Attachment 138 ~ITY OF MIAMI BEACH TY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER ORIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 :p:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us ===::;=-:::=:::- TO: FROM: SUBJECT: r- COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. lJ.-Sl-oD DATE: June 7, 2000 Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence l~;;e~~ ~ CityMany '. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,000 AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE FUTURE GENERAL OBLIGATION (GO) BOND ISSUE FOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS TO STAR ISLAND, AS SPECIFIED IN THE 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM; SAID FUNDS SHALL BE EXPENDED IN ADVANCE BY THE STAR ISLAND HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION AND REIMBURSED TO THE ASSOCIATION BASED ON A REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF ALL COSTS DEEMED TO BE FAIR AND REASONABLE BY THE ADMINISTRATION BASED ON PREVAILING COST OF CONSTRUCTION, MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR THE SOUTH FLORIDA AREA AT THE TIME OF THE EXPENDITURE. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS: In 1994 a landscape beautification program for the Star Island median was approved by the City Commission. The comprehensive project scope included the installation of a fully automated irrigation system, the planting of Royal Palms and other shade trees, construction and installation of concrete bollards, grading and sodding and two (2) median end features such as water fountains or elevated concrete planters with specimen trees or palms, ground cover and up lighting. At the time of the bid award funding in the amount of $280,150 was available for this project. This allocation enables phase one construction of all components with the exception of the median end features, species trees, ground cover and up lighting. Since the completion of the initial phase of the project, residents of Star Island, under the direction of the Star Island Homeowners' Association and the City, have worked together to complete the residents' vision of this beautification plan. r- T:\AGENDA \2000\JUN0700lREGULAR\2ST ARISL.MEM AGENDA ITEM DATE c,c. (;../7-00 39 Commission Memorandum June 7, 2000 Star Is/and Beautification Project Page 2 r- In support of this effort at the June 23,1999 Commission meeting, representatives of the Star Island TaxpayeT's Association made a presentation to the Commission requesting approval to expend $40,000 that remained from the Star Island unallocated irrigation line item for additional island landscape beautification improvements, This request was approved by a 6-0 voice vote. Expenditures in the amount of$40,000 for additional landscaping improvements have since been made by the Star Island Homeowners' Association and this amount reimbursed to them by the City, On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximate $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bonds. Included in the $92 Million was an allocation of $200,000 to be expended on Star Island. On March 20, 2000, a GO Bond Neighborhood meeting was held for the Venetian Islands, Star, Palm & Hibiscus Islands Neighborhoods. At this meeting the Star Island residents stated the desire to have the improvements planned for their island to proceed as expeditiously as possible. Subsequent to the March 20, 2000 GO Bond Neighborhood meeting, representatives of Star Island and the Administration met to discuss the action steps necessary to proceed with the implementation oftheir plan. As a result of these meetings, the Star Island representatives requested approval to proceed with the expenditure of $60,000 of their own funds for the purchase and installation of the two (2) median end features, estimated at a cost of $20,000 each, consisting of a coral rock border, specimen date ~ palms, ground cover, conduit for the up lighting and irrigation and the purchase and installation of additional Medjool Dates and Royal Palms in specific public areas at a cost of$20,000. The Star Island Homeowners' Association agreed to proceed with these improvements at $60,000 of their own expense with the assurance of the Commission they will be reimbursed from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance and the City's Fund being reimbursed from the 1999 GO Bond allocation of $200,000 earmarked for Star Island, when funding is available. The plan for the remaining $140,000 of the 1999 GO Bond allocation will be expended for additional lights and curbing of the island median. This work would be done in conjunction with other street, drainage, water and sewer improvements made to the island. In addition to City funding, the Star Island Homeowners' Association expended in excess of $100,000 of the their own funds to continue the beautification improvements of their neighborhood. The approval of this resolution would enable this effort to continue and demonstrate the City's commitment to complete this project. LAL/JG/~~S T:IAGENDA\2000IJUN0700IREGULAR\2ST ARISL.MEM r 40 Consent Agenda June 7, 2000 City of Miami Beach r- C7D Commission Memorandum No. 450-00 A Resolution Authorizing the Submission of an Application, in the Amount of $669,496, to the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families Services (CFS), for Continuation of Funding ofthe Log Cabin Training Center, for the Following Programs: the Developmental Training Program, Consisting of an Independent Living Skills ProgTam; Supported Employment Training Program; Transportation Services; and the Supported Independent Living Program; All Programs Designed to Benefit Developmentally Disabled Adults; Appropriating Said Funds, If Approved; and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Any and All Contract(s), Including Amendments, for the Final Grant Award(s), from the Period of July 1,2000, to June 30, 2001. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (CommunitylEconomic Development) ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23950 adopted. Christina Cuervo to handle. 'i/ C7E Commission Memorandum No. 451-00 r A Resolution Appropriating Funds in the Amount of $60,000 Available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance to Be Reimbursed from the Future General Obligation (GO)Bond Issue for Landscape Improvements to Star Island, as Specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program; Said Funds to be Expended in Advance by the Star Island Homeowners Association And Reimbursed by the Gity of Miami Beach Based on a Review and Approval of All Costs Deemed to Be Fair and Reasonable by the Administration, Based on PTevailing Cost of Construction, Materials and Labor for the South Florida Area at the Time of the Expenditure. ,.- Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Parks and Recreation Department) ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23951 adopted. Kevin Smith to handle. 10:46a C7F Commission Memorandum No. 452-00 A Resolution Approving the Acceptance of a Promissory Note from the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, Inc., in the Form Attached, for Parking Impact Fees in Connection with the Construction of the Miami Beach Visitors Information Center. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution (Planning Department) ACTION: Separated for discussion, Discussion held. Resolution No. 2000-23952 adopted. Motion made by Vice-Mayor Dermer to deny the promissory note; seconded by Commissioner Smith; Voice Vote: 1-6; Opposed: Mayor Kasdin, Commissioners Bower, Cruz, Garcia, Liebman, Smith. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman to approve the promissory note; seconded by Commissioner Bower; Voice Vote: 6-1; Opposed Vice-Mayor Dermer. Christina Cuervo and ,.- Patricia Walker to handle. v RESOLUTION NO. r A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $60,000, AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND UN DESIGNATED FUND BALANCE, TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE FUTURE GENERAL OBLIGATION (GO) BOND ISSUE, FOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS TO STAR ISLAND, AS SPECIFIED IN THE 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM; SAID FUNDS TO BE EXPENDED IN ADVANCE BY THE STAR ISLAND HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION AND REIMBURSED BY THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BASED UPON A REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF ALL COSTS DEEMED TO BE FAIR AND REASONABLE BY THE ADMINISTRATION, BASED ON PREVAILING COST OF CONSTRUCTION, MATERIALS AND LABOR FOR THE SOUTH FLORIDA AREA AT THE TIME OF THE EXPENDITURE. WHEREAS, in 1994 a landscape beautification program for the Star Island median was approved by the Mayor and City Commission; and WHEREAS, the comprehensive project scope included the installation of a fully automated irrigation system; the planting of Royal Palms and other shade trees; construction and installation of concrete bollards; grading and sodding; and !WO (2) median end features such as water fountains or elevated concrete planters ~ with specimen trees or palms; ground cover; and up lighting; and WHEREAS, at the time of the bid award funding, in the amount of $280, 150, was available for this project and this allocation enable Phase One construction of all components with the exception of the median end features, species trees, ground cover, and up lighting; and WHEREAS, on November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of a $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bond issue; and WHEREAS, included in this General Obligation Bond Program was a $200,000 allocation to Star Island for additional landscape improvements; and WHEREAS, representatives of the Star Island Homeowners' Association and the Administration have been working together to identifY these additional enhancements; and WHEREAS, as a result of this effort, the Star Island representatives have requested approval to proceed with the expenditure of$60,000 of their own funds for the purchase and installation of the two (2) median end features, estimated at a cost of $20,000 each, consisting of a coral rock border; specimen date palms; ground cover; conduit for the up lighting and irrigation, and the purchase and installation of additional Royal and Date Palms in specific areas of the median, at a cost of $20,000; and WHEREAS, the Star Island Homeowners' Association has agreed to proceed with these improvements at $60,000 of their own expense with the City's assurance that they it be reimbursed from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance, and with the City's Fund being reimbursed from the 1999 GO Bond allocation of $200,000, earmarked for Star Island when the funding is available; and ~ 41 r- WHEREAS, the plan for the remaining $1<Ul,000 of the 1999 GO Bond allocation will be expended for such improvements as additional lights and curbing of the Island median, and will be done in conjunction with other streetldrainage/water/sewer improvements made to the Island. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby appropriate funds in the amount of $60,000, available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance, to be reimbursed from the future General Obligation Bond issue, for landscape improvements to Star Island, as specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program; said funds to be expended in advance by the Star Island Homeowners' Association and reimbursed by the City of Miami Beach based upon a review and approval of all costs deemed to be fair and reasonable by the Administration, based on prevailing cost of construction, materials and labor for the South Florida area at the time of the expenditure. PASSED and ADOPTED this _ day of May, 2000. MAYOR ArrEST: r CITY CLERK T:IAGENDA\2000\JUN0700ICONSENTl2ST ARlSL.RES APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION -1 ~ rcJ\ /(jI) dy rlIfl'I ~ r-' 42