WD-134 ,- 3COK227fi PAGE202 WARRANTY DEED-Statutory (FLORIDA) No. 222 alia E COLI! & Co CHICAGO L.EGAL. BLANKS m:bi.s 31nbtntuft, Made this.nnn ....J.5:1;I:Lnnn 00 day ofn .nnM.B,J:"tlll. BETWEENn.n.n...'l'J:lQ!3'.nll!<:])ONi\L])L.B widowel'n...nn . n'.'nnn WD.13~ nnnnnn' A. D. 19n43n oj the County ofmmmmm~ook:m.__nmnnnnn n nm.nnin the State (1m.n Illinois parLYm..of the first part, and.. mnnnc:J'J;'XnQ1"nMJ/lMJ Jj~C:I1'n"'..!111,Jl,:i,():i,PaJnnqOJ"PoJ"atioll oL.!"l9r ida, of the County ofn nP!l4~n nnnnnnm..in the State ofm .nnFloJ:'.1d.ll. parLY.n..of the second part, ~itnt55ttb, That the said part.Y.n ...o!thefirst part, for and in consideration of the sum of m'l'ellnDoIIBrs":,,<1,nothernl':()'?ci.!lIldm,,":1:11.!i:t':lElnconsj,.~l!t:,,t~().ll.flm-:-m-:-m-:-m::m::n::n:::n.Dollars, to. nnnnnl:!.~Jn. n n..in hand paid by the said parLZnnof the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,n nl1.,,:sn. n.nngranted bargained and sold to the said parL.Y.m. of the second part, i tSn~.~~.ce.~.~~s and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of mnnnJ',,<:ie nnnnnnnm n.__' State of Florida, to-wit: LotnThirty::-,?n"t3l) of Block One n(JJ()f~E;CONIlQQE:ill'Jn FRONT SUBDIVISION of Miami Beachl3ay.SlloreQompanYL as shown by amended plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 28, page 28, of the Public Records of Dade .. . S()1lIltYL:Fl,or:ida~ . nThiscony"YIl,ncei,srna!ies1,lbjetltto"JCil3 ting=itllpalimproYem"mtJJ.ensmandn ntotaxes..forthe.year 1942and..s\lbsequent..years.. And the said parLYn.mof the first part dOn".sn........ hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. 31n Ditnt55 DbtttOf, The said part]..nn.of the first parL.Q.Q.e.1Lnhereunto seLh:l.J...n handnn and sealmn the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us: I :~~~=:;) ;:~%. ~' 800\12276 PAGE20a ILLINOIS iPtate of jBiII. Count!' oL{J.Q()J{uuuuu ,. uuuumu 3J ~tfth!? CertU!? That an this day personally appeared beJore me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments',mmr;r.l.l.9.0u'uIt()P911~.:Ld."limurli dOVl,~l'L, mm"mmUmm } to me well known and known to me to be the individuaLm described in and who executed thejoregoing deed, andu.u. he u.ummmmacknowledged beJore me thatu um..h€lu u.muexecuted the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. known to me to be the wife of the saidm.u.ummmmummmmumm. on a separate aud private examinatian taken and made by and before parately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made her party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying right, title and interest, whether oj dower, homestead or of separate property, s ry or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she executed the eed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension "itnt~~ my hand and official seal aLmumm..ummmm..m.Chi.Qt\gou . 'UUmmmUmuU" CO'll.nty of ...uQQQ.!Lm.muuum.m....mm.., and State ojm..mmmIllinQ.iIL.mmuu UU'U'" this...uu...l5..t.h." day qf..mY':l!'c..hum.ummmm.m.u.mumu.., A. D. 19.m4.~ tl. ;{l Il n <2~ IF Hr.. .') .y~.", /1(~f,(kKJ"4../rll~jrgs1!~...",. '..0"\ ~,:Y..GQ!),rl:i~r:;:j,Qnp;:p:i:r'13...,4~:j,~\?~~q19 ~:lP 1 . ~. .- ~.", = .. .( 'j 'J ' \.J ",i.e. ~ . " .... ,",-;:- ".~,..... .,".. ,:-:~,...,,~ "j t~ )- '\,\. '" I \ ;\\\\ ""'!!!,,!)1I11'\ " ~ :", \. 't- e;. v. ~ ,..>) "'./ .y. ,~.. "i-') ~~, C' ,~ /. ,,~ ./ .-./" ~/ "~f.>. ,. 'Ir"'l .' ',' \. ~/. '/ \ ~'7 ",'" (. . 0>.,1', ".....\ ";,' <?, 'Y ,c;. -0 ~ .. Ii ~, ~ ~ ~ )~ Ii '" 0; "!iJ' ., ... ""= ~ ~ / 0 ; <lJ 'l:l I ..... ell, ..: I <lJ .. . ~ ~ ..: , lE: ell :<:1 8 0: . ~ ~'<=l ,<l' I~\ M >. ~ ~ .0 0; oil ~ <Q ...... k Po ...... :-P .. .-( = ~ :z; H:aj ::!iI, :~~ - 8 ~:'" ~ - ~ " Hi8. .-( Q t:: lli! lli!'''' :::. Wi :0 ~ ~ . l%.ii() ~ ~ (I) O' g ...-1 :5' "'-- ~ >< I.. Eo< Eo<.p. U"\: I HiOf""l ..-Ii OiO ~I :'1'""1 .,,; \, . f%1:~ ~ ~,a ~ . - .. C /Y. rr. ~C~ .:=:r. "/ c:r..e- .-. ---- c_~ .f... . <5 y ",04' f:-, \ '0 , ~ ~ ~. 1\ ~ ~ '.011 ~ ,^' ~ ~ ~ '"'I'n , IQ V) , ~ ~ ~: ~ ....J t-\ ....JII.....' O"e', U ....... ,- .. " o. \ Il. ~ c u /, ....J Q:) .. --~ ----" ;{ /.O(j ~/1 Co //-.5.3-.4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " W[)13Lf' J \ t ~ ~ \i <J I \J " ~ ~ { J ~ t I -~. .... ~ c..,.q.oe--- ~ ~ ~ ....J 262,O~ 40:' I Y!J !.i' "1 t7 ;/6 /h..c!l 00/ Ie. .,,' ..... t'I) ~ o ....J <::) ~ ~ o ....J ;;?6o.0~ COc,..q ~ Plat of Lot 31, of Block 1, of AMENDED PLAT OF SECOIDD OCEAN FRONT SUBDIVISION _ as recorded in Plat Book 28, Page 28, in the Public Records, of Dade County, Florida, with Sketch showing the fractional S.t, of Section 11, Township 53-South, Range 42-East, in the City of MillJIli Beach. , ., / -/ /',' e' /':60/ ------------------------------ The described Lots are shown in red ink. ------------------------------ Dimensions shown in green ink, are according to tlle Plat of "Second Ocean Front Subdivision", as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 125, in the Public Records, of Dade County, Florida. ------------------------------ - . 36 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 I 6 5 4 3 2 I 6 --. 12 7 8 9 10 II 12 7 13 18 17 16 15 14 13 18 24 19 20 21 22 23 24 19 25 30 29 28 27 26 25 30 36 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 I 6 5 4 3 2 I 6 SECTIONAL MAP OF A TOWNSHIP WITH THE ADJOINING SECTIONS. N.W. CORNER o A ROD IS 16.5 FEET A CHAIN IS 66FEET OR 4 RODS A MILE IS 320 RODS-80CHAINS-5280FEET A SQUARE ROD IS 272.25 SQUARE FEET AN ACRE CONTAINS 160 SQUARE RODS AN ACRE IS ABOUT 208.75 FEET SQUARE AN ACRE CONTAINS 43,560 SQUARE FEET AN ACRE IS 8RODS WIDE BY 20RODS LONG OR ANY TWO NUMBERS OF RODS WHOSE PRODUCT IS 160 A SECTION IS NOT ALWAYS A SQUARE MILE DUE TO INACCURACY OF EARLY SURVEYS IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA 40CHAINS-Z640FT. BaCHAI 5-5 F . 20CHAlN5-1320FT. N.E. CORNER 20CHAINS.1320Fl' i N.W QUARTER N.E.OUARTER '"' ~ N.HALF OF N.WQUARTER 80.0A .. N.E.QUARrER N.E.QUARTER :ij ~ 40. A. 40.A. !:l :ij . QUARTER t: 10. A 0 i:l lOA It 0 S.w. QUARTER 3 FT '" S. HALF OF N.w. QUARTER 80.0A. '" N.E.QUARTER t 40. A 5.A 2.5A. 2.5A.~ t: 2 5.A. 2.5A. ~ 2.5A. , <I! Z ~ 0 .. , It~ N.W QUARTER N.E. QUARrER ~ :ijo S.E: QUARTER S.E: QUARrER ",N -'" 40.A. 40. A SW QUARTER It 10.A \ :il '" . lOA \ lOA S.E. QUARTER S.E. QUARTER 40.A. , - 40CHAINS-2640FT. S.w. CORNER w OCHAINS-1320FT. S. E. CORNER o NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Second Floor Huntington Building MIAMI, FLORIDA TITLE INSURANCE ESCROWS ABSTRACTS