Ad #405 Notice of Public Hearing 12/6/06
Fish Joynt: seafood. salads.
steaks. chicken and pastas with a
French touch;, Fish Joynt. 2570
NE Miami Gardens Dr.. North
Miami Beach; $$$.
The Forge: Steak-house fare
includes various cuts and sea-
food dishes. including grouper;
432 41st 5t.. Miami Beach; $$$$.
Fratelllla Bufala: Italian restau-
rant that serves pizza; 437
Washington Ave,: Miami Beach;
$$$.305-532-0700 or fratellila-
Heelsha: Indian fare; 1550 NE
164th St.. North Miami Beach;
Hlro's Yekko-sen: Japanese
tapas bar feat~ring sushi and
seafood such as tri9ger fish. hog
snapper and pompano;
17040-46 W, Dixie Hwy,. North
Miami Beach; $$. 305-947-0064.
Icebox Cafe: Recently hailed by
Oprah Winfrey as the "best cake
. in America," this local favorite is
renowned for its' fresh, gourmet
home style fare land award-win-
ning. decadent desserts; 1657
Michigan Ave.. Miami Beach;
$$-$$$, 305-538-8448.
II Mullno New York: Italian eatery
that features rack of veal, grilled"
snapper and spaghettini carbon-
ara; 17875 Collins Ave.. Miami
Beach; $$$$. 305-466-9191-
Joe's Stone Crab Restaurant: A
Miami institution. the 93-year-
. old restaurant servers much
besides stone crabs. including
fried green tomatoes. hashed
browns. crab cakes. singer
salmon and even steaks; 11 Wash-
in9ton Ave.. Miami Beach; $$$
(except stone crabs. of course);
November 20 -24.2006
MONDAY, November 20
1:00 p.m. Disability Ace... COmmittee
Mayor's Conference Room
Fourth Floor, Ci~ Hall
TeD Conference Room
555 17'" 51. (Cou"YGrd En~onc.l
2:30 p.m. Cultural Arts Council
~ominotin9 Committee
TUESDAY, November 21
7:00 a.m.-' Run-off Elections
7:00 p,m.
9:00 a.m. Art &. PubJic PIac.. Committee TeD Conference Room
555 17'" 51, (Cou"YGrd En~oncel
Individual Voter Precincts
9:00 a.m. Fine Arts Board City Manager's Small Conf.
Room, Fourth Floor, City Hall
3:00 p.m. Nightlife Task Force "NITE- City Monager', Small Conf.
Room. Fourth Floor. City Hall
3:00 p,m,
Miami Beach Visitors & VCA Conference Room
Convention Authority 555 17" Street .
Runoff Election/ MiamH>ade County Elecfions Oept
CanvQssing Board 2700 NW 87th A.,., Miami
Police/Citizens Relations Police Dept. Community Rm.
Committee 1100 Washington Ave., pi FI.
5:00 p.m,
6:00 p,m,
WEDNESDAY, November 22
1.1:00 a.m. Special Commission.
Commission Chambers
Third Floor, City Hall
THURSDAY, November 23
Thanksgiving Day
Holiday Observed
City Hall Closed
~ -!
FRIDAY, November 24
Day aher Thanksgiving
Holiday Obse':Ved
City Hall Closed
.. Aired on Atlantic Broadband/MBTY 77
.... Commi$$ion Comminee fV\eetings
We ore commmed fa providing exce(lenr public smvice ond safety fa 0(( who
five, work and ploy in our vibrant, tropical. hislOficol community .
For arty Ond/Of all of In. obeY. l'Mletingl, ~ Of mot"e ~mberl of ,he MiamI
=hi,C~;:dm~'f700v C~n::~t~":.:ndD~~I~'; ~d;~:I~"I~~
~;b:i~~~N~~d~=~ 1~1. ~~d:n~ ~~~~~~~~=~
legal notice would not be provided. To reqUNt this mahtriol in occe..ibM
format, Ilg" language In_p"'Nrti, infot.mation on access for persons with
~IO:~~ti:~~~:,,~ ~~~t";:':~=t=Y ~~O:~C:8'9rt~k:i.
305-673.752~ (fox) or 305-673-7218 (TTY) Five days in advance to in;tioN
:;t;.d':-~ W_~r.t...~ga~:"~l~,J~.:~~ic~ :n":::~ not
meeting wiN b. pos.d on the bul~n boards throughout City !-ioll Ofld win be e::J.
able on Ih. City I _b.ite 01- miDmib.nrhfl aov/n......::ltv/d.oh/ aU)
Jullo's Natural Foods: Sweet
potato platters with mixed veg-
gies. 9r;lIed tilapia. spicy tuna
stuffed avocado and hundreds of
fresh juices and smoothies; 1602
NE Miami Gardens Dr.. North
Miami Beach; $, 305-947-4744,
La Sandwlcherle: Sandwiches
and salads in the heart of Miami
Beach; 229 14th St., Miami Beach;
$, ~05-S32-8934 or acces~
La Vita E' Bell.: Italian restau-
rant serves pastas and fish
dishes; 17901 Collins Ave,
(Golden Strand Hotel). Sunny
Isles Beach; $$$$, 305-931-2229,
Laguna R.staurant: Serving
Cuban and Caribbean food;
2800 NW Seventh Ave.. Miami; $,
Las Olas Caf6: Specializes in
{;uban food; 644 Sixth St.. Miami
Beach; $. 305-534-9333,
The Laundry Bar: You can wash
your dirty laundry in publiC and
get a cocktail at the same time;
721 Lincoln Ln.. Miami Beach.
$-$$, 305-531-7700,
Laurenzo's Ca": Italian food
served; 16385 W. Dixie Hwy..
North Miami .Beach; $$,
e For prices, $ = entrees mostly $10 or lo~er; $$ = entrees
$10 to $15; $$$ = entrees $15-$20; $$$$ =..entrees $20 and
higher. :-:-';';i, r~ ;,
e For houn or other information, call the restaurant. """"
e Full reviews can be found online- visit miamiher- '
ald.c;om/entertainment and c1ic;k on Dining. For short" "
"descriptions, dick on Restaurants A-Z, '" ~,"
"e WSllngs are free, and are compiled by The Miami Herald's
c;alendar desk. To be listed in this guide, e-mail newsc;alen- .
dar@MiamiHerald,c;om with the name of restaurant, address, .,~.
phone number, ZIP Code, website (if available) and type of ' ,
food, Please tell us about a signature dish or two and give us
the pric;e range on entrees:' , ""
. Questions or corrections? Call the Calendar, Desk hot line.
at 305-376-3355." '" i,,; '1 i\' "
",. 't.i iJ :. '~-.~
~''* s..,
;1 "1
Le Chic French Bakery: Serves
crisp baguettes, croissants and
Danishes; 1043 Washin9ton Ave"
Miami Beach; $, 305-637-5522.
Lea's Tea Room: French food
served and specializing in
pastries; 9700 Collins Ave.. Bal
Harbour; $$, 305-868-0901-
Lime Fresh Lincoln Road Caf6:
Not your typical Cuban restau-
rant by outside appearance, but
all the favorites are available;
943 Lincoln Rd" Miami Beach;
NlmCE IS HEREBY given that a public hearing will be held by the Mayor and City CommisSion of the City
of Miami Beach, Florida, in the City Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center
Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, December 6, 2006, at 2:00 p.m., to consider approval, on
Rrst Reading, of a Rrst Addendum to the Development Agreement between the City of Miami Beach and
the New World Symphony (NWS), dated January 5, 2004, which Agreement provided for development of
that certain Project referred to as the "New World Symphony Campus Expansion", which Project provides
for the design, development, and construction of a not to exceed 50,000 square foot educational
performance and internet broadcast facility and an exterior screen (formerly known as "Soundspace"), a
public parking garage containing both parking and ground floor retail space, and certain other public
streetscape improvements, including a Park, as same shall be agreed upon between the City of Miami
Beach and NWS; further providing that the proposed Rrst Addendum increases the City's required funding
contribution toward the design, development and construction of the public parking garage to a total
amount not to exceed $15,210,135; and authorizes NWS to proceed with the following publiC
improvements, to be designed, developed, and constructed by NWS: the Park adjacent to the proposed
NWS facility ~he Park Project), at a total cost not to exceed $13,810,000; anllcertain other additional
public streetscape improvements (the Additional Improvements), at a total coSt not to exceed $6.400,000.
Inquiries may be directed to the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency at (305) 673-7295.
INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting or be represented by an agent or to express
their views In writing addressed to the City Commission c/o the City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive,
1st Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting may be opened and continued and under
such circumstances additional legal notice would not be provided,
Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk
City of Miami Beach
Pursuant to Section 286.0105, FL Statutes, the City hereby advises the publiC that: if a person decides to
appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at Its meeting or
its hearing, such person must ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record
includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, This notice does not constitute
consent by the City for the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor
does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law.
To request this material in accessible format, sign language interpreters information on access for persons
with disabilities, and lor any accommodation to review any document or participate in any City-sponsored
proceeding, please contact (305) 604-2489 (voice), (305) 673-7218(TTY) five days in advance to initiate
your request. m users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Se~ice).
Ad #405