Opinion Abstract of Title Miami Beach, Florida May 22, 1950 OPINION ON TITLE To: City of Miami Beach Miami Beach, Florida OPINION on Abstract of Title prepared by Southern Title 0 Company under Certificate No. 2 844, comprising entries numbered I to lll, inclusive, and covering the period of time extending from the Beginning to and including May 21st, 1934, at 5:00 P.M. and continuation thereof prepared by the same company under Cer- tificate No. 21086, comprising Two (2) entries and covering the period of time extending from May 21, 193~, at 5:00 P.M. to and including July 3, 19~4, at 5:00 P.M. and continuation thereof prepared by American Title and Insurance Company ~mder Certificate No. 17673, comprising four (4) entries covering the period of time extending from July 3, 1934, at %:00 P.M. to and including May 4 19~0, st 8:00 A.M. Duroorting to delineate the title to the follow- ing described land situate in Dade County, Florida, to-wit: Lot 8, less the west 75 feet thereof, in Block 35~ of OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NLR~BER THREE, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, at page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. From an examination of the above described Abstract of Title, and basing my opinion solely upon the same, I am of the opinion that as of the 4th day of May, 1950, at 8:00 J~.M., the. fee simple title to the property, the description of which is set forth above, was vested in: SADIE MAh~qHEIMER subject to: t. Taxes for the year 1950, which, while not yet payable con- stitute a lien against the above-described lands. 2. Certain conditions, restrictions and limitations coupled with a reverter, all as shm~m in that certain warranty deed from The Miami Ocean View Company to A. H. Goodwin, dated September 19, 1916, and recorded in Deed Book 158, at page 175, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 3. Rights of parties in possession~ question~s of survey~ zoning ordinances of the City of Miam' Beach, Florida. J,ybmitted: ~xamlnlng ~ · ' i tt OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY -- CITY HALL -- MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA