Indenture f~' ~ " ...it, ' ','II>'. {. I. '. \,1. 't '\l.OiO ..:., THIS INDENTURE, Made this n!5: day of November, A,D. 1919 between 'mE 14IAlII1 OCEAll VlEI'J COIIlPANY, Il. corporation organized and eXisting und- 8r the laws of the state of Florida, party of the first part. and the CIT{ OF MIA1lI BJilACn, a municipal oorporaticn situate in the l:ounty of Dade and state of Florida, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, for and in con- , -five sider~ion of the SUJll of Thirt.liThOllsand ($::'5,000.001 DOllars, to it in hand paid by the said party of the seoond part, the reoeipt whereof is hereby ac- knowledged, hils granted, bargaine,l and sold to the said party Of the second part, its suooessors and assigns forever. the following desoribed real estate and personal property situate ana looated in the City of Miami Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, desoribod as follows, to-wit: . v"-""'~ I I , \ ~'''''~lIl-'0''-'~i,';..-^-"........." I . , " ~ ' , ~ ~ > , , .- ~ ~- Lot Numbered Fourteen (14) of Block Numbered Sixty-nine (69) as the same is shown. marked and designated on a Plat of Ocean Beach. Florida. Ad- dition No.3, reoorded in plat BOOk 2, at page 81 of the Publio Reoords of Dade County, Florida; Also the water works system of the Grantor here- in, now owned, operated and In'l.intained by it in the City Of Miami Beach, including all wells, pumps, maohinery, water m.,'lins, h3'drants and other eq,uipment and ap:pe.ratus appertaining thereto, and now in Il2Iy manner used in.oonnection therewith, inclUding the right to enter upon any other real estate no# owned by said corporation for ~he purpose of maintaining and n~ing neoessary repairs to said water system, or any part thereof. IT IS MUT tALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGllEED by and be- tween the parties hereto, that this conveyanoe is made subjeot to the following restrictions and limitations, which are intended to be and shall be taken as oovenants ./ to run wi th the land, and which a're intended to be and shall be taken as conditions of this conveyance and one of the express considerations thereof, viz:- 1. The construotion or erection of buildings on tl,e real estate h"lrein conveyed is 11mi ted to such build- ings or additions as are or may become necessary for the further completion of the city water system. 2. Any building or audition whioh may be ereoted under clause one (1) above must be of stone, stuoco. concrete, vitrified tile or blOOks, with tile or shingle roof, so finished as to match the present buildings. No temporar" sheds ,of any oharaeter ahall -be ereoted or place~ on the property. 3. The above desoribed property shall never be sold. leaseu or rented in any fonn or ~~er. by any title. ei ther legal or equitable, to any pel'son or persons other than of the Caucasian Raoe. nor to a~ firm or corporation of which any person or persons other than of the Caucasian Race shall be a m~nber or stockholder. ... SHUTTS, SMITH Be EJOW~N. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. MIAMI, "'LA. ~~ .~~' ---"",,,-"'-" --~.,r 4. No spirituous, vinous, malt or other intoxicating liquors shall ever be manufaotured, sold or bartered upon eaid real estate. 5. The real estate herein conveyed shall not at any time be subdivi4ed; but this restriction shall not prevent the Grantee from conveying any part of the said real estate herein conveyod to the owner or oy;ners Of lots adjoining the real estate hereby conveyed. 6. ~he provisions, limitations and restrictions of this instrument shall not be construed SO as to prevent or limit tho Grantee from keeping or maintaining on the real estate hereby conveyed, such employees, or servants as may be required for operation of the plant. 7. One of the express considerations 01' this convey- ance is that the Grantee herein agrees to allow the use of such water without cost to the Grantor herein, as is neoes- sarily used on the following fields and traots,- The Miwni ~each Golf Course and Club Buildings, The Miami beach polo Grounds, Club House and Stables, The Flamingo Golf Course and Glub buildings, for a period 0 l' twenty years from the date hereof, and until said fields are abandoned, or tll,ir present use discontinued. All th'3 COTIdi tions, covenants, stipulations and agreernen ts and each and eve~ one of them herein contained, are to have tho effect of covenants running :11th the land and the grantor by the execution and delivery of this deed, and the Grantee, by tI~ execution, deliv8~ and aoceptance of this deed, each several- ly bind themselves, their successors or assigns, to perform, ful- fill, abide by and car~ out each and every of said covenants, stipulations and agreements. Violation in IWiole or in part of any of the within limitations and restrictions by the Grantee or its suocessors or assigns, or by the owner or owners of the real estate herein conveyed by virtue of any Judicial proceed- ings, shall cause the said above described and conveyed real estate to immediately revert to the Grantor, its successors or assigns, and shall entitle the Grantor, its successors or assigns, to immediately enter upon said property without not'ice, and take possession of the same, with full title, in fee simple, together with all improvements thereon. And the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the ti Ue to Said real estate and ~ rsonal property and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN .H'l'N},lSS WHEREOF, the said p" rty of the first part h~s herBtmto Oaused its corporate 11fUlle and Ileal to be set and affixed by its Vice President, the day and year firs t above wri ttan. THE MIAMI OCEAN VIEW CCIllPAm', ; /"// J 1 /,,:J / / ~ By; ~ F;' - [.. .~"" ~ .,. f ~et;/ I.- C' />, /' /'Y. '='1 t>l-"-T ~ Vice President. ~eoret,ary. Si. ,sealed and delivered in the pr~Jlnce of, / " ~...... c.c.,//L ;; ,I;'. / ('f -; I d~d, /J ,d-i.,. fc.~ (' SHUTTS, SMITH"" BOWE:N. ATTORNEYS~A"~LAW. MIAMI. FLA. -2- I COUN1'Y OF DADE. ) ( SS. ) SUTE or FLOriIDA. I. a ~otary Public of the State of Florida . an offioer au- thorized to take acknowledgments. hereby oertify that on this I'<: V,<j day of November. A. D. 1919. personally appeared before me J. E. LUIII4US and JOHN H. LEVI. respeotively. Vioe President and Seoretary of iHE MLW.I OOEAN VIEW COMPANY. a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, to me well kn~~ to be the persons desoribed in and who executed the foregoing conveyanoe to the OITY OF MIAMI BEAOIi, and severally acknowledged the exeoution thereof to be their free and voluntary aot and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein expressed; that they affixed thereto the official seal of said oorporation and that said instrument is the aot and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS W1{EitEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and offioial seal in the County of Dade and State of Florida. this 'l,,t:,c:- day Of November. A.V. 1919. Notary Public. My Uonnuission sxpires @'~ f/-/j?~3 SHUTTS. SMITH.. BOWf!:N, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. MIAMI. P"LA. 1't'~ d't>:t!i("-:,"<l ~.. ,.,..~ " ~~1~' "''';(f': .,...... ,'I;' I.:, ~:,. 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