Final Judgement l 'IE~~. 'Z"'~':".;...'..."..'....'.'.'."',;"",,\.,'v".'... \., "') '....'..........~....:.......:.:.;............. ,'~~',.' , ~:J! ....., t~"0 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUJ;T IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISD~CTION DIVISION RECORDED CASE NO. 72-8681 (Nathan) t>lOV 29 1!l3 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. a Florida mun~cipal corporation, RICHARD P. BRINKER CLERK petitioner. vs. FINAL JUDGMENT AS TO PARCEL NO. TWO - . -' u' OLIVE H. WOFFORD, a Widow; ZUCRERMAN-VERJ:-JON CORP.. etc.. et al., .~ C' , ofir -p.-?'- . %f~." C">~- 0.-, .~-:.,~ THIS CAUSE coming on for t~ial upon th~~iti~~ of . s:'~~\ c. . the City of Miami Beach in Em~nent Domain proceedings andCUpon.,' Defendants. ,..., <P the Settlement Agreement executed by the Petitioner and the Defendant-owner of parcel No. Two, and the Court having examined ~~e Pet1tion and said Settl~lent Agreement and it appearing to the Court from said Settlement Agreement that the Defendant- owner of Parcel No. Two has filed their written wa~ver ~~ trial by jury and their consent to the ~mmediate entry of a Final Judgment as to their interest in full compensation for the property taken, including attorney's fees, expenses and costs. it :is ORDERED and ADJUDGED as follows: 1. Accurate description of the parcel constituting the property taken or involved in this Judgment is as follows: PARCEL NO. TWO: Lot 6, FLAMINGO BAY SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6. at page 101 of the Public Records of Dade county, Florida. ~a 8516 p.\rE 817 ... Of CIIf ~.....". ....-..va.. a_-...... 8lACM, ~ >>u. ~~~;;;:~~;~,,';~~2:i;.;,>.~, .;,,;i;..~~L;::~.~~;.~.)i-i\~"'-';;;';' ,.., ';~:~'".';:,.".- ; ". ,. .' ,~;~ -~.,~<;..;~\ 2. The compensation inclusive of attorney's fees expenses and costs to be paid Py ~he Petitioner on aCCQuntof the taking of the fee simple title to the above described parc~l for public purposes is as follows: For Parcel NO. Two the total compensation awarded is. . . $239,000.00 compensation for the above numbered parcel the following sums j. The Clerk of this Court shall deduct from the representing the 1973 ad valorem taKes for Dade County and the City of Miami Beach prorated to the date hereof: Parcel No. Dade county City of Miami~ 2 $710.40 S464.00 for the total compensation awarded, including attorney's fees, 4. T~e Clerk of this Court shall issue its checks expenseS and costs, and ~ the above indicated 1973 prorated Dade County and city of Miami BGach ad valorem taxes, to th~ folloW1ng persons and parties: Parcel No. Two shall be paid to: zuckerman-Vernon Corp., a Florida corporat~on. . . . ., .... . $216,825.60 Snyder. Young, Stern & Tannenbaum, P.A., attorney's fees and costs. 21,800.00 Dade county Tax Collectcr . . . . . 1,174.40 is hereby ordered to deposit the total swn of $239,800.00 into 5. The Petitioner, CITY OF ~I~U BEACH, be and it the Registry of the Court in the above ~ndicated case, allocated as to part~es in accordance '>lith Paragraph four he:..eof, w~thin ~~l~~iiii~~~r;';;b'~;:;.;~:~~&i~t~~; "'0' -2- ~H 8516 ^ . ~l~ ?H '.Ik~. ~ OIIIICII OICII"l.~_l1ao w,UlllNlltOM .-.'" -.llUo" ....ao. RO_ ,,'39 'Ni:k:j/;Si'iL~},: '::::f':;';-i'-:~ ,> ~~ -;""~~~~#:";. "~~'<;'::\/.~;";";;~-~':" : 1; .-,~c,< this Final Judgment, otherwise this Judgment shall be and become void ab initio unless the time for said deposit be extended by order of this Court. Upon deposit of said sums, the fee simple title to the above described parcel and property shall vest immediately in the Petitioner. 6. This Court retains jurisdiction to determine the rights of any lessees, mortgagees, judgment creditors, line- holders and other claimants in respect to the compensation for the parcel which is the subject of this Final JU(Jment. DONE and O~ERED in Ch~e~, at Miami, Dade County, Florida, this )..1'1. day of ?<)::;~,,;..,..~'~--y// , 1973. \._/..... .. ) ........., -:.. ,/'~/ A' ;--- / . " .'", ')',..---. .. .J l' J.- ...--.' ../]t ..;.~ , ..... A"'- r~~" ..... .'. ":'1:"" ~'~/'.i' " '--- l"'sv' ~",~""""lIpa.o'" /rF,. ~- 'I. ..' '" 'f CIRCUIT' JUDGE .........-.'. ,;/ .. ! ..lr.l...~'.:' !.. \"',."- "'l~...'=i\~~ ~ (it ;:','i'~ I)_"'r JII.i:'~ 1\.,(.;;:;- \;,;;!il:l Rit.:!i.-\U..lJ 1". SRl.'"KERe" c:..:.lo.... r.l~d.!~i ;::JiJR, -3- ~[~ 8516 ;'.\lE 819 ,,::';~'-'. . ;;)j;.:~ ClEjlRfwli~ IN 'rHE CIRCUIT COUi\'r OF T:";~ ELLVE:WrH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLOrlIDA IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY NO. 72-s6S1 (Judge Nathan) CITY OF MI.~~I BEACH, a ~loriJa municipal cor~oration, Petitioner, C~RTIFICW':: uF PAYi't"NT vs. OLIVE H.:IOFrCRJ, a '.ddo'.~; ZUCHERK~N- V=:?.NON CO,,?, "tc ~ . E't al., i:.efend'l.nts. I, RICn~R~ ~. D~IN~~~. Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Lade County, Florida DC ~~hG3Y C~RTlfY t~at the amount of $239.800.00 015 ordered in i"I!:.\L JU..;'::.'.Lri'I' ,',' 1\; ,. ARCEL NO. T.:O filed November 27th. 1973, recorcied ~ovember 29th. 1973 in Circuit Court Official Recoro Eook ~516 i~6e ~1?, in the above sty~~~ cause has this d~te been paid into tta Court Re~istry MInd by the CITY OF T.'.IALI 3EACH. .HTN2:3.i i:Y HA:~C ,~NJ ;=;F~ICEL ,::::,~L this the zqth. of Nov€mber. A. G. 1Q73. IN.'l'H~GIR(';UI'l' ~OUn'l' or' 'l'IlS ELEVSNTli JUIllCEL CIRCGIT OF FLOi:H;;, IN "tiD FO;\ uidJ:: GOUN'l'Y GIVIL "C'l'ION ~.o. n-S6S1 CITY OF HhU B2.;..Cii, a ,'..oricia. hunicipal Cor-poNtion, ::etitioner, C !:;;tTIFIC....'l'l:; CF OLlVl: H. \,iC:'FOI'.n, a \riao\,; ZUCKS~\~N-V~~NON CORP.. etc., et al., p n YI\.;~jT Dafenaants. ------------------ I, RILli"IW P. B:\n~K:::'?, Clerk of the Circuit; Court in ana. for Dade Cou~ty, Flori<.ia, DC HEREBY Cl::I:';.'IFY that the amount o.r $216.700.00 as ordered in t'IN..,L JUDGh,.Jl':' as to Parcel ~o. 3 fileu in the above styled cause on Dece~ber 28, 1973 and recorded in Official ::\eco~'us Book R546 F3.~e 009, has this date been paio. into the CQurt Re"istry Funu by the City 0':- l.liami Beach. Il. ;aTN~S::.; 'otri::;REOF, I have hereunto SET ;"Y' iiAW:~ anti OFFILI"l. :,E."" this the 2nd day of-January, ii. D., 1974. ~ ..~., "P ..:\.<~'~~.:.,,--~~:..-,..;::'..:.:- Z-.Iv:l,l.ttD .. BR:kIii\E:a.' . "'"'.: Clerk Circ~~,~~\.iin~~.,~~~:i.s1" , . . ;,'>'~~~,;.;J':~:},~~:J'~\i Ey ,,~~~~,~~~.>, --;.ilei~~y!.~il~tlk..,.,...',...::: ~.. ~:i~ .\~ (~C\. -'-':',:'.:-\;':{~. .--- ,,/ MIAMI BEACH, a murlic:ipal ,corporation, Petitioner, ';<"~b~~{:, . '~<~Si:) \'rC FINAL JUDGMENT AS TO PARCEL NO. THREE OLIVE H. i~FFORD, a widow; ZUCKERMAN-VERNON CORP., etc.. etal. , Defendants. THIS CAUSE coming on for trial upon the Petition of the City of Miami Beach in Eminent Domain Proceedings and upon the Settlement Agreement executed by the petitioner and t~~ Defendant~owner of Parcel No. Three, and the Court having the Petition and said Settlement Agreement and it appearing the Court from said Settlement Agreement that the Defendant- owner of Parcel NO. Three has filed their written waiver of by jury and their consent to the immediate entry of a Final Judgment as to their interest in full compensation for the pro- perty taken, including attorney's fees, e~~enses and costs, it is ORDERED and ADJUDGED as follows: 1. Accurate description of the parcel constituting property taken or involved in this Judgment is as follows: PARCEL NO. THREE: Lot 7, FLAMINGO BAY SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6, at page 101 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. ;}1':'Y:REC OR D ED 'f~r;;(j~2 1914 ~F~>,---.:;: If~r: ~ ,. '., !(ilftL"iRO,P; . SRINKER ri~!;.\. ,CLEft>( 85~6 ;~:6D9 ! .___ ~ "0_ SIl,. ,.:. :'.',:"".'," expenses and costs . ac:cc)uJ,1tof:thetikingofthe feesinipleti tIe to t11e .,',<'.' ,'.'.:.:> :...'.,:.:::.,.,.,..'.,'...,.':,..,.,-"'-:.:..,"':.. parcel for public purposes is as follows: For Parcel No. Three, the total compensation awarded is........... $216,700.00 3. The Clerk of this Court shall issue its checks for the total compensation awarded, including attorney's fees, expenses and costs, to the following persons and parties: Parcel No. Three shall be paid to: TobY;piinqeBriljh~,as . Attorney and :Represen1;.ativ~..offolada I>iener, a widow/"and~eonardr>ien~r.and LawrenceDiener,asCa-executors .of the .estate of Juda Diener, . deceased... __ . ., . ., . . . . . . . . .. . . ... $197, 000.00 Toby Prince.. Brigham, Attorney far Defendant-owner of Parcel No.3, attorney's fees and costs......... $ 19,700.00 4. The Petitioner, CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, be and it is hereby ordered to deposit tbe total sum of $216,700.00 Registry .of the Caurt in the above indicated case, all.ocated ta parties in accordance with Paragraph three hereof, within twenty (20) days from the date of this Final Judgment, othen~ise this Judgment shall be and become void ab initio unless the for said deposit be extended by order .of this Caurt. Upon dep.osit of said sums, the fee simple title to the above parcel and property shall vest immediately in the Petitioner. -2- ~H 8546 '''\. ~ 610 A_- _ _CII. R.OIlDA 1313. DONE and ORDERED in c~ambers, at Miami, Flori da, this "Y'fj4, day of iJ!..WAnl/JJ-z-./"/ CUiClaIO 1M C"l'tlwJ. ltoaua -- "" la,'n t~'':'Sll. I-\,Q"ltl.. .~:~~~:~ P. r>RI:\ltER. 1",l,..'~lK'" \:..t<.i.:..:1i (.::1J~1 -3- 8546 ?\t;[ 611 "WNUI_MIAMI "'01. ~ S31U IN'l'HE C:tRcu:tt COUiiT 'ojTHt JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA ~'~'COON'fY .o,IVU,. JuriSdiction no. 72-t.lA.:l ... CI'.\'Y OF liiIAI.1I BEACIl, a ;.'10;"1,';"" r.nmicipal cort)ora~ior.t Pet.itiOTlt3r, Vi;;. :; :~:~'.~lt"IGA'/~'.. U: r rt 11 :sr:T OLIVE ~. WOFFORD, ~ wlJow; ~~~~,w~o:: ::::.:~:::' r, I, IUC;t,\:tD F. 1jc:I1!,Ci:, Cl~~':( of '.;.;,~l Cli'cui;. Court in an:::' to::" D.....de COUII":'Y, Flori:':.. DO :i";i,~:3Y C!;;'C:'F'Y !.:l;.lt. the u::lOun~ of S25j,OJJ.OG a..; or:'je:'e,~ in ?I~:AL JUDG;.:;:::'!' ,;.:, ':0 PA.,'tCSL !~O. ONE. filed in ":,ne .j,oo',i;? :.;t:;l~,-, Co.l'l,:'~ 0;; Jam1s.rj' ::'JL:<, J.~74e.nd racorj,au Ja.:~uary 1::.t.:., 1)7i, i:. ;;L'c:;i:. ;';Oll ['" C_'i'ici",l pace ~::.>? !ia~ ~j:.i;.j -;,;.a,to oean :pai::. into che Fund by tne Ci t,:r 0:"- ;.~iJ.;.:i ~H~J.C... .'iI':'NW..i j:y !i~'D ..;.:;n O??ICI:\L ";?~AL t:lL tile 11th day of January, A.D. ~)7~. ~~I:H,"\::i) r. D~I~:~.~~.:t ~lel':{ Cirelli', Court liyY.n.Tn..~ Deputy Cler:e ELE\1EN'TI1JUDIC.IAL COUNTY {FLoRIDAf-" '., ,,- "-'-"-~ ~ ",,",..' JURISDICTION DIVISION ~~'.. %9 . CASE NO. 72-S681tNathanl 0'<:;0' 8S;.,' -;'\... , . ~ '1.\~};\ Petitioner, VS. FINI\L " UDG~~F.NT AS TO~RCEL NO. ONE OLIVE H. WOFFORD, a widow; ZUCKEID-lAl."Il-VERNON CORP., etC., et al., RECORDED J~N 11 1974 R,CHA1~L.' ~'. Bhli,~ER :::J:'I\ Defendants. THIS CAUSE coming on for trial upon the Petition of Cit::r' of r.1iami Beach in Eminent Domain Proceedings and upon the Settlement Agreement executed by the Petitioner and the Defendant-mvner of Parcel No. One, and the Court having the Petition and said Settlement Agreement and it appearing to the Court from said Settlement Agreement that the Defendant- owner of Parcel No- One has filed their written waiver of trial by jury and their consent to the in~ediate entry of a Final Judgment as to their interest in full compensation for the property taken, including attorneys' fees, expenses and costs, it is ORDERED and ADJUDGED as follows: 1. Accurate description of the parcel constituting the property taken or inv~lved in this Judgment is as follows: PARCEL NO. ONE: Lot 5, F~~tINGO BAY SUBDIVISION, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 6. at page 101, of the Public Records of Oade County, Florida. _CII. "'o.\IlIl "u. --0 $. ..- parc~Lfor public purposes is as fol1o\~s: :F'orParc elNo.One,theto ta 1 compensationa\~arded is............. $253,000.00 3. The Clerk of this Court shall deduct fro~ the cornpensati0n for the above numbered parcel the following sums representing the 1974 ad valorem taxes for Dade County and the City of Miami Beach prorated to the 15th day of February, 1974: Parcel No. Dade county city or Miami Beach One $220.80 $144.14 4. The Clerk of this Court shall issue its checks for the total compensation awarded, including attorneys' fees, expenses and costs, and less the above indicated 1974 prorated Dade County and City of ~tiami Beach ad valorem taxes, to the following persons and parties: Parcel No. One shall be paid to: James L. Buckner, Guardian of the Person and Cura,tor of the Estate of Olive H. \~offord, a \"'ido\-I........ $229,635.06 Williams, Salomon, Kanner & Da~ian, Attorneys for Defendant-owner of Parcel No. One, Attorneys' fees and costs............ - . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 23,000.00 Dade County Tax collector... ... ..... 364.94 5. The Petitioner, CITY OF MI~~I BEACH, be and it is hereby ordered to deposit the total sum of $253,000.00 into Registry of the Court in the above indicated case, allocated as to parties in accordance ~ith Paragraph four hereof, within -2- 836 A'IINUI - MIA'M ....aI. ltoalDA n'~' retains jurisdiction righ t3 of any lessees, J;lortgagees, judgment creditors, lien- . holders ~nd other claimants in respect to the compensation for the parcel which is the subject of this Final Judgment. DONE and ORDERED in Chambers, at Miami, Dade County, 'j Florida, thisi::Y'! day of \..;a>J":~':..-/.>-.,~. ' 197'- / ,/ ../' . , . :.j/ ') """ ./ r /{ ~ -" , // ,1t'_'1-,/7-~rC'1", (' / r'{,...-i""lf/ ~Zt - - I '. ~ ~C{~cu:tT sUDGEl.-'~ / .' ./ ..:\;.,~;:, 1"lo:'....IH :,..."':.!>~ ." ':"".::! ,'....,'...~ t\.n1~"'" ~. . .- ~.. ...~ ;:,~ .:. Sii pHUll' !:Ni,,"l:~ ; ~ _ i:~. .:-I-:.\... ; .;1ti,,; -3- 1lAeM. "OtmA ~313'