Alton Rd Bisc. Waterway Bridge ( ! 0' ~ ~ ~~ BOOK 850 PAGf291 If1 ~ HEFTY'S FORM R. E. A.3 __~fiil=;; 1~;:; it.", M<A'" . l. ~ , . . ~ . , , , "."'--.-.---------------.---------~-I:;~;---- -. m , W AllRAN'l'Y DEED ("'ROM CORl"ORATION) ijJ~t!i lIUlIruturr, Made thiL__;1,_?~l1________.day oL_m.m___.!>~~~~_~1:______m_A. D. 19J?_?__, BETWEEN ___..___Jc!:[4tlL~4Q!L;I?.4X__~@J_Q_QA!J?mL __ a corporation existing under the laws of the State oL_________m_!";1l):r.ic,is,_________m__________, having its principal place of business in the County of _____m__ll.~!'!___________.___m_.__m_and State oL__________Jj'l_Q.tl.~____________.____._____, and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and --------.__.__._.__.__._.._..______.Q!.'IT..9!"..A~!:::r.__~~Q.~'._.__...._____________m.m________________._______.___ , I , I of the County oLm___m--------IlS,~~-------mmm-----and State oL________________~~()l:_i.d,Il:__.__________.___.___ partY___c__ of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum oL::_=.-=__=-=_.=._. -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - TEN ($10.00) -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- .__m__.._.___________.___._____._._..m_.______.________m__.____m____________________._____.______.m._._______________._______________.___.__ Dollars and other good a.:nd valuable consideration -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - to it in hand paid by the said part_Y_____of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- Lsuccessors edged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said part.X_... of the second part, ___!_~13 __..me. and assigns forever, the following described land situate. lying and being in the County oL_])~~________ and State of Florida, to-wit: Alton Road Biscayne Waterway Bridge r" I I i Beginning at the intersection of the west property line of Alton Road and the north bulkhead of Bisc~e Water~, said point of beginning being one hundred (100) feet south of the 'northell.st corner of Lot Sixty (60), Block One (1) Nautilus Subdivision as shown upon page 95, Plat Book No.8, Dade County Records; thence north ten (10) feet along the west property line of Alton Road; thence east on eo line parallel to the north bulkhead of Bieos,yl18 W...ter.....y to the east property line of Alton Road; thence south along the e...st property line of Alton Road produced across Biscs,yne Waterws,y to a point in the east property line of Alton Road ten (10) feet south of the south bulkhead of Biscayne Waterway; thence west paraJ.lel to the south bulkhead of Biscayne Waterway to the west property line of Alton Road, thence north along the west property line of Alton Road produced across Biscayne Waterway to the point of beginning, together with the bridge situate thereon, all approaches, abutments and bulkheads appurtenant thereto. ~/ ! , And the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its proper officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed, at- tested ~ its secretary, the day and year above written. Attest: 1 BEACH BAY mORE COMPANY, n' ---'t2Zii-z-~L:~~ Vice - President. Secretary. By :: f :. ....' " . .,' - -~~\!.~..--._. ..' ~.~ y>..., - ( [III r .., ..m "7l11'11'r '80011 850 PAGt~(Jt;, ~..,. 1-' I i.....' , ,., ~, ~ \-----r'['.. -',. I ..+ . \ J'I' , 0- i '. o \ .tf"1 " " I '.. I~r I I .- ".,'1 I I I I .IH ---~--~--_.-._---_.,--,~-'-- '-"CC,,, ~ ~~~~~~~:~~~I~~!JJ~m........~.....:::'.......} ; I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this l.151;!1.n..day of mmm mmm.Il(l(}l3lll~.~;-....m..A, D, 19m9f;., before me personally appeared mmmm... .J'mATl.V(J(J])m~!LKE.:E!mmm...mmm.n"A"s'srstantm.mmmm and .m nm ...mnIV 'mJ3.'.J1TJCHA!lA1rL. m.mmm mmm.V:i(}El.-.President anct!Secretary respectively of mm"m .m.J.!IAJ;:;r},\E:AQHJ3~,X..SI:lQIl:E:. C01.CI'.AJ:J.Y:mmmm... mmm..m' a corporation under the laws of the State of.. PlOJ' ida ............., to me known to be the persons who signed the fore- going instrument as such officers and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they af- fixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation, WITNESS my signature and official seal aL_.______J~~.i.J3~Ilo~.l1.. ... m..mm." m...m". :~et~:yC:~:t;e::-;:~~-.~~~~~~~~~..---..---.-m.-..and_~~~.. Notary Publi~lll , \1,,-; .mm._......... My commission expires ...ef.:-.<f'.-:k..~ FIL:/J~f,*f!c fN~~: ~~~O:o~:~1.M -GEO. F, HO!..LV. Ct..-i,RK CIRCUIT COUR.'L.n . ~ R~r:w CDyftT",V. 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