Attachment 133 ::;ITY OF MIAMI BEACH :!TY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 ttp:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ICj-oD Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission FROM: Lawrence A. Levy ~ City Manager TO: DATE: May 24, 2000 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $122,800 AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE FUTURE GENERAL OBLIGATION (GO) BOND ISSUE FOR THE A WARD OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO MUSCO LIGHTING, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $122,800 PURSUANT TO THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA BID NO. SC-0400-98 FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF NEW SPORT COURT LIGHTING SYSTEMS FOR THE PALM ISLAND TENNIS COURTS ($70,000), STILLWATER BASKETBALL COURT ($25,800), AND THE CRESPI PARK BASKETBALL COURT($27,OOO), AS SPECIFIED IN THE 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM. r ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. BID AMOUNT AND FUNDING $109,000 13.800 (contingency for unforseen conditions) $122,800 Total Funds are available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance to be reimbursed from the future General Obligation (GO) Bond Issue. OUANTITY Please see attached quotation prepared by Musco Sports Lighting, Inc. Manage e r T:\AGEND~MAY2400\CONS N 519 Agenda Item C I f2.. Date 5- '2.lf-- 00 Commission Memorandum May 24. 2000 Purchase Order for Musco Lighting Page 2 r- ANALYSIS These sports lighting systems are recommended to be purchased pursuant to the City of Jacksonville, Florida Bid No. SC-0400-98 as a component of the continuing process of renovating the City's Parks and Recreation facilities. On February 9, 2000, the City Commission authorized the initial purchase and installation of Musco sports lighting for the Flamingo Park Baseball Stadium. This award, at a cost of approximately $158,000 specified the installation of an eight-two (82) fixture system the complete with all labor and materials. The project was completed on time and in budget by the Musco Lighting, Inc, On February 23, 2000, the Commission approved the installation of a Musco Lighting system for Tatum Park's basketball court. Again, this project was completed to the satisfaction of the City, in budget and on time. ~ The recommendation for the installation of sports lighting systems at Stillwater, Crespi and Palm Island Parks is a direct result of community input during the initial Parks Master Plan process as well as the subsequent series of community meetings held prior to the passage of the 1999 General Obligation Bond program. The City Commission approval of this resolution will authorize the issuance of a purchase order to Musco Lighting, Inc., pursuant to the City of Jacksonville, Florida Bid No. SC-0400-98, that will enable the City to proceed with the turn key installation of sports lights and service, including all materials and labor at Stillwater, Crespi and Palm Island Parks and provide safe well lighted recreational facilities for our citizens to use and enjoy for years to corne. WJA~ T:\AGENDA \20001MA Y2400ICONSEN1\2MUSCOLLMEM r 520 ;.----...,--. Afteraction Report May 24, 2000 City Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach r- C7R Commission Memorandum No. 419-00 A Resolution Appropriating Funds in the Amount of$122,800 Available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance to Be Reimbursed from the Future General Obligation (GO) Bond Issue for the Award of a Purchase Order to Musco Lighting, Inc., in the Amount of$122,800 Pursuant to the City of Jacksonville, Florida Bid No, SC-0400-98 for the Purchase and Installation of New Sport Court Lighting Systems for the Palm Island Tennis Courts ($70,000), Stillwater Basketball Court ($25,800), and the Crespi Park Basketball Court ($27,000), as Specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program, Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Parks and Recreation Department) ACTION: Resolution No, 2000-23932 adopted, Kevin Smith and Brad Judd to handle, r- r Prepared by the City Clerk's Office Page IS r- RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23932 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF 5122,800 AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE FUTURE GENERAL OBLIGATION (GO) BOND ISSUE FOR THE AWARD OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO MUSCO LIGHTING, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF 5122,800 PURSUANT TO THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA BID NO. SC-0400-98 FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF NEW SPORT COURT LIGHTING SYSTEMS FOR THE PALM ISLAND TENNIS COURTS ($70,000), STILLWATER BASKETBALL COURT ($25,800), AND THE CRESPI PARK BASKETBALL COURT (527,000), AS SPECIFIED IN THE 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM. WHEREAS. on November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance ofa $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bond issue; and r- WHEREAS, included in this General Obligation Bond Program was $24.8 million allocated to additional parks improvements; and WHEREAS, the recommendation for the installation of sports lighting systems at Stillwater, Crespi and Palm Island Parks is a direct result of community input during the initial Parks Master Plan process as well as the subsequent series of community meetings held prior to the passage of the 1999 General Obligation Bond program; and WHEREAS, Musco Lighting, Inc., was the successful bidder and awarded a contract by the City of Jacksonville. Florida, Bid No. SC-0400-98 for parks and playground equipment including sport court lighting systems; and WHEREAS,on February 9, 2000, the City Commission authorized the initial purchase and installation of Musco sports lighting for the Flamingo Park Baseball Stadium off of this existing contact and is now seeking to again exercise this option; and WHEREAS, the approval of this resolution will authorize the issuance of a purchase order to Musco Lighting, Inc., pursuant to the City of Jacksonville, Florida Bid No, SC-0400-98, that will enable the City to proceed with the turn key installation of sports lights and service, including all materials and labor at Stillwater, Crespi and Palm Island Parks and provide safe well lighted recreational facilities for our citizens to use and enjoy for years to come. r r r r- NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby appropriate funds in the amollilt of $122,800 available from the City's General Fllild Undesignated Fllild Balance to reimbursed from the future General Obligation (GO) Bond issue for the award of a purchase order to Musco Lighting, Inc., pursuant to the City of Jacksonville, Florida Bid No. SC-0400-98 for the purchase and installation of new sport court lighting systems for the Palm Island Tennis Courts ($70,000), Stillwater Basketball Court ($25,800), and the Crespi Park Basketball Court ($27,000), as specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program. PASSED and ADOPTED this 24 day of May, 2000. 1#/ MAYOR ATTEST: ~(LtLtt Y:DtL€VV--- CITY CLERK T:\AGENDA\2000\MA Y2400\CONSEN1UMUSCOLLRES APPROVED )...') TO FORM & LA.'lGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ~ lJI/JvJL ity A~l"M'I ~ be, M.~ 1e 00 09:0a. HU5CO SpO~e5 Lichtinc SE 336 e97 0771 p.1 ,.-- Tim Imhoff Field Sales Representative Musco Lighting QUOTATION Tenns: To Be Defined FOB: Job Site Date: May 18, 2000 TO: Kevin Smith/City of Miami Beach Per City of Jacksonville Piggyback Quote DellVc:ty' ~.6 w""ks upon rel".eipt of sig.ned Manufacturer's Agreement WE ARE PLEASED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING QUOTA nON FOR YOUR REVIEW Description Cost Stillwater Park ,.-- Two LLS 40' Mounting Height with 2 fixtures each "'+ $5,778.00,4 TLC Glare Control Shields @ $149.00 Each", $496.00 2 Thermal Disconnect Breaken; @ $170.00", $340.00 Total price $6,614.00 Installation Costs: Mobilization $3,000.00 Installation of poles, fixtures and clean-up $5,000.00 Conduit, Wire, Switchgear, overhead and profit $6,886,00 Total price $21,500.00 Crespi Park Two LLS 40' mounting height with 2 fixtures each = $5,778.00. 4 TLC Glare Control Shields @ $149.00 Each =$496.00. 2 Thermal Disconneot Sreaken; @ $170,00 Each", $340.00 Total Price $6,614.00 Installation Costs: Mobilization $3.000.00 Installation of poles, fixtures and clean-up $5.000.00 Conduit, Wire. Switchgear. overhead and profit $7,886.00 Total Price $22,500.00 Palm Island Park Seven LLS 30' Mounting Height with 2 fixtures each @ $2,889,00 '" $20,223,00,4 Poles 1 fixture each @ $4.101.00 Each", $8,404,00 Total Price $28,627.00 All poles to be painted black, per the architect of record. ,.-- Ha~ 18 00 OS,O~a Musco Spo~ts LiChtinC SE 336 887 0771 p.Z r Installation Costs: Mobilization $3,500.00 Installation of poles, fixtures and clean-up and removal of existing poles $18,450.00 Conduite. wire. switchgear, overhead and profit $14,423.00 Total Price $65,000.00 Price Includes design. does nQ! Include permitting C08ts, aftor permit is apprO'led. total completion lime of In8tallatlon of complete tumkey wili be 8-9 weel<s for all three parl<s r- Does NOT INCLuoe FLORIOA SAlES TAl'. \MPORTA.NT~ ~ G.fe QOOd tor acceptanCe and dliJllv8fY for 30 days Of1ly, uolltSS such time is extended. in WJ1MO. ~~~~- Musco Au Signature r