1966-11941 RESO rrn (Ur ~ YJ .~ 110. 11941 - -I"., ~r 1. 1'~_AI".mu aDd JIll.R1" I'I_'I'JA'IIIDI. hU wlfe, ~ C'* and ....~ ""~, Ilia vife, SAUL A. 0-"''- an4 ROIAL-t1Q) ('0---. Ilia wife, and SD I/"liuaK an4 lUJ'l'B noaa. his wife. ~ OImere thereof, have offereel to ..11 to ~ City of Mi....~ Beach for ~ lI1JlI of .895.000.00 thOlM cerUin parcela of land slwata, lyia9' aDd J::reia9' in ..i.-t Beach. Dade County. P10rida. .sed,J::red .. follOWll. to-vit. LoU 1 throqh 8. IIoth i_181"., Block 23 of --..,. ..... ftQfU.fl of Mi -111' ...ch lJIprovr'lI-t: ~, acIClOZ'4ia9 to the Plat tbenof. ~ .tA Plat IIoOk 5, P.,.. 1 and 8, of the l'eU,C "Il::~ of Dade Caaftt;y, 1'10dda, .... alH tha1: cert&la alley boonad OIl the ..... by the "'t line of LoU 1 throqh 4, both iD- elu1... aDd ~ OIl the ...t hr the "'t line of LoU 5 through 8, both ia- cl_l.., all of Block 23. aDd llowL". OIl the IIorth 1IIy the IoIlth d..ht-of-way line of 36th .t.net. ... ~~1I OIl the IoIlth by the IIonb dg'lat-of.....y line of 35th street, _at::1rar with all the C~ m law ud ....tatozy &'ipad.... rJ.tbtll ,.t!h.....t thenlto or tJIec........-r J::relaD9iD9. 'to- 98t::1rar with the illprovl1l1aU dtaau ~. kDI"UIl .. the ~ aot:.l. to.tlII4 at 3585 ColUu Iwwlu, .,-~ ......, I'lod.... ... LoU 12, 13 ... lA, 810* K of ~. ~. ~_" of Id- ...oh '( II J:"OV--' _t C _"'''\Y, ~ to the Plat: ~, ~I .tA Plat JIoak 5, ..... 7 .... 8, of the Public aecoJ:4ll of Dade CQMt;y, I'lorUa. ... .. ... the Cit;y 0I:NMi l of the Cit;y of Mi _t ....It! .1 UI it: too J::re to the but .lIaUntJt of the Aid City to acqlt.t.ft ..14 land at ..14 price ... OIl the tIlrJIII ... COIl41tJ.on11 ~ forth .tA ..14 offar, ... - .~ the Cit;y At.....,. bile prlJ.nd _ "'Xl ~ unt _tow... the paru.. by the ur.. of _ich the OIlmen ..:rea to ..11 aD4 the CJ.t;y Iag""'_ to 1IQy ...u laDd, aDd -1- (ill fill ~ Yl ...-.u the Cit.y COWlcl1 111 fa.iliar with the i:ea. of .aid a9reeAeni:. _ . "&'D.lIi-"ORII. .. I'l' ItUOLVIID BY !'lIB C1'1'Y CClUIICtL ar !'lIB CI'l'II' ar MIMI BDCII. FLORIDA t:hai: the Mayor and the C1i:y Clerk be and 1:hey are hereby aui:hor1aed and. direct:ed i:o execut:e t:he .aid .9r....ni: in the na.. of and on behalf of .aid Ci t.y. and the Cit.y Manapr be and. he ia hereby authorbed and diraci:ed, .ubject i:o t:he approval of the title by the City Ai:i:orney. i:o Clon.UlIIIIate the tranaaction Cloni:eaplated hereby. and the d1a- burainq officera of the City ara hereby a\lthorised and directed i:o _ke the expenditure. required i:o cOlllply with the t:eru of ..i4 .gre~t out. of the funda of t:he C1 ty availele for .uch pIlrpo.e. .. I~ ._~ JtUOLVD by i:he City Qouacll of the City of Miaai ..ach. Florida thai: the acqu1lliUon of the here:1naboYe described land ia bareby declared i:o be necea.ary for the i l"WT- dlat.e pr..ervat1on of the public peace. healtoll and satety. 'l'he Cii:y Attorney 18 hereby 1nai:ructed to ~t:e the clodnq of tolIe tranaaci:ion conteaplat:ed by .aid a~t wii:h all due diligence. .. I~ &'va-.;..Il ItUGINID 'by the Cit.y c.mc1l of the C1i:y of Miaai Beach. Florida tilai: the olOllift9 of t:hi. purcha.. i. aub- jecn; i:o and conUJlgent upon the receipt: 'by the C1ty frOll the Federal Governaent of it:e -lAtt:er of Conant- to i:h1ll pareh..e and .hall be consu-.ate. only 1n accordance with the procedures prescribed by the r4l9U1aUons and requ1n...nt:e of t:he Federal Governaent in it:e Open .pace lAnd Acq\lisition P1'09ram. pAS" and AD<>>..lIIu this 9th day of .eptll_U. 1966. to:' rrj !\.: o I-j o b o E-< 0' H ,'>; 0 :s: 5 At.... . (Signed) Elliott Roosevelt *yor '-j '-j Q' (Signed) R. WIn. L. Johnson L.j, '--i Clt.y CUeI'lt (SEAL) - 2 - '. ", AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, ~ ~-;- . , 1966, by and between HENRY I. FINKELSTEIN and MARY F.INKELSTEIN, his wife; IRVING COHEN and GERTRUDE COHEN, made and entered into this ~ day of his wife; SAUL A. COHEN and ROSALIND COHEN, his wife; and SID FEUER and RUTH FEUER, his wife, parties of the first part, hereinafter referred to as the "Owners", and the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal Corporation, party of the second part, hereinafter referred to as the "<:;ity". W.!.TNE~SE.!H: That for and in conjideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Owners will sell and convey and the City will purchase those certain parcels of land situ.~e, lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, described as follows, to-wit: SHOREMEDE HOTEL PARCEL Lots 1 through 8, both inclusive, Block 23 of OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY of Miami Beach Improvement Company, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 5, Pages 7 and 8, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and also that certain alley bounded on the East by the West line of Lots 1 through 4, both in- clusive, and bounded on the West by the East line of Lots 5 through 8, both in- clusive, all of Block 23, and bounded on the North by the South right-of-way line of 36th Street, and bounded on the South by the North right-of-way line of 35th Street; together with all the common law and statutory riparian rights pertinent thereto or thereunder belonging. To- gether with the improvements situate thereon, known as the Shoremede Hotel, located at 3585 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida. and - 1 - OfFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE - MIAMI REACH, FLORIOA 33139 SHOREMEDE ANNEX (THE DAYTON APARTMENTS) PARCEL Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 24 of OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY of Miami Beach Improvement Company, according to the plat thereof, recorded in plat Book 5, Pages 7 and 8, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 2. The OWners will, within twenty (20) days from the date here- of, furnish to the City an abstract of title showing the Owners' title to be good and marketable. 3. The OWners will convey the said land to the Ci,ty by good and sufficient warranty Deed, free and clear of all encumbrances except restrictions of record, zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, such municipal improvement liens as may be pending but not certified at the time of the closing of the transaction contemplated hereby, and taxes for the year 1966. Taxes to be pro-rated as of the date of closing. State and Federal Documentary Stamps to be paid for by Owners. 4. The City agrees to pay to the Owners as the full purchase price of said land the sum of Eight Hundred and Ninety Five Thousand Dollars ($895,000.00) cash. 5. The City agrees that no municipal improvement liens will be claimed or assessed for any portion of the cost of constructing a sidewalk and pavement upon the land to be acquired, or the lighting thereof. 6. The transaction later than the fl/ contemplated hereby shall be ~hfl16f r closed not day of , 1966. 7. This agreement shall be binding upon each of the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. 8. The closing of this purchase is subject to and contingent upon the receipt by the City from the Federal Government of its "Letter of Consent" to this purchase and shall be consununated only in accord- ance with the procedures prescribed by the regulations and requirements of the Federal Government in its Open Space Land Acquisition Program. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties of the First Part. have - 2 - OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE - MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 hereunto set their hands and seals and the Party of the Second Part has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Mayor and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its City Clerk, all as of the day and year first above written. Witnesses: I. Finkelstein As to S ul A. Cohen Attest: iiil ~~.. . City Cl k ~.9 ~~~ HENRY . FINKELSTEIN '-);U~~~~J MARY FI LSTEIN ~!:iq~ ~L(?L, GERTRUDE COHEN J~ fLfJ~ SAUL A. COHEN '. 'cli(y tv-_ ! << / vI I'CIA-....., .A!i dl 7....u_-<-<2A..) SID FEUER ~1Y;h~OJ~ RUTH ' UER CITY OF MIAMI BEACH By - 3 - OffiCE OF CITY ATTORNEY - 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE - MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 3313' (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) " STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE ~SS: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, HENRY I. FINKELSTEIN and MARY FINKELSTEIN, his wife, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing agreement, and severally ac- knowledge the execution thereof to be their free act and deed, for the purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my Signa~re and Offi~l County aforesaid, this day of ) in the State and , 1966. Notary My commission Expires: , NOTARY PUBliC ~Tl\Tr.,t 1='1 nRIDA at LARGE i My COMMI.;S'. E ,"R'.S JUNE~, 1969 aeNalE. THflO...liht t-HJ::D tv. gt';;.TELHOltilT NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE of FLORIDA at LARGE MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 4, 1969 i10NQi;:Q THROUGH FRED w. DIESTELHOFl!i't STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE ) )SS: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, IRVING COHEN and GERTRUDE COHEN, his wife, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing agreement, and severally acknowledge the execu- tion thereof to be their free act and deed, for the purposes therein mentioned. County WITNESS my signatfje aforesaid, this and Offici~a1 in the State and day of ~ ,1966. / Notary~~~Flor'da at Largo My conunission Expires:_ \ NOTARY.PURI If' ('"'!'II'T~...t~! "RIDA at lARGE' MY COMML-:,""j. [',;;l:'; jlP:E ~, :'o!l a.,...E;. lH..V.......... ......"'" 'IV. D.;;:STELHO"liT. l-lOTARY PUBLIC, STATE of FLORIDA at LARGE MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 4, 1969 BONDED THROUGH FRED W. D1E$TELHOI'IST STATE OF FLORIDA ) SS : COUNTY OF DADE ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, SAUL A. COHEN and ROSALIND COHEN, his wife, to me known to be the persons described in and who - 4 - OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE - MIAMI BEACH, FLORIOA 33139 , " , . executed the foregoing agreement, and severally acknowledge the execution thereof to be their free act and deed, for the pur- poses therein mentioned. WITNESS my signa jre County aforesaid, this (, and day ~~fi~in the State and , 1966. r,'~at lAAGe ,. ('TIl.1'j: "I '.J 6'1 'iOT.~RYP1Jr\! . , < jUNE 4.19 \ 1''1 COM.''',\:'',:; l _ ' ~. tH.l;;.l;;TEL.t'lOftO ,,- \it'l r-"'j;,U ._.- 1l0.tJ,J;lEP :ntPl(,lU . . My Commission Expires: ",',ARY PUBlIC:~f FlORID' ." '"'. J COMMISSION f' 'u" E 4, jlOND.E;D THIlQUliin ..nl;;;.Iol. ~A UIl;;8T.....l..n.......' NQ1AZW ~Pin.l~, fTllli u. FlnDInA ... I ~Rr,E MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 4, 196' ilONDE;D THROUGH FRED W. DIESTELHOR5T STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE ) }SS: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized ~o administer oaths and take acknowledgments, SID FEUER and RUTH FEUER, his wife, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the fore- going agreement, and severally acknowledge the execution there- of to be their free act and deed, for the purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my Signare County aforesaid, this and day OffiC~ in of / the State and , 1966. Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE of FLORIDA at LARGE MY CDMMISSJON EXPIRES JUNE 4. 1969 .ONDED THROUGH FRED w. DIE..-rELHoR5T - 5 - OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - 1130 WASHINGTON AVENUE - MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139