Warranty Deed (3652-475,476) :,11 ;,ll; 3652 PAll 475 wJ9/'I'1 WARRANTY DEED (STATUTORY) RAMeo's FORM S IInrrnttty Irrb m~ts Jttlltttturt. Made ,his /3-r day of May , A,D,:l96K 1.96 , BETWEEN MOLLIE KURLAND and GUS KURLAND, her husband of the County of Dade , in the State of FlorUla, parie S of the firlt part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation of the Coun,ty of Dade , in the State of Florida, part Y of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the said part ies of the fillt part, for and in con.ideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS and other valuable considerations ~~, to them in hand paid by the part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha ve granted, bargained and .0Ul to the .aid part Y of the .<!Cond part, successors its / me:ltx and assign., forever, the followng described land, .ituate, lying and being in the County 01 Dade and State 01 Florida, to-wit: Lot 6, Block 50-A, of LINCOLN SUBDIVION, according to the plat thereof, recorded in plat Book 9, at page 69 of the public records of Dade County, Florida. -'>- I.U I- CJ Z <l: ;::, CJ 0 '-" -.:. STATE OF FLORIDA DOCUMENTAP," STAMP TAX _~ .- w -..---.-- ~ "AYiO'63 -~('J ,-'~ ~ ~ '~V9000~ GCM?'TROU..ER :o.k-- P: =- P.8.I~OIJ3 ==:....":.:l.o']19y~_--= """">- UJ I- CJ :::: """ :=> CJ 0 t1L~ -- STATE OF FLORIDA f1PWM'NIf,~STAMP TAX ~ "AY10'6J.~~ ~ == ,'" ~ J 0 0 o~ COMPTROLLER ~ = P.f3.~90118 __""~r- _ __= 'Irl~rn'::~:;:::::'.'.j".i' , 'fF]' !,:,\rr"\. ,~~,'..,""'-'-.,. 121D~"-?~ ~..iiio.. ....,"'".Iuc:'it.-'IS 11."I!!'!III!IIII!I'.I"IIIII,IIIII"IIII'I"III~It).:'."" ,I'I'!"";I"'''''!'"' ,. :' \ : :i,;;,u"""" dllulllN'1 ~nl~llIu,111 ~~ r.iJOI;t~i,~~\Hl:l1 t[~.:r;;::~l~"'{;'l ....'il{ {'~_ ;'"",.:" ..'.'.i~' "; ~ ' ."",,, ( !', '~' , Ii;' - ,,' j I'j\\ ,~ ~\l\ I ~.I:t,,', ,//,/!!.., ',' \'JI.:'I::!:Jr.-:i.-:/,'-,' 15'-"1'1'1;-1;-~'~:'\'1'1-;"< ~:.".n;II"._.:~.'."I~;:SI"'~ I I~I.I'HT' Jl!!"T li~~~~I'~~lfi~11 THIS CONVEYANCE is made subject to restrictions, conditions and limitations of record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida and taxes for the year 1963. t ~i~ .. And the said pan ie s of the first part do hereby 'ully wu"ant titlp to said land, and wilrilelend- . the same against eke lowlul cloim. 01 all person. whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the saul. part ie s 01 the lirst part ha ve hereunto set their hand s and _l s the day and y(!or abon'!I()ritlen. I I , I I ,. ,. ",- . ~ I)' ...... ..~ \~) ';rt dl :3652 PAC[ 476 Q!lIumUllf DADE I &tatr of 3IIlnriba. 3l1ltrl'bg Clll'rtifg that on this day personally appeaT<'f1 before m.', an offir,'r duly authoriz,'d 10 administer oaths and take acknowledgments, her husband MOLLIE KURLAND and GUS KURLAND, to me well knou'n to be the person fijescribed in and who <,xecut.,d the foregoing deed, and acknoU'I.,dw,d b.'fore me that they executed the same frf!ely and t10lllnlarily for the pllrpose rher('in ('xpr('S!lf>d. JJUttl'SS my hand and oDici4l.eal at Miami Beach ,':, " "......, i.,~; ,<~~iS~~ry"'~~",,', nade and State of , \ I' .7/,., " '" Florida ._- -\\ ......... I. (, ""'''''_: / ...a'.,yd/":..... 'O~~y .A. D.1963, : eo, .:1;" T \ '.. ,,'... ", ":" 0 '.'7, ~ j.",-, :{~ '\'lI;iY.<;tn1WcJ~..lO./!.,gx!'.ires: :. '", ~ /) . ~,~ry ~ II .' State of Florida at Large ;: ,.J".. ,(j iJ LJ"="Y Coct:fuifsslon Expires Nov. 20 1963 =;., ~~ ...... i)'... , ,Bon~cf~4 bl American Suret)i Co. of N~ Y. >'.' o. " .,~ f, ..,....... \" " r \ \ '11'11 10 h \ ' . 'I'fl.""., !.-sr ,this /_