Warranty Deed 1989-353,354,355 .. II Ii Ii il i,l . t if" \0, .. n '~. ;'j I 'j(,O~) .1iJ;-~ r,\Gf <'1 ? ~. ViMmAHTY DEED THIS INJ)];rJTUH.E, made this 22nd day of June, A.D. 1:1: 1',)::)9, between HJ.~.mY L. DOlTim'l'Y (; COMl'AlJY, IHC., a Delaw;u'c corporation authorized II iua, party of the first part, and CITY OF JiIIN,a BEACH, a ii I I Jilunieipal corporation existing under the laws of the State , I , , to do business in the State of Flor~ . , , o f Florida, having its 1,r111cipal ])lace of b"siness in the Ii County of Dade and !1}J'lrt, Ii , Sta te of Florida, party of the second ii I Ii Ii il part, for and in consideration of the swn of Tell (."ilO.OO) ,. 'i ., i' Dollars and other ,Sood_ and valuable consideration, to it I: 'I in hand paid by the party c,f the second_ part, the receipt rrITN~SS:~11I-I: 'I'hat the said party of the first ,. I! w],ereof i:3 hereby acknowledged., has cranted, b3.rgained. cUlll i! i sold to the said party of the second part, its successors i, and. assiGns forever, the following described landfj situate,' lyinc; anel being in the ';oUllty of Dade and State of Flor:i.cla, ., t . I' -O-Wlt:. I 'I I, I I I i 11 I II II I' :1 'I I il I' II II I II Bel-sinning at tho northwest corner of Block Twenty-nine (29) "lto:: Del IAar Humber 'rhree (3); themce westerly nJJlll,; the :Joutherly line produced westerly, of Clematis Street (now 3eventy-aeventh ::Jtreet) for a di:lt'lllGO of four hundred seventy- four and thirty-oj :;ht one hundredths (474.38) feet to Cl point of curvature; thence along a cir- cular curve deflectin,'::; to the left having a ra- dius of twenty-five (25) feet, a central angle of ninety-one {91} degrees and twenty-four (24) l!linutes, for a di.stance of thirty-nine and eiGhty- eight one l1unclrec1tlls (59.BO) feet to the point of tCUlcency; thence ,: out iterly alohg a tanGent to the last mentioned curve for a distance of seven and ni.nety-one one hundredths (7.91) feet to a p'oint; thence westerly Rlolli; a li ne parallel with the said southerly li.ne produced westerly of Clematis -'I 0.;,';',1,'. ","i at.tested by its Secrlt8ry, the day and year ab.ove writtr'll. "'", "~ HEnny L. DOIlEH'['Y I'c COrl'JUrY, Ilrc. /'::?::"/, I' ~,~,~.. '/b 13y a~~1i~r)r~~~ .,.st. dOelt.tel.} a: ji ;~ned, 30ale und D, ,livered il~ presence of: 1:: ..J~ .l::':_.l::i<'.".~__ __, ~~~~--t:{'-~~~~_...----i 'I I ~GO~ .t !J8!~ r^J. :~;}J II ii Ii 11 'I I! i" ,I ., f I, I: II II II 'I I, 'I 1\ :1 II II II II 'I Ii ,./ ;. (' f'::. ' " i ~, ~ ;': " r-. :. ,,~ : '", ~ ,~ :..: ~. r'. , ,.-::,. . '<, ,.,:,., ,,' ft, 3treet (now Seven~;y-sevellth 3treet), for a dis- tance of three hupdrerl tVlenty-four (3,'04) feet, more or less, Lo H point; tVlGnty-five (25) feet easterly of t11<) westerly line of Hi boroh Avenue (now Hawthorno .senue); thence northerly along a line twenty-five (25) feet easterly of ahd parallel wi tJl the said westerly line of Hi boroh Avenue (nowila.rLhorne Avenue); for a distance of fifty ::md olLe one hundredths (50..01) feet to a .point; Lhen'le easterly alonG a line parallel wi t11 ttle said 'loutherly line, produced westerly, of Clematis ;3t"eet (now Seventy-seventh Street), for a di.stance of two hundred thirty-oix (236) feet, more or less to a point of curvature, which is seven l1undred and twenty-seven one hun- dred ths (700. ;:~?) feet westerly of the westerly line of Fifth.cvenue (now Dickens Avenue), meas- ured alone; tl;e last mentioned courso nroduced easterly; . tlwn.'e alonG a circular curve deflect- iW:; to tho lefl. tangent t.o the last ment.ioned 0011rse, l1aviJl{; a radius of one hundrecl t.wenty- five (125) fect, for a distance of ninety-two (g;,) feet, ]:101.'" or less, to a point on tl18 north- erly line of s;:.id Clelilat.i.;1 Street (now 3eventy- oeventh StreeL), produced westerly, thence east- erly aloIle; siij.fI northerly line of Clematis 3tre(,t (now C;eventy-seventh Street) produced westerly, fOT distance of five hundred four (504) feet, more or less to the southwest corner of Block Twentj-;~ight (28), said Altos Del Mar Humber 1'hree (:'); thence southerly along a straight line for a distance of fifty (50) feet, more or leos, 10 the point of beginning, as said Blocks, :3treet, and Fifth Avenue are shown on a Flat recorded in 1'lat. J300k Eight (8), Page Forty-one (,n), as Dald ];iboroh Avenue is shown on a Plat of )]jscayne Point, recorded in Plat Dook Fourteen (1,1), raGe 'l'hirty-five (35), of the lublic Heo"rds of Dade County, Florida; in- clUdinG tl18 b I'.ilgo now existing wi thin said traot. Wllioh t.h', party of the second 1)8.rt ex- pressly GoveW\1J Ls to properly Llaintain ao u mu- niG:Lpal t.horo11I.I,.f11re. And the :In Ld party of the first pnrt cloes hereby: Cully Vlfurunt tho -(;L :,J e to said land, and will defend tile 3>HDe ac;aillst tIle I;n') :"ul elrJlmr; of all IJerSOllS whomsoever. lIT \'t1:11IjL~:;.~ ;,nlEHJ~OE, tho sald l)arty' of t~1-e first part has causo,J tllnr;') present.s to be fJl;}led in its name by, its .proper officor::, and it.s G01'])orate soal to bro affixed, .. ':iITlJi1SS my signature and official seal at New I, York, County of 1-"c'w York arll} ,Jtate of New York, the date I' il mlll yeCir last afo.I'osaid. II II ;', ,~ /' ,,:\*~I \1'y COllLi:Ln sion '" ;cJ1i reG; . ,-... ~ ' .' : . . '-. I' \' '.: . r ,t.... .." " "'. ,:: .:' '1'1' '/" 'T'll" 'I !I , i I 1 !(,l1K I UKn r~Gr~} ~ ,'=:frA.rj\~ Oli' ~';}~',': "{O !(J,~ ,.-'C' . ,,,)0. ,)UUli7.'Y Uf.' 1 ;_~~'\.' "{OJ.;'~ I ]lliH~BY CEH'.cn'Y that on this J- '). "':! day of June, i,.];, l(l,j9, before me personally appeared Jill'ES P. li';\JUl;LL and IWS3EI,I, I. BYIHG'l'ON, Vice-President and 1\s-' sistcmt ;-3ecretary, respectively, of I'llilTB,Y L. DOlIEETY & CU>l')JjY, HTG., a corporation under tho laws of the state of Delmvarc, authoi:'ized to do buSj,110SS in the State of , I l"lorida, to me tno'ilIl to be the 1,erso11s who s~gned the 1'01'0-. I co:Ln(; instrument 8S such officers, and severally acknowl.. i edged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein ;ne11- tioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seHI of said eOl'l'oro:tion, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of 8 .j.d C011\Oratio)l. I I ~.! ['~~"'--~. ~ .~ 1 , Notary:-Public -. f' ~ i '" F 1 ~: ; I. "r, II'" I'.' Tii'" ,..,' f '" r ~ I I: " nif:; : {'!>llnT',' I' ",. ~ f~U,_ fr" ;11" ,; r,j \-1, "," ,-Yi 1-: C.,,," ~ 1" . ,,;,; <' I'l'" )"H,. \'1 ll.qj,!. \ '1,>I'IlT" "ft \;"i~, f 1\).1.'1 iI,V'!'''''''''.' "'.,';'''. i"il.,,1 f.,.' 1('1'1"'i,'''''/ ,10-.:',' .'I( '"'.'~."'_'.___./ \"...:J,f.",7-'S?CI'd ",jl,," ",' ,ki in 11,,,,' ?7'S'}tl5 72.____~" ; ." ~-$-3 hie- Nn~-..:5' 1>//!1" I~ i i !,!In r'~.I'..N. t I-d. .----7; /. no ,... " ; ~ ~- . '( ~ :; I ..'l',....f,... "":'--.....~ !.'.' t.1 ...,.1 , If I~):r,.: I'>. "':' ~ ~ J' R' 'J%'t:,J .y~ I.~' .,'~J~;; @ ().~,' ;.; ""~f< ".:<? Ie" ;:.....~ t:;:; f'';!J,..~ >:c> ~_: . -~ ~- ('\. i' ...."') ~~ !~'I.. ,'(;"7' & 1 /'1; 'VI'; :i .,. i~~ 'J ,'~'.7 .~ ., ~ h .S" j (~ ."'~. : ~~':" .~ ' oJi r: 'r. :,;' k: t)' ,,~~, t'J ;~t-- ''tJ.' ~~ t;' _:~/ 'Os.)tf.' /. ". . r.." ."\.~("'1 -, '....., (;' ~'" '~"~),' i,t >" .":S:;"'''';'~~ ;; j: r1': .".. f~ .1 J ....: i'" I i C/, f , ,.... ! ~~' ii: ~-~ (,f ~.''t'"'' _ t"j; ""'1 . '" , -!'to .. /~": ./ .-. / :> <S------ \ \" " , ""\, . " J,'.,,_) ,'. ',.1'. ...<.':' //.. o , '," ~ :j " .j.:.... , '\ "- (..\f r )_J t.