Warranty Deed 3301-568,569 WARRANTY DEe (TO CORPORATION) PI\PCO'S FORM R. E. SA P""co PU.Li8HING COftPOltAT,OH MIAMI 32, P't.CfIIIDA OJl1t& lttbttdurt. Made this 15th .,~_day of~_ JUlie A. D. 19.5Q.., BETWEEN JOSEPH G. NAGENGA?~~d ~mlIE;-..!~ NAG~Q.~_!L!J.is wife, of the County of_.__.___Dad~. _ _______,_,,~__._and State oL_,~._)!'lQrida part1es,of the fi",t part, and.c:JTY J2E..MI~I ~E:Ac:..H,__ 1l..1ll!U1ice!llill...,,_Jl:X corporation existing under the Jaws of the State of__ Florida_____ ___________n_______, havin~ it@ prindpal place of husinc,", in the County of_____----.l2I;\..d.!iL..___~__.__,and State of~,......nQ.r,id_lL",___ and lawfully authorized to transact husiness in the State of Florida, party of the second pari. VdTNESSETH: That the said part i e s of the fi"'t part, for and in consideration of the SUUl of _.Te~_~$10.0~) Dolla.rs and other valuable cons~derations _._~ ~ to them.......in hand paid by the said party ~f the second part, the receipt whereof is herehy acknow. ledged~hay.e ____granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its successors and ..signs, forever, the following d_ribed land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and Staie of Florida, to-wit: tions Miami Lot Seven (7), less the west Seventy-five (75) feet thereof1 in Block Thirty-fiVe (35) of OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION NUMBER 3, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, at page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. This conveyance is made subject to conditions, restric- and limitations of record; zoning ordinances of the City of Beach, Florida; taxes for the year 1950. ~ , And the said partieS of the first part do_.Jrereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all per.o"ns who~soever. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part ies of the fi",t part have their. hereunto set ban~and se..uL-the day and year above written. and delivered in presence of us: ~ (Seal) '(Seal) l ,. 3'1('1 r;r'g BOOK' 0 j PAGE,)\) >--