Attachment 134 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive. Miami Beach, FL 33139 http:\\ci.miamj.beach.f1.us City of Miami Beach Telephone 305~73.7010 Facsimile 305-073-7782 MIDDLE BEACH NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS Wednesday, May 31,2000 at 6:30 p.m. Nautilus Middle School Auditorium, 4201 N. Michigan Avenue AGENDA I. WELCOME il. INTRODUCTIONS Ill. PURPOSE OF MEETING IV. OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM V. PRESENT STATUS VI. NEIGHBORHOOD PRESENTATION A. REPORT FROM FIRST NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING B. NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS . SCOPE OF WORK + TIME LINES . FUNDING . COORDINATION WITH OTHER NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECTS C. NEXT STEPS F:\C~IGR\SALL\L L;PIT.-\\GOBONDS\AGEND.-\S\05 31 OO.MTG Summary Total General Obligation Bond Funding $90,646,790 Total Amount In Neighborhood Input and Planning Phase $58,295,666 Total Amount of Issued RFQs $10,170,525 Total Amont of Design Contracts Underway or Approved for Arne $22,180,599 Total Amount in Construction Phase $0 Total Amount Completed $0 Middle Beach Neighborhood Improvements Alton Road Enhancements 632 Operational improvements to mitigate traffic impact along Alton Road. Traffic calming improvements may indude: landscaping and irrigation,lighting improvments. pavement restoration! improvments. curb & gutter improvements. roadway markings. signage, signal improvments. bicycle facilities, and/or traffic calming structures such as rondos. Funding includes planning process. Capital cost identified by Municipal Mobility Plan. (Municipal Mobility Plan Projects #14 & #24)) La Gorce Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 634 Area-wide street improvements on City-owned roads (except Allon. LaGorce, Pinetree). Coordinate with Municipal Mobility Plan Project #14. Complements the MDC DPW Traffic Calming project with additional landscape, lighting, irrigation. and sign age Complements Allon Road Enhancements. (includes $400,000 for PT/LG landscaping) La Gorce Island Enhancement 633 Traffic enhancements, landscaping, signage, lighting. and parX improvements on LaGorce Island. Indian Creek Greenway (24th to 54th Street) 346 Streelscape alng Collins and Indian Creek Drive: landscape. street furniture, irrigation. lighting to create a linear pedestrian parX and bikeway along Indian Creek from 23rd St & lake Pancoast to 54th St. Connects Collins Canal Bikeway and North Shore Beachwaik. (Municipal Mobility Plan Projects #15 & #44), Partial funding to start. Completion requires control and/or use of shoreline properties in private ownership, and FOOT participation. $619,000 $200,000 $200,000 $300.000 Street Ends Landscape and Pedestrian Improvements, 25th to 43rd Street new Improvements to improve pedestrian comfort and enjoyment for beach access at street ends $4,300,000 (25th to 43rd Sts.). Eighteen street ends are included at approximately $200,000 each for pedestrian faCilities. streetscape restorations, lighting, and signage. Additional funding provide for the location of secure, accessible restroom and shower facilities where needed. Nautilus Neighborhood Streetscape and Traffic Calming 632, Area-wide street imprO\lement (integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project #17). Funding 341, includes traffic calming planning. structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street 342, pavement. lighting, bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street 343. parXingconcepts. 41' Bayshore Neighborhood Streetscape and Traffic Calming 632, Area-wide street improvement (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires 341, coordination with Projects #17, #18, and #24). Funding includes traffic calming planning, 342, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement. lighting, bike facilities, 343, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parXing concepts. .11 Lake Pancoast Streetscape new Streetscape, roadway, curb & gutter, stonn drein, landscape, irrigation. Runoff debris and Collins side as part of seawalls and greenway. (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires coordination with Project #18) Sunset Islands Enhancement 633 Traffic enhancements, landscaping, signage. lighting, and parX improvements on Sunset Islands 40th Street Streetscape new Streetscape, roadway, drainage, sidewalk, curb& gutter. landscape along 40th Street from Chase Avenue to Pinetree Drive. Project complements Orchard ParX improvments. and provides needed buffering between residential neighbortlhood and the back of commercial uses along the 41 st Street business district. (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project $5,150.000 $3,400,000 $900,000 $200,000 $500,000 Alton Road & 20th Street & Sunset Drive Reconfiguration 'Improvements 632 Reconfigure intersections to increase capacity and reduce cut-through traffic to North Bay $75,000 Road. This project mitigates traffic impacts 10 the North Bay Road residential community from 20th Street to the Chase Avenue intersection. (Municipal Mobility Plan #28, reqUires coordiantion with Project #24) Middle Beach Parks and Beaches Improvements Fisher Park 529, Shade pavillion. restroom. tot lot. security lighting, landscape. decorative fencing. Proposed 637 GO Bond components include security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. $150,000 La Gorce Park 531, New tot 101, security lighting, landscape & inigation. Proposed GO Bond components 637 include security lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing $50,000 Brittany Bay Park 637 Generallighling per the Parks Master Plan $10,000 Allison Park new Renovations. gateway. and beach access. Project added by community request. Specific components 10 be further defined. $170,000 Muss Park 532, Renovate recreational building, sports courts, court lighting, tot lot, landscape & irrigation. 637 Proposed GO Bond components include replacement playground equipment. irrigation, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, security lighting. and court lighting. $75,000 Pinetree Park 535. Par1l:ing lot. landscape. irrigation. pedestrian walkways. Proposed GO Bono components 637 indude seurity lighting, addilionallandscaping. and site fumishings $90.000 Island View Park 530. Playground surface, landscape & irrigation. Proposed GO Bond components include 637 security lighting, perimeter aluminum picket fencing, and shade paviUion. $150.000 Scott Rakow Youth Center 548 New ice rink, building renovation, par1l:ing lot, and landscaping. Proposed GO Bond components provide funding necessary to complete par1l:s Bond Fund renovations listed above. $150,000 Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment Fire Apparatus Replacement 6~; Replacement of 5 fire/rescue vehicles (2 ladder trucks, 3 pumpers) $2,700,000 Fire Station #2 Renovation 2300 Pinetree Drive 4&: Full hIstoric restoration, renovation, new apparatus bays and living quarters $4,686,449 Fire Station #4 Renovation 6880 Indian Creek Drive 4g..: Historic restoration and renovallon, including new apparatus bays and living quarters $1,925,525 Maintenance Facilities Public Works Facility 479 ~ublic Works renovation includes renol/stion of 20,000 sqJt. facility, 5,000 sq.ft. expansion, ~DA compliance, access road, environmental remediation. paving. drainage, lighting, parking. and fueling faCility for City vehicles. Public Works facility is located at 2300 ?inetreeDrive $2,861.000 Property Maintenance Facility S7~ ;:>ropeny Maintenance Facilty includes: replacement of 10,000 sq.lt. maintenance and Nsrehouse facility. parking for 40 City vehicles, 40 employee vehicles. ADA compliance. :>resenl facility is unsafe for workers and in need of full restoration $1,924.000 Parks Maintenance Facility 534 ;;larks Maintenance renovation includes renovation of building and greenhouse, security ighting. screening landscape, and new employee 101. The Parks Maintenance Facility is 'ceated on the Bayshore Golf Course, at North Meridian Avenue $560,416 City-Wide Neighborhood Improvements Shoreline I Seawall Rehabilitation Program 414 Replace and repair deteriorated City-owned seawalls_ For, bulkhead seawalls with drainage outfalls. deteriorate<! outfall to be repaired and bottom in immediate vicinity dredged to remove siltation and restore runoff efficiency. This component including approximatey 350 outfalls for $3$-million is a slormwater runoff function, and is to be funded by water and sewer revenue sources. Seawalls without outfalls include Collins Canal, Indian Creek. Lake Pancoast, Parltview Island. and street ends throughout the City. except in South Pointe RDA (RDA funds allocated for South Pointe seawall restoration. Other seawalls are vertical bulkheads at approximately $800 I linear ft. or living seawalls al approximately $100 I linear ft. Many of these seawall sections are coordinated with other proiects and will be incorporated into their cpaital costs. induding bikeway I greenway projects along Collins Canal and Indian Creek ($2-mHlion) $4,800,000 City-Wide Parks and Beaches Improvements Beach Planting 557 Development of landscape design and plantings for beaches dune system on beach IhroughoutCity. $1,000,000 North Beach Recreational Corridor 558 Bicycle and pedestrian faCility on Beach ROW from 60th Street to 75th Street To be coordianted with Allison Par!( improvements $500,000 ADA Beach Access new Wheelchair accessible over-dune access, with decked, railed. lookout point. wI shade trees. and additional par1l:ing space. made out of bar grading in the sand -srew anchored below grade with large deck ares at seaside with rails (similar to 5th Street) $225,000 ADA City-Wide Renovations 480 Renovate City-owned facilities to improve safe access 10 persons with disabilities $1,000,000 Parks Facilities Roof Repair Plan 466 Provide for comprehensive roof surveys of large faciHties roof needs plus replacment and repair. This is 80% of the Roof Repair Plan. 10% is incorporated into the Public Wor1<s Facility, and 10% into the Property Maintenance Facility. $700,000 ("j - - ~ - - . .- ",. ~ BJ4ft'Hdll".i; ,-- . ,................ '....__..".. _'_"" t.____,\.:""" -, ~.. \. -- _.__. -" -, . -','.' :,..,.,;..".:..:.:...j;~-+;.'-;':"-.:,...,. ',._ ...-..;,', A, '0 City of Miami B~ch PropOseclN~lghborh8&J C~pitallmprovenient5 Program 200J -2007 .. , -' ) . I I. . r,' !' f--:. J ", I .. . $treetscope -., . :'~, Street lights . ' . -~,W oter lnfrQstrlJcfure .,,~ "_:~."'~::,:':~' ~:,::~~'.~~~.;,'-:~..: " .' . " . .:-; ""',''5< ......"..""'" ,- '-, , ., .S't d.... -.,.. '."-. '. ...,.' 'C~;;""~,~_:- '.' '.. arm-, r~H~@~~ -",.:;;---:_- .--I . "~~j .~~ <h1;. . Traffic calming . Parks . INVESTING IN OUR COMMUNITY ~ REQUESTS IDENTIFIED AT NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS . Unified streetscape theme Landscaping Bikeways Traffic calming Repave streets Sidewalks Improve street parking Signage Entryway. features Finish street edge . Lighting j. - 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 hose IV 2000 $386.000 $830.000 I $200.000 I $3.130.000 $460.000 $69.000 . Bavshore Phase V - 40 S/reet S/reefscaoe . . street resurfacing . . . . sidewalk repair · . eevrb and guller repair planflng strip restora/lan and enhanced landscaping . street light upgrades . streefscape design and landscaping to provide a buffer to residences to the sooth . streetscape design for Improved on-street parking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bavshore Phase 111- Flaminao C.-ve . street resurf=ng . sidewalk reoclr . curb and guller reoclr . swale/planflng strip restor~ . enhanced landscaping within overall s/reetscape ;:~ . drainage upgrcdes . street light upgrcdes . streetscape design for /raffic calrring . Fl rehabilitcr.on Phase I - Bovshore Nelahborhood . street resurfoclng . sidewalk repair . evrb and guller repair . swale/planllng s/rlp res/orafl . enhanced landsc . ctamage des . streef figfJt upgrades . streetscape design for /rafflc calming on Pine/ree Dr., Sheridan Prairie, N. Meridian Avenue, 28, 34, 37 an .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . \- : 1 :1 · I 31St ~ ~ :/! '3OSt ~ r :: -~~ly~ ':;~j.. .i~lem\er 2001 ~ .. Q i ~~.~.~.~.'.~.-.j~1 .....i.Jt ..... .J ",;."?,~:.'":,~:~~"-.,,p,;':,:F , V ;??_:~i~ :;-!~-t: 2J St II .~ . "j' ....~.... - . .p. /' .... .0 Fire Stoffon #2 . o o . . .. 40St o. ... .. .. .0 .0 dJ..~r... ./ - ---- ~ -l! '! ... . ~ .. :I7St E -; .. ... . ii ':! ... ; o ... II: J4St CII Ba ore Ph -' . street r~. . . sidewci( iejiali'.' :. 1 '. - "".-'-.' .' \ . planflngstrlp.feitorOtion aid enhanced Jan<Jsc .street 1i;h1 U~daes-',-'~ -- ~,. -', ~.<<~ . entryw9V~ pn(Ji,nllajciidsm.et SIiiJtlage f _' _,... ~~ ,- ....- ." .ol . drainaqe'jipglJJfies-, ~ "!,c' --- -- 1 . curbs & ~Fj\ ~~ . 1 . $Wales,-~~:.~,_.::i~, ~~~~r"~'~-'--~'~. _ .~ .wa/er!in<<.~flIJ!i.l~ .,;' . sanitary ~~:, ~~ce ~nI~ ~~~~mL.~ upgr . coordln'{.on.W!ibFf1'?r'.,/ifir!JgcCJ#Il 'H,fes or re/ocaflng~~! ....:::....._~___ J ~ . ,._ -..:.p~~:. - ~~' _"'IP"~...,....~~:- ..k~;;~. 'I' ~-:.'~".,~....'~' '-":,,, _ '"" ...'?~I,oocj.>,;'-'" ~ ;7~:---S;:'~~~~:' ';--. , ~:_~ -'~:~~~~.:~,' ..;:~t:.~.~:,:,,:~,:~~ ,~;,:,.H "'~-;.,:;',: " .iI"':- ,. , - ~ '. m,_~ '-"..1 1 '" -... .. . ...j '" .. -, Bavshore Phase II - Law'iir,ir!GiiT.:a;;,,-.:ROOCJ.. ' J . street resurfacing . sidewalk repair . swalelp/anflng strip res/ora . enhanced landscaping . drainage upgrades . street light upgrades" . . streetscape design for /raffl ~'!,,;t;g . wafer line replacements an~....~,p,p.;, adrs :Iond View Park ",,;;1 . . 0 . .. March 2001 ~~.\ .~ . . . 19St Parks Molntenonce Yard Bavshare IV - Lake Pancoast- Area . street resurfacing . sidewalk repair . curb and guller repair and upgrade . p/anfing strip restorallon and enhanced landscaping . street light upgrades . enlrywoy features and enhanced street signoge . streetscape design for traffic calming . streetscape design for Improved on-street par/clng . Flamingo wafer main rehabillta/fon . J F\J~DING SOURCES . 1999 General Obligation (G.o.) Bond - $13,482,865 - Parks - $300,CXX) - Streetscapes - $5,075,CXX) - Facilities - $8,107,865 . 1994 Parks Bond - $3,176,880 . Golf Course Loan Pool $8,205,870 . Proposed 2cxx) Water/Waste Water Revenue Bond . Proposed 2cxx) Storm water Revenue Bond . Local Option Gas Tax . Quality of Life Funds . Concurrency Management System Funds . Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) ---;-'J j I i. l .-.;" .- .-''< , COORDINATING PROJECTS . Bayshore Golf Course and Clubhouse Restoration and Renovation . Fire Station #2 Renovation . Public Works Yard . Parks Maintenance Center . 25th Street Water Storage Tanks and Water Booster Station Upgrade . . 23rd Street Bridge Improvements . Alton Road Enhancements . Collins Waterway Improvements and Restoration . Stash site improvements --.......-.....- - HEXT STEPS G.o. Bond Oversight Committee ................. June 12, 2()(X)"6:OO (City Commission Chambers) Conversion to Underground ...................... ... June 19, 2<XlO 0:30pm Utilities Workshop (City Commission Chambers) City approves Water & Waste Water Revenue Bond City approves Stormwater Revenue Bond Community Workshops during Design & Construction Phases FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Mark Alvarez, Middle Beach Planner (305) 673-7030 .. For further information please visit our WEBSITE http://ci.miami-beq~h.fl.us . Call (3051673.7010 VOICE to reqvest material In QCCe5Sib/~ format; sign fangvage Interpreters (5 days In advance when possIbleL or Information on access for ~sons with dJsabihffes.. .I ",". ..,: . .... eGRCE LA GORCt; ISW.D .'ALi.ISOH"ISlAND , -, - ~ . ,-~-. ~ ..' - City of Miami Bea,ch Proposed 'NeighborhClOd'Capitallmprovements Program 2CXX) - 2007 , . . .' 0' JI Street$~ope.' -:.... . Street lights . Water infrastrl)ctur~ . - -':;'.'....;':' ':~''',,::~:~F':.'''':- '~'~:.t;:::::;::~_'- . Storm drainog~.. . Traffic calming . Parks . INVESTING IN OUR COMMUNITY ~ REQUESTS IDENTIFIED AT NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS . Traffic calming Lighting Landscaping Repave sidewalks r) Curb and Gutter 2007 Ireetsca roinoge Cans!. Bikeways 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 20CfJ $180.000 cons!. I $754,CXXJ consl. I $ 20.CXXJ deslgn $ 65.CXXJ design $2CO.CXXJ const. $4OO,CXXJ co"e Pinelreel Street ends Drainage La Gorce Cr -a - = ?" ~-1 \. ~ ' /1 .. \ "~ \ ! .el, l' .. / J , .. ,; \ . . · . ,,~. \' 163 5. .. / . ~ <So b~"'\\\ \ ~: ~~:: :Lrhood ~ .r,. ,.,.--\ ' ' .. . street resurfacing ) I \ bO'" \' '>.;' . sidewalk repair Sg ,: . curb and gulfer repair ; ~ - '\ \- .~..""'- ( \ ..q..': \. .... enhanced landscaping 1 58 S. { \ ::. drainagehupgrades , . . street lig t upgrades 1 \ \ sa s' : \ . sfreetscape design far traffic i :',' calming an 57 StJLake View Dr. '\ " La Gorc. Country C1u~ , ... 5' So Golf Coun. 57 :t " . aesthetic shielding af 5 7 St. \ ,. , (Prl..t.), r · "t Pump Station : '. Surprise Lake shoreline access . . . . . · . · · . :56 s. ' at Cherokee Ave. street end . . · $II 5t : j. water line replacement · and upgrades " 51 . sanitary sewer force main replacement La QQml Phase J! = La ~ Island . street light upgrades . traffiC controls (stop signs) . enhanced landscaping (replacement of Medloal and Canary dale palms) .. .. .. ... La Gorce bland '- ~.~ - -'''- La Gorce Park March 2001 . Alton Road Carridor Enhancements {Q}, St 10 Michiaanl . street resurfacing . sidewalk repair . curb and gulfer repair . minor drainage upgrades . streetscape design for traffic calming 545t . . . . . . . . . . . . L~:. . Fisher Park March 200 1 ... = c o ~ .l7S, . . . . > <( SO 51 . . ... 0 4951 ; ... ... '45. ~J . :c 53St ~ " . =r! e. it e. 5!. ' . .., . e. e. '. . j . . j! .. .. 51 St .. , . . ~~~' e. e. I e. e. J LaGorcelPinetree Traffic Calming ~ I FUNDING SOURCES · 1999 General Obligation (GoO.! Bond - $1,603,155 - Parks - $200,cx:x:) - Streetscapes - $1 ,219,cx:x:) . 1994 Parks Bond - $184,155 · Proposed 2cx:x:) WaterlWaste Water Revenue Bond · Proposed 2CX:X:) Stormwater Revenue Bond · Local Option Gas Tax · Quality of Life Funds . Concurrency Management System Funds · Florida Department of Transportation (FDOn . COORDINATING PROJECTS . 30 inch/42 inch Wastewater Force Main Upgrade · Allison Island redevelopment (private sector project) · Alton Road Enhancements (FDOTl · 63rd Street Bridge and Intersection Improvements . NEXT STEPS G.o. Bond Oversight Committee ................. June 12, 2000 6:00 pm (City Commission Chambers) Conversion to Underground ........................ June 19, 2000 6:30 pm Utilities Workshop (City Commission Chambers) City approves Water & Waste Water Revenue Bond City approves Stormwater Revenue Bond Community Workshops during Design & Construction Phases FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Mark Alvarez, Middle Beach Planner (305) 673-7030 For further information please visit our WEBSITE http://cLmiami-beach.fl.us . Call (305)673.70 10 VOICE fa request moferlaIln accessible format; sIfJr! language Interprefers f5 days In advanCf!J whtm pos5ibIel or inFormation on acCIJ$S for p<<"5OfIS wtth disobI/ItttJs. . . . City of Miami ~fh:pioP9se8'NJI~hb6ih~d Capitallmproyeme~ts Pr~ra~' -~. _ ',:-.,~, ':::~:_:'_. ',c':":,::>" ,~:-~. ,'''' _~^..;IV?-<; ,- _~" . ',.. '-2(0)'2007" ,. . ~ - ., i.,:>; ';?t> " "'. ,''''~:~_, ;,:,: \' . ,.' ~ .;"''''' . 4 "1, L,-. /'~ .;::z." ~..;:.":;< ~- . - , l .' !, i r ..,..-~_. "1 . '- '. .,. ,J--. ".r ,;,';,; t" .' ~. i' _ - .. . (: / '.' 'Str~et~tqpEp:; . .' ." ! . . . . . . . . - '~f ~,Street lights .,~. ...... ! j ~ J 1. Water infrasthuGtwre.. "-,'- - "''';' ',.- '-' - .....,..:'_.. .'..- '~''':"<.:''-:':'-:,-'l ,:', -'-,. -':-~l"~ "v . Storm drgJi.n)6g~'~ ''-no . T raffic: c~JJJj)lJ1)~ . ".-', >-,,-~_. . Parks IMVESTIMG 1M OUR COMMUMITY ~ REQUESTS IDENTIFIED AT NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS . Improve street parking Bikeways Traffic calming Better street lighting Drainage upgrades Pavement repair 2007 Restore swales 2Cf)6 Constr. Constr. 2005 Phase I Phase II Reduce street sign clutter 2004 2003 Sidewalk repair 2002 2001 20CfJ . Shade trees/low landscaping $410,OCO $471{),OCO Ph.,. I . street resurfacing .sidewalk repair curb & gutter repair . streetscape design for traffic calming/47th Street and N. Meridian Av. . water line replacement and upgrade . swale and planting strip restoration . enhance landscaping . . drainage upgrades . . . . street light upgrades . . . . . . . . 47CI . . . . 4651 . " " II 0 ~ '" ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ,g u .! ~ ~ "" :; 1 'i " . II .. II QI ~ i it % % % E ,; . ~ ~ II g :l ~, .., - ~ ~ .4.tsl -~ .........,~~-",~.'_.,." :;:~'4'1 ~\ Phase /I Muss Park March 200 1 . " . . . . . . . . . . . . f;t g' ~ .. ~ '. .0: U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4751 4651 4551 ~ - ~ o 1:1.4451 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pine Tree Park December 20CfJ . street resurfacing . sidewalk repair . curb & gutter repair . swale/plant strip restoration . enhanced landscaping . drainage upgrades . street light upgrades . streetscape design for traffic calming . streefscape design for improved on-street parking, 42 St., Sheridan Avenue from 41 - 43 Street, and along Prairie and Chose Avenues from 41 - 45 Sts. . waste water line replacement and upgrade . sanitary sewer force main replacement and upgrade . FUNDING SOURCES . 1999 General Obligation (G.O.) Bond - $5,375,000 - Parks - $225,000 - Streetscapes - $5,13J,000 . 1994 Parks Bond - $391,956 . Proposed 2000 Water/Waste Water Revenue Bond . Proposed 2000 Stormwater Revenue Bond . Local Option Gas Tax · Quality of Life Funds . Concurrency Management System Funds . Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) . COORDINATING PROJECTS · Parking lot improvements on 41 st - 42nd St. . Orchard Park Streetscape (presently under design/partial funding from G.o Bond) . Alton Road Enhancements . NEXT STEPS G.o. Bond Oversight Committee ................. June 12, 2000 600 pm (City Commission Chambers) Conversion to Underground ....................... June 19, 2000 6:30 pm Utilities Workshop (City Commission Chambers) City approves Water & Waste Water Revenue Bond City approves Stormwater Revenue Bond Community Workshops during Design & Construction Phases FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Mark Alvarez, Middle Beach Planner (305) 673-7030 . For further information please visit our WEBSITE http://ci.miami-beach.fl.us Call (305)673.70 10 VOla to request matsrlalln acctWlble format; 5Ign language Iflterpreters rs days In advance when poMibJe), or InFormatton Of'! access for persons with cisabI/Htes. ~:~ ". . ,-- ._~....".,-~O.C.. ..... ; ~~ - ",~ity 8J,1'-c.iarn.!.~eqsQ. ~r2posed Neighborhood Capital Improvements Program 4'" .:::1 'i 2000 - 2007 H '___ -',' >~ -.- ~; -r:- '" '.---;- "'1M .." .' p ..-..-....-p .-...- "-. - ---. 1 ill '. l ' -~ (- . Stre~t$Cape .""i1 .: "j -~ "F;,'M'->'".( t_~~'t~ -. =c, \j I ~~i' "l#~.~.',Sfr,eet l,ig,hts.. ,. , .... ~ , g.;i':' ;, ','::", ' . .~"'.~';:,~,. ..-Water - ilifrastruc~tuEe , ~~=~:-"" ", 7." -:-.~,:O;':,;<.;;:,,-.' -.. '; ~ '".~ ,'"'.... 1_-" ~_.'<:r~p;o! ... ~_'d;"" ':~:!f ~ ~" ~. ".__'_'~ '.~, ';--;~~)r~:.::"i~~c,.c.,,- ::.,:: ~:-~~.:. ~ ... ,"-" ,=.' .... '~':'l:' r ~1"! ._~. ",.,rSte pm ~cl'Felrl6~e~sp,",J;;-'~ '~=r ',-""" . Traffic calming ..'.' . Parks -,',,' .';~ ..' .. ,. "f,;:::>.:,~.-" . ,':;~~~~;f::::~;' '. "-.. . . ,.", ,_-"~"__; . ' . "~"~ii#;,1;'iINVESTING IHOUR COMMUNITY ,:;tj~~~~~f~'i"",:Fn' "'.. , , -.., ... . '.=- '.. ....,... - . ,.....,... . - -........:.::1.. _,,~""__....,_.~.. ~:.-'_.._,__.... ,:. ".Jr.~"" c ..-:~."<...~i:~':';" 'e":'~;"- ~1:~J,--. {9 REQ-UESTSIDENTIFIED AT NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS . Develop an Urban Design Plan 44th - 23rd Streets .~"';'. Improve lighting Parking Study needs and landscaping 26th - 44th Improve Sidewalks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , -. "'__, _41-51. __,~ _42..5t . Indian Creek Greenway: . planning and design for Indian Creek Greenway section from 23rd Street to Allison Park (65th Street) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . Oceanfront neighborhood Streetscape Cross Streets, 25th - 43rd Streets: . street resurfacing . sidewalk repair . curb and gutter repair . enhanced landscaping . street light upgrades . enhanced pedestrian access to the beach . pedestrian amenities and restrooms at select locations along beach access . enhanced pedestrian access to the Indian Creek Greenway . coordinate with Indian Creek Greenway plans and designs . coordinate with infrastructure upgrades under Collins Avenue and Indian Creek Drive .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . North Beach Recreational Corridor Indian Beach Park . . . . . . . . . .-. ."". Pancoast _.';,40$1 .~'" .. Park ~ . ...:,J8~ . .] :~" .. .USt 3.51 '-, .USt ., - ~ ..:l.2S! .! "". -~tJt J- JO~' --- ...29'1. ~2.'St_ .~_st .~U:l. -t.!__ FUNDING SOURCES · 1999 General Obligation (G.O.! Bond - $4,600,000 - Streetscapes - $4,6CX),000 · Proposed 2000 WaterlWaste Water Revenue Bond · Proposed 2000 Stormwater Revenue Bond . Local Option Gas Tax · Quality of life Funds · Concurrency Management System Funds . Florida Department of Transportation (FDOTl . COORDIHATING PROJECTS · Collins Avenue 12" Water Main Extension (41 st - 44th Streets) · Collins Avenue Waste Water Collection System Extension · Indian Creek Greenway · North Beach Recreational Corridor . 23rd Street Bridge Improvements · 63rd Street Bridge and Intersection Enhancements . NEXT STEPS G.o. Bond Oversight Committee ................ June 12, 2000 600 pm (City Commission Chambers) Conversion to Underground ....................... June 19,2000 6:30 pm Utilities Workshop (City Commission Chambers) City approves Water & Waste Water Revenue Bond City approves Stormwater Revenue Bond Community Workshops during Design & Construction Phases FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Mark Alvarez, Middle Beach Planner . (305) 673-7030 For further information please visit our WEBSITE http://ci.miami-beach.fl.us Coif (3051673-7010 vOla fa request materia/In accessible formaf:.sIgn language Inferpreters (5 ciay5/n advonce when possible). or Informaflon on occeu for perJ;O(lj with dsablhlle5. ~ .... Cl C)N ~~ 1-0 Wo Wo::: ~ ~ ~W ~~ C)W 0> 0:::< Q.Z m< I-C) Z:I: wO ~- W~ >Z I- O....ClW O:::ClClW Q.MCl.... ~~N.... - 1ft .. 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