S apprch to AltonRd /Collins Ca ~ Bom-:141g !;\G:,371 D E Jl D :I'11e '23 THIS INDENTUBE, Made this lOth dq of March, A. D. 1931, between THE ALTON BEACH REALTY COI.lPANY. a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of J'lorida, party of the first part, GRANTOR, and CITY (]I MIAMI BEACH, a Municipal Corpora- tion of the County of Dade and State of Florida, party of the second part, GIlANTEl!:; WITNESSJ:TH: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS, and other good and valuable considerations, to it in hand paid, the receipt where- of is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargainl and sells to the said party of the second part, its succe..orl and assigns forever, all that certain parcel of land lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, described as followl; to-wit: Tract d A" of :I'IRST .ADDITION TO COI4l4lt1lCIAL SUBDIVISION of THE ALTON BEACH REALTY COlaANY, as shown, marked and designated on a plat of said subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 30, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circui t Court, in and for Dade County, Florida, said Tract ""'" being bounded on the east by Lots numbered Ten (10) and Eleven (11) of BlOck numbered Eighteen (18), First Addition to Commercial Subdivision; on the west by Lot numbered :I'ive (5) of Block numbered Seventeen (17), First Addition to Commercial Subdivision; On the north by Colline Canal and on the south by JU ton Road. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the lame unto the said party of the lecond part, itl successors and assigns, forever. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED by and between the parties hereto that the said THE ALTON BEACH REALTY COlaANY doel not warrant the title to said land. ... '. . ., .f" n- Boo;:14it) PAGU) 12 Ill' WITNESS WBEBEOJ, the said party of the firet part hal caused the88 preaents to be signed in its name by i tl Vice Prelident, and its corporate seal to be affixed, atteeted by its Secretary, the ~ and year above writtlD. Sll'n~ of Florldo County of O"de, Tbb instnJHIt'l1t W'rJ?; ~!ied for ri!cord th0;.l~_.dp,y of_....~'-. l!J~I.H, ~'11.4J?tM ,ad dull record,," in 8nr,k0~SL~ :r '.H,J:;:~H."n p")!;~.311 p, Nc,tJ-/.'3~S":((-, E. B. fF\TTIFi{,\l \~.. CU:fZK CikLUj" (~U( NT B).H.,J..~ga...!d[AyV HU C. Signed, ~aled and Delivered in e preeence of: THE ALTOI BEACH REALTY COMPANY ByR./ I~,..~~ Vice President. ATTJ:ST~~ Secretary. . ~ STATIIl OF FLORIDA ) ., ".l ;11~iJi{jll. '.'.. ~_..., ...... ....~_ III . ,,\'~H18 /q~lliI10 'b~ ...""....,... 1'/4'; 'l/. %' ..... ...... ~ ,'.. ..::..:..... . .... _..,.~ .,' ",". - - ~~ ._,...w<:" \__ 0:::: :0. : ._ ~,,::lO ;: - . .."...,. -. , . ." .. :~ ::: :. 1. : ',- ~,:; _ _ I:: .-' --' ~../) \, t. \ }.... '.,- 8:~1. " _,,. -- ,-IS ,-' Q.-o ~..l_ .-1\'<."<-' I."-{~ ';;'<'~ .... . ...... .:.......~~.. ~'~"'. ". .' '>'~~'.';;' ~ V' ..... ..... ~ s: %;.( .....,.~..........-_...~,' ~ '0j;..'ijf31J;;'u \\':I~'l,i /.""". ''''q/~~:;(.\\ l/lJIHUlHH1\.-\.\\ . . COUNTY OF DADlIl ) IS. I HEREBY CERTIFY, <Ron.! 12'_1. That On thil ~ ~ o~ A. D. 1931, before me personally appeared PAUL ltUbISCHIIC and WlI. w. wm. respectively Vice-President and Secretary of THE ALTON BEACH REALTY COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the pereons described in and who executed the fore- going conveyance and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. ", ":'::', '."'" WITNESS ~ signature and official seal at Miami Beach, .' .' .,< J ~ ""<:;:"':';;'::"~~:~e County of Dade and State of Florida, the ~ and year last 0/~\ 0 i /lll~~"id. ::;:. _*_i.';1",., "", :~ ,,~: /J I'B L\'/C :::::: ~~... v ',-": C::;' --:. -...A--. '.. ~'.:" -::',~.." ,. ,.,~ ,'. ..._~ (l ~ ........-..5.. ~ l'"\\ "'"./L a R \\j~'.lll"\ "..; "1 iI' * 9~" ~~~ Notary Public - State of Florida at Large. ~ Commilsion Expires: April 9, 1934.