Warranty Deed 3301-572,573 \' BUO:i, 3301 ~ . / STATE OF FLORIDA, -1 J I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on tbiB day pereonalJy appeared before me. an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take aeknowledgmen18. to me well known to be the perIOD.....-- described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me thaL executed the lame treely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expreslled. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, ThaI tho MiA , known 10 me 10 be the wUe of the said . I on a separate and private examination taken and made by and belore me, sep....tel,. and apart trom her said hushand, did aeknowled~e that she made herself a party to !laid deed for the purpose of renouncinR, relinquishing and conveying all her riJl:ht, title and interest, whether dower. homestead 01' of separate property, IIlatutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she exe{"tlted the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any eompullion, c:onstrainl, apprehension or fear o( or (rom her said hUlilband. My N ODmmission expires:Nov.2l,1951 Florida at ~ ~ o . c . c ;; . i . g . . o ~ . o . I ~~ ~ ~~~I tg ~ i ~8 ~ fT1""""'~~~ ~L. ~ . ",:1, =- \ l:l li'a~ 0 to g ... ~ .1 ~~ 'ZJ . "" "" " .. Ii''' ~~:r:-::' 'ZJ ,Ill ~~.: g,lr" 8 -10' ~=g. f~O' "" t:l ~ ::I:.. "",, tole:: II 0.. .. >.... ,./""l:ll" l" "l C ~ E. 11:r~~ J i ~. 0 Ilf ~ ~ i~~ ~rjt~- r :!:.!l :: =-0 ~ ~, ~Q.e$l"" Q. ~~' ..... II! i ,..,., II. :r" c. =- -o!!.CD:rQ. CD..; ~nn~\?...U:r n os' ~'Ii Ii &:' """,,;' ~ d!. e. 10 ~ eo ,,:r.5- 5' ,.".... . '"' ...... I ~ .,., ,..., <::I ~ County 01_. WITNESS my hand and official seal at and State of Florid.. .l.;. I County ot , A. D. 194-- day or STATE OF FLORIDA, Notal')' Public, State 0' My eommission expire- } County 0(_ DADE ;1 HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thilil day penonally appt:ared before me. an offit~er duly llnthorized to administer oatbs ~d "~"I~,tknowledgmeDt8 --~--~ . ....,::e~!.~.~Nlm2IM3H, .i oined by her husband , ISAAC MANlJHEIMER , ~^ . tf) me .w~~nown to be the person.....Ji- described in and who executed the foregoing deed, unel acknowledged before me '... ~at~ .. executed the same !reely.and voluntarily for the purpose! therein expressed. I" ,_' f'''P.iilE~my hand and oftidal oeal or M~am~ Beach , Counly or Dad e ,. ..,. ",a Slal~ "~F1odd.. Ihi. 23rd Hay /: ~ ...... ,.,. '.' { i'-'{;" ,. . " \~ CI ., ~ 5:!s,Ib' p, c+ ?I~IOJE; ~'I~ ~ ~ W (J) n V\ (J) ~ I\) i'J ::s p, 01::::: H, .. 01--..:] Q V\ ([) '" H, ::s c+ b:J ,([) c+ '" ;3' Q ([) ;3' >-j I~ o 'ZJ CI ~ ~ 6 1 2 ~ . ;; ! ~ ~ . c o . 2 !=' \"l A. D.JDL1250 i 10 'f-'- 1.':1" I'" 10 IH, , I~ ,'" is If--" ,b:J I~ 1;3' i , I (/.l ;p t:J H tl.j i! ~ -;:j~ o~ n~ ~= ~+-+- !:Sd g ~s ~ ~ ~ ~ o H ~ "'''-; '7 Pi ,,-j H ;3;: [=j :,JJ '" ::s p, ;3' ,:; (J) IT '" is. ,:,,-.. ./"-' , n :;;,:) ." ". ~ ,- -x Q ':" :2 r."' --< !'" c ::-, - "\) .." :-' ,.., C1 co , f lcr :;;0 l'... id :-- "" f" :;3.: r<1 ,. c'"> ,'-:, ~ \.0 0 ~, :;;0 r 0 r,) Ci"\ ~ > ~ n q .. ~ o " '" '" ~ ... ~ ~ ~ , 6\. .~-~