Indian Creek Dr. 63rd East Chan --11- J ~ c i.:: I': ii" I- i' " !II i'! I I " i:i iill I' I!, !'i :11 'Ii I " II 1, ' '111' I", I" 1 il,\ \ --~~~~ 8flO~ 850p;;E297 m HEFTY'S FORM R. E. A.3 ~ PRIXTED BY JilEll'TY PlrE~~~ ~- :l__ _ .. W ARRAN'l'\' DEED (FR<)M COlU'ORATION) ID~tfi lIulIruturr, Made thism_~_~_'!'_~____.day oL_________}~~~Il'~~1:u__________A. D. 19u~_~, BETWEEN _ ___.______.__~g_~:t;A_cm.__l3~L~~__gQ~1!'mL__________ _______ a corporation -'''' existing under the laws of the State oL____um___:O::L<>!:~li_ll,m______m_________, having its principal place of i !'I business in the County oL__u____1J.~~~____m__.____________.and State of____m__:O::L";r_~~u____________u_________, and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and ____________._______CI.~___()~__1.'!Al:~__~~~~,__.________u____________u_____~_m________ of the County oL________________Il!l.Cl,~______ and State of____________~~()I'~_~~__________________ parU'___ of the second part, WITNESSETH: iii :1 That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum oL=_-.:----=-__:.__=__=__=_ ___-:_=_::.___--___=__::___::__:___::__::__:-__::-___~_Il,J_~_~,()_'_()()L::'___=_=__..=_=_.::'_=__=__....._=,__-..._=._=___=..._ Dollars ani other good and val_ble conBideration -- - -- - - -- -- -- - - -- - -- -- -- - -- to it in hand paid by the said parLY____of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- . jSll.cce s sor s edged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said part__.;L_ of the second part, ___~_1;1l ----J:lICi:m: and assigns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County oL_JJ!l,li.e_________u and State of Florida, to-wit: West 63rd Street Bridge over East Ch&nnel of Indian Creek " " I': i , Beginning at the intersection of the South line of West 63rd street and the East bulkhead line of the Eaet Channel of ,Indian Creek, said point of beginning being eighty-five and two-tenths (85.2) feet westerly frcm the northeast corner of Lot One (1) Block Three (3) of the Re-su.bdivision of Lots Twenty (20), Twenty-one (21), Block One (1), Second OCean Front Subdivision as said re-su.bdivision is now 'recorded in Plat BoO~ 15-'c:.,~f the records of Dade County, Florida; thence westerly along tne south line of West 63rd Street produced to a point twenty (20) feet West of the west bulkhead line of said East ch8.nnel; thence north parallel t,o said west bulkhead line to the north line of West 63rd Streetj thence east along the north property line of West 63rd Stre.et produced to a point twenty (20) feet east of the east bulkhead line of said East Channel; thence south parallel to said east bulkhead line to a point in the south line of West 63rd Street; thence west along the sau.th line of West 63rd Street twenty (20) feet to point 'of beginning, together with the bridge situate thereon, all approaches, abutlllmts and bulkheads appurtenant thereto. b " And the said party of the first part does hereby fUlly warrant the title to said land, and will . defend the same against the'lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN~TNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its proper officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed, at- tested by its secretary, the day and year above written. Attest: j~C1~ __- Assistant Secretary. Ii BAY SHORE COln?ANY, .----_.__._------~;-::: ~ ,111 -.-------- __~~_'~~v, .~-----==-~==-~--=2Ef~~ I. ! I II,i - J;..;. " I'!I , . - _...............-----.,u. -."7'....,---..-.- ~< ~ ~,: ,00 '(\ p', -:Y. .." C~, \ ,j "-;. 'J: /(..., .......-'- 'l\ ,.~ '~ 17 ./ /' ~~ ?/1 ;., .......~ \ \::?: ,;. y~ '9 -6 <",' / v' v-<r ~.y ... ... '---->.'"._~ - ,"c_:-',__., , ,>>"" 1i:>, 1=1...... Q.) ,-, '~""" w , t1.l'"O J.t ,q , ,~,,"o~ i~: ~]~~ ~,; "0 ~ 04J ~ '''~p:j" _.J~~>-<~~ g ,~ ,U I g ~~'"O , ~ ......to)C,l L..... o y~>~s: .. 0.... 0 ,..... <~' 1<' ,...... ti.... ~ "0 i~ p. : 0 ~ I I' t1.l'"O c:: : :.J 'T;l "0 Q) J... O ' ' - "''' ,,"0 : w...... ~ ~ c,) ~ I I ,,<::l P. 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