Partial Release of Mortgage
PARTIAL lli;ll.clASE O~' ilIlOllTGAGE
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KNO';i .ALL li~ BY 'rIGSE Pllli"ERTS:
"~~AS the CITY OF MI~I BEACH, a municipal
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in the County Of Dade and state of Florida, by Indenture of Mortgage dated
the 24th day of November, A. D. 1919, and recorded in the Office of the
Clerk of the ~irouit Jourt in and for the County of Dade, state Of Florida,
in Mortgage BOOk 104, Page 10, granted. and conveyei unto 'rfu; ALT01; BEACH
REALTY OOMP;UlY, a Corporation organized. and existing the laws of the
State of Ji'lorida, and Tfu; JiilAMI 0CE.A11 VIEW JOMPAllY, a Jorporation organized
and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, their suooessors and
assigns, the premises therein particularly described, to secure the payment
of the sum of THIR'rY 'rHOUSAllJ (,J30,000.00) DOLLAhS to the said 'rllE ALTON
BEAJH REALTY CJOMPAEY, and to se(lUre the payment of the sum of TW3KTY-FIVE
THOUSAll:J (;ii25,OOO.00) J)JLLAR" to the said THE MIAMI OO.olAE VIEW JOMP;UlY,
with interest as thel'dn mentioned.:
JUiJ HlEd.3AS 'rI1J;; SAIJ CITY OF MIAMI BEAClH requested. the said.
Tfu; MIAMI OCEAll VIEW ~OMPAA~ to release the premises hereinafter described,
being part of said. mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said.
NOW, THEllliFOhE, KEOW YE, That the said Tllli 1:IAMI OC.olAN VIEW JO!l':?AIr[,
as well in consideration Of the premises as of the sum of TWERTY-FIVE T~0USA1TD
(;P25,OOO.00) DOI~S, to it in hand paid by the said JITY OF 1:IAMI BEACH at
the time of the execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby aOknowledged,
does remise, release, quit-claim, exonerate and disoharge from the lien and.
operation of said mortgage unto the said. JITY OF MIAMI BEACH, its suocessors
and assigns, all that pieoe, paroel or tract of land, being a part of the
premises oonveyed by said. mortgage, to-wit:
Lot Numbered Fourteen (14) of Blook Numbered Sixty-nine (59)
as the same is shown, marked. and designated on a Plat of Ooean Beach, Florida,
Addition No.3, reoorded in Plat Book 2, at page 81, o! the Publio Reoord.s
of .Jad.e County, ~'lorila. Also the Water Works System conveyed. to the said
The Miami Ocean View Company in said mortgage, including all wells, pumps,
machinery, water mains, hydrants an,i other equipment and apparatus appertain-
ing thereto, and in any manner usel in connection therewith.
,:")u FAGE
TO HAVE: Jill;) TO HOL:> the same, with the appurtenances, unto the
said JITY OF MIAMI BEAOH and assigns forever, freed, exonerated and dis_
charged. of and from the lien of said. mortgage, and every :>art thereof;
Provided, always, nevertheless, that nothing therein contained shall in anywise
impair, alter or diminish the effect, lien or inoumbranoe of the aforesaid
Mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premises, not hereby
released therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder thereof,
II; (;I'l'NjWS 'dH3REOb', the said Mortgagee has hereunto oaused its
ccrporate name ani seal to be set and affixed by its proper offioers, this
f';::,~=,,~;:t'i'~ day of Deoember, A. D. 1927.
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Its Presi ent.
Its Secretary.
GOllliTY Ob' DAj);;: ) SS
I HEREBY GERTIFY That an this day personally appeared before me,
an offioer duly authOrized. to administer oaths ani take aoknowledgments,
JOHN H. LEVI and JHA.S. E. GL.A.RR, personally lmown to me and known by me to
be President and Seoretary, respeotively, of THZ MIAMI OC~ VIEW GOMPANY,
a oorporation organized anl now existing under the laws of the jtate Of
Flori'1s, anl WhO, as suoh offioers, exeouted the foregoing instrument, and
aOknowledged before me that they executed same as suoh Offioers, in the name
of and. far and on benalf Of said. Corporation freely and voluntarily for the
uses and purposes therein expressed., and. with full authority SO to do.
n~ \iI'l'NESS ViHEfu:Ob', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my
offioial seal, this I,
day of DeoEllIlber, A. D. 1927.
Notary Public, State of Florida.
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(;If'! 'RECORDF:D IN _ THf~ n00I(:Jfr'F~ ATIO\'-",,:
. ;:. . ,EA'T'HI~n,\L\S, Cl.r';~I~ CrT:f: !:' COCE._:
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I.Iy Ccrmmission .o:xpires
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