Alton Rd. Surprise Waterway Bri r 1m },/ -~ QA.-~ \Nl>"" 'rfl:- R. '.\) -,' ~u'_~ .'_s ~R~_~ n BOOk 850 PAGE295l~l. ~ntNTED By'IJE~ P~~' ;}ju I ,V ARRANTY DEED (-"'ROM CORPOR.TlON) wl1is lIUllruturr. Made this_J..9.t!L__.__...day oL______).l~Q!!!!IJ?_'H._m______________mA. D. IL?g_, BETWEEN _ m___m_____!'4JA.lU___Ii~Q.!LJIAI___$_RQHILQi'_WAI!I__=__..___=_=__..__=_'..___"::m=__..m a corporation existing under the laws of the State of______mnJ1_~J<!s._____m__m_________mm_' having its principal place of business in the County oL__m_m_J.)~J!l_mm_m____m__m._ and State of__________n.'OJ\J.P.J,________m______________, and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and - - - - the vITY OF MIAMI BEACH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - of the County oL___m__!:I~!m____ mand State of _m__m____]'!_Q!'_!_~______________________._- parL~---- of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the saidiparty of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of_____=__':__~_~__~~ _~!.llIl()oL'!QQ~J~Q_!_l?_~L_::_=_=_______:.___=___=__=__..__-_.._.._-_=_-_.._.._=__...._____=..__-..._.._ Dollars and other good and valuable oonsideration to. it in hand paid by the said party_nun_of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- ~. .. j~~~soJ:s edged, has granted, bargamed and sold to the saId parLI'_____ of the second part, __HJL m_and assigns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County oL___j)_~!!_m______ and State of Florida, to-wit: Alton MoAd Surnrise Wat9rwav.~ridQ8. j'~ Beginning at the interseot ion of the north property line of Al ton Road and the wsst bulkhead. of ::surprise Waterway, said. point of beginning being ninety-five and eight tenths. (9~.8) feet northeast of the southwest oorner of Lot No. J!'our (4), Blook l'WO (2) Nautilus ::lubdivision as shown upon Page 95. Plat Book No.8, vade County !leoords; thenoe along the north property line of Alton Road produoed aoross Surprise Waterway to anoint in said property line ten (10) feet east of the east bulkhead of ~urprise Waterway; thenoe south on a line parallel to the east bulkhead of :surprise Waterway to the south property line of Alton Road; thenoe along the south property line ot Alton Road produoed aoross ::lurprise Waterway to a point in the said property line ten (10) feet west of the west bulkhead of Surprise Watsrway; thenoe north on s: line parallel to the west line of the ~rprise Waterway to the north property line of Al ton Road; thence . east along the north property line of Al ton Road to the point of begin!ling.- together with the bridge situate thereon, all approaohes. abutments and bulkheads appurtenant thareto.- And the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused-these presents to be signed in its name by its proper officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed, at- tested by its secretary, the day and year above written. "ft id~~~ _n._ Assistant Secretary. n.. 1t::~~~:_~HQ_~~~Y~_:_____: f~~ Attest: -__-=:-:----.:~-~:::=~_=lJ~:::::: " ID ~ m ~ \l:- I I , I , III III ,i I~ ,I I., Ii Ii :1: WITNESS my sign~ture and official seal aL______________J4J~!___~QI!__________n____._________ Iii iil in the County oL___JJ.~'!~_____________________n_______________._and State oL__._~:1,C).r1d,!L______________.______________mm_ 11' the day and year last aforesaid. ___~_~. , 1________.___ -___________mm__m__ ~1tg~ld~ub . ~ . ;:1 M " . ;; q. :4- ! I F~L;o~~~~i~:~~~:i~;;;;~~OO _~-c~~. ,: I . I...... '.. QEO. F. HOLLY. OLERK OIRCUIT COURT r . _.~;;,;~.~ "." OAO!()t'tUf+T'f-. "LOmO" -- ---- I.' ~ II "n (':).c .... c-+- ~ rn ~ C;; rD 1.1 i~ I ~.~. = O3::r '"'::; t"" 0'" I'! :i~i 22, S-z:;: 8Elo 3' ~ ~ \ "': ;:;:;;: r:tl ('tl ~ S:;. c-t- z ' : i., ~::S'dS:'!.03""::r"'l'J ~'(,) g,o .... c'" '" ""'" ~. -< 0 'm 0 S>-3 <:T "".., I. '" _ . '0' '" c ~ Z ::':8 ",....-, r 0 .., 'I'" I ~ l-':l...... (':l.... ('D ~ y' , I , -.....::r l'J" "" '" 1 l-- ""l ""l : J, c..o P, 00 ('tl '0 ::h J r-: t"'I i hi u.>..... = u.> g~ ~ $"" 0 ), _ Ete+ Q.. ~('b ~o...fT" eg !:z:O- ::1f [~ ~~ 'g ~[ ~! ~ i ::I:.,t<1 "'..... ;],,0. '~. !r- ~: ::!i~ ~ i...~ CD (tI ~ 0 , : t'" = ,"" :;;' t<1 s: M = g c r I !"< ~ 1"- 15.:;:j ~ b :"!!'-*J '""~. g i ~g::" g ;~g'~f -~ g; 1e" '" .:t~o~ ""bt I') ..... Q1 =-' . 0 (t) O"j;); r ~i , (tl ~ '1 $":)) nl. a~ I "15'~ !C~ g-s.: a~ ' 0 aq [ 1 =:I.... ('tI~",,"' C"t'!:. s: 1-1 '__: Q.. E....... i '<:" - "'. "'~ = , . ~ ", I . Q..-..... I , r-- , [1"' I I If I' .1 I "'.1 ----~,--.--_..---.---.-.--------.--.---.-------~-,.-.---------j.-r------ I " ..~ ."-'-...'."".296.. 8. 850 fAliE . ~~":':'~~E:;:~,,-.-,,':, ;f.--"''-~_'-;-'~ ._:.1' .~ "'''- ;.,\ '" , . STATE OF FLORIDA, } . COUNTY OF ____nJ)~!______u___.___________n__. I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on thiL..,L~___day of. m_..llEHI!lm.l)_!l.r______________ ____A. D. 19_21L, before me personally appeared_________n_J_.__.A~)!'_O]Ll'1.u.KEl\.__~___,.,__:__n....__,...___-._.,__,...___.,.__,.,___.,.._,.....-._-'"'_~-....- and _.._W...B...__mlQRANAIL ---........--.,..-..,--:____....__,.___.,._.___n___._XijJ~.-:_President an~Jc~t~r\ respectively of ______th'!.JUAM;tBJAAQIL~A.IJ3J:!QltIL(}_()_~.a.ID:___m__________________._______, a corporation under the laws of the State oL __n:n.lll'J_Q.an ___n__________., to me known to be the persons who signed the fore- going instrument as such officers and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they af- fixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. . I1II o ~ '" ~ ~ ~ "- ~" .., o ~& ~e; s: ~ 8~ ~= "0 ...... ~tt:+ ;.- ~ - o z ~ \:l p o $" * \. r I I I , II II II ~;;:~:;;l ~~~:::;--:. ,ii ~-_.!' (. \~:< "9 ~ ../ )/ -6. 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