Warranty Deed (2) -- "-- ~.--.." . -. .~_..-... THE MIAMI OCEAN VIEW COMPANY MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made thism.u~~4m...m.day oL........J.@1,1.gy... .m.um.u:...,...,A. D. 192..u~. between THE MIAMI OCEAN VIEW COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Florida, party of the first part (grantor), andm.._...u,u.'~.m;...QJ;~.Y..Qful;!.I.4MJ.~J)!A9!l,a,ul.!1Ul.~Ql~a.1.u.G,Q.rI'.9J:!!.UQ,1:!...m". - of the County of,um..:::uu:-.,..:::uu::::l)a.,~..:-u,.:::.::: - .:::., in the State of part... ...u. of the second part (grantee). -Florida - - - - - WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration, to it in hand paid by the said party (ies) of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said party (ies) of the second part, .u..H.!!uuu.....,u..executors, administrators, legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns forever, the following described land, situate in the County of Dade and the State of Florida, to-wit: Lots Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) in Block SIxty-nine (69'), of OQE.ll1 BE.\.CH, ~'LQRrj)..., Addition "'0. 3, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book Two (2) at page Eighty-one (81) Of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. - ~~---'-'- --,"7 / / / / . / ,. ""'-- - - - . - - ,- ----- ---. ~ - IT IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED by and between the parties hereto, that said Deed of Conveyance shall contain the following conditions, restrictions and limitations, which are intended to be and shall be taken as covenants to run with the land, and which are intended to be and shall be taken as conditions of said con- veyance and one of the express considerations thereof, viz: "1. No residence building shall be constructed or erected on any lot hereby conveyed, unless the same shall cost at least Six Thougand Dollars ($6,000.00), said amoUnt to be actually expended in the construction and erection of such residence building, and not for fees in connection therewith, or in the construction of any out- buildings thereon. "2. Only one residence shall be erected on one lot. Nothing herein, however, shall prohibit the construction or erection of servants' quarters in connection with the garage or other out-building on said lot, but it is ex- pressly understood that such servants' quarters shall not be used for resident purposes by the owner or lessee of said premises unless the written consent of the grantor herein is first obtained, and if said servants' quarters, garage or out-building be constructed or erected prior to the residence or dwelling, the same shall not be occupied by servants or others for living purposes until work is actually commenced upon said residence and assuran~e given that said residence will be completed within a reasonable time. ., '. ,',.,' ',,, ',~." .,. " "3. No house,. structure or building to be used as a business room, storage' house, manufacturing establish- ment, machine shop or for any other business or commercial purpose whatsoever (apartment houses, hotels, sani- tariums and churches excepted) shall be constructed, erected or placed on any of the lots owned by the grantor, situate in said subdiviison; nor shall any storage house, manufacturing establishment, commercial garage, or ma- chine shop be constructed, erected or placed on any of the lots owned by the grantor, situate in said subdivision; nor shall any business or commercial enterprise whatever (other than apartment houses, hotels, sanitariums or churches) be operated or maintained thereon; nor shall any structure be erected, or other provision made thereon, for the care of horses, cows, cattle, hogs or poultry; nor shall any horses, cows, cattle, hogs or poultry be kept or raised thereon. "4. No building shall be constructed or erected on any of the lots hereby conveyed, so that the frontage or any part of said building shall be closer than twenty-five (25) feet to the front line of the lot or lots upon which said building shall be erected. 115. Before any building or buildings shall be erected upon any portion of the property in this deed conveyed, the plans, complete in every detail, shall be submitted to the grantor and shall be approved by the grantor in writing, with the understanding, however, that should said grantor fail to approve the plans of said building, then and in that event, the grantor hereby agrees to arbitrate the matter by the choosing of three individuals for that purpose; the grantor selecting one, the grantee selecting one and the two individuals so chosen selecting the third, and the decision of said three individuals shall be final as to said plans. Nothing, however, in this clause shall give the right to said arbitrators to waive any of the conditions and limitations contained in any other clause in this deed. "6. None of the lots situated in said subdivision shall be sold, leased or rented, in any form or manner, by any title, either legal or equitable, to any person or persons other than of the Caucasian race; nor to any firm or corporation of which any person or persons other than of the Caucasian race shall be a member of stockholder. "7. No spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquors shall ever be manufactured, sold or bartered upon said real estate. "8. No "For Sale" or other sign or advertisement (except such as is necessary to be used in business actu- ,ally conducted upon the property) shall be placed on said property without the written consent of the grantor herein. 4(9. The conditions, restrictions and limitations of this instrument shall not be construed so as to prevent or limit the granteem.i~Sh....n_._.u.u..executors, administrators, legal representatives, heirs, successors or assigns, from keeping and maintaining on the real estate hereby conveyed, such servants as may be required for family use. "10, IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED, however, by the parties hereto that Blocks Sev- enty-four (74), Eighty-four (84), Ninety-eight (98) and One Hundred and Four (104) of said subdivision, are excepted from the conditions, restrictions and limitations as set forth in paragraphs numbered One (1), .Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) hereof, said Blocks being excepted in order that the same may be use~ ~or busmess and commercial enterprises; PROVIDED. HOWEVER, that no structure shall be erected ~r other prOVISIon made t~e~eon for the care of Jive stock, including horses, cows, cattle, hogs and poultry; and prOVIded further that all bUIldmgs erected on said excepted Blocks shall cost in money actually expended in the construct~on thereof at least Thirty- five Hundred Dollars ($3500.00) if the same have a frontage of 25 feet, and proportIOnately greater or less ac- cording to the actual frontage used, all outside walls and roofs of said building to be of other construction than wood. "Violation in whole or in part of any of the aforesaid conditions, restrictions and limitations by the grantee...., ......iJa:L....executors, administrators, legal representatives, heirs, successors and assig-ns, or by the owner or owners of the real estate herein conveyed by virtue of any judicial proceedings, shall cause the !'laid abo-:e described awi:eu:n- veyed real estate to immediately revert to the grantor, its successors or assigns, and, shall entItle the gra~tor, ~ts successor or assigns, to immediately enter upon said property without notice, and take possession of the same, WIth full title, in fee simple, together with all improvement.s thereon. "The grantor further stipulates and agrees, and. binds ~tself! in th~ ~x.ecution. of all deeds hereafte-z: ~xecuted by the grantor or its successors for any of the lots SItuate m saId subdIVISIon, to .msert co,:"e!lan~s, con~ItIons and limitations identical with those herein set forth; except that such deeds may contam a condltH~n mcr~a~r~Ig ~r de- creasing the minimum cost of any building to be constructed or erected on any of the lots of saId subdIVIsIOn. And, The said party of the first part does hereby fuliy warrant the title to said land, and sub- ject to the conditions, limitations and restrictions herein contained, will defend the same against the lawful claims of ali persons whomsoever, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has hereunto caused its corporate name and seal to be set and affixed by its proper officers, and has caused this deed to be duly and prop- erly executed, the day and year first above written, for the purposes therein expressed, THE MIAMI OCEAN VIEW COMPANY, '- ~m ~ m~'~'#r~~ ' / 'Its 'Vice-Presiden~~\'''' Attest: d3-f{.~:~t~{'~g~m Its Secretary, :l~~e:;::f~::::the presenceo~:l ....?l/k,4~ mm..J .. .- . State of Florida} County of Dade SS. .A I, a Notary Public of the State of Florida, an officer authorized to take acknowledgment of - - - - - - -John H. Levi - - - - - - - _ - _ - - _ deeds, hereby certify that. and ...:....._~...::'..,.::....~....:::m.::__n~m.:::.9.~_l?.~m.~.!!m.Q.l_ar.kmm~....~_ - - - - ..:-:..personally known to me and known to me to be Vice-President and Secretary, respectively, of THE MIAMI OCEAN VIEW COM- PANY, a corporation organized and now existing under the laws of the State of Florida, and, who as such officers executed the foregoing Warranty Deed, this day personaliy appeared before me and acknowledged before me that they executed said Warranty Deed as such officers, in the name of and for and on behalf of said corporation freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes there- in expressed, and with fuli authority so to do, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this..m..m.. .........~.~'J.l.....m..m....... ....day of.........m.:r.Effi~g.Ym...'............A. D. 192m.3...' ........,..................~..~..~~:tm:Y..P~b)i..; S~t~'~TF~~ My commission expires m..... ................m.......m............. iIIOTlUIY I'IlkIC eTAft Of' nOM,"A AT. ~ lfY CO....-.'* UPIID MO~tdUll"..I'" - ..--- - ,.,....~c;-_.._~~'},.,.",t'>..."' ",'." ~;v- ,,.' ...."'.-."",,~..,., .. ..~:""""~ ,.~"J~'~;~il!i'!.?,~--'~'f'-'" I ,,)') .~'Ji , ~-- ~~ r", \) G r~.) " '" . ~" I,.,~ ~ ' i 1'--' (J) n."- C') j j ;;;:"(' . ~, 0 ) t" ,-, D C,) 1:> ~~ ::0 Q ~.: ". '.....,. - ......-- ~ ... .... ~ rJ: '" ~ S ?> C"l 00 ;:l c ~ ~ "- 0 >-3 '" ::; ~ ~ '" ':% ~ ~ " ~ ~ !=I 0 q :.- ~ '" "- ~ Z >-3 ~~ ;l~ [ ~ ~ ~ ~ l"l "" g ~ rJ: :;J ""~ ~ ~ ~ '" 'I ~ Q ;; ii' m 0 m ~ (;I "- [~~ OJ ::l ~ t ... e:- m ~ e, m '" OJ (I,) ~ ~ ~ 0 :ll 0 t-< S ~ is: jbj :; ~ ~ 0 < 0 "" "- ~ ~ 8' ~:.- ~: ~ it<} ~ ~ 00 ? "" 00 "" ~ 1:1 ~ 1:1 ~ - ,12: ~ ~ 0 ~ l"l 1:1 ~-" > 0:: ~ ~ ~ C"l .~ 00 ~ 0 "- :.- ~ 1:0 '~ :1iJ ~' "- 0 Z 00 ~ ~ "" ~ ~ "~ it E. 0:: 1:0 ~ P. 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