Sheridan Av.Bridge/La Gorce can W ARfiANTY DEEn (l'RDl\( CORl'''RA-r-.'~) -' ,) BOOxS5();AGE 289rrl ~- Im[ -- ! i I "-. ~, HEFTY'S FORM R. E. A.3 Pin ~D BY HEFTY PRESS, :MIAMI , m~t1i lIullruturr. Made thiL!~_~~______,day of____________~El()Elll1.l?_El~_______n__n__A_ D. 19~__, BETWEEN _ _____________III_tAJlI__BEACULllA.!__3RO..BlLOOKPAlIT__________________________________________ __n_ a corporation existing under the laws of the State oL________1!'!.C?_~_~__________________________, having its principal place of business in the County of_________________l1J!tl!!!.________________ __no_and State of_____________________llj).rld&_______________, and lawfully authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, party of the first part, and - - - - the CITY OP MIAMI B3!OH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - of the County oL______________~~ci~__________________________ _____and State oL____________!.I_()!_!~~_____________________~_ ,'" ~." "J part _~___ of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum oL_-:-___::__=__:._.:__-:-_~ !~_~__~().A€l~_ltJ.~_"()()J__=___=_=__=_:__::__=___=__=___=___=_=__==_::_=__=.._=__ :..'-=_-,_=__.. Do;lars to it in hand paid by the said part.3:____of the second part, the receipt w1iereof is hereby acknowl. lplOOllssOrJl edged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said party______ of the second part, _UJL__J____ and assigns forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of _ __ltade._ '- and State af Florida, to-wit: . '. ----./1 Sherid"n Avelll1e BridlZ8 Over LaGoroe Oanal. 1J~ 11 \ Beginning at the interseotion o~ the east line ot Sheridan AveD11e ~the \O~th bulkhead line 'ot. the La Goroe Oanal, said point o~ beginning being e hundred ~orty-seven 1'147) teet northerly tl'OIl a pips mOl1Ulll8nt in the wesT\l1 e., o~ Lot 1. Block 1, Beach View Addition as now reoorded in Book 16, Page 10'\o\t e MOOrds o~ Dade Oounty. Florida; said pipe monument1'king the northern eltremity o~ la curve having a oentra1 ang1s o~ t1~ty-eight 8) degpes, twenty-e\ght (28) '< minutes ~d.radl1 o~ ~011r !+unl!red ~in~te.e.n an t y-silthunl~dths 1419.3~) ~e8t; thenoe northerly along the east line tr eridan Aveillt,l-prOduoe. d ,qa point twenty 1 20) ~eet north o~ the north b'f)khead :l,i~9t .lie: Goroe UaneJl.r' thenee westerly parallel ,to said north. bv-lllllrhead 11"" 11, ,~ west lin~. of." :;h erid.an Avenue; thenoe scnther1y along said l"es\l1ine 01' ~ an Ave~!1e '. 1%'Oe, to a point twenty 120) ~eet south 01' the ~ bulkhead line \o~ La Go ,8 ~a11" thenee easterly parallel to said south bulk:IJ/lad to th;F:ast lili~ o~ :; .' an Ave~ thenoe northerly along said east lint/ot Sheri ,'AVeD11~.. twent, ) teetJ~o point 01' beginning.-" .'," . . . ,. V'4" ", $' '\. ~,)J .,'~:_ 'yl , ;~:;~:=a:;t~~~t:::dge s1tu~)herpon,. al.~l'" roaehes,\.~butmentl ~ bulkheads I' \ /( t1- z...-,""," N 7 u y And the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS' WHEREOF, the said party of the first -part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its proper officers, and its corporate seal to be affixed, at- tested by its secretary, the day and year above written. Attest: -~--~~~--~~~t:- -- -- ---- --11---- ::- ,,"'-'....,...n __, ~ _ , I .-_ ______..__ . ..__________________~_ .---t---+-.~---- I I r - [i!!1 , , ! BOOK 850 r~~~ 290 ~.._..............--_. ~. PT- , , , .\} ~~~~~;Fo;L~~~~'___________________________~________cl I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this______jtf~__day oL___])l!Q_~!1J!!!!_r______________________A. D. 19__25__, before me personally appeared ________.J'..__..._~;tl_JYE~_~_.~__ _ _ __ - J,~-s1st8l1t - and ____0000__ W._ B'nJlU.o.~ _____________ _____nQ~'-- President amySecretary respectively of _____tll._e._M!.A1lLll]~A.c.lrnll,A.y__fllI()Jt,1li__(}()J.l1'.\lV_t'________n___m' a corporation under the laws of the State of __ Flo_:!'lll1!...__________________n_____ ____, to me known to be the persons who signed the fore- going instrument as such officers and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they af- fixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation, \. \ i V :" ,..> WITNESS my signature and official seal aL____!I__~_I__ll~.c_Jr_________ __ __ _._____00__ in the County ofm__:o,@E________u______________ _______________and ~tate _ _P1.0I!_I])A__~-71- _ ____ m __ _ ___ _ ___._ ~I ul...., the day and year last aforesaid, _ _ ______ _____ _ _ ______ _ ~_ Nota~y - Publi~ . "_ I ~~I", - _ m_ ___ ___ _ _ __ ____ _ __ of Florida ~ '0,'1. _____.______ ___________ ___________________ My commission expires____.f"_=_'Z'=_~ j::: ~1 ~fi. (p AT ~.: I 0 O'CLOC~-;; M 1.; FILED - ,,- OK NOTED ASavE AN RECORDED~NC~~~~IROUIT COURT . GE.9' ~-:6~~~",t\ I '(. r..oRlo-a - ,~ " .,.........' oa c: . ""'("f- ~ r.n >- -......::s =::r e,.o-. '"1 '"1 ~I-'l <:"'f'-CI) ...... -. 0 5, S. ~ Z ; gJ g s ~ ::0 ...... ~::a 'd a &@.... go 8..0 a.....>-3 =-ctl (tl c-t-~ ..... "'0 .... 0.. '..... I'l:l 00 C t.c: Z =-:0 0I:l ~ tr +- 0 ~ ~~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ 'fe" -._~.j"-l n-c-t- ~ <D ::l~.:-t- : ~::r ~?=' 0.. i '1> <of" it g,~^~., ::ri l'%j i~ ~-w~,~,~ .,'~::<l '<o<o~ " ''- _. t'j Q; ::0 g ~".l:' 0..: "'~o .. ~~ ~f"- o..l'%j Qs.. ,~~~ : "'.\::1'" S .....2..~..., l- ' : !("i';:" .:t~~!.~' ~ ,', E.: &:l er . _ CD _ ~ i, . 0..: CI) ~ n ::;::... I)' a ~ ~ ~ i ~. c-t- ' '- I- ~ 0<' 0 '~' ~~t:l" I ~~ ~ p.. t+..::r' 0 -", = (;;" c+ CD : '"1 p..rt:I I ~ [ g 7 ~ ~~~. ' ..}.~ ., ... <0 '( " rr ~ 9 o 16" ;;:. , , , , , i i I "~W '. ,.' . "r..: "'.'" 1 , , , -"11:,." i~ , \i )~ ~~. ~ i: ~. . fl- '~~,"~, .' f" " ";'.', , 1~' ,\ ' , i\~",i , , , , , , i 1\' "~j' ~ "-l ~ o is: \,~ ii a a '",;,) ~' i~ i G') i ~ i ITJ , '0 ' , j~i' i' I~ II" "II i 'I !o !b i-< w. ... p.,. :>-3 m ~"..,~I'J' , "'f>".' '~ I .+$' i : ".... : ,~,.J : . '-1... \~"",j .,~,-..'t'''d ~ ..,t",;.' I i- i~- !r,)~>!j !' ! ,', ; : ~"t I , -.,'1 r ~' , . \, : : ~! ~ t:Y ~ , - 0 " " [l' ~ '" cO ~ 0 ':...:- ~ = ",;;;;.. !" ~ ~ f--:. ~ (, ~ "- ~ ~ , -....: '--" , "" 0>, >- ------...., \ .~~) i ~.I /'. ! ----: v - " .. , .' -<; // /-"'\ ~2;: (F:, '<~\ 'I~ '-" ~ '-. ,'- & ~, tzi~ :~ ~...., '\Y .',.. -;""--)J :<" ;,.- , \. ,,'") t" '? '-, ~ _._---~ , ,-' o~ .~ , ,) ~- - Tf .( ... t'~_... -:-h I'",. " ...... '<<(. ~OV'j THIS INDENTURE. Made this 2Sth day of June. A. D. 1927 BETWEEJi THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. a oorporation existing ~. \tJ~~4~'1() under the laws of the State of Florida. having 1ts prinoipal plaoe of business in the Oounty of Dade and State of Florida, and lawfully autho- ~iud \.to transaot bus1ness in the state of Florida, party of the first p~. e,nd'the MIAMI BEAOH BAT SHORE OOMPAlITT, ot the Oounty of Dade and " " \. ' ShiUJo:!, tlo:rida., pany of the .econd part, WITIESSETHr \ \ 'That the said party of the first part, for and in oonsideration of the .~ of TEN AND 00/100 ($10.00) ----------- , --:Dollare to it 1n (h!Wd paid by the aald party ot the SeC-)M part. the receipt whereof ts hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said party ~f the second part, its suooessors and assigns forever. the followingd~.soribed land situate, lying and being in the Oounty of Dade and State 01\ floricia, to.-witl llhUl!iaU A....nue Stld9:e Over LaGorce Canal, Beginning at ~he interseotion of the east line of Sheridan Avenue and the SOuth bulkhead line of the La Gorce Canal, said point of beginning being one hundred forty-seven (14-7) teet northerly from a pipe monument in the west line of Lot 1. Block 1. Beaoh View Addition as now recorded in Book 16, Page 10 of the Records of Dade Oounty, Florida; said pipe monument markin~ the nO:!'thern extremity of a curve having a oentral angle of f1fty- eight {58) degrees, twenty-eigh (2g) minutes and radii of four hundred nineteen and thirty-six hundredths (419.36) feet; thence northerly along the east line of Sheridan Avenue produced to a point twenty (20) feet north of the north bulkhead line of La Gorce Canal; thence westerly paral- lel to said north bulkhead line to the west line of Sheridan Avenue; thence southerly along said west line of Shsridan Avenue produced to a point twenty (20) feet south of the south bulkhead line of La Gorce Canal; thence easterly parallel to said south bulkhead to the east line of Sheridan Ave- nuei thence northerly along said east line of Sheridan Avenue twenty (20) fee, to point of beginning.- Together with the bridge situate thereon, all approaohes, abutments and bulkheads appurtenant thereto.- And the said party of the first part doee hereby fully warrant the title to-said land, and will defend the sam. against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part has oaused these presents to be signed in its name by ita Mayor pro-tem, and its oorporate seal to be affixed, attested by its Clerk, the day and year above written. ATTESTt ?~... Q ~. W7'7~ __ '"u..., Clerk Signed, sealed and delivered in the ~ .<-It ~..,..,_~ -.z....~ ~ ~#t wa..t/ OITY OF MIAMI BEACH BY~H.Le.'" I4A YOR"... ..nO-I. presenoe of us; Q.j'" -,,:..,' ,,), I STATE 0' fLORIDA) COUNTY pF DADE ) X HEREBY OERTIFY, that on thIs 2eth day of June, A. D. 1927, before me personally appeared .TOHl H. IoEVI and G. W. TOMLIllSOJl, MAYOR PRo-TEM AND GLERK respectively, of the GlTY OF MI~~I BEACH, a oorpora:1lion under the laws of the state of FlorIda, to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing lnstrwment as suoh officers and seve~ally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such offioers for the usee and purposes therein mentIoned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said oorporation, and that the said instrwment is the aot and deed of said oorporation. WITlESS my signature and official seal at MIAMI BEACH in the G~unty of DADE and State of FLORIDA, the day and year last afore- said. .t!r-l ;.t. rr/_~ ;z....o-./ Notary Public. State of Florida at . large. lly oOlllllllesion expires~ 10. :..,.. . , , ., , . ' ,. . PI . ... . /' .... ~