WD-45 23St. Collins to 19-24 Dade Blv
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THIS DID3NTURE, Hade this 3rd day of March, 1913,
by CARL G. FISIl3R and JAm: ?lSHER, hIs w:re, of the County of
Marion, in tm Stete of Indiana, rarties of the first rart, and
the COUllrY OF DADE, IN TlB STATEJ OF FLORIDA, rartj of the second
WITNESSETH, That the said rartielJ of the first part,
for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, and other cood
and valuable consideration, to them in ~~d ~~id, the r~ceirt Whereof
is hereby aClmowledced, do hereby grant, barGain, sell, remises,
release, convey and confirm unto tho said :r;e.rt y of the second ra.."t,
all the follcwine described real estate situate in the County of
Dade, in the State of Florida. to-.!it:
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A strip of land. sixty (60) feet in width e.nd eichteen hundred
and sixty-three (1863) feet L"l leneth in Section numbered thirty-four
(34), Townshir' numberer; fifty-throe (53) South, R.!lnee numbered forty-two
(42)~st, Dade County, Florida, Whose center line is coincident with a
line connectinc the intersect ion of the Southwest6rly linG of Blocks "B"
and '1])" and the center line of Collins Avenue in the Miami Bench Property,
subdividec'. and l,latted by The U1a!'li Beaoh Im:Provement Comr:any and recorded
in Book Ho. 2 of Plats on :r;e.e-e 47, Dade County .reoords, and a point on the
South line of tho Southweet qUarter of the Nort:hllaat CJuarter of Seotion
numbored thirt:7""four (34), and "istMt twelve hundred and thirty-nine
(1239) feet Easterly from the Southwest corner of said Southwest quarter
of Northeast quarter.
Also a strip of :k...nd sixty (60) feet in width, the center
line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection
of the SouthWesterly line of Blooks "B" and "D" and the center line of
Collins Avenue in the Miami Beach Property, subdivided and platted by
The Miami Beach Im]::>rovement Comrany, am recorded in Book No.2 of Plats,
at page 47 , Dade County Records; thence North l!lastv.nrdly alone the
center line of Collins Avenue to the center line of Atlantio Avenue;
thenoe North Westwardly along the o'3nter line of Atlantic Avenue to the
draw brie.sa over thc canal recently constructed from Biscayne Bay to
Indian Creek; thence crossine said Draw llrieee to a point thirty (30 J
feet Harth We ",twar<'l1:; or at "'.crht angles to the North west,,:rly bal"1t;
of said Canal; thence Southwestl'lll.rdly :r;e.ra.llel to and thll'G;j (Ju j feet
distant from said bank of canal as n~v located and construoted in Sections
numbered twenty-seven (27), Thirty-'three (33) Me. Thirt;rfour (34) .
Townshil' numbe:red fifty-three (53) south, Range numbered forty-two (42 )
l')J.st, to Biscayne Bay and the Eastern end of the Collins Bridge.
TO HAVE .AND '~O HOm the sama unto the said rarty of
the second part, forever.
.AND the said :r;e.rties of the first rart do hereby covenant
that they a.re the trus end lawful owners of said described land; that
the sarna is now free, olear, disclmreed and uninoumbered of and fran
all former 1ncmnbrances; and that the~. will warrant and defsnd tho titlll
to tho same against the lawful claims of all persons 1'ihol'lSoevsr.
r:art1es hereto that if said. above described real estate shall ever cease
to be used as a public highway, then, and in that event, said real
estate shall revert to the r:arties of the first :part, their heirs or
nr VIITN"JSS '.'IHHR"lOF the :part ies of the first rart have
hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and -:;ea:r first above
Signed, sealed and deliv-
ere the IJresence of:
I sa.
Before me, a Notary Public in and for said COtulty and
State, this o.ay personally app:lared Carl G. Fisher ami Jane Fisher, his
wife, to me well known to be the p:lrsons described in ani!. who executed the
foreeoinB' Deed, ano. they acknowledeed before me that they executed the
same for all uses /lJ1d PUlToses therein mentioned; 2nd the said Jnne FbBhe",
wife of the said Carl G. Fisher, u:pon a seIl8.r2.te and private examination, this
day taken and nnde by and before me, separately and apart from her said
husband, did acknowledee before me that she executed said doed for the
:purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conve;?ing all of her right,
titlll and intorest in and to tho lrold therein o.escribed, whether of dower,
right of dower, hOll8ste!l.d, se:parate estate or otherwise, and that she
exeouted the same freely and vOluntaril;?, and without anlt constraint,
fear, apprehension or compulsion of or from her said husband.
nr WITNESS W!lF'..R"XlF I have hereunto set my hand and affi:md
my official seal, at Miarli, in said County and State, this 3rd day of
March, 1913. ~ ~ _
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~~y COmmission e:>qlires I ~ 7 It,