LTC 291-2006 Carnival Center Park and Ride Program
NO. 291-2006
Mayor David Dermer and Members of the City Commission
Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manage~/~
December 1, 2006 0 U
SUBJECT: Carnival Center Park and Ride Program
As you know, several former resident groups of the Jackie Gleason Theater (JGT) have
become resident groups of the Carnival Center of the Performing Arts (Carnival Center).
Despite the loss of these performances at the JGT, it remains the City's desire to make
these and other events at the Carnival Center accessible to the Miami Beach community.
To that end, the City of Miami Beach has partnered with the Carnival Center and Miami-
Dade Transit to offer City residents and visitors convenient transportation services to the
new Carnival Center. This resulting partnership is a product of a suggestion brought forth to
the Administration by Commissioner Richard L. Steinberg, as well as staff's identification of
another innovative opportunity to make arts and culture more easily accessible to our
residents and visitors.
This expanded service on Route A, "Park, Dine and Ride," will run from Lincoln Road to the
Carnival Center on a twenty minute continual loop. The pick-up/drop-off will be at Meridian
Avenue beginning at 6:00 pm through 11 :40 pm on show nights. The cost to ride the shuttle
is $1.50 each way. The City is also working with Lincoln Road Marketing Association to
encourage restaurants to offer pre and post theater specials that can be advertised as part
of this program. The program will be marketed as a convenient alternative to enjoy
everything that Lincoln Road has to offer, with the convenience of a Park and Ride shuttle to
the Carnival Center.
A launch date has not yet been scheduled as Miami Dade Transit is awaiting the delivery of
40 new 26-passenger buses for this program. The approximate start date is scheduled for
December 15, 2006. However, once a date is determined, additional information will be
forwarded to your attention. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me with any
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C: Hilda M. Fernandez, Assistant City Manager
Robert C. Middaugh, Assistant City Manager
Max A. Sklar, Tourism and Cultural Development Director
Michael Aller, Tourism and Convention Director
. Saul Frances, Parking Department Director