Attachment 136 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 http:\\ci.miami~beach. fl.us City of Miami Beach Telephone 305~73.7010 Facsimile 305~73.77B2 NORTH BEACH NEIGHBORHOODS MEETINGS Tuesday, June 6,2000 at 6:30 p.m. Lehrman Day School, 727 77th Street, Assembly Room AGENDA I. WELCOME II. INTRODUCTIONS III. PURPOSE OF MEETING IV. OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM V. PRESENT STATUS VI. NEIGHBORHOOD PRESENTATION A. REPORT FROM FIRST NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING B. NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS . SCOPE OF WORK . TIME LINES . FUNDING . COORDINATION WITH OTHER NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECTS C. NEXT STEPS BREAKOUT ROOMS Biscayne Point - Room 203 Normandy Isle - Room 204 Nonnandy Shores - Room 205 North Shore - Room 206 Summary Total General Obligation Bond Funding $90,646,790 '. Total Amount In Neighborhood Input and Planning Phase $58,295,666 Total Amount of Issued RFQs $10,170,525 Total Amont of Design Contracts Underway or Approved for Arne $22,180,599 Total Amount in Construction Phase $0 Total Amount Completed $0 North Beach Neighborhood Improvements Biscayne Point Area Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 632, Area-wide street improvement (integrales Municipal MObility Plan Project #2). Funding 341, indudes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street 342, pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street 343, parking concepts. 411 $4,150.000 North Shore and Park View Island Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 632, Area-wide street improvement (integrates,""unicipal Mobility Plan Project #2). Funding $4,150,000 341, includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street 342, pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street 343, parking concepts. Area includes all areas north of 63rd Street, and east of Indian Creek and 411 Tatum Waterway. This area includes Park View Island. Biscayne Elementary School Circulation Improvements 632 Improve traffic circulation, pedestrian safety along 77th SI. in front of Biscayne Elementary School (Municipal Mobilty Plan Projecl#4) $36,250 Normandy Shores Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 632, Area.wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #2). Funding 341, includes traffic calming planning, strudures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street 342, pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and inigation, and increased on~street 343, pa11l:ing concepts. Includes all areas of Normandy Island north of Ihe canal. 411 $3,400,000 Normandy Isle & Normandy Sud Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 632, Area-wide street improvement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Projed #2). Funding $4,150,000 341, includes traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, streel 342, pavement. lighting, bike faclllties, landscaping and inigation, and increased on.street 343, par1l.ing concepts. Includes all areas of Normandy Island south of the canal, including the 411 Normandy Sud neighborhood. Normandy Dr, /71st St. Corridor Enhancements 632 Provide increased landscaping and pedestrian amenities along Normandy Dr & 71st St. Conllnuation of existing slreetscape west from Rue Notre Dame to City Limit (Municipal Mobility Plan Project #6) $293,000 North Beach Parks and Beaches Improvements Crespi Park 528, New restroom, renovate basketball courts, tot lot, landscape, and inigation. Proposed GO 637 Bond components include new basketball court, court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum pickel fencing. Stillwater Park 536, New recrealion building and basketball courts, limited security lighting. landscape & 637 irrigation. Proposed GO Bond components include court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum pickel fencing. Tatum Park 537, Building renovations, playground, landscape & Irrigation, limited security lighting & entry 637 gale. Proposed GO Bond components include court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum pickel fencing. North Shore Open Space Park 547, New Recreation I Nature Center, renovate restrooms, lighting, landscape & irrigalion. 637 funded by CIP. Proposed GO Bond components include expanded Nature Center. additional beach plantings, security lighting and fencing, and provides for expansion into Alios del Mar. Expansion Includes conversion to passive par1l: of eleven contiguous lots in Altos del Mar, renovate or move historic structures, provide infrastructure, and extend Ocean Terrace 10 76th SI. North Shore Park & Youth Center 546, New recreation center, tennis coorts, renovate bandsheU, lighting, landscape & inigation, 637 accessible playground. Proposed GO Bond COf11)onents include baseball field lighting, perimeter aluminum picll:et fencing, and $1,000,000 for Youth Center. Shane Watersports Center new Expansion of the Shane Watersports Center to provide meeting rooms, appropriate facilities for training, and related site improvements. Addition will inciude the construction of a second story on 10 existing building. Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouse I Community Center 612 Phase II Renovation and restoration of golf course and club house. Proposed GO Bond component to provide additional resources per community request for clubhouse renovations and development of community center facilities for the neighborhood residents, Fairway Park 541, Building, basketball and tennis courts renovation, lighting, playground. landscape, 637 Proposed GO Bond components indude perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Normandy Isle Park 545, Renovate pool and fields, new recreational center, basketball courts, security lighting, lot lot 637 landscape & irrigation. Proposed GO Bond components indude security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. $150.000 $160,000 $150,000 $3.200.000 $1,350,000 $300,000 $750,000 $250,000 $300,000 Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment Fire Apparatus Replacement 625 Replacement of 5 fire/rescue vehicles (2 ladder trucks, 3 pumpers) $2,700,000 Fire Station #2 Renovation 2301l Pinetree Drive 495 Full historic restoration, renovation, new apparatus bays and living quartern $4,686,449 Fire Station #4 Renovation 6880 Indian Creek Drive 494 Historic restoration and renovation, Including new apparatus bays and living quarters $1,925,525 Maintenance Facilities Public Works Facility 479 Public Works renovation includes renovation of 20,000 sq:ft. facility, 5,000 sq:fI. expansion, ADA compliance. access road, environmental remediation, paving, drainage, lighting, parking, and fueling facility for City vehicles. Public Works facility is located at 2300 Plnetree Drive $2,861,000 Property Maintenance Facility 574 Property Maintenance Facilty includes: replacement of 10,000 sq.ft. maintenance and warehouse facility, parking for 40 City vehicles, 40 employee vehicles, ADA compliance. Present facility is unsafe for workers and in need of full resloralion. $1,924,000 Parks Maintenance Facility 534 Parks Maintenance renovation includes renovation of building and greenhouse, security lighting, screening landscape, and new employee lot. The Parks Maintenance Facility is located on the Bayshore Golf Course, al North Meridian Avenue $560,416 City-Wide Neighborhood Improvements Shoreline I Seawall Rehabilitation Program 414 Replace and repair deteriorated City-owned seawalls. For, bulkhead seawalls with drainage outfalls, deteriorated outfall to be repaired and boltom In immediate vicinity dredged to remove siltation and restore runoff efficiency. This component including approximatey 350 outfalls for $3.5-million is a stormwaler runoff function, and is to be funded by water and sewer revenue sources. Seawalls without outfalls indude Collins Canal. Indian Creek. Lake Pancoast, Parkview Island, and street ends throughout the City, except in South Pointe RDA (RDA funds allocated for South Points seawall restoration. Other seawalls are vertical bulkheads al approximately $800 flinear fl. or living seawalls at approximately $100 I linear ft. Many of thE;se seawall sections are coordinated with other projects and will be incorporated into their cpaital costs, including bikeway I greenway projects along Collins Canal and Indian Creek ($2~million) $4,800,000 City-Wide Parks and Beaches Improvements Beach Planting 557 Development of landscape design and plantings for beaches dune system on beach throughout City. $1,000.000 North Beach Recreational Corridor 558 Bicycle and pedestrian facility on Beach ROW from 60th Streello 75th Street. To be coordianted with Allison Park improvements $500,000 '. ADA Beach Access new Wheelchair accessible over-dune access, with decked, railed, lookout point, wI shade trees, and additional parking space, made oul of bafgrading in the sand -srew anchored below grade with large deck area at seaside with rails (similar to 5th Slreet) $225,000 ADA City-Wide Renovations 480 Renovate City-owned facilities to improve safe access to persons with disabilities $1,000,000 Parks Facilities Roof Repair Plan 486 Provide for comprehensive roof surveys of large facilities roof needs plus replacmenl and repair. This is 80% of the Roof Repair Plan. 10% is incorporated into the Public Works Facility, and 10% into the Property Maintenance FaCility. $700,000