Warranty Deed (3647-471) t![:bi~ 3Jnbtnturt, Slale of florida, Counly 01 Dade. ,lI 3047 b,pr A 71. J~~3i~:~enl w ~Ied ~odr record Ihe--,/-d'/ o,h". r.'l L (,J nu;1;. ~ . an uly recorded In Official Reco~ Boo n pag'/if ;.;7/~f'le No, 6 '7 f' ~o 7 J.. E. B, LEATHERMAN .clerk Circuit Cout! By .arrant!, tlttb- . - -W~' s"(- r ':.'.. I#. , " Made this tJ;J =- day of May ,A, D.19!ir.63. ' WARRANTy DEED \STATUTOltVj of the County of CITY OF MIAMI of the County of Dade BEACH, Dade , in the State of Florida, part ies of the first part, and a Florida municipal corporation , in the State of Florida, part y of the second part, Ji'ettueen HERMAN MACK and SADIE MACK, his wife Ditne"etb, That the said part ie s of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLIARS and other valuable considerations ~~ to them in hand paid by the part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, she~esso iran ted, bargained and sold to the said part y of the second part, its / iiHn an"! assigns, forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit, '~., l' . ...f"'~':::f;"~~~' "":<1' l'... . .....,.,~. /.....,_>,,'/, '~c_, \. \ I : {i,~ \~., "j t'~~ '~,'. ~.""; v{!l" '(52~::~@ ~..... ..,.....,,.,'.'...;;'~".."':~ AII;'II:iI!llli":H'r!";i'!"'):'i:IllIi!'Willlll;lil~11!I \ ;::t"I',,':"!I: I;;: .I' :~II:"II .:::" .;'1 U ~1""II;I:IU;II:il"lllll!lllill!!lr~II~1LIl1 ~ J2E:iliI~.~1 Lot 7 in Block 50-A of LINCOLN SUBDIVISION, according to the plat thereOf, recorded in plat Book 9, at page 69 of the public records of Dade County, Florida. together with the building thereon and ten (10) air- conditioning units located therein. Ii THIS CONVEYANCE is made subject to restrictions, conditions and limitations of record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida and taxes for the year 1963. . 'm; ~, ~-J~ .,. G)'I' v.. tL~,,' _~'CI;. c:'! ~ ,'.- ~'''" 'IMI'" "~;-~:-f. I .-.,~ '" : '.- . I~ " .t;~_..,,~ . !i,.''t - ifl,t 1i!I~; )1'11,); ~';; i~ ?~';.~'\'_'~;iV /""~.'~ ~ i ",'.. N--v,'-::Y - '.?.. "'-" ,_" a: .,....~~Q .. ;"C---=--# _ I ... ",..,..,.., ..I~'"." = .. '~.. ~ .\ , '. ~'='~c.,,", ,," '.." '" . '=G'l" ~j~~._,-~:,-:,<~ ~~ """'0- WI- Cl Z ....'1: ::;, Cl c:> ~....~ STATE OF t=LoqIDA ~SlCUME~~TAMP TAX == MAY-H3 f/~/"~~'c~ == = " . ." ,^ 6700= = i ~---G;'.' I ' =:: CCM?TROLLERi k~ >> ~ P.B.180118 ~.,_"q~V - ~>- WI- e ;::;: ..0:::[ .::> co C> t>t-.~ STATE OF FLORT[)A ~OCUMEN~z%~~~Tt.M.P --It\~ = nAf-7'63 t~~1--'~'~~ == == 1..n,,0'9000= - 1 : ~~- ,> '- fo8PTROLLER~t___~ P. ,190118 __~~____,_.___. And the said part ies of the first part do hereby fully warrant title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, 3In Ditne'. Dbereof. the said part ies of the first part have hereunto set their hand s and seal s the day and year above written, ~tate of .1rloriba. ~ountp of P'''tl1U of...: ) DADE 31 "erebp (tertifp that on this day p;rsonally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, HERMAN MACK and SADIE MACK, his wife to me well known to be the person s described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the pur- pose therein expressed, Ditne" m.y hand and official seal at Miami County of Dade and State of day of May , A, D, 19 63 My co~sion expires: -T~- (J'-7-1/,S ,......... ,,~,~~~ \.1 . ;t/' ," . '~.'. " / '~"\" I)~I th't ~.., \, 0l!":Ji''; ")-',, , :/ .... )."'\>. y,....:. f .)<~::,~~:_~ ~ . a,u: ...~ :'- ""',~ . " .... - "" J..' ". ... I'i,," ... .......... Notary Public, State of);{i:,'id,a;'~;":, ,;,,;' .._~---------- -~~~ - ~ .. I>.. .... C") fI\. W ;>-" 0 '< ~ " " Ie - " ...... CI _ .Q.. ~ I>..::t ... = $:II a Ie .. .... = - ~ ""';>-'<0 -.. ~ ::-- ~ .. --. 00:S CI ....' ~ ~ ~~a:~fi- CI - ~ -'" .. 0 ..., "'" C") C") ~ t'\ "" ~"<.... S' ~ e..~f"\~ .. ... o "< ~ a. _. .... ~ cr 0 --. c:r- ::t. - pi ::t l:l ~ ~C") -. I>.. C") it ::t 0 ~ .. Ie M. C")1>..~::t ~ ::t Ie I>.. o Eo" M, M, ~ ..., Ie '< .. ::t .. " ::t... ~ ~ C") !:' ~ ~ t'\ ;:l ~ 0 .. .. f"\ --. ~ Ie ... .... .... ~ C --. ... t:. ::t I>.. ~ 0 .. 'C t:I:J " .. ... o I>.. 9 ..., .~ ~ l"'~ it. =Vlllltll~' 8~ ~tc~O"," . 0 0 "'" r- l~ :s: ~ ~, ~ " .. 8; 8 [0..... " ~ ...:J ;r"l~ po. ~ r~o "'" (;~ pEr ~ .- lD o t1j,P 0; ~ 0 C,) " ... 0 "i ..~- = "" Oi tn, ~- ,....., C> " ~c ~ k ,:") r w ......... ~ G"':- ~? ~, 'Jt ~t'" 0;- 1:;' ~~ "-, co _. s. 0 ~ ;;:: ", '---r-' '='~ 1':0 ~ , ~ e- o " g ,.. !1 ... ... ~ <--. '-. v _c ~ t "'"" V. -- n ~11 C) :")~'i, :r->> /~. ~~~~, : r ~J >- le" 5=>c -r: --.~ - ;: g ~: c-~ ---.....- .~-' ~ * ) .......... ~~~ t, d, cz". ~ (..j "'- r- v ~ ~ e.J ~ ..:1 oe ~ -.1 't:\ ~ i?.1.i ~ :s: :I> -< fT1 ~' ...... I, .) -0 3:: ~....) ~::J 'J.) ,....... i'. . . ->~ o :::0 o ...e. -C.