Warranty Deed /' ~ ~ m 3flOR PACE 392 fUJD - I ~X'] ~ WA~RANTY DEED I FROM COIil:"ORATION TO CO"I"O""TIONl OFFICIAL FORM 3!SYa OFFICIAL. LEGAL FORMS MIAMI 45. FLORLDA II urruntu ..... mrt~ m4ill lIttllrttturr. Mad", thi. day of March , A, IJ, /963 BETWEEN DEAWILLE OPERATING CORP., . a cor poralion exi8ling und"r the law! of Ihe Slale of Florida , having i" principal pla,'e of bU5iness in the County 0/ Dade and Slale of Florida and lawfully authoriz,od to tran.act bmine.. in the State of Florida, party of th" finl part, and The c~ty of Miami Beach, Florida, a Municipal JIIi corporation exi8ting und"r the law. of the State of Flor ida . lu",inK i" principal place of bu.ine.. in th" County of Dade Florida and State of and lawfully altlhorized to tran8<JCt bmine.. in the State of Florida, party of the ."cond pari. C/O City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida, WITNESSETH: That the .aid party of th" fir., part, for and in conoid,.ration of 11.,. .ltm of TEN DOLLARS and OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATIONS 1J0llar" to it in hand paid by the said party of the ,econd parI, Ihf> r('('(Iipt wh.ereof i."i Jlf'r('by a('knowl('dp.(~d. has granted~ bargained and sold 10 tht~ laid party of the second part, its lJuccessors and assigns fOT,'1wr. Ihe following d,.8Crib,.d land .ituate, lying and being in the County of Dade and Stale of Flarida, to-wit: Lots Three (3) and Four (4), in Block Nine.teen (19), of the OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY OF THE MIAMI BEACH IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, a Subdivision according to the amended plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Pages 7 and 8, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; together with that portion of the Alley separating, abutting and adjacent to said Lots 3 and 4; and together with all right, title and interest of the Grantor herein in and to Thirty-fourth Street adjacent to and abutting said Lots 3 and 4, and the Street-End of Thirty-fourth Street; and together with all littoral rights and water privileges appertaining to said lmts and street-end. ~'>'"' ..... r- o~ '" :::> pO ~ -TE of FLORI6A ~o1&...,t::NTAD" S.IAl"~~ ~ hPR-9'63 (? __~~:: 02 OJ COM?Taou...CR. I..C~ .__-- P.B,\901\8 -:'~-- And lh" said fHJrty oj lhf~ first part d(J(~s h(~rt!by fully warrant I.h,. tide. 1,0 said lanfi. anti will t/('/f~nrllhf' ."urnt' allain.", ,h,. lawful daim..'l uf all fJf~rs()n.., whom,'UW1l('r. Ii i i i';~ ", 'A 'JI 3~O~ 393 "1',.t1 "PM}.. , - r\ ~~4'~ ("J ~y //f'?<l...J.) &tatp of lJnorilla. Ju .Uuras JlII4rrrof. the Mid party oj the fim part htu caused these presents to be signed in ill name by/'j" proper o/ficers, and its corporate seal to be a/fixed, auesred by its;St}~Jj~r~;t~IJ1j,ay and year above ,'fritten, ) (SEAL) AUest:];;1~ ^ , ! 12----.' By ,,;""i~tiJ::} . '.,/ S P 'J' . .,., .-/ Ass~stal1l~ ecretary. reSl\lBlt-t...,...... ..~ i I ,/' .,....'"''\.ir~...~j:,,_ Sig~',s"eb!1d and r~J,red ' t:: ::~~' ":~, ..." '2.', ~~ ....... . t., ~ .. . p~ ~.- '..,~ \. '~':';)'.'" . - ... .. IJ'li ".,! t I t/,J ....,~ ..... ), ......... , '" ~, - ' " .~.~~~"O'ij..~, - ~ , ., '. ',.-' <!rounty of 3J )frubg Qtl'rtifg. DADE ) that on thi.. day oj SAMUEL COHEN A, D, 1% 3 ,beJore me personally appeared and RUBIN ZERLIN '" March Assistant Preside'!.t ancVSecretar)' respectively of DEAUVILLE OPERATING CORP. ,J1r Cf[t;poraii':on under the laws oj the State oj Florida , t" me known to be the persons who signed the Jore- going instrument 4$ such officers and severally acknowledged "the execution thereof to be their free act ahd deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto the offi. <;f{Jl.!~'40f said corporation, and that the said inst:-ument is the act and deed of said corporation. -" ." -- '.. ,....~o~:,ir1lri\hf~'&" my hand and official seal at Miami Beach ' ;:' ,,,>..- .',.. - -- -." , " c;i \'.IA ~h~rt(;untyoJ Dade .. ' C' (he, day, ood~ye(lr last aforesaid. (' :! ; j~ 'I , \ \ -.) , - '. .'\ '.'...,\.-. . , , ',My Conuil1'$sion Expires: ',,:.i:' ;ll~.~~~~i(, Stat. 01 Florida at large "", MV Comr.UlliQl1 Expire, flo" 3.r153 ....; If .A.1lI.rlclll fill & Casull!ly Co. and State oj Florida \;..~ (Seal) Notary P\,blic n :;' ~ 0 " ~ " " :0- CL 0 ::< " , , 'V 0' ~ '>1 " ~ > 0" g: '" , ~ ~, c 0.: ,., " ~ 'V ,., ~ " J' '" 0 > "" " ~ c " ,., CL , " 0 0 0 ~ E;- CL - . ~ "' -0 " . ~ 0 5: 0 ~ . e. > ~ '" " " . ,., " ~ 0 CL ~ , CL ~ , "' " > ,., CL Cl n tD 0 " ib 0 ~ '< n 0 CL ~ "'" " 0 "'" CL ~ State of S '"' - ><; t:Y Florida at ... I:ll '" ;;S ... r-, .., o .., o eJ r-, ~ ... ~ ::j o < ~ ~ ~ Large '" ~tM ~~ r-,~ ~+-t 6+-t ~~ g= < +-+ ~c.t:; r-, ~S ~~ ~~ ~t:Y .... o , ~ ~ > r , o :u . w " ;;: = 0- c:t f- a: z:J :~o< J.'_U.-J 'C:;-.u.. ;~o " Uu 1 '\~ :::'JJ ~;";co -' ':L< CL;XO ~..jW ..... u "-"~,.....,\....-~ 1, ----" 1 , ~ 1 3~ ... u< iI5" '" ~ Po< "fI\ ~ ~ g ~1 ~ ~ \ ~ ~~s ~ ~~od ~~.a ~ lJ\~ "" 0 :a 0: 2(1113 ~~E-< 0.. 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