Attachment 132 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 '-'+o:\\ci.miami-beach,f1.u5 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: r COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. '+\ g - 00 Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission DATE: May 24, 2000 Lawrence A. Levy I Q ~ City Manager .llfI A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List; Specifically for ArchitecturallEngineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for Beach Planting; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Finn of Savino & Miller Design Studio, to Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facility and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Finn ofPBS & J, Inc. Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top Ranked Finn. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution, ANALYSIS: On November 2, 1999, the City of Miami Beach voters approved the issuance of an approximately $92 MiIlion General Obligation (GO) Bond for Neighborhood, Parks and Beach, and Fire Safety Improvements. In an effort to begin the implementation of these Bond Projects, the City desires to contract with design professionals in accordance with Florida Statute 287.055 for planning and the preparation of the constructionlbidding documents needed to undertake the work detailed in the Scope of Work for the above mentioned facilities. The selected firm will be responsible for reviewing existing City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinances and Building Codes, and for incorporating the data into complete construction documents including final working drawings, maintenance expenses, construction estimates, specifications, and bid documents necessary for the bidding and construction of this project. r AGENDA ITEM C-/ Q DATE S-'2..'f--OU .,..,j /"" RFQ No. 41.99/00 Page Two May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) The firm will be responsible for obtaining all Federal, State and local pennits necessary for the construction of the project, and may also be required to provide consulting services to the City on various matters which do not result in drawings or specifications, The design will be developed with the input of the City Administration, the various City Boards ani Committees, as well as area residents and other interested individuals and groups. The design team will be headed by a Landscape Architect and must include an Enviromnental Coastal Engineer experienced with native beach plant materials, coastal planting and enviromnental permitting. This is a City-wide coastal landscape restoration and enhancement project. The project will involve the removal of nuisance exotics and include the planting of native dWle species at key areas along the City's sand dWle system. DWle plantings will be designed to re-fill voids in the existing landscape, impede improper encroachments across the dWles. ~ In those areas where the beaches are wider and more stable, a series of coconut palm clusters will also be installed. These Wldulating clusters of palm trees will provide beach goers with shade oases in which to stroll, rest or picnic. Because the plantings will be located in a zone impacted by stonn surges which is easfofthe Erosion Control Line, special hurricane resistant anchoring systems must be utilized in order to hold plantings stationary in the event of a stonn. Coastal Construction Pennits are required from the Florida Department of Enviromnental Protection, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems. On January 12, 2000, the Commission adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List. The RFQ was issued on January 20, 2000, with an opening date of March 1,2000, Four-hWldred- fifty-six (456) notices and one-hundred-sixteen specifications were issued, resulting in the receipt of two (2) responsive responses from the following firms: PBS & J Savino & Miller Design Studio ,r- "c~ ,-. RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Three May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) Letter to Commission dated March 22,2000 established an Evaluation Committee consisting of the following individuals: Amy Rabin, GO Bond Project Oversight Committee Member Bruce Henderson, Environment Specialist John Oldenburg, Assistant Director of Parks Robert Prado, Parks Superintendent Lynn Bernstein, Service Delivery Manager Alexandra Rolandelli, Community Development Reuben Caldwell, Planner On March 24 2000, the Evaluation Committee met to review these responses. Bruce Henderson was selected as the Committee Chairperson. The Committee agreed to have both firms give oral presentations. On April 11 , 2000, the two (2) firms made oral presentations before the Evaluation Committee. The Committee's role was to evaluate and rank the firms based on the following criteria identified in the RFQ: ,-. Firm's' Experience; Project Manager's Experience, Previous Similar Projects, Qualifications of Project Team, and Certified Minority Participation. The rankings listed below are the final results of the committees' evaluation(s) of each firm at the conclusion of the oral presentations, John Oldenburg and Robert Prado did not attend this meeting. Second Round: (two top-ranked firms) Finn PBS & J Savino & Miller Design Studio AR 2 I BH 2 I LB 2 I AR 2 I Hi; 2 I Total 8 5 Rank 2 1 The committee members' initials are as follows: AR: Amy Rabin BH: Bruce Henderson LB: Lynn Bernstein AR: Alexandra Rolandelli RC: Reuben Caldwell The committee ranked the finn of Savino & MilIer Design Studio as the top-ranked finn, and PBS & J as the second-ranked firm. r r- RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Four May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) Attached is the following additional information on the top-ranked firm (Savino & Miller Design Studio): Attachment 1: Proposer Qualification Statement Attachment 2: Firm's Experience Attachment 3: Project Manager's Experience Attachment 4: Previous Similar Projects Attachment 5: Previous/Current City of Miami Beach Projects by Savino & Miller Design Studio. The Committee's recommendation was provided to the City Manager for his consideration. In accordance with the terms of the RFQ, the City Manager has reviewed the Evaluation Committee's recommendation and concurs with its ranking of responses. The Mayor and City Commissioners are not bound by either the City Manager's or the Evaluation Committee's recommendations. The City Manager recommends that The Mayor and Commission accept the ranking by the Evaluation Committee, authorize the City Administration to enter into negotiations with the top- ranked firm of Savino & Miller Design Studio, and authorize the Administration to negotiate with the second-ranked firm ofPBS & J., should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked firm, r LAL~1Otv F:\PURCISALLIJOHNICOMM\41-SM99.WPD r , Afteraction Report May 24, 2000 City Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach 'r ~ C7Q Commission Memorandum No. 418-00 A Resolution Accllpting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No, 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List; Specifically for ArchitecturallEngineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for Beach Planting; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of Savino & Miller Design Studio, to Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facility and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm ofPBS & J, Inc, Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top Ranked Firm. Administration Recommendation' Adopt the Resolution. (Public Works) ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23931 adopted. Matthew Schwartz to handle. r Prepared by the City Clerk's Office Page 14 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23931 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER PERTAINING TO THE RANKING OF PROPOSALS RECEIVED IN RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NO. 41-99/00 FOR ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL AND GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES FOR V ARlOUS CITY PROJECTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NOVEMBER 2, 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION (GO) BOND PROJECT NO.8, FOR ARCHITECTURAUENGINEERlNG SERVICES TO DEVELOP DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE BEACH PLANTING; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE TOP-RANKED FIRM OF SAVINO & MILLER DESIGN STUDIO TO DEVELOP DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE PROPOSED FACILITY; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE SECOND RANKED FIRM OF PBS & J SHOULD THE ADMINISTRATION NOT BE ABLE TO SUCCESSFULLY NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT WITH THE TOP RANKED FIRM. WHEREAS, the City issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for providing architectural, engineering, landscaping architectural and graphic design services for various City projects in accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond project list; and "'. WHEREAS, four-hundred fifty-six notices and one-hundred sixteen (116) specifications for RFQ No. 41-99/00 were issued, resulting in two (2) timely responses; and ' ..- WHEREAS, an Evaluation Committee recommended by the City Manager and approved by the Mayor and City Commission met on March 24, 2000, and agreed to short list the two (2) top-ranked firms and that they be invited for oral presentations before the Committee; and WHEREAS, the Committee heard oral presentations on April 11, 2000, and unanimously voted to recommend negotiations with the top-ranked firm, Savino & Miller Design Studio, and with the second-ranked firm ofPBS & J, should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked firm; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has reviewed the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and concurs with the Evaluation Committee's recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission herein accept the City Manager's recommendation pertaining to the ranking of proposals received in response to RFQ No. 41-99100 and authorize the Administration to enter into negotiations with the top-ranked firm of Savino & Miller Design Studio and with the second-ranked firm of PBS & J should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked firm, PASSED and ADOPTED this 24 th day of May. 2000 MAyo1ft ~TTEST: i {Lw t P t[1, Ju~ CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION r- ~~ PROPOSED QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Page 1 of 4 Aft. --- PROJECT NUMBER RFQ NO. 41.99/00 PROJECT NAME Project No.8. Beach Plantlna FIRM NAME IAS SHOWN ON CORPORATE SEAL) Savino & Miller Deslon Studio, PA DDRESS OF PROPOSED OFFICE IN CHARGE 4014 Chase Avenue .219 Miami Beach, Florida 33140 ELEPHONE NO: 13051538.9062 IFACSIMILE NO, /3051534-906 INDICATE SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED ON THIS PROJECT APPLICANT PROPOSED CONSUTLANTS Services FL State Corporate Minority Name of FI State Corporate Minority Offered License Charter Certification Consultant License Charter Certification Landscape lArchitecture 866 >0300002865 ves Langan Eng. Coastal & Env, Pennillina Services 6601 1369 N/A Environmental Paul Un & Engineerino Associates 42636 61456 N/A r- ,r"' . PROPSER'S QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT Page 2 of 4 rlWORKLOAD APPLICANT FIRM (ONL Yl I I Define each project the APPLICANT is handling as of the deadline for receipt of proposals (excluding portions of fees paid to Consultants), Specify number of all principles and technical staff in the firm (excluding staff draftino/CADD ooerator personnel end Consultants): Proiects Fees on Hold Fees Remainino . 41 st Street Phase II - $32,000 Washinoton Ave Phases 12,4,S} - $93,500 Sunny Isles Beach Citv Hall - $44,000 Vidor Hotel Miami Beach $3 BOO $7,SOO MIA Guardhouse $2,600 $2,100 MIA Buildino 54 Landscape - $7,SOO HHH Hioh School, Weston $3,500 $19000 The Plaza @ Ooral $2S,000 $9,000 PahDkee Roadwav Improvements $15,000 $2,SOO r TOTAL FEES $49,900 $47,600 TOTAL PERSONS (Princioal & Technical Sta 4 r 9 PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Page 3 of 4 ~ SPECIFIC RELATED EXPERIENCE IPro'ects of comparable tvee, size and complexitv\: Contact Person T elephone/F acsimile Construction Prolect No. Location Cost Completion Date Phase Royal Palm Hotel R. Donahue Peebles Miami Beach $400,000 ? Construction Loews Convention Hotel Eric Messe Miami Beach $750,000 1999 Johnson & Walls Universitv Donald McGrnor Litlle Arch Creek $300,000 1996 ""'iami Beach Resort Hotel Miami Beach $80,000 Amelia Island Master Plan William Weismandt Amelia Island $250,000 Research Proiect N/A Sasson Hotel Sales Center Enrinue Fefer Miami Beach $800,000 ohn MacArthur Park Oleta River State Recreation Area rhe Continum Nathan Honn 1305167 A Miami Beach $85,000,000 On-<loino 1 Ocean Grande Jordon Kiernow 1954\ Hilsboro Beach $18,000,000 Dec-01 Williams Island 0 AI Gutlentao Sunny Isles Beac $20,000,000 Jun-02 10 r PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Page 4 of 4 KEY PERSONNEL OF PROPOSED TEA~ TO BE USED ON THIS PROJECT' Name Discipline of Licenserrraining City of Residence I.ll.nnlicant's Princ/oallsl -In-Charae Banv Miller Landscaoe Architect Miami Beech, Florida Adriana Savino Architect Miami Beach, Florida Professionalrr echnlcal Staff DiscTDfine of Licenserrralnina City of Residence Jannan Peacock Landscaoe Architect Miami Beach, Florida Garren Owens Landscaoe Architect Miami, Florida Consultant (s) Discipline of L1censerrrainlng City of Residence Prlnel"al'sl -In-Charae IAna-Meiia- Medina CoastallEnviromental Permillina Miami Sorinas, Florida Lisa Hammer Ornamental Horticulture Homestead, Florida Consultant (s) Discipline of L1censerrralning City of Residence Professlonalrrechnlcal Staff rranza Ross Coa.tal Enoineer/EnvllOmenlal Soeciali.l Miami, Florida Paul C, p, Lin Coastal Enoineer/Envlromental Miami, Florida ,-- r II M.2, ~ 1. FIRM'S EXPERIENCE SAVINO & MILLER DESIGN STUDIO is a multi-disciplinary Landscape Architectural design finn which provides professional consulting services in the fields of Landscape Architecture, Architecture, Urban Design, and Planning, The studio's strength lies in the ability to provide in-house multi-disciplinary skills to all facets of open space project design, The Principals, Adriana Savino and Barry Miller, together have over 25 years of professional design experience, with extensive experience in urban planning, streetscape design, community planning, site planning. hotel-resort, residential and park design, ~ Our portfolio of diverse projects demonstrates our commitment to provide our clients with the highest standard of quality, We believe that the art of design is essential to improve our quality of life, To each project, we bring artistic sensitivity, coupled with a clear understanding of its pragmatic objectives which result in innovative, cost-effective design solutions, Savino & Miller Design Studio is a minority-owned finn, We use the state-of-the art technology to produce cost-effective plan documents which facilitates communication between our clients and consultants, Savino & Miller Design Studio started as a Florida Partnership in 1987. We incorporated in 1993 becoming a Florida S Corporation. We have occupational Licenses in Dade County and in the City of Miami Beach, Savino & Miller and its principals are registered through the Florida Department of Professional Regulation to practice Landscape Architecture and Architecture, All the Licenses are enclosed, r- 50 4ft- .) r- 2. PROJECT MANAGER'S EXPERIENCE BARRY R. MILLER Landscape ArchitectPlanner ~ Barry R Miller will be the Project Manager for this Project He was born in Miami, Florida and attended the University of Florida, where he received his Bachelor's Degree in Landscape Architecture in 1979, and later graduated with a Master's of Urban & Regional Planning in 1984, In 1982, he became a licensed Landscape Architect in the State of Florida, and served as Miami Section Chainnan of the American Society of Landscape Architects, His graduate thesis work focused on regional development in Jamaica, and has since worked on various private and public sector projects, These include the John MacArthur State Park, Singer Island; Oleta River State Recreation Area, Ringling Museum Master Plan, Sarasota; 1000 Venetian Way Condominium, Miami; the Miami Beach Ocean Resort; Johnson & Wales Culinary University, North Miami; Homestead Historic District Streetscape Plan; L 'Excellence Condominium, Miami Beach;. and Temple Beth David, Miami. In Miami Beach, he collaborated extensively with ST A and other architects in the historic preservation of many buildings throughout the Art Deco District such as The Alamac, Parc Vendome, The Fenimore,' The Wilbur, The Esplanade, The Aloha, The Riviera Plaza among others. Recently he developed the landscape master plan for the Loews Convention Hotel in Miami Beach, Barry is presently serving in the Aesthetic Transportation Board in Dade County, He was a designer for the University of Miami Campus International Competition Grand Prize Winner. He is currently principal-in-charge of Landscape Architecture for the 41st St Middle Beach Beautification Project in Miami Beach, the Royal Palm Hotel in Miami Beach and Washington Avenue. Barry was also involved in the Master Plan for the North Miami Beach City Hall Complex & Police Facility and is presently working as a team member on the Site Master Plan for the Sunny Isles City HalL r 54 --- BARRY R. MILLER, ASLA PARTNER! VICE-PRESIDENTI LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTI PLANNER EDUCATION Masters of Urben and Regional Planning Univwoity of FIorlda, December 1984 Elach_ of Land.cape An:hitectura Univwoity of Flotida, June 1979 EXPERIENCE 1992._1 19S7.1GG2 Principal: Savino & Mmar Design S1udio, Miami _, FIorlda, Sr. Aaaociete, Landscape Atehitect and Planner at Iltuco Howard & Associatas (BHA) Miami, Florida, Landscape An:hiled and Planner WoIlace Roberls & Todd (WR1J MUllni. Florida. Urban and RegiomlI Planner and Landscape AtchiteoIIIII Urban Development Corporation. Jamaica Landscape A1chii8ct, Projact Manager: Henderson RosenbtIIV Scully: Miami, Florida 19/15.1987 191J3.1984 1980-1982 SAVINO & MILLER PROJECT EXPERIENCE SIN'''~ ,,- Waahington Avenua SIraatsc_ Mallar Plan Miami Beach, FL 41st SIraet Sea_on Projad, Miami Baach, FL Draxal-E.pano/a Way Slraalscape Miami Baach, FL BrickaII A_Median _cape, MIami, FL 16th StraatfAncllor PtICO, Miami Baach, FL Fisharman" LandirJfl SIraatocape G Ocean Reof Rasort, Kay l.atyo, FL Normandy Isla SIraa/scape _on Program Miami 8Nch. FL 127/1r SIraet _, Noritr Miami, FL Krome/w.shingtolJ Avenue StnIetscape JmplOvements Homastaad, FL __Aif-.oDlllIrfct Tho Alemac, Tha Aloha, 211 Collin. Awnue. _ Collins Ave., The Gatsby, The Fenimore, The P8IC Vendome. TlHI p.", GstrJens, The Ilelld<<son. 800 Michigan Avenue, 1100.1200 Washington Avenue, The Riviera PI.a, The Gershwin. The Jef'ffIrson Avenue Apsrtmanl Comp/ax, Tho IntarnllllionBl r- . ,MY/NO !If MILLEt! DUICN ~TUDIO . 55 lArgo"'" -Projocts Lee... Convention Cantar HoIeI Royal Palm Convenlion HoIeI Parl< Vintaga Condominium M8$lar Plan Sunset ~our Tho Sasson The sa/a Condominium Tho CycIon Portofino Ocean Patoef Mallar Plan La Gaoo Palace MiamiBeach Ocean_ L 'Excellence Condominium, Miam; &fIlCh, FL URBAN DESIGN MASTER PLAN Bali ~ HoIeI & Condominium Projact Mastar Plan Bali, Indonesia Univatsily of Miami Mastar Plan coconut Gro.. Planning study Briclcall Avanua SIraatocape GuideNne. Miami Design District Landscape Muter Plan Pensacola e.ach Mastar Plan Maypott Naval station Mastar Plan, Maypor/. FL JacI<ICNIvilJa e.ach Community RadavelopnHJnl Plan & Ocaanfronl Prom_ INSTITUTIONAL I PUBUUC FACILITY Tampl. BaI1I DaWI, Miami Baach, FL City Gas Haadqu.mn, Hi_, FL Tho CIl.uangar _ai, Miami, FL Johnson & WaIao Univartity, Noritr Miami, FL Not1tI Miami Baach City Hall Comp/ax & PoIiee Facif.i/y Sunny Isla. City Hall, City of Sunny Islas, FL Avanlura City Hall, Aventura, FL RESiDeNTIAL MMqUIIId Rasidance , La Gon:e Island Miami Baach, F/, SU_ Ra_, Palm Baach, FL Rubenstein Residence, GulfstreBm, FI _ Ras/dance,SUnset 1_,Miami BaacIr ,FL PARK _Island Pot1<. 1984, UniYor>ity of Florida 0epw1mant of AtcIliIadura John 0, MacAttI1ur Beach SIata Pari<, Palm Beach, FL 0/allI Rivar St"'" _ Parlr. N, Miami, FL V_, ParI<. OeIray BaacIr' FL John & Mabla RirJflNng Musaum Mallar Plan of At1, Sarasota, FL r PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATlONl MEMBERSHIP AND ACTIVITIES Ro9i- 1And_ Arc:hitrJd (FL fIilIl6) __ Socie/y of IAndOCllpe Arr:hi/octs Performing Atta Cen/lJr Buikling CcmmiIfH "" /he Porform/ng Atta Cen/lJr TlUst Tranapor/IJIion Ao_ Ro_ Ccmmilt.. attlJo MotropoIiton PlO1lnlng Oll/oniulion. 2000 HONORS AND AWAIlOS Grond Prizo UnIvonity at M_ Campus _ Plan Intomollona/ Compelition (WRT) Amelio Island Parle Award. 1984, University at Florida Dopotlm01l1 at AtchiloctUro. "" oxc:ellence in Project Monogomonl end DNign, 1_ Merit Award Florida Choptor Amoricon SocioIy at Lend_ Atchi/octs PUBLICATIONS AND LECTURES Gusst Lscturor ""fils Miami Bach Art Deco Wool< 19fU./r193-11K/2 Deco Floro & tIJo Uvoble City, r- Plllfmino for Hiaher EducllliorJ Tho Joumsl of tIJo Society "" CoIJogo and UniVOllity Plonning, "71ro Dosig. Ccmpelition and Slr8/egy 01 tho University of Misml~ WllIburlcn. RsJph, Vol, 17: #1; 1988-1989 Florido Arr:hiloctUro 5DtIr Annuol ErIiIion, Tho Temple BelIr o.vid: 1988 BuildM Atchitoct Tho Rot. at Landscape Arr:hitoct Published_.19!12, r . .!>,WINO IJ;1 MILLEQ DE.!>IGN .!>TUDIO .. 56 /'" Aft. 4- 3. PREVIOUS SIMILAR PROJECTS Project Name: Location: Description: Proje~t Cost: Service: Principal Firm: Date: Contact: Project Name: Location: Description: ~ Client: Project Cost: Service: Principal Firm: Contact: Project Name: Location: Description: Client: Project Cost: Service: Principal Firm: Date: Contact: r AMELIA ISLAND STATE PARK Amelia Island, FL The plan was completed for the Masters Program of Urban Regional Planning for which it received the Award for Project Excellence in Design and Management. The plan incorporated three active recreation nodes and compacted sand parking areas with boardwalks, nature trails, and horse trails at the southern tip of Amelia Island, S250,OOO Master Planning, Schematic Design University of Florida, Barry R. Miller - Project Manager 1984 William Weismantel, Professor JOHN MACARTHUR STATE PARK Singer Island, FL The plan consisted of developing a state park with a special emphasis on native habitat preservation/education. The parking was located in an ex.isting stand of Australian Pine, which was largely removed and a nature center sited in an existing stand of hammock trees. A bridge led over the tidal lagoon to the barrier island/dune. where two restroom/shower facilities were located with dune crossovers leading over the dune to the beach. Our responsibilities included site analysis, design development, construction documents. and specifications. State ofFlorida S 3 million Master Planning.Schematic Design, Construction Documents Wallace Roberts and Todd, Inc,Adriana Savino, Barry Miller project Designers, Ignacio Bunster.Ossa. Partner in Charge THE OLETA RIVER STATE RECREATION AREA North Miami Beach, Florida The park program caned for a variety of public recreational uses, such as the creation of a man-made beach, numerous picnic pavilions, restrooms, large play areas and children's playgrounds, The design concept called for a central parking zone (located in an area overtaken by non-native plant species) around which the passive and active park activities were strung along the coastline. Adriana Savino participated in the schematic design & construction documents of all shelters and public bathrooms, Metro-Dade County, State of Florida $2 Million Master Planning. Construction Documents WRT, Inc. Partner-in-Charge: Ignacio Bunster-Ossa \988 John Fernsler, WRT. (305) 448-0788 S7 r Previous similar projccts12 Project Name: Location: Description: Client: Project Cost: Service: Principal Firm: Sub-consultant: Date Construction: Contact: ,-- Project Name: Location: Deuription: Client: Project Cost: Sen"ice: Principal Firm: Date: Contact: r JOHNSON AND WALES UNIVERSITY North Miami. FL The design concept was to reflect the primary function of the university as a culinary institute. Traditional forms of cultivation. i.e. the orchard, grove, and gaden. were integrated with building's architectural elements to symbolize the grid~like land use panerns of agriculture. The design also addresses streetscape improvements, and the liberal use of edible plants for a continuous supply of fresh "produce". Native wetland and coastal hammock plantings were used alcng the banks of Little Arch Creek, a state natural water, and manatee zone, Other site design elements include lighting, seating, paving and irrigation, Johnson & Wales Universily $500,000 Site Planning, Schematic Design thru Construction Documents for paving, outdoor walls, site lighting, site furniture. planting; Construction Savino & Miller Design Studio Constance Cummings - Irrigation Design 1993-1998 Douglas Sidelinger, Johnson & Wales University 1701 NE 127'" Street NorthMiami,FL 33161 (305) 892-7051 LOEWS MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER HOTEL Miami Beach, FL The design concept for the winning proposal was to create maximum interaction between the building's indoor and outdoor space while providing for a dramatic. vista to the pool, beach, anti Atlantic Ocean beyond, Various patios, terraces and decks are sited along the cascading linear fountain, which defines the vista to the ocean. Along Collins Avenue, the intent was to make the streetscape "pedestrian-friendly", with raised lerraces and seatwalls which encourage people 10 "participate" in the streetscape, Loews Hotels, Forest City RaIner $3 Million Schematic Design, Design Developmen~ and Construction Documents! Administration for planting, paving, irrigation, site lighting, and maintenance specifications. In association with Bradshaw, Gill, and Associates. Nichols, Brosch, Sandoval Architects 2600 Douglas Road, Suite 900 Coral Gables, FL 331344 (305) 443-5206 1997 Eric Nesse 407 Lincoln Road, Suite 6-K Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 535-8077 58 r Pre,,;ous similar projecWl Project Name: Location: Description: Client: Project Cost: Servite: Principal Firm: Completion Date: Key Individuals: Team Role: Contact: ~ Project Name: Location: Description: Client: Service: Principal Firm: Date: Con tad: ,..- ROYAL PALM CONVENTION HOTEL Miami Beach, FL Tho: design concept for the hotel juxtaposes an urban plaza at the hotel's entry on Collins Avenue with a tropical oceanfront garden. The plaza is designed as a simple "urban grid" which gradually ascends to the hotel's lobby, while seeming to emerge from a public "beachwalk" on the nonh side of the site, An elevated terrace - designed as an extension of the public plaza to the south - allows the user a view over the tropical palm garden out to the ocean beyond. The terrace and plaza are interconnected by a grand stairway, completing the urban design linkage, The site program also includes an elevated pool, allowing a view to the oeean, and an at-grade tropical lagoon and pool. The R, Donahue Peebles Companies, Inc, $1 Million Schematic Design, Design Development, and Construction Documents, Administration for planting, paving. irrigation, site lighting, and maintenance specifications. Arquitectonica 2001 Barry Miller - Principal-in-Charge I Landscape Architect Adriana Savino - Project Manager I Design Site Plan, Landscape Architecture Daniel GrimmeIDonohoe Development Company (305) 604-8690 PENSACOLA BEACH MASTER PLAN Pensacola Beach, FL The development of a Land Use Master Plan for Pensacola Beach, a barrier island in nonhwest Florida, Services included recommended alternatives for zoning, streeetscape guidelines and building development, City of Pensacola Beach Master Planning WRT, lnc, / Barry Miller, Project Manager 1986 John Fernsler, WRT, (305) 448-0788 59 r M\-.~. 4. PREVIOUS I CURRENT PROJECTS FOR CITY of MIAMI BEACH STREETSCAPE I RlGHT-OF-WA Y BEAUVFICAVON Project Name: Location: Description: Client: Project Cost: Sen'ice: Principal Firm: nate: Contact: r Project Name: Location: Description: Client: Project Cost: Service: Principal Firm: Date: Contact: r WASHINGTON A VENUE STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN Miami Beach. FL The Master Plan? presently ongoing, proposes streetscape improvements and reconfiguration for the 100' RQ, W. from 5'" to 16'" street through the hean of the An Deco District. The design criteria b~lances needs for circulation (mass vehicular transit. pedestrian) historic district preservation. future growth, and the creation of a pedestrian-friendly environment, Intensive analysis of existing conditions and design of street alternatives, have led to the preparation of a Final Master Plan City of Miami Beach $ 3,300,000 Master Planning, Conceptual Design of Bus Shelters. Site Furniture; Design Development/Construction DocumentS/Construction Phase Services. Savino & Miller Design Studio 1996-2001 Ronnie Singer Ass!. City Manager/City of Miami Beach (305) 673-7010 41" STREET MIDDLE BEACH BEAUTlFICA nON PROJECT Miami Beach, FL The design process for this project. presently ongoing. includes an exhaustive site analysis, development of Opponunity/Constraint maps, Alternative Design & Phasing Plans, Final Design/Cost Estimate Plan, and Construction Documents! Administration, SMDS is in charge of design, and has the role as community liaison, City of Miami Beach $4,200,000 Master Plan, Schematic drawings. Design Development, and Construction Observation. Savino & Miller Design Studio [n Progress Lynn Bernstein City of Miami Beach Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 535-9441 60 r Pre..;ous/currcnr projects CMBlcont 2 Proje.t Name: Location: De-scription: Client: Proje<:t Cost: Servic:e: Prindpal Firm: Date: Contact: Proje.t Name: Location: Description: ,- Client: Proje.t Cost: Sen'ice: PriD(~ipal Firm: Date: Contact: r SOUTHEAST NORMANDY ISLE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Miami Beach, FL The plan consisted of streetscape planting and paving on three streets in Nonnandy Isle, A small park is located near the center of the neighborhood, which is a simple, grass lawn encircled by flowering trees. Large canopy trees were specified for street trees to increase pedestrian comfort and improve the neighborhood's character. A median is created along one street with a heavy planting of palms, Bernard Zyscovich, Architect $1,JOO,OOO Schematic drawings for planting, tree island location, median alignment. and Construction Documents for planting plans, specifications, Construction Observation. Zyseovich, 1nc, 1996 Bernard Zyscovich 100 North Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FL 33139 (305) 371-5222 16" STREET STREETSCAPE Miami Beach, FL The proposed 16'" Street .,clension will provide more direct access to the Convention Center Hotel and serve the hotel parking garage located on the south right-of-way of 16'" Street between Washington Avenue and Collins Avenue, The Landscape Design concept is to create. tropical and playful entry sequence to the hotel's anival court, De<:nrative concrete panems will integrate the 16'" Street Streetseape with existing city sidewalks and the proposed walkways for the hotel. Coconut palms were chosen as the street tree on the east/west conidor, which will provide an immediate and continuos tropical canopy and visual buffer to the garage, City of Miami Beach and St, Moritz Hotel Corporation $250,000 Schematic Design I Construction Documents for planting, site-lighting, irrigation, and paving, Zyscovich, Inc. 1999 Bernard Zyscovich 100 North Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FL 33139 (305) 371-5222 61 r- PrcviouslCwrC'nt Projects CMBlconl J MEDIANS AND SWALES Project Name: Location: Description: Client: Project Cost: Service: Principal Firm: Date: Contact: ALTON ROAD-CHASE A VENUE IMPROVEMENTS Miami Beach, FL A landscape plan for the existing nonh and west odje of the Bayshare Golf Course facing Alton Road and Chase Avenue, from 17 Street to Chase Avenue, The improvements include a new sidewalk over a new utility easement and xeriseape planting, City of Miami Beach, Recreation Depanment. Mr, Kevin Smith, $300,000 Conceptual I Construction Documents Savino & Miller Design Studio Plans Completed, 1999 Walter Roddick, Public Works Depanment City of Miami Beach Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 673-7730 PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS r- Project Name: Location: Description: Client: Project Cost: Service: Principal Firm: Date: Contact: ,r' TATUM PARK FIELD RENOVATION Miami Beach, FL Administering the construction of a small neighborhood park in Miami Beach, Improvements included ro-grading and amending the existing soil for drainage, New landscaping included a new irrigation system and a new serpentine sidewalk, City of Miami Beach Parks & Recreation Department $45,000 Schematic Plans & Construction Documents Savino & Miller Design Studio 1996 Odalys Mon I City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 673-7730 62 r ADRIANA SA VlNO-Mn.LER. AlA PARTNER! PRESIDENT! ARCHITECT! URBAN DESIGNER EDUCATION Master 01 An:hiI8cturo, Groduoto School of Fine Arts. Urnversily 01 Pennsylvania. 1982 Cartificate Of Urban Desi9n, Groduoto School of Fino Arts. UnivorsiIy Of Ponnsyfvania, 1982 B-.lor 01 Ateh_ro. FIlCUNad do Ani_ro y UrtJanismo; Universidlld c.ntral de VMezueJa EXPERIENCE 1992-Prosant Principal at Savino & Millar Design Studio, Aliem; BHeh. Florida Principal paIt~ma at Savino & Miller Partnership, Miami, Florida Architect and Urban Designer at Sisldnd _ Carlson Assoc, Architectural and Urban Designer at Waf/ace. Roberts &. Todd. Inc. Coral GabI.~, Florida Atehitoct & Urban Designer at OfIcina do Arquitectu18 Sorgos. Pimontal & Koffman. C_. Venezuela MeITopoIitan Offlca of UrWIn Planning (OMPU) Caroeas, V....zuol. 19/1!j.1!1!12 19111l-1988 1984-1986 1982.1983 197~19ao ~ SAVINO & MILLER DESIGN STUDIO EXPERIENCE UrlNln Da/f1nIIIIafor",." 41st Slroel Middla B.ach Baautification Projact Miami Beach. FL ~A_"''''''' sn.cr~. s.utIfIcMIon ~ _~F/.. North Miami BaacIr City Hail Complax and Police FIJCiHty M.sterand L~ Plan North Miami BaacIr. FL l3a/i Five Star Hotel Resort and 17 Condominium Buildings Devolopmanl M_ Plan Sa//, Indonesia Brickell ViRagfl UrlJan and LandscsptJ Deaign Guidelines Miami, FL LMo:.". AreIJIteetuI'eI Pro}ec" 101 Ocean Drive _pe Miami _, FL CilibanklJln<W;ape 1.1_ Plan North Miami, FL _ CoUI1s of SoutIlBaaclr t.andocape Plan- Open Spaca ProposIII r . MVINO II! MILLER DESICN STUDIO 64 Miami Baach. FL L..... Miami 8aach Convention Cantor HotoI Landscape Master Plan Miami Baach, FL Johnson & Walas Culinary Unive<sfty Norlh Miami, FL R.,.IPobnH_ M_lludt,FL - TepuymtMl.f111 taI,ConIGIIbIu SOI'TM RMJAM...1IIamI s.ch Gross Rnidence. Miami &-ach Ash Residence, Coral Gables AppeltOU/h R._, Miomi Conroy R_. W.ston Horn Residence, SUrfside Greenberg Reaidence, Miami Harshal & _ "__01. Coral Gables Rori IntM1.nonal Store, Miami Christian Dior Showroom, Caracas, Venezuela OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Coral Gab/.. Concapt Plan, Coral Gablas. FL W_ RadoWllopmont Concapt, CotIogano, Colombia R_voIopmanl Plan, J_viIIe 8aach, FL Rad8llOlopmanl Plan. Delroy Ba8ch, FL Naval Complex Master Plan, Alsyport, FL Downtown Hollywood RadawIopmanl Plan. Hollywood, FL Rasidenfja/ PUD, 5/, Augullline Soach, FL John 0, Me Arthur S/IlIo Porl<, N, Palm BalJCh, FL O/ata Stata Racroallonal Pori<. N, Miami, FL 1.10_ Plan for /II. John end Mabla RingOng Musaum of Arl. Sarasot., FL Downtown Hollywood Conrman:Iat Reno.ation Design Guidalines. Hollywood, FL Southeast 0veIt0MnI Park West Ph_. , Residential DevoIopmont, FL Gri1Iin Canto<; FI, Laudan:falo, FL _ R.sidanliol De..;o,.,,.,,I, Ft. Laudan:foJo. FL Puarto Carol"'s Ra_ Dev%pmanl 1.1._ Plan. PuarIo caro)'M, JoIi_xico Unkm Cattlida Offlca Parlr, Union Cattlida. CT PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATlONl MEMBERSHIP AND ACTIVITlES RagistorocIAtchitod in Florida /fAR 14444: (NCARB COItitied) CoIegio do Arrj_ dO V_a CoIegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela . r JOHN PEACOCK ASSOCIATE. LANDSCAPE DESIGNER EDUCATION Bachelor of Landscape Architeduf&. University of Florid.. 1997, EXPERIENCE 1997-_t Auocio/lJ ot Savino & Miller Design Studio. Miom! _. FIorids SAVINO & MILLER DESIGN STUDIO EXPERIENCE u.-. DooIgnIJIIafw""" 41.t SInNt Midd/8 _ a_cation Projoct Miom! _. FL Roy./ PoIm Hai.,. Londscope M.,ter PIon Miami _. FL uttI. Arch Crook EnYitonmentlll Monitoring Nor/fI Miom!. FL Miomi Design DhIrict M._ PIon Miemi,FL r MofTick CMc PI... Coral GabIe8. FL - T.puy Intomotionlll. Coral GobIo.. FL S.....n R_; MiomI a.och. FL s.....,.~_ Woshington Avonuol Awn.. SInJo/scapo. Miom _i. FL 1tJ1h Street streec'3cape, Miami BNCh, FL e,ponoIo-Drtt.., Avonuo_cape Mlom! S...". Florid. ~--FtoJ<<b Southp0in/8 0cNn_ SUnOllt_. Porto"no Ocean P8ICIlI Mut., Plan 0Ih0r Projects J_ ","",orilll P8rldng Gomge City of Miomi . FL SUnny /lIIe. City HIIII Sunny _.R r . .!'>AVINO!if MILL[Q D~ICN c!lTUDIO . t6