Attachment 135 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us City of Miami Beach Telephone 305~73.701 0 Facsimile 305~73.7782 SOUTH BEACH NEIGHBORHOODS MEETINGS Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. South Pointe Elementary, 1050 Fourth Street, Cafeteria AGENDA I. WELCOME II. INTRODUCTIONS III. PURPOSE OF MEETING IV. OVERVIEW OF PROGRAM V, PRESENT STATUS VI. NEIGHBORHOOD PRESENTATION A. REPORT FROM FIRST NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING B. NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS . SCOPE OF WORK . TIME LINES . FUNDING . COORDINATION WITH OTHER NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECTS C. NEXT STEPS BREAKOUT ROOMS City Center - Room 213 Flamingo - Room 221 Islands - Room 214 South Pointe - Room 228 West - Room 229 ~,;,':::C;.'i<:~ Summary Total General Obligation Bond Funding $90,646,790 Total Amount In Neighborhood Input and Planning Phase $58,295,666 Total Amount of Issued RFQs $10,170,525 Total Amont of Design Contracts Underway or Approved for Arne $22,180,599 Total Amount in Construction Phase $0 Total Amount Completed $0 South Beach Neighborhood Improvements Flamingo Neighborhood Improvements 632, Area-wide street improvement (Municipal MObility Plan Project # 33, and #35, requires 341, coordination with Project #37). Funding includes traffic calming planning. structures and 342, monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities,landscaping 343, and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts. Capital costs based on righl-of- 411 way related projects proposed through the Flamingo NeighbortJood Charrette in 1997. (budget does nol include Collins) West Avenue I Bay Road Neighborhood Improvements 632. Area-wide street improvement (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Bank, requires 341, coordination with Projects #33, and #35). Funding includes traffic calming planning, 342, structures and monitoring. sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, 343, landscaping and irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts. 411 Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase I-Venetian Islands 340 Infrastruct\Jre and landscaping improvements for Venetian Islands, induding San Marino, Di Lido, Rive Alto, and Belle Islands, and a section from Alton Road to Island View Park. Includes sidewalk, curb and gutter, lighting, landscaping, traffic control device improvements, and gateway treatment. Phase 1 improvements indude island sidestreets (Not listed in Municipal Mobility Plan Projed Bank, requires coordination with MMP Project #32) Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase II-Causeway 577 Infrastructure and landscaping improvements for the Venellan Causeway, from the Dada Boulevard intersection to the City Une. Indudes sidewalk, curb and gutter, lighting, landscaping, traffic control device improvements, and gateway treatment. Phase 2 improvements are for the causeway only. (Municipal Mobility Plan #32, requires coordination with MMP Projed #30) Star, Palm, Hibiscus Islands Enhancement 633 Traffic enhancements, landscaping, signage. lighting, and park improvements to Star, Palm, and Hibiscus Islands. Lincoln Road Improvements 620 Improvements to Lincoln Road to upgrade lighting, pools, fountains, and other amenities for the purposes of replacing malfunctioning and/or unservicable equipment with equipment that can provide for better maintenance and perfOfTTlance. Meridian Avenue Extension Streetscape new Streetscape, landscape, lighting, for reopening of Meridian Avenue from 1 st Slreet to 2nd Street. Not covered under RDA funding. (Coordinate with Municipal Mobility Plan Projed #42) Washington and Third Street Public Plaza new Provide aesthetic improvements at the pump station location to integrate with a pUblic plaza improvement at intersection of Washington Avenue, Third Street, and Eudid Avenue $7,400,000 $1,800,000 $3,844.150 $1,827,000 $600.000 $300.000 $200,000 $100,000 South Beach Parks and Beaches Improvements 10th Street Auditorium I Beachfront Aud. (Beach Patrol Hqrts) 554 Renovate 10th 51 Auditorium I Beach Patrol Headquarters, including ADA requirements, painting, and restoration of deteriorated facilities. $690,000 South Shore Community Center 553 Renovation and reconstruction of complete facility, with new landscaping. irrigation. signage. and playground $1,350,000 Flamingo Park 542, New pool. renovate all sports facilities, tal lot, landscape, and signaga. Proposed GO Bond 637 components include: perimeter aluminum picket fencing, security lighting. football field renovations. new bleachers, track resurfacing, completion of tennis court improvements, court lighting, new shade pavillion, and a new irrigation system. Renovation and buffering for compatibility of the Property Maintenance Facility in Flamingo Pant is funded separately. $2.500,000 Flamingo Park Pool - Expansion new, Additional funding for construction of new poello have 4 additional lanes. Lap pool 542 enlargement will be approximately 28 ft.by 75ft. to be added to I coordinated with construction of new pool listed under Flamingo Park improvements, CIP # 542 $400,000 Lummus Park 544 Renovate restroom. renovate serpentine sidewalk, new playground equipment, landscape, & irrigation. Proposed GO Bond components indude additional landscaping, and widening of the sidewalks on the east side of Ocean Drive. $1.100,000 Palm Island Park 533, Repair existing shade pavillion, new basketball courts, new playground equipment. 637 accessible routes, Proposed GO Bond components indude court and security lighting, and refurbishment of tennis courts. $75,000 Belle Isle Park Improvements new Proposed GO Bond funding to provide playground, landscape, irrigation, site furnishings, pedestrian, and lighting improvements $600,000 South Pointe Park Improvements 603 Improvements to South Pointe Parle $2,000.000 Collins Park 550 Construct parl< improvments: walkways, lighting, landscape, amenity, etc. $1,800,000 Garden Center Renovation 613 Renovations to building and ADA compliance $1,500,000 Fire Safety Facilities and Equipment Fire Apparatus Replacement 625 Replacement of 5 firefrescue vehicles (2 ladder trucks, 3 pumpers) $2.700.000 Fire Station #2 Renovation 2300 Pinetree Drive 495 Full historic restoration, renovation, new apparatus bays and living quarters $4.686,449 Fire Station #4 Renovation 6880 Indian Creek Drive 494 Historic restoration and renovation, including new apparatus bays and living quarters $1,925,525 Maintenance Facilities Public Works Facility 479 Public Works renovation includes renovation of 20,000 sq.n. facility, 5,000 sq.ft. expansion, ADA compliance, access road, environmental remediation, paving, drainage, lighting, parking, and fueling facility for City vehicles. Public Works facility is located at 2300 Pinetree Drive $2,861,000 Property Maintenance Facility 574 Property Maintenance Facilly includes: replacement of 10,000 sq.ft. maintenance and warehouse faCility, parking for 40 City vehicles, 40 employee vehides, ADA compliance. Present facility is unsafe for wOl'kers and in need of full restOl'8tion. $1,924,000 Parks Maintenance Facility 534 Parks Maintenance renovation includes renovation of building and greenhouse, security lighting, screening landscape, and new employee lot. The Par1ts Maintenance Facility is located on the Bayshore Golf Course, at North Meridian Avenue $560.416 City-Wide Neighborhood Improvements Shoreline I Seawall Rehabilitation Program 414 Replace and repair deteriorated City-owned seawalls. For, bulkhead seawalls with drainage outfalls. deteriorated outfall 10 be repaired and bottom in immediate vicinity dredged to remove siltation and restore runoff efficiency. This component including approximatey 350 outfalls for 53.S-million is a stormwater runoff function, and is to be funded by water and sewer revenue sources. Seawalls without outfalls include Collins Canal, Indian Creek. Lake Pancoast, Par1<view Island, and street ends throughout the City, except in South Pointe RDA {RDA funds allocated for South Pointe seawall restoration. Other seawalls are vertical bulkheads at approximately $800 flinear ft. or living seawalls al approximately $100 I linear ft. Many of these seawall sections are coordinated with other projects and will be incorporated into their cpaital costs. including bikeway I greenway projects along Collins Canal and Indian Creek ($2.million) $4.800,000 City-Wide Parks and Beaches Improvements Beach Planting 557 Development of landscape design and plantings for beaches dune system on beach throughoulCity. $1,000,000 North Beach Recreational Corridor 558 Bicycle and pedestrian facility 00 Beach ROW from 60th Susetto 75th Street. To be coordianled with Allison ParIl; improvements $500.000 ADA Beach Access new VVheelchair accessible over-dune access, with decked, railed, lookout point, wi shade trees, and additional parking space, made out of bar grading in the sand -srew anchored below grade with large deck area at seaside with rails (similar to 5th Street) $225,000 ADA City-Wide Renovations 480 Renovate City-owned facilities to improve safe access to persons with disabilities $1,000,000 Parks Facilities Roof Repair Plan 486 Provide for comprehensive roof surveys of large facilities roof needs plus replacment and repair. This is 80% of the Roof Repair Plan. 10% is incorporated into the Public Works Facility, and 10% into the Property Maintenance Facility. $700,000 · CI CENTER City of Miami Beach Proposed Neighborhood Capital Improvements Program 20cx) - 2007 . . Streetscape . Street lights . . Water infrastructure . Storm drainage . Traffic calming . Parks . I....VESTI....G I.... OUR COMMU....ITY ~ OD MEETINGS . REQUESTS IDENTifiED AT NEIGHBOnHO ."",_rr-<~~ , \ r , -, l \ , j \ i 1 \ \ ~ i \ \ \ t , I \ I \ \ ! \ I \ \ i , 1 \ \. , " \ \ . I Sidewalk linkages Landscape canopy over pedestrian areas Signage On street parking opportunities Bikeways Pedestrian lighting 1 raffic calming Safe crosswalks I , . ". '!t : \ ; '-..... : \ .~...- ":.'-', \ j , I i 1 j \ J i j ".r", \ \ \ \ ,....1\.,..'("" "",\" <, ,--- ;-.., .....',. - 2007 '~'~ \ 2Cf:JJ ' " ".1 \ ! 2005 .. . " " \ 1 . \ I , . I \ I \ I t I i , ~'--- 200J .Yt.\l\.o"" ~ , ,,' ,- 2003-' , 2002 L-. '. '.,: \ \",' ~. 2001 }-/ . 'I ". "-""': . - 2Cf)J \.._--- . ,,=-, "0.":. ~":". . s""''''-'''''; .......~ ,:::'.:.,. . ..' , \'. ,......: ' s.:'''\....... ..' , ...' ...;" -' ,- "" 'I""'" , '::-' "..."", '.'- ,- - .- . . . . Collins Canal and Greenwav ooth . Restoration of seawall from Venetian . Cswy to 23rd Street bridge. . Creation of living seawall and bike path City Center . Convention Center Storm water Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Botanical Garden Renovations . Renovations to building . ADA compliance ...... .. .... 4 co 18 St .! _"ll ;: Go ~ ------'''ll-.'- !II: co _:0, -.. ._..17.St. L 1-'. Lincoln Road Mall --_...-..~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lincoln Rd Improvements . Upgrade lighting, pools, fountains and other amenities Q ..Jl ~ co o l --->-... -i( "ii lC Go .. Q ! i ~,,~ . . . . . . . . . : ./'., -./ ~ .// . .-!P . , . .- . . . . . . . .. . . i ----- 22St 21St : . . 20 St · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19St 18St Go " c: f l' _"'__._u oS ;:: " .._" I I i . -.-.,......- --_..- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Collins Park . Park Improvements Including walkways, lighting, landscape and amenities , , i I i , I FUMDING SOURCES · 1999 General Obligation (G.O') Bond - $3,600,000 - Parks - $3,300,000 - Streetscapes - $300,000 · Proposed 2000 WaterlWaste Water Revenue Bond · Proposed 20c0 Storm water Revenue Bond · Florida Department of Transportation (FDOTl · Interlocal Fund · Tax Increment Funding . COORDJl'tATIMG PROJECTS · New Parking Garages: Jefferson & 17th Street and Washington & 16th Street . Collins Ave (Lincoln Rd - 25th Street) stormwater drainage improvements, new curb & gutter, wider sidewalks, lighting and landscaping. · 17th & 18th Streetend Extension · Washington Ave improvements · Meridian Ave bridge at Dade Blvd. · Palm View neighborhood park and streetscape improvements · Pedestrian beachwalk from 21st Street to Lummus Park . NEXT STEPS G.o. Bond Oversight Committee ................ .-June 12, 2cx)() 600 pm (City Commission Chambers) Conversion to Underground ........................ June 19, 2<XX> 6:30 pm Utilities Workshop (City. Commission Chambers) City approves Water & Waste Water Revenue Bond City approves Stormwater Revenue Bond Community Workshops during Design & Construction Phases FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTAO: William H. Cory, South Beach Planner (305l 673-75SJ or Kent Bonde (305) 673-7295 . For further information please visit our WEBSITE http://cLmiami-beach.fl.us Call f305J673-7010 VOICE to request material In accessible format; sign languogtJ interprMet's (5 ~ in advance when possible), or InformaHoo Otl access for persons wtth dsaMtles. . F INGO . LUMMUS PARK AND NEIGHBORHOOD CiTY OF MIAMJ BEACH PROPOSED NEIGHBORHOOD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM 20c0 - 2007 . . Streetscape . Street lights . Water infrastructure . Storm drainage . Traffic calming . Parks . INVESTING IN OUR COMMUNITY '9 .. , ".' -, - REQUlSTS"'IDENTIFIED AT NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS ._' '" _, ~', ""J ", '.,., ',"', ' " '0, _ " . Fl.AMINGO PARK! LUMMUS PARK ; NEIGHBORHOOD Serpentine walkway I 1 I I 1 I Crosswalks I Upgrade lighting ; ~ Renovate 14th St, restroom , Sidewalks j I Benches along pathways , Curb & gutter I Expand fitness stations i Landscaping 1 ! Widen sidewalk ! Entrance & LUMMUS NEIGHBORHOOD , Pathfinder signs , j I Bikeways Street lighting I Curb & Gutter Swales Repave streets CONSTRUCTION TIMELlNE North/South axis through Sidewalks . 2COO - 200 1 Flamingo Park Espanola Plaza Patterned crosswalks . 200 1 - 2002 Increase pedestrian Repave alleys with .V. cross Flamingo Phase I linkages sections and add larger catch basins D 2002 - 2003 Bulb-outs at park entrance I Flamingo Phase /I & Lummus Park Additional bike racks D 2003 - 2004 Continue Meridian Avenue Flamingo Phase 11/ shade tree canopy Traffic calming D 2004 - 2005 Better landscaping for Flamingo Phase IV Enhance Parking City parking lot D 2005 - 2006 Enhance alleys ta include Neighbarhood Flamingo Phase V ambient lighting entrancelpathfinder signage & Lummus Slreetscape . Organize news racks 0 200 1 - 2004 Design for 01/ 5 Phases Flamingo Phase V - Imorovements Streetscaoe . 74th St. enhancements . 72 St. narrowed to accommodate bleachers . General streetscape enhancements . . · Uncoln Lane S. 'C( . . III .. .c.c.c : i . 0 · ~ I: c: ~~ " .."" ~,~~:~~t}t~~~:~~"~lT~~ ~~t~tti~}i .. ;t!~'~. ---... - --~11;:-: ::::T~-::-~'-~~ :;j~:::O:~.-ooo.:1? aza ~/~:: ~~ se 1/ ~ fm 0 ~m ___""; ~~~~ ~:~;)-~ fi . Plazard fountain : = ~ b.m~';.. ,,:111 i~ , .:.' ;'~""'::;"': . Property Mainte nc~ Faciljfyii~rlfi< --.-1) 5,!,,="," "",.,.,"" , '. . Pulson ;IJijflij : west edge of park 2CXJ2 . rt'..f1r .........:i~t~ t~J..~. . Renc;~~ ~:n~;;:e::;:: ;;1f.~ .-;~~;~'. Locate public phones fi'." :.....A~ St g f":::'Ob est side of resfrooms : j ff .tSi;~: 'ddlfional park benches . off S ,i.... Ocean Drive sidewalk : t. " J . . o --->.-- 'C(o . 0 .!!. ~. III. o .0 o . . '0 o o o Flaminao Phase 7 .. Streetscaoe Flamingo Phase IV.. Sfreetscaoe : . Drexel Avenue enhanced . Streetscape enhancements . . pedestrian way 76th Street . . . Pathfinder signage . General streetscape enhancements .. . . Traffic calming : . Parking improvements o . . General streetscape enhancements o . . . . . . Euclid Avenue Pilot Proiect . Parking ~~-- ~M"'I' -,~ -..".."" ~,;;'i.;.,~ -;:-i!i::4 e:~;-f..\l..';~ .:_.~~ -~~ :&~..- .f~-;~{:( Flairifngo Phpse V - Sfreelscaoe '. ':lOthSfreet enhancements . Increase parking Euclid Ave. .-G~ner(Jl.sfreetscape-enhancem&Sl .c > ~ 'C( > ~ ~ ~ .A " 0 ID ~ en... ii ~-lJR!-'\~-~~-~-2ii. ~~~::t:! j-':~X~~~-:c1;;)'<,> u l'~-"""~Z.1'- J-~'_-.S~-'_'_ ~.- ::I ~~ f,'~~;;c; ~<:;..IIJ -'--""~ ..:;1 "<1 c;;c 'Hi 'lOSt o. .... .. o o. . South Shore Community Center 2002 . . . . .. 0 ~-;,,;~;:~~~~ ~~!:~J · . . . t~1~; Streetsca s Phase IV . Repair sidewalks . Crosswalks pattern and/or paved . Traffic calming . Landscape . "Vee" Roadway cross-section to alleys 4:";",,-~ ~:,;,. . 6 St 0 . . . . Flamlnao Phase III - Streetscape . Euclid Avenue enhancement and parking improvements . General sfreetscape enhancements . Jefferson Ave. pedestrian way to park FU~DI~G SOURCES . 1999 General Obligation (G.O) Bond - $15,364,<XX) - Parks - $6,040,<XX) - Streetscapes - $7,400,<XX) Facilities $1,924,CX::O . 1994 Parks Bond - $3,128,317 . Proposed 2CX::O WaterlWaste Water Revenue Bond . Proposed 2<xx) Stormwater Revenue Bond · Local Option Gas Tax · Concurrency Management System Funds . Florida Department of Transportation (FOOTl .......,-~ .~....,... 1 .-.. ...; J .. -J ./ " ... . ., , :J ~'--'-'" -"__,._r-___,,._., -1 -,"\ ,.- , ~ ,., \ '- ".. COORDINATING PROJECTS · FDOT - Collins Ave and Alton Road . South Pointe Streetscape Phase I & II · West Ave/Bay Road Neighborhood & Infrastructure improvements . 10th Street Auditorium/Beach Patrol Headquarters improvements' . Lincoln Road improvements · 10th Street/13th Street parking garage renovation construction · Property management yard/facility improvements · Flamingo infrastructure improvements .# - "; .""""'i , , , . " .:." , .',,"-.1 ;{~~1}1 -J ......---..- .-",. ,....- ,; MEXT STEPS .-~tk!",c~'*<'" ~~J~:~J;;.fM '"ijf~~;.::.;.~: G.o. Bond Oversight Committee ................. June 12[.~ ~l\~it~f'",'1""i;>'1 (City Commission Chambers) -:-.::-3'~'"'<~~1~~~~< --~."-'-'.':'1 ~~-"7:\::'-:1~:t;t~:~t::,::; .. j Conversion to Underground ........................ June 19, 2QG9if:?laQ':Rro'" Utilities Workshop . ',.~~"<' ",..,'--'-' (City Commission Chambers) City approves Water & Waste Water Revenue Bond City approves Stormwater Revenue Bond Community Workshops during Design & C6nstrOGtl9n- Phases '"<,- -. --, -, .. -'-"" '- FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEAS(~Ot-lTACT: .... William H. Cary, South Beach Planner or Reuban'<;:aldw~JL;' . (305) 673-75SJ '~,.' .) . ......# For further information please visit our WEBSITE http://ci.miami~b~ach.fl.us Call (305J673.7O 10 VOICE to reqwsi maf~1 in accessible Format; slgn language Interprefer:s f5 days In advance when possJbJe), or Informaffon an access for persons wfth dlsabllitfes. . IS DS VENETIAN, STAR, PALM . HIBISCUS City of Miami Beach Proposed Neighborhood Capital Improvements Program 2CXXJ - 2007 ., ;/'~i;~~r'7,- . < ..c....,,-.... . : ...,',......, ." . Streetscape . Street lights . Water .infrastructure "..0_. ,_ '--~.. '... _ _ . '_ _, '_.. 0_ ',_ . . St()Fmarainage . Traffic calming . Parks e.,,,,,,,,,,,,,IDESTING IN OUR COMMUNITY ~ '. < ..- ""-.'~"'~-- " REQUESTS IDENTIFIED AT NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS . lighting ..-..-,....,.,.' ~~~:~i>;, ,'. ....... . . <..'.~..,::':i.:~i~>.::' :;~~~~;~:.:~> Curb and gutter Repave Streets Drainage '. .... -----.. .. -........ - \, 1~ 1 '. ~ ..... ...... ....... Landscaping Irrigation . Venetian Venetian Star, GNy. GNy. Hibiscus, BeIl.I,~ Pha.o I Pha.o II Palm Po" 2007 2C1J6 2005 2004 Const, Neighborhood Entrance Signs Traffic Calming 2003 2002 Con,t. Park upgrade 2001 Pedestrian pavement markings 20C1J .. $307.532 d..lgn $3.536,618 Const $552,000 Const $1.46,160 design $1.680,840 Const $48,000 deSign. $552,000 Con Venetian CausewQY Moster Plan Phose II - Causeway . Landscape, lighting, gateway improvements . Payement . Sidewalk improvements . Curb and gutter . Landscape & irrigation . Gateway Treatment Venetian Causeway Moster Plan Phose I - Venetian Islands . Infrastrudure and landscaping improyements . Pavement . Sidewalk improvements . Curb and Gutter . Landscape & irrigation . Lighting . Traffic control improvement . Gateway . Drainage . Water & Sewer improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . ... """ ; -2 ~~~ i , ~'" .~~ ;7':1 .~ 'Dll" ,O;fp Ist'!i1c! 1 "",:J1,. ~ t~4r .~~: m....;.......' ;'!'::! . :::{-~ s.l> arln., , sian.... ~ ;~ '~ ~,'; ~,c~ .Tm" ~;:' 'RIY:. iAliO. Is\~,d ~.,~ :~'~i;;~\ . ''''.-_..~ 4!~~~~ -" .-~~~;:\-tt~~;..-~~'j;~4EL -~:_".:' ;..'';;fl.:I~~;~'~' .. '. . VENETIAN CSWY !'.j; ~~ ~ \-- . Belle Isle Pork ImDrovements . Drainage Improvements . Landscape, irrigation, signage, pedestrian improyements, lighting and playground 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Palm Island Pork . Tennis court lighting . Tennis court resurfacing 2CW Star. Palm & Hibiscus Islands . Traffic enhancements . Landscaping . Signage . Lighting . Pork improvements . FUNDING SOURCES . 1999 General Obligation (G.O.) Bond - $6,946,150 - Parks - $675,CX:X:> - Streetscapes - $6,271,150 . . . 1994 Parks Bond - $244,092 . Proposed 2CX:X:> WaterlWaste Water Revenue Bond . Proposed 2CX:X:> Stormwater Revenue Bond . Local Option Gas Tax . Quality of life Funds . Concurrency Management System Funds . Florida Department of Transportation (FOOTl NEXT STEPS G.o. Bond Oversight Committee ................. June 12, 2cxx) 6ffi pm (City Commission Chambers) Conversion to Underground ........................ June 19, 2cxx) 6:30 pm Utilities Workshop (City Commission Chambers) City approves Water & Waste Water Revenue Bond City approves Stormwater Revenue Bond Community Workshops during Design & Construction Phases . FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PlEASE CONTACT: William H. Cary, South Beach Planner (305) 673-75SJ or John de Pazos (305) 673-7080 . For further information please visit our WEBSITE http://ci.miami-beach.fl.us Calf (30.5k573-70 10 VOICE to rt:tquesf malerlai 'n accessible fonnal; sign fangvoge Inferprslsrs (.5 dars In advance when possible/. or InformaHon on oc:coss for pt!Jf"SOfl$ wtth dlsobllffle$. · SOUTH POINTE CiTY OF MIAMI BEACH PROPOSED NEIGHBORHOOD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM 20CJ:) - 2007 . Streetscape . Street lights . W oter infrastructure !I Storm droinage ..~ -Traffic calming . Parks . . . . 11oIYf:STlloIG IN OUR COMMUNITY {9 ~f(~Q~ul$fS~fD;E~:Tn:fED!~f;N.Ei~HjQ.R'Hoo6 .M.t-EfINGS ::~~,:,._;:;:,,,"~~\,.,~1."'__.'~:';':~f-__~';:~'-';."" -. -. - -;:-::., ", " " Separate paths for bikers, pedestrian and rol/erbladers Remove shade pavilions i I I I Relocate observation tower I Relocate storage of Beach Patrol equipment Increase park parking Directional signage 2007 2CXk> 2005 2004 2003 South POlnle treetscapes Woshing! 2002 3rd SI.PI 2001 2CXX) $lCO,CCO $2CO,CCO $2,CCO,CCO . . Washinaton and 3rd Street Public Plaza . Aesthetic improvements at the pump station localion South Pointe Streetscaoe Imorovements · . . Phase 1/ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . South Pointe Streetscaoe Imorovements . Phose V ~ c: . .. .. 'South Polnte Streetscaoe . . · .. Imorovements . Phase 1/1 . .. .. ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . Meridian Avenue &tension Streetscaoe . Landscaping, lighting and streetscape Improvements for reopening of Meridian Ave. from 1st to 2nd Street > ~ c: ~ .! - 41 "'" . .... .. . _..! .1,St ~~~L South Pointe Streetscaoe Imorovements . Phase I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 St I ~ u . . . . . . . . . . · e4 St . . . . . . > ~ .. .s - is c III c: III -;: II ~ 0" 2St '-'."'!:. . . .. ... ~ . ..... . . . . B1scayne . . . . . . , . ~, ~i~~~?~:,;'b",. ~ ''"n" -.,~___"....:.'~~ei'd"_~ '" -;'-;'X~,g~~~ ---Padc ,'" .. " . ,. ... . .. . .... . .. . .. . .. . South Polnte Park Imorovements 0 . . · ~ . Park improvements including landscaping, signage, picnic South Polnte Streets;aoe areas, tot lot, promenade, site furnishings, park & Imorovements recreation facility and parking. . Phase IV . ';""-- _..--'~' -.. e.e Ocean . Beach W ashinglon . Park FU~DING SOURCES · 1 m General Obligation (G.O') Bond - $2,300,OCO - Parks - $2,OCO,OCO - Streetscapes - $300,OCO · 1994 Parks Bond - $913,034 · Proposed 20c0 WaterNlaste Water Revenue Bond · Proposed 20c0 Stormwater Revenue Bond · Local Option Gas Tax · Quality of Life Funds · Concurrency Management System Funds · Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) · Tax Increment Funds ""-_.... .~._~ - ~ I .. :. .--- - ....- j , -1 COORDINATING PROJECTS · Booster Pump Station at 3rd Street . Streetscape - Phases I - V · Flamingo Park NEXT STEPS G. 0. Bond Oversight Committee ................. June 12, 2000 6:dJ. P~c'; (City Commission Chambers) . . . . .-:j ... -','-'. -, c' ".""",":"",,:",,--"', Conversion to Underground .............. .-;;-;-;~~;-;;;]uneTQ, 2000 6~30pm'<\ Utilities Workshop (City Commission Chambers)- -, .-1'~?7:~:"1 ; ---.....'.-, City approves Water & Waste Water Revenue Bond City approves Stormwater Revenue Bond Community Workshops during Design & Construction Phases . .. ...-....--j -...----. .. j FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION-Pi:EA~E <;:ONTACT: William H. Cary, South Beach Planner 1'305L_c,73-7550 or Alex Rolandelli (305) 673-7295- .. . For further information please visit our WEBSITE http://ci.miami-beach.fl.us Call (305J673.7010 VOICE to MqUeSt materia/In accessible format sign language interpreferJ (5 dayJ in advcnce when possible). or inFormatIOfl on access For persons With dsc:bflffM. . -HUE .. BAY ROAD NEIGHBORHOOD City of Miami Beach Proposed Neighborhood Capital Improvements Program 2(0) - 2007 . . Streetscape . Street lights . Woter infrastructure ., S~~~':,' Cd ,. ~ ~".:.,,!);:::~> '~~Tf;i:~'i ~. . .,i'~:~.~l~~:fl;,ii~'-::: - : -:,:;.::-,-:,.;J:~~(~~!;f';,.,';,,'!~~'1lt,;.:_;, 111 j>:';~ .t:t~:':'" ;.,..- -.~. Stormgrgjnage ,,';" ',.'. T roffic: calming . Parks ,<". .S~'~~STlNG IN OUR COMMUNITY ~ "'~~'''6:;~,~;;t;;;~),.>';",:;~~,:~~- .-' "":,_ _, ". REQI,JESTS IDENTIFIED AT NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS Repave roadways & sidewalks I Organize parking with , bump-outs and bulb-outs Improve sightlines . 2007 Pedestrian level lighting 2~ 2005 Traffic calming Pedestrian Access to Flamingo Park 2004 Construction 2003 2002 T otol Construcfton Cost $3.5 Million 2001 G.O Bond: 2cxx) $1.8 Million $1.8 Million . . .' . - ..... ~ --": -j.; _ 'UncOlri,Rd_ _ ___ West Avenue/Bav Road Phase IV - StreetscaDe . Pave roadways and sidewalks . Organize street parking . Improve sightlines and intersections . Pedestrian level lighting . Traffic calming . Pedestrian access between neighborhood and Flamingo Park ) .I I ( I i \ \ \:.~::;;..~ RS!~ .. -------~-<(-- -~ .... -::';'135tg . .CLf ,0.-...... .. ~ ..-...;;;i 74th Street Waterltne Installation for New Park Shore 125 ADartments !West side of 74th Street and West Avenue) ::::::.-)~ -'v c: --->- - III m --165t _1~Ct ~15_5t_ I l . ;.>.~ -11 St.., .,.,'.:'~-; ,j:;',<,",;:,', .,~.; </~'" - ,-,' " ~,_..:..-_..,:;, ~JO~St: .;:.....' __9_5( _'_8_5~ . .>f5~ ':'; f:4; .~ FUNDING SOURCES . 1999 General Obligation (G.o.) Bond - $1,800,000 - Streetscapes - $1,800,000 . Proposed 2000 Stormwater Revenue Bond . Local Option Gas Tax . Concurrency Management System Funds . Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) . Private Sector (Development Impact Mitigation) . COORDINATING PROJECTS . South Pointe Streetscape Phase II, III, V . FOOT Alton Road Reconstruction . Flamingo Neighborhood Improvements . Flamingo Park Improvements . 14th Street Waterline Installation . Grand Flamingo High Rise Apartment Tower on West Side of Bay Road from 14th to 16th Streets . Parkshore High Rise Apartment Towers on West Side of Bay Road and 14th Street . Bently-By- The-Bay High Rise Apartment Tower on West Side of West Avenue between 5th to 6th Streets . NEXT STEPS G.o. Bond Oversight Committee ................. June 12, 2<XX> 600 pm (City Commission Chambers) .I Conversion to Underground ........................ June 19, 2CXX> 6;30 pm Utilities Workshop (City Commission Chambers) City' approves Water & Waste Water Revenue Bond City approves Stormwater Revenue Bond Community Workshops during Design & Construcjion Phases FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: William H. Cory, South Beach Planner or Reuban Caldwell (3051 673-7550 . For further information please visit our WEBSITE http://ci.miami-beach.fl.us Call (305)673-7010 VOICE to request material In accessible format; sign language interpreters f5 days in advance when possible), or Information on acc~ for persons With cisab/llffes. .-- C) z j:: W W.... :iE~ :iE:iE ~O C)~ o ~ 0::1- a..W enW 1-0:: zl- Wen :iEZ W~ >:J Oocl- O::u..CW a.. cW :iECNZ _lQ ~en .--.... .... .... z ....... ~W- !::~z:z a.......:JC) <(.....-,- 01- en z OW 0:iE OW Z...J o::W OW l:Q1- ZZ C)- _0 Wa.. ZZ 01- C):J zO _en :iE <( ...J u.. .-- -......: ~ '-b "-I v t: ~ ~ ~~ ~~ IV -...9 t~ ~~ ~~ ....,~ ~....s> :\ ~ ~ ~ l,., ~ \". ~ D ~ J\ ~ ~ t- "f) M ~ I:M ~ r--.. I p \9 \n " \I'l -- C) Z j:: W W.... :!:~ :!::!: ~g C)e::: o - e:::1- a..W W (/)e::: 1-1- Z(/) W:I: :!:I- we::: >::::1 0001- e:::u..OW a..oo~ :!:It)N -0 -(/) ,.-........Z ...... ..WI I->ZZ a:e:::::::IC) cCcC"")- u!z (/) OW O:!: OW :I:...J e:::W OW 1XI1- :I:Z C)O jjja.. 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