Warranty Deed 4163-23,24 (pi0.00) DO;Llal ~~ to it in hand paid hy the said parLX.- or the Ilecond part, the receipt whereor is hereby acknowledged. ~~~~ hu granted, bargained and sold to the said part....;\L- of the tleCOnd part, its sue c e s s 0 r s . laein and uoigns rorever, the following d_ribOO land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade __and Stale of Florida, Io-wit: ~~"'i ~f ~,~ '" B ~ h '~, I ~ WAR"ANTY DEED (PROM CORPORATION) PAPCO'S FORM R. E. A.3 "APCO PUBL.ISHING CORPORATION MIAMI. FLORIDA ID~i!1 3Ju~ruturr. day or September , A. D. 19~-5.5 Made this.. 21st BETWEEN BEACH l"lE'lORIAL CHAPEL, INC. 1 a carpar.lion existing under the laws or the State oC Fl 0 r i do. '. having ill principal place 01 and State of Florida . bnoin... in the County or Dade and lawfnlly authorized to If.mact bt1llill~ .in the Stale of Florida, part) or Ih. fint part, an,! The CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, of the County or Dade ond State oL Florida parLL of the Ilecood part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the fint part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and other ~ood and valuable considerations T~e Southerly twenty-five (25') feet of Lots Three(3) and Pour (1.;.) of Block Ten (10) of OCE[\.N SIDE SECTION, ISLE OF NOn~ANDY, according to the Plat thereof recorded~~ in Plat Book 25, page 60 of the Public Records of Dade i County, Florida. J Subject to restrictions of record and zoning ordinances of the City of !J'iami Beacb, Florida, pending municipal improvement of liens, if there be any, and taxes for the year 1955. ",-;wi- This conveyance is made upon the condition that tbe above described property shall be used for off-street par'kin[; of vobicles. In tbe event the Grantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the saj.c. property for the use aforesaid, the title to the property shall revert to and i~~ediatelY revest in the Grantor, its beirs, successors or assigns. ~a, 19!' .aid party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend "oe~~t!.;r~!~,the lawrul claims of all persons whomsoever, I' .' .j <" <' ;,.;/<,) '. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of tho fin' part ba. cauoed th... p.... : ',' ~ (Ii:olpor<<te senti! 10 he signed in its name by ill proper orricen. ~ .;. : -> C< . Seal) =--: and its coJ;orate Ileal to be affixed, analted by illl , ~ .:.~ ~~ ~~' .~ seuetary. e day and year .bon written. - " . ., ,. - ~ ~ "-:+ifST;' ~ ' ' (Ptc...:,~""retMy 110RIAL CIlA LUTe. By ,- z. ~()(~()~E."-T,\i{i ~r"'lIf~"'~'J~~ '~~~ ,~' .c. .'.... ,:" :,1,t"r', ",~, 'if ~. )y ~\~...;1.!~t '5t':'i~i.;I.I;:-;\ II~n;R."'U Rf;n:~n: I IC~lI- . .NE 'I1J] l~ "OJ.~~~L:!:. l:'~i .".;.;.4~~~~~~~~~~~~l ( ,_, ,_ ,_..11,)0p~ ' i1~~~~~~~~~G,,~I?~~~~~~i . ~ STATE OF FLORIDA, t COUNTY OF DADE ! I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this net. day of Sept.ember ~ A. D. 19J:.$ before me personally appear".! LEONARD LEVINE ~he State of Flori da , to me known to be the persons who signed the' foregoing m~trument as such officers and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and I deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and thallhcy afrixcl] thereto the offici:l1 ~al of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official oeal at Miami Beach ' ~ ~,C;;~:~" =:. .., :;;:::"d"~ ,~--:_I ~~____~~\se;;n - Notary Public ., :/" : -, . . -' . ~. ..,0 . .Y,,--) - " '';" u ____'--President and Secretary respectively of an(l IRVING BLA.SBERG BEACH r.1EHORIAL CHAPEL, INC. My commiSlioD expires: Apri:l. 23, 1958 -' . > . o o . c . r ;;; . z . o o . . o . > ~ o ~ . > ~ . m . r o . ~ -S' I , I K' 5:\?J t , m "~> n [I) ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~; f h~' 0>< ~ :lCJQ (rl ~ l"'t ~ ~ g-f: sar" b 'I:l ",-'" J:<l ,,"'- S ".. ~ ,'I:l... "'- .... _ 1-'" 0 l>> '-'".. ;;'1 ~ "'I' .... >- ::! "II F ::! Q a. t:l 0.':1 n ~ l:I:J ~ ~ga. ~ ~inrQ E. ~ tr "'- Q '" ~a, a..a'J o ('D3Q;' S t:C ="c..;' ~ g S'''~. . prr' ~~:;; tti [I) >-3 ~ n >-3 o 'x:I o i:'l (fl " J:<l >-< "C >-3 >-< o :z !=' \l o t1 ~ ~o .... ~ ~" ~ ~.~ 8 Li ="0 ',< ~ g>-"" go >-< l>>;' :l 1-3 fDCD Q..~ ". "i:'l r : "g)~ rr1 " -""":El ~ :::Ma~ -, 0 ,~t%j :C"' '",-J:<l ~ i:'l ~ S. ;. 0 N Q.. ~ ":Ij .".." ~. ;::. 0 .I:D '""'" ):0< 6~;:r l~~ :e; r'T1 ..... :r (tl c-J e.. t'D 0'" o n n~ r').:::::O "'" ....(1) _O~~d ~ d s: l:S ~ ~ :=.. =:"8' ::2 -., ;;; o 1 a corporation under the ]aw~ of :. _.J :. ~. ".r' . :. ..~\. " '. --..,', -', '#,....". ','j o " ~ '" I I I ! i I i ! I ~ ~ I ~ II~ ~l!li ~ III ~ III elIl!1 "I tti ~ ~ ~ ~ t"l _ i -+ ~...... := u:: ,. g :;;!. ~ ~ ; o ::: \: .... r :-;; "i;f~\ ; ~ .- "" C> r- <:) ;..-;.\'<: ;..;.t .C': '...., -.\ :'~ ',", 1.1"1 :~.:\ t.'-:; \-'- , --1 .c" ,t:- ,'. f.) ':"..? " :;;.. \,,'\ {',) '.) ..' ;0 n -;:. ...... J' .' -' .' Q.v., i~ I I I i~ , . ~ n o m . o ~ ~ . ~ ... ". :"'": r- '-1 lUl~ ~ I .