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager; Ronnie Singer Executive Assistant to the City Manager, Patricia D. Walker, Finance Director; Georgina Echert, Assistant Finance Director; Gus Lopez, Purchasing Director; Ricardo Mendez, Public Works; Carla Dixon, Public Works; and Raul Aguila, City Attorney's Office. ,-- Others in attendance were: Arturo Fanjul, REG Architects, Inc., Vivian Escribano, Dain Rauscher; Luis Reiter, Squire, Sanders; Armando 1. Perez, Mary Silberman, CDM; Amy Peny, M. Brooks Turkel, Michael Milberg, Mt. Sinai; Darrel FIanel, Merrill Lynch; Susan and Ronald W. Shane, Shane Watersports Center; and Begonia Caleunda. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion of the remaining projects of the Capital Improvements program and the RFQ for a Program IConstruction Manager for all projects other than Water, Sewer, Stormwater and Neighborhood General Obligation Bond Projects. ACTION: The Committee directed the Administration develop a policy to determine the projects to be assigned to a Program Manager based on cost. They further directed that all projects in the City's Capital Improvement Program that meet this criteria be assigned to a Program Manager. The Administration will place an RFQ for a second Program/Construction Manager on the Commission Agenda for June 21. A schedule reflecting the in-house staffing requirements was requested for the July 6th meeting of the Committee. Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager led the discussion on this item. The Committee was advised that an RFQ was prepared but was being modified to reflect the requested threshold criteria for project to be assigned to a Program Manager. Additionally, an update of the neighborhood project meetings was ~ provided. Agenda Item R.G::::1.6 Date G-l- au 2. Discussion of the Funding for the Shane Waters ports Center. ,.... ACTION: The Committee agreed to recommend to the full Commission, an appropriation of $300,000 from the General Fund Un designated Fund Balance. Trish Walker, Finance Director presented this item. She explained that General Obligation Bond Funds had been proposed for the improvements to this facility, however, based on a discussion with Bond Counsel another source of funding would need to be used. She proposed that the City Commission appropriate the funds from the General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance. 3. North Beach Special Assessments ACTION: Defer the item. Trish Walker, Finance Director presented this item. She explained that the issues of concern were the properties that were being assessed and the placement of the assessment on the annual County tax bill. Raul Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney, advised that the assessments had been done properly and had been applied to each property that received a special benefit from the project. Ms. Walker indicated that the Finance Department was pursuing a discussion with the County Tax Collector to determine if any of the billing could be included on the annual County tax bill. 4. Discussion of a~ Analysis Prepared by REG Architects, Inc. for the South Shore (6'h Street) Community Center. ~- ACTION: The Committee recommended that the existing facility be demolished and a new facility be constructed within the budget provided by the General Obligation Bond. Janet Gavarrete presented this item. She indicated that REG; the architects for the 61h Street Community Center have completed a thorough review of the renovations required for this facility. Because of the magnitude of refurbishment required, they have recommended that the City demolish this facility and construct a new facility within the proposed budgeted funds. 5. Discussion of the Health Facilities Authority Hospital Revenue Bond Series 2000 A & B. ACTION: The Committee approved the proposed bond issue and recommended that it be fonvarded to the full Commission. Trish Walker, Finance Director presented this item. She explained that the financing was to provide the funds required for Mt. Sinai to acquire the Miami Heart Institute. This financing is similar to the three prior issues of the Authority and likewise, the City had no obligation or liability to pay for these bonds. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. ~ . L~OdP Afteraction June 7. 2000 City Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach --- R6 - Commission Committee Renorts R6A Verbal Report from the Community Affairs Committee Meeting of June 6, 2000: 1) Reconsideration of Proposal to Rename a Street in Honor of Rabbi Jeremiah Burstyn, Founder of the Talmudic University and Yeshiva; 2)Proposal to Rename One Block of Espanola Way Between Collins and Washington to George Tamsitt Way; 3) Proposal to Rename the Collins Park Complex District; and, 4) Formulation ofa Policy Regarding the Waiver of Rental Fees. (Page 241) ACTION: Deferred. R6B Finance and Citywide Projects Comm. Mtg. Report of 6/6/00. ACTION: Report discussed. Motion by Commissioner Liebman to accept the report; seconded by Commissioner Cruz; Voice vote: 7-0. Motion to reconsider the vote to accept the report; seconded by Commissioner Bower; Voice vote: 6-0; Absent: Commissioner Cruz. Motion to defer the report to July 12,2000 made by Commissioner Bower; seconded by Commissioner Dermer; Voice vote: 6-0; Absent: Commissioner Cruz. Judy Hoanshelt to place on the agenda. HANDOUT: Written report distributed at the meeting. r- R6C Audit Committee Report of 6/1/00. ACTION: Written report presented at the Commission meeting. At the meeting held on June 1, 2000, Mr. Laurie Holtz stated that this was all past history and that for the future, the City should work to obtain expert advice and guidance from an outside computer consultant. City Administration stated that an RFP will be issued and cautioned that we should be wary of the many opportunists out there. Kay Randall to handle. r P,epared by The City Clerk's Office 15