Exhibit I
(Schedule 0/ Documents to be Produced by the Employer)
Please be advised that the term "Employer" means the individual, agent, corporation,
partnership, association or any other entity who is being Subpoenaed in this cause who provides
salary, funds or any other monetary and non-monetary benefit to the Employee who is: James
Stamos, hereinafter referred to as the "Employee". Therefore, Please provide the following regarding
the Employee.
1. All W-2's, W-4's, W-3's, and 1099's received by the Employee or issued by the EmPIO~Yr f,"~
for the past 5 years to date of services of this Subpoena Duces Tecum Ad Testificandum for
the Employee.
J 'j ~o \ \
2. All payroll re.".ords, pay stubs, or other documents maintained by the Employer for the past r
5 years10 ffi.e of date of service of this Subpoena Duces Tecum Ad Testificandum, Co0tY"
evidencing the funds paid, deductions made and other benefits provided as a result of
employment of the Employee.
3. All documents relating to heath insurance coverage provided for the past 5 years by thD
Employer to the Employee to the of date of service of this Subpoena Duces Tecum Ad _ be (),f~'\"'::,
Testificandum, including but not limited to, copy of the policy or policies, copy of all
premium statements or related documents.
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4. All documents relating to life insurance coverage provided for the past 5 years by the J ___
Employer to the of date of service of this Subpoena Duces Tecum Ad Testificandum, \.J~Jnl~\.~
including but not limited to, copy of the policy or policies, copy of all premium statement~
or related documents relating to the Employee. r.> _
5. All documents relating to any other benefitsp;.ovided for the past 5 years by the Employer
to the of date of service of this Subpoena Duces Tecum Ad Testificandum, including but not
lim~~~ t?:iSar allowances," bonUSes, te}eph~ expense account, charge-accouIits:-- -::) VT,
membership payments for any country club, tennis club or similar facility or any other
documents reflecting monetary benefits or perks received by the Employee.
6. All documents relating to any other benefits provided for the past 5 years by the EmPloyne _ <1)/
' \c'-\ ....t 0 th..~~ da!e. OJ._.Y9. .ur~~Ely to the service of this Subpoena Duces Tecum Ad Testificandum, f~_.r p<ft ,. J
-r''''-'--,,-<E.i!iployee Pe_~!~~ Profit Sharing Plan, Retirement Plans, Stock Ownership Plans, IRA t\ "~~
- Fund, KEOGH Plan, or any similar plans or benefits provided to the Employee.
7. All correspondence, pro~issory notes, contracts or other writings or copies thereof, WhiC1. .' \6\ I
show or document any momes owed by the Employer for the past 5 years to the Employee ol=u.:t
to the date of your reply to the service of this Subpoena Duces Tecum Ad Testificandum.
8. All correspondence, promissory notes, contracts or other writings or copies thereof, which
~ T.:o..:lr()~
show or document any monies owed to the Employer for the past 5 years by the Employer }
to the date of your reply to the service of this Subpoena Duces Tecum Ad Testificandum.
- \-J ~p..
9. All correspondence, contracts or other writings or copies thereof, which show or documen~r t\\IFt-J
any deferred income, deferred salary or deferred commissions or monies not paid by the ::;
Employer for the past 5 years to the of date of your reply to the service of this Subpoena
Duces Tecum Ad Testificandum. '
10. The all contracts of employment between the Employer and the entire personnel file Of) 0~
the Employee maintained by the Employer.
11. All c?rr~sponden.ce or other. writings or copies thereof, ~hich show or document an~ R. ,
commurucatlOns received or remItted by the Employer concernmg the Employee for the past ~\
5 years to the of date of your reply to the service of this Subpoena Duces Tecum Ad