Attachment 139 ~ITY OF MIAMI BEACH :ITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and DATE: June 7, 2000 Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy (}Yb City Managey A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING THE FUNDS FOR AND APPROVING AMENDMENT NO.3, IN THE AMOUNT OF $134,090, TO THE ARCIDTECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DESIGN AGREEMENT WITH ROBERT A. M. STERN ARCIDTECTS, FOR THE CULTURAL CAMPUSIREGIONAL LmRARY PROJECT, FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES TO COMPLETE THE DESIGN AND PERFORM CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION ON THE COLLINS PARK PORTION OF THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED MASTER PLAN. ADMINISTRATIONRECOMMENDA TION: ~ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: r COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. .-9-$"'8' -00 Adopt the Resolution. FUNDING: Funding will be provided by the City Center Redevelopment Agency (RDA) and reimbursed from the General Obligation Bond Fund for the Streetscape when it becomes available. ANALYSIS: On September 23, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 98-22904, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the firm of Robert A. M. Stern Architects (Stern) for the architectural and engineering design of a Regional Library, a 400-space Parking Garage and a Master Plan for Park and Streetscape Improvements in the area surrounding Collins Park. On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of approximately $92 million in General Obligation (GO) Bonds. The proposed and recommended improvements included $1,800,000 for a complete renovation of Collins Park, and for the Streetscape surrounding the r AGENDA ITEM C-tL k,-t-(J"") DATE 101 Cultural Campus, which includes the Regional Library, the Bass Museum and the Miami City Ballet building. r- The Administration is now requesting approval of Amendment No.3, in the amount of $134,090, to the agreement with Stern, and appropriation of the funding, for the implementation of the Master Plan of the area previously approved by the Administration and the City Commission. The scope of work includes the complete redesign of the Collins Park area West of Collins Avenue, including construction documents and construction administration for new landscape, irrigation, pathways, a decorative fountain, grading, utilities, and existing monument relocation. The fee also includes a not to exceed amount of $10,000 for reimbursable expenses. The design of the area East of Collins Park is not included in this amendment. It will be presented at a lateT date when further information on the overall parking needs of the area is available and decisions are made on the location of a parking garage in the vicinity. It is recommended that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the resolution approving Amendment No.3, in the amount of $134,090, to the Stern agreement, and appropriate the funds, for the design of the West portion of Collins Park as proposed in the Master Plan previously approved. Funds will be provided by the Redevelopment Agency to be reimbursed from the General Obligation Bond Fund for Collins Park whe it becomes available. ~ ,,--. Attachments r 102 Consent Agenda June 7, 2000 City of Miami Beach r-- 11:05a C7J Commission Memorandum No. 456-00 A Resolution Appropriating $25,000 from Special Projects Account No. 1996915000343, to Serve as Matching Funds with $25,000 from the Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management, for a $42,500 Grant from the Florida Inlet Navigation District, for the Stabilization and Re-landscaping of the Flagler Memorial Island, if Awarded. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Public Works) ACTION: Separated for discussion, Discussion held. Resolution No. 2000-23956 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Bower; seconded by Commissioner Garcia; Voice Vote: 6-0; Absent: Commissioner Liebman. Matthew Schwartz to handle. . Landscape planning needs to be done in consultation with the Fire Department. C7K Commission Memorandum No. 457-00 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Amendment No.2, in the Amount of $76,640, to the Professional Services Agreement for Architectural and Engineering Services with Robert A.M. Stern Architects, for the Cultural Campus/Regional Library Project, for Additional Services to Redesign the Service Areas of the Proposed Library Building in Order to Accommodate Any F?ture Development of the King Parcel North of the Site. - Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Public Works) ACTION: Heard in conjunction with RDA Item 3C. Separated for discussion. Resolution No. 2000-23957 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman; seconded by Commissioner Bower; Voice Vote: 7-0. Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli and Jorge Chartrand to handle. -I-C7L Commission Memorandum No. 458-00 A Resolution Approving and Authorizing Amendment No.3, in the Amount of $134,090, to the Professional Services Agreement for Architectural and Engineering Services with Robert A.M. Stern Architects for the Cultural Campus/Regional Library Project, for Additional Services to Complete the Design and Perform Construction Administration on the Collins Park Portion of the Previously Approved Master Plan. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Public Works) ACTION: Heard in conjunction with RDA Item 3D. Separated for discussion. Resolution No. 2000-23958 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman; seconded by Commissioner Bower; Voice Vote: 7-0. Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli and Jorge Chartrand to handle. r vii r- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO.3, IN THE AMOUNT OF $134,090, TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH ROBERT A. M. STERN ARCHITECTS FOR THE CULTURAL CAMPUS/REGIONAL LffiRARY 'PROJECT, FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES TO COMPLETE THE DESIGN AND PERFORM CONSTRUCTION' ADMINISTRATION ON THE COLLINS PARK PORTION OF THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED MASTER PLAN. WHEREAS, on September 23, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 98- 22904, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement with the firm of Robert A. M. Stern Architects (Stern) for the Architectural and Engineering Design of a Regional Library; a Master Plan for Collins Park and the Cultural Campus Streetscape (the Project) (the Agreement); and WHEREAS, on January 6,1999, the Mayor and City Commission, authorized appropriation of the funding necessary to implement the Agreement with Stern for the Project; and WHEREAS, the Administration is requesting approval of Amendment No.3 to the Agreement, in the amount of $134,090, for the implementation of the Master Plan of the area previously approved by the Administration and the Cjty Commission.; and r- WHEREAS, on November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation Bond (the Bonds) which included $1,800,000 for a complete renovation of Collins Park, and for the streetscape surrounding the Cultural Campus, which includes the Regional Library, the Bass Museum and the Miami City Ballet building; and WHEREAS, the Administration is requesting that the $134,090 be appropriated from RbA funds to be reimbursed from the Bonds when same become available NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Amendment No.3, in the amount of $134,090, to the Professional Services Agreement for Architectural and Engineering Services with Robert A. M. Stern Architects for the Cultural CampuslRegional Library Project, for additional services to complete the design and perform construction administration on the Collins Park portion of the previously approved Master Plan. PASSED and ADOPTED this _ day of June, 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION CITY CLERK ~ F:\WORK\$ALL\CHATRAND\CULTURAL\STRNRESI.WPD 1Ji~!: ~ 103 r ~()berl A.M. Slern Archilecls ,.- 460 Wesl34lh Streel, New York, NY 10001 Tel 212 9675100 Filx 212 967 5588 April 14, 2000 Jorge Chartrand. C()n~lruction Mannger City uC Miami B~ach Deportment of Planning & Zuning 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Fl.. 3J 139 Rc: Miami Beaeh Library nnd .cultural Art.. C:impus, RAMSA #9801 I Additional Services, Scope of Services Cor Collins P.rk, Collins Avenue Parking l..ot nnd BCAchfront Park Landscape Design and Construction I)ear Jorge: As per your request, we arc hereby subl11iUing a revised AddilionaJ Services and Fee Proposal in connection with the Collins Pnl'k landscape design project for the Miami Reach I.ibrdry and CullUral Art.. Campu,. Our Ice i, based on Ihe uoderstanding Ihatthe budget for the park project is 51,369,000. (Note tllat budgeting to date is ba'ied on 1999 flrices and tloes not include e,calalian), The Scope oC Work for the Coilins Park block between Park Avenue and Collins Avenue. and for th~ Collin.a; ^"t:l1l1C Parking Lut and adjacent Bcachrront Park inchldcs: the design of pedestrian paths. beach front parking lot. planted medians on Park Avenue, and nn irrigalion ~Y:i(cm: se/eclion an<.llocarion of trees, shrubs and ground covers: lilyout of pedestrian Iighting..benches. and trash receptacles: design oC special sile elements, (pool. pergola and landscapc..waH adjacent to beach): relocmion of onsile monuments. This proposal is bused on the rollowing: a~sumptinns: A. We will develop and build upon the concept design which ouroflice has already completed and presented 10 the Miami Ueach Desig.n Review Board. (See! u((CJchcid). The Scope or Sc:rvices includes design or, and comaruction documents for: site layout, grading and utililie.'i. planling, irrigation, site details: monument relocation; obtaining necessary approvals and permils; i1nd coordinaling our work with appropriate city agencies. Bidding and negotiation of contracrs for constructioll. and construction administration services are also illcludcd. All aC lhe ahuve scrviee, are in addition to our basic scope "f services which called for a master plan fur {he district and complet.e construction documents ror the I.ibrjjry: they are iilso in addition to the stn:clscapc wurk cuvcn:d under separate agreements. B. The design oflhe Rotunda and associaled planting i.' not illcluded ill this conlrael. (See auachedconcept design for proposed limit ofwotk). We woulll be plcnsed lu provide yuu with a separale proposal for lh is work. C. Neilhcr I"catillg standard sigllage nor designing eu.,tum signage are included ill Ihis proposal. D. The construction of tile park wOlllcJ not commence until the existing library is demolished in early 2002, :mhscqucnt to the completion ofcorlslruclion oflhc new library. We propo,st.," l(1 commence work 6.8 months prior 10 the anticipated start of construction aflhc park. r' f.U.hl'I..IIol_......w..."""..t>ll 104 .r' Robert A.M. Stcrn ArchitecL' r' r- 460 West 34th Slreet. New York, NY 10001 Tcl212 967 5100 "ax 212 967 5588 April 14, 2000 E. These tees are based on the previously-reviewed maslcrplan for Collins Park, the Collins A venue parking Jot and adjacent bc:achfrol1t park, Any signilicant change~ to the existing: design proposal. as r~quested by the Oversight Committee. Design Review Board Committee and Commission. Cultural Al1s Cuuncil, Public Works a'. Porks Facilities will add additional d'csign tjm~ to the project. and will constitute ndditional services. F. Value engineering costs will constitute additionuJ services. G. The City of Miami Beach \~;iIl research and provide to us ail Mii:smi Ue8ch local codes and standards which apply tll and affect this project. H. The bid opening and evaluation of bids will be condllct!:d nnd ancnded by the City or Miami Beach only. For a breakdown orthc services which would be provided. sce l1ttnched Scope of Services. Our fee ror this scope or work would be based on a fixed 10% fee based on the construction budget for this project. Any increase in the budget for lhis project. or any work r~queslcd arour tinn or our associmed subcunsultam firms which is beyond lht: basic scope of work and scope or services shaH constitute "adtJitinnal services" for which our fee will be adjusled. Tutal S (Excludin~ Reimbursuble.): SIJ6,900. Reimbursable Rxncnses: Reim~ursablc expenses. which will be billed at our cost. will include other outside consultants. lung dislance telephone calls. facsimile lransmission. travel and accommodalions. printing and photocopying, photographic services, supplir.:s 3Jld n:productions. CAnn plotting. services. model supplies. and express mail or courier services. Reimbursable,,, (Not-To-r.xeccd) SI4,000. Alterolt.(ive PronnslIl You have also asked us to prepare separate proposals fur Collins Park and lor lhe Collins Ave, Parking Lot and Adjacent B.achC,'onl Park. Spliuing up the uvcrall project inlo two separale contracts would involve redundant administrative and reimbursable costs. and additional design costs based on preparing construction documenl" for two projects, including the following: . processing and permitting costs . project management ar.d consultant coordination costS . obluining i.lgency approvills .. preparing and pn.:sfJnting plans lo the City c. '~'I)I'dt....!.....IAoi.f"*olI. ..,~ 105 460 WC:it 34th Su'eer. New York, NY 10001 Tel 211 9675100 F;;tx ~ 12 967 .')5 X8 Apl"!114.2000 Page 3 r Rob~rl A.~1. Sh.::rn Architects .. projl:ct l11t!ctings. vn!ue engineering l' preparing 2 scpumrc bid packages . the bid i1nd contract negotiation plH1SC " [h~ con.c;tnlctiun administration phast.: . reimbul"sable eX;Jl:!'lsc.'\{including IOI1~ distanc:: telcphone cal~s. f.lcsimilc lransrmssions, lravd and accommudations, printing and pholllcopying. photogrnphic mi.1t:.:riills. slIpplies and n.:f'roduc~il1ns. CAOD pluLlin!5 sC'rvic~s. and expn.:ss r.1nii serVices). The additional cost ofprepariClg this project 015 :wQ separmc CClIHI'QC:S ......culd tOlal arpl'oximatl:ly SJ4.350. ?leaSC aovi.'ic as to whether this project will be compl~t~c under one. or twu contnl.cts. Th~ terms of our h1.Lc;ic COfltract sh<111 otherwise govern this n~rccment. fnhi~ rroposal i~ OIcccplablc, rle.a~e .~c=nd us a ICltt:r to that effect or sign and I'eturn a copy oflhis letter to us for l)llr tiles ffyau have questions nr l\e~d t\lrthcr inlhrmation. piC3Sl: don'! hesilatc to CHi! Ah:x Lamis or mc. We lauk forw<l.l'd ~() your pl'Ompt l'espnnsc. .-- Sine;.::-t:ly. L>awr! F.. J landl.:r, RI.J\ A'\5ocitlle Read and agreed to:_ LJatl..': c.... i{:)nl.::1 Guion! A;I,,;.,< 1.i.1:nj.~ Fronk (iUrl1Z70 Jaime ROJ'rcHi e;le: 93011.0.1 OH/dh r....h~'I~..ft'''....,,'''''..~...., r- V 3:Jljd : ~<tl~ 1~96 XtI~ e01uo)l:aI eO:9! 00, 5V7<) 88L.'oN 31I~ Scope of Services ~ Desil/;n of Collins Park and Collins Avenue Parkin~ Lot Miami Beach Re~ional Library . Design Phase Task Project Management '. Consultant Coordination Research Miami Reach l.oeal Codes and standards (I.e.: planning and zoning issues, historic district issues) Site Layout & Materials Design l.ayout & Materials Details Planting Design Planting Details ".- Preliminary Sile Grading Irrigatioll Design Design ~pecial Site Features (i.e. Ornamental Pool, Plaza, Pergola. Landscape Wall) Generate preliminary Estimate of Probable Construction Cost for above work Outline Specilicatiolls Periodic Project Meetings Assemble & Produce Presentation Materials for City Design Review & Approval (Assumes 3 presentations in Miami to DRH, DRH Committee, and Oversight Commillee) ".- 107 Construction Document Phase r Task Project Management Consultant Coordination Periodic Project Meetings Sile Removals Plans , Site Layout & Malerials Plans Layout & Materials Details Site Urading & Drainage PllIns Planting Plans Planting Details Lighting/Electrical Plans & Details -- Irrigation Plans & Details' Atypical Plans and Details (i.e. Ornamental Pool. Plal'.a, Pergola. Landscape Wall) Final Estimate ofl'robable Construction Cost [)evelop Final Speci Iications Assemble/Distribute Final Conslruetion Documents Bid Rnd Contract Negotiation Phase I.m Attend Pre-Bid Conf. Respond to Bidders' Inquiries/Prep. Addenda __ Prepare Conformed Construction Documents 108 Construction Administration Phase r- Task Shop Drw'g/Suhmillal Reviews & Approvals R.F.1. Responses Preconstr. ConJerenee Site Visits (Including Substantial and Final Gompletion Inspections) Change Ordcr Preparation Evaluation or Pay Requests Field Review ,-- ,.- 109 -- :. ~~-:U I ' ': ~~~) : \'''J . ~. \\ ..' \ r- ~ I . , , , ~ ~ .'] "::~:II ; ....~ . :,,'. I "m"",! !>jl F ~ \!. ,.<), ~:2-.; "~~ ~,... ,~~~ ~.'" ; .1 I - I ! : }, ::.11 ~:,:::~,..j ; ! '''~..'.;~l I ?J..: ~li- . ~,~" I ~~~ I ;';. ~:~:'! ! I :1 1--- I I I ! ~_.- CJI i l , 110 ,r- ,~obcrc A.M. Seem Archieec" '- w -:r- - <:: ~ - - ~ 12:::. _"J" t.:..::-;'::: ::c :-~ c.. CJ - W__:. ) u.:c: ('.., w. "'--...- - -.,. -- , w.:,: .. ".- >.. ;;;:: J ,-- ,=> ....l 0 " - ;.; r April 28, 2000 Jorge Chartrand, Project Manager City of Miami Beach, Public Works Depanment \700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Via Fax: 305-673-7028 Re: Design Fees, Collins Park Dear Jorge: [am in receipt of your fax dated April 26, 2000 regarding outstanding fee discussions on our project. As you know, we have spent considerable effort and made significant concessions already regarding our fees, and request that you seek Council approval for the revised fees as we have submitted them. [will summarize each of the outstanding fee ::J.iscussi"~n.f foS to where W~ current srand: !. Libraty Redesign Fee: Our original fee proposal to you for the work needed to redesign parts of our building to accommodate the proposed project by Ron Bloomberg was for 587.500,00. Borrelli and Associates gave a detailed breakdown of the actual estimated time required to do the work. CMB responded with a reduction in the fee to 559,220. based on marking down the expected number of hours for each task. With all due deference to the City. we feel that our oonsultants are in the best position at this pornt to understand in detail what is necessary to complete the reviSIons. Nonetheless. we agreed to reduce our proposal to 576,640. a deduction to $10.360. from our originai proposal. 2. Collins Park Master Plan Fee: Our original proposal to yon for work at Collins Park, based on an hourly breakdown of the Scope as we understand it for the entire park (both blocks) was $\60.160,00. The City offered a fee of \ 0% at the construction cost for the project, which for the entire project would be $136,900.00 based on an overall project budget of $1,369,000.00. Please note that we have agreed in principal that estimated reimbursable expenses in the amount of$\4.000,OO are not included in this fee, [fthe work is done separately for each of the two blocks, additional time, and therefore fc~. is :equ:r:d. Thi!: is due to to;: fact that:l large p':l~ of the '.:cst oftl1: pr:::je~t:5 the time necessary to meet with the many groups with an interest in the Park. and to prepare documents for the many agencies that will need to review and approve the plans, This commitment of time does not diminish significantly if we were to design only one block, instead of both. As we stated in our letter to you on April \4, we anticipate an additional cost of $34,350.00 would be needed to complete both phases if done independently. For the west portion only, we would prorate that fee, so that the fee for the west block only would be $99,200.00 + [(99,200/136,900) x 34,350.00] = $\24,090.00, plus approximately $\ 0,000.00 in reimbursable expenses. A Limieod Liability Pannership 111 ~ Robert A.M. Srern Architects ,--. r Jorge Chartrand Re: Design Fees, Collins Park April 28, 2000 Page 2 3, Streetscape Phase II Fee We will complete Bid Negotiation and Construction Administration Fee Phase II of the Streetscape project, for the $9,000 you have suggested, but will not include any reimbursable expenses from other phases within this project, as had previously been requested by CMB. We ar;" attaching our own fee analysis for the project, indicating that a fee of $23,370.00 would be appropriate for the scope as we understand it. Ple.,e call me to discuss this rroatter further. Sincerely, (~r} Alexander P. Larnis, AlA Partner APL/bjg cc: Robert A.M, Stem Rob Buford Dawn Handler Jaime BOlTelli, B+A Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, CMB K,\2000gncr\04.00\Clns~rkDe.ignFeesA28.wpd A Limtted Liability Partnership 112 'r:-'