Indenture 2080-143,144 OOGK2080 PAGE1431, 'fHIS INDENTURE, Made this /.s ~ day of July, A.D. 1940 Between Mary E. Peter and S. Henderson Peter her husband ot the County of Dade, in the State ot Florida, parties ot the first part, and City ot Miami Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, of the County of Dade, in the State of Florida, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said parties of the tirst part, for and in consideration ot the sum ot Ten (tlO.OO) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid by the party ot the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, the tohlowing described land, situate, lying and being in the County of ade and State of Florida, to-witl Lots 7 and 8 in Block 112 of Ocean Beach Addition #4 according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3, at page 151, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, together with all improvements thereon and all personal property therein, to- gether with all riparian rights appurtenant there- to and appertaining thereto; and also the follow- ing parcel ot land and land under the waters of the Atlantic Ocean described more partioularly as tollows: Beginning at a point whioh is the intersection ot westerly line of Ooean Drive produced southerly and center line of BIscayne Street thence easter- ly along said oenter lIne of Biscayne Street for a distance of 279.54' to a point; thence northerly along a line at right angles to above mentioned oourse tor a distance at 9' to point of beginning-; thence northerly along said line at right anglee to first mentioned course for distance of 24.1' to point; thence continued northerly along line deflecting to the right 9 degrees 12 minutes 40 seconds from last mentioned course for distance ot 26.2~' to point which is 59' northerly of said center line ot Biscayne Street; thence easterly.tong line for a distanoe of 645.4' to poInt whioh is 58.?' northerly of said oenter line of Biscayne Street produced e~sterlJ; thence southerly along line at right angles to last mentioned course for a distance ot 94.4'; thence westerly along line for distance of 149.9' to point whioh is 35.6' southerly of said center line of Bisoayne Street produoed.easterly; thence northerly along a line at right angles to last mentioned course tor a dIstance ot 43.9'; thence westerly along a line for a distanoe of 419.5' to point whioh is 8.8' northerly of said center line ot Biscayne Street produced easterly; thence westerly along a line for a distance at 80.2' to point of beginning as said drive and street are Ehown on plat recorded in plat book 3 at page 151 Public Records, Dade County Florida, and as said Biscayne Street 1s n~ed and designated in Ordinance No. 232 of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, containing 0.9 acres more or less; together with the improve- ments thereon known as the Million Dollar Pier. t .. .. -..~ - BQOK2080 ~GE144 Subject to existing leas_es and to taxes for the year 1940 and subsequent years. And the said parties of the first part do hereby fully warrant the title to the said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered ) 1n presence of us: ) -~~ ~/ ~ ~~~;:~ ( Seal) ( Seal) STATE OF FLORIDA, ) SS. County of Dade ) I, an officer author1zed to take acknowledgments of deeds acoord1ng to the laws of the State of Florida, duly qualif1ed and acting, HEREBY CERTIFY that Mary.. Peter and J. Henderson Peter her husband to me personally known, this day personally appeared and aoknowledged before me that they executed the foregoing deed and I FURTHER CERTIFY that I know the said persons making said aoknowledgment to be the individuals described in and who executed the said deed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that said Mary E. Peter is known to me to be the wife of said J. Henderson Peter and that she this day aoknowledged to and before me separately and apart from her husband, that she exeouted the said deed for the purposes of renounoing and relinquishing her dower and right of dower and separate estate in and to the lands therein described, and that she executed the same treely and voluntarily and without compuls10n, constraint, apprehension or tear ot or trom her husband. IN WI THESS WHEREOF, at ~'q~Jl fuf;t ~ IJ day 0 uy , I hereunto set my hand and off101a~eal said County and State, th1s /-1_ "D. ,."'.~ o ary u ~t5f~~~ My oommission expires: "h...t.rv, 2. L{ L l q 4- 0 .",' . ''''','',''''t ~" . \.' . ~ J i./ -'"... ,:::'.'\'............./J)' .......... $~~..". I .......;1' -:. ~~... J Ie-, ...... ::: v/,> ".'" :::.~: ....\ . / -:...... :: ,y' \cl '\)-.:- --.' <:Y "'"'- ."" - - . \'..... - to" l~ ....., S;"'. v.f.O"' /<-, -.::;, --/ ;-"" i~.<,~ ~~;,/. ........<",.:,. ' '/11,/ ill t', 111/l/ill"'- :'t~He ,of Florida. Counry of Dade ThiS IlISlrumt'nr was fdeJ f 'j h /p' (j~ ' , :J .L) or feLon. t e"",-nd2l.' V f.,/A . J 1..;'4) a I -&1-; .r; A - - II ~t,-'.:!-'-. M and duly rc-cordvd in ____~_ ""L_"."J::~ on PageL'5I""_hle No.>>__.#~~~~ E. B. LEA THEil MAN.