Warranty Deed 3977-502,503 <)(l"'7 r. 0 ~ 61JOK oJ;'; t r"G~;]:" ,. ,-- WARRANTY DEED . . ~.;~,W~~l :I~~~t}~ ~ll!f"t~ i_._--__1;;;.~"" THIS INDENTURE, Made, this I{ dJ day of Sept?Inly,;r, A. D. 1954, between ALBERT POLLAK an~IS POLL!\F, hi C', ",<'<~f'-~ wife; and PAUL POLLAK and JERRI POLLAK, his wife, (ii' t!ic ,';~l;"~:';;;;- County of Dade and State o,f Florida, p<;rties of t'lC fir,,', .,"":-t~~ part, and CITY OF MIAMI B~,ACH, a MuniCJ_pal corporation, / ,tl,...;.! . '. existing l.mder the laws of the State of Florida, (Q-;in:; ~ l~~ ':,r.,J;J.ft.'- princip:!l place of business in the County of Dade 3,n6 state; :~, ,>~:1:t >, of Florida and lawfully authorized to transact bUS-;'1C;S'::ill ',>"..' ' the State of Florida, party of the first part: ,.':,i' IHTNESSETH: That t)1e said parties of the fir:-: l part, for and in considerat:l,on of the sum of Ten ( 1(,.:y') Dollars and other _valuable considerations, ,to them in lnnd paid by tho Gaid party of the second part, the rec?ipt 0'2re- of i3 hereby acknowlede:;ed, have granted, bargain2u ~1nd ,,,,ld to the said party of the second part, its successors und u8signs, forever, the following described land situate, lyl!1[; and bc:nG in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: '.-..........,,~^"'"...;;.;~'::..-:..;...;.:..'-"'-._.......""-._P: .... __~"'---.__"'"~---..,,-..;.V"~ " " !:<~, Lot ~~elve (12) as the same is shown and designated upon the Amended Plat of The Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 8, page 61, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; together with all water privileges and riparian rl~hts appurtenant thereto upon the Atlantic Dcean, also that strip of land lying west of Collins Avenue and adjoining Indian Creek on the east, tho northerly line of whi~hiS tho~northerl. line of said Lot TWelve (12) extended westerly to Indian Creek and the southerly boundary line of which is the southerly line of said Lot Twelve (12) extended 'cu Indian Creek, together with all ripEr:'-:.!:} and water privileges appurtenant and adjoining thereto. This conveyance is made subject to re3trictjom;, conditions and limitations of record; zonj,n,: ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; taxes for the year 1954. .. .. ; ,d,~d'i'.-;]'J ~ and the said parties of the first part do hereby fully ',',;::l'rant "','.:1C.,i~'..'~,-,:.'~.',-lli. tt,e ti '.:le to said land, and will defend the same asain.;,., ';[-e " ;'C"],~J~ -lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. ',' '~'0;;'~'{<<:.; IN WITNESS 1tlHEREOF, the said parties of the fCrst )~~jJ~;j' part have hereunto set their hands and seals the d-::y c_r.,; :iear t',.;," ',," .above written. ,-"- , . Signed, sealed in esence // ,/ / /' <./ \.,) .,7r", ~>~~A - - ---- ..__..... ...__ Itllll W"T_naTna . ,......'/..r ~~~, .q(J: ~ .ff9~;;,~'j ',<~iY,t~ _ll--'-~ r62~6f13'~~ :C'-""'=-~1l ~.~:I <1:1" I;III:~~ W;;~~~-~;~; ~""".~~ sr.' ~~.;i.oc-~i't~I~~l ..\_~jA.". ,:._'-~, I..' """'1.-, ;; ~ 'i , I[DJ~IT!JI' ;. rf;;~;"O~;r~ ~~;_~:";"'~0~; ";~l s' M;&:~~" ',' ~" '(~~:, .))~ - "',- 'c.. ... fr':".;;e.', ~t?l ' e'~. ',. r" ,_, . . . G3~6)1 ( "e~' , 0..) Q...l-j ("pal' ,.J_ ) (Seal) , 8oo~3UT7 Fi\G:~(n STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY C? D.",DE I llI~REBY CERTIFY That on this day pcrsom.J.ly appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to ctdmin- ister oaths and tal{e acknowledgments, ALBERT POLLAK and PHYLLIS POLLAK, to me well knOlm to be the persons ucs- cribed in and \'/ho executed the fOI'egoine; deed, and ac;(- nowledged before me that they executed tl1e same fre.:ly 'and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. \HTNESS my hand and official seal at ~/~~ , County of Dade and State of Florida this September, A. D. 19511. I/,~ day of' J, .' ,,1 ' ~ ' \ 1\' 11" " I , ./"',:.~;~:.::;..:.< ~./. ..~. G:- .,' /'~~ t.)'~ ..' .;:"": " .... .. CV H .... . I,]: r'""f' " ~ ~., . .i;.\ ~) r) "z. .Y',,,,,> ...j ....,. ) .... ~ 0"_ <.t", ~......' ,..\ '~., .\'1 \.-;" .J "1 \' """ll'!'\"'\ J~ Notar~ f'.!(\hHV f'1'1"1,~:, (:1,-", 'if rlr"..l.,l , Mv CC"-'-'HII'iS'<"1 "'q""'; ~"V :. '(.oll<le\J l)t I\",~",.." ~"t" .,',t! ,.:,.,,,-,.\, i ~'.. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF D.I\.DE I tlliREBY CERTIFY That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to admin- ister oaths and take acknowledgments, PAUL POLLAK and JERRI POLLAK, to me well knol'/n to be the persons 612;::- cribed in and who exccutedtheforee;oing deed, and ack- nowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressecl. vlITNESS my hand and official seat at ?X<<l-IX-</ /-)< {c ,/v I/" dv day of County of Dade and State of Florida this September, A. D. 1954. I". '" '. .... , t_ .,,~ .{:~~~.....~~-;,,:- "~;"~/y ~..~ ,.,-.;:: ~- ," .? v\ -.. ",<- ~~ 'r}.."..-.. ." . -1 ~ L-.' .~~ ,~ - ~ ~;. 1. ~: ': -.J .1 : ,'" ,: "'\.0...... ........ :. ?' ......,. ...(.... " Notlry r>ublic, St.::lte of F'mirl~ atC~~~'.. '. . ....._~ ...2 My C()(nmlssJon expires MilY 27 (~l.) ..::..~.~.(. '\'."''''~ aollded by AmerIcan fIre and C<Jsua;ty Co. ';"i ," :' .,\\\.",... ''''''11,,\,'1 -,,\', . State of flor:da, County of Dade. d / This instrumor.! was li:G'! tor record the..u??,2d:v of~.l!'f'.~"~ 1954 at/cot /...1.:"1::],1 dlid dUlY recorded 1O.....4~~.~.....u Bool< ..f9 7/:...01i Pag~~4:-,file No. D(j.~~,"'.tz:~o E [';. LJ.:..ATHI-.<:.o,~t,~~ Cbk ->r",uil c>.-,::: ""'.> By s?S~~~<=': ('/" o.c.. yVl;:> n:) > OPINION on Abstract of Title j:ll'epar2d Rienne Doac,-, _iJj)str'dct and Tltle Company, under C2rtti'lc..:at::.: rLr:l\:el' '21',__)3: comprlslnt\ cntrles numbered 1 to 2J 'I, inclusive, CO'JC::C,:"" 'c;:e period 0,;'" t.Lm,:,; 1.';xtendlng Crom the 'oec:;inning t.o J::i:1l'..~"':.r,' i. l:)>'~ at 8 A.M., togethor with continuation thereof prcarc~ the same Cc,m.'-'::.Ln;:l, l..,mder Certifioate nL.J....,L,~r2212~;, cO;:-1~:l'l2;:':' ::::.:::~:""23 nLLYnb:~r:.;d 1 to 3, inclttulvGJ covcrin,~ the f:2r~,.ud 0:..'c:";_]";';2 2:_~:2n6.- ing (rom .JG.nuary 1\, 195" at 8 A.to1. tc S2ptcml)C'l' l~'_ ' at 8 A.M., purr'ortlnG to delincat(~ the t1tl," in an:: to ti., certain oar-c2ls of land situate in Dade County " Flork~. des- cribed as follows, to-wit: Lat Twelve (12) as'the same is shown :wd designated upon the Amended Flat of Tlle Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivisicn, recorded in Plat Book 2. page 61, of t~~ Pul,lic Becords of Dade County, Flc'rid:l: tOGether \1it;1 all wat"r privileges and riparian r.ights appurtc~nan1, tr,ere1,o 'J) ~':: the Atlantic Ocean, "also tLat strip l'" land lying west of Collins Avcn~8 and adjoining Indi::m Creel{ on U"c cast" t>, ncr.tl1erly line of' wllich is the nort~l,,:r~ line of said Lot Twelve (12) 2Ktcndcd < westerly to Indian Cr~ek a~d tl~e souto 2~1~ boundary line of wLic~1 is 'GpO soutilerl" line of said Lot Twelve (12) extended 1::J Indian Creek, togetl,er with all ripar~~~ "md water privileges appurtenant i.ind adjoining thereto. li'rom an examination of said Abstract 0,,-' r.2:~_tl -: ~~~\~ 'cas~:l' , C-pinion solely upon the same, I am 0,: t!;c (,' ll",,':~ t,{l~l.v <)~~ t.~l::; (th da~J of' September, 1:) "Jl at 8 j\.l{l. 1 ~; simple title in and to the above described land~ ~as .. ,~J in ^LBERT POLLAK and PAUL POLLAK ,3,,':::j2ct to the following:' 1. The restrictions and conditions cc~'caL'2c,~:: t~at certain Warranty Deed dated May 14, 1923 ~r~n t: I~~ia~ Beacl: Corporation to Gibson BradI~ic1d, recordedL~ 022,' ::: :::;), 35)1, pa-::;.~ 28'[ of the Public Records 0" Dade CO'cltlt,., i:",,:"da. 2. Zonine; ordinances oj' tho City O"',:lLL, :c.'.iC.:, Florida and taxes for the year I') 3. Questionll of 'survey; r'1:';hts uL",.'::,l'::'"c' c.. f)Of-).2(;~~~)lon, posstblc mechanics I ll(~n::; for \--Jo J": \ (1(,n: \...'_1"' lfl'lt';Y',;l.ll l'llrnls,:cd on or about t"O j)r'c.:m:'l.soG. S.2pt2:-l1b,~r Ii!., 195)~ / -- ___A .......~ ....,...,. ~Q n..OllmA -- ---- ------ ---- - - ---------