Part Rel Mtge 1100-237,238 '" .I: .., :) " '" o ~ . . . it "'--- BGoxl100 ?AGE2;]7 , . ~jdJ-~ "A"TIAL RILIA.E 0' MORTGAGI (BY COIt~"ATION) P"PCO'. Il'O"M 41 PAPCO ..UBLISMINO CORPORATION MIAMI !e. FLOPlIDA 'urtiul 1RtltUl1t nf jlnrtgugt ICnnm ,.11 .rn JJy m4rsr 'rrsrnts: WHEREAS, BEACH MEMORIAL CHAPEL, me., a Florida corporation by Indenture of Mortgage dated the 2nd day of February . A, D, 19 55 . and recorded in the office of the Cle'''' of the CircuitCoutttn and for the COlUlty of Dade State of Florida, in MOrlgage Book 3268 . Page 538 . granted and conveyed unto FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AlfD LOAN ASSOCINl'IOJI OF MIAMI and assigns, the premises therein particularly de,cribed, to secure the payment of the lum of 'J:l1J..lcrx...sEVEN Tir6usA1m FIVE JiUlllllll!ilJ AlfD NO/1OO - - - - - - - ($37,500.00)-Dollar., with interest as therein mentioned: AND WHEREAS THE SAID BEACH MEMORIAL CHAPEL, INC., a Florida corpore;tion reque.ted, ,the .aid FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AlfD LOAN ASSOCIA!l'IOB OF / ~eale the premile. hereinafter described, being part of said mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said Mortgage: NOW. THEREFORE, KNOW YE, That the wid FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AlID LOAN ASSOCIATION OF MIAMI ... well in con.ideration of the premi'eI ... of the .um of TEN DOLLAllS AlfD 0'lHIm GOOD AlfD VAWABIJ!: CONSIDERATIONS t..clw.. to it in hand paid by the wid BEACH MEMORW. CHAPEL, INC., a Florida corporation at the time of executio.. hereof, the receipt whereof iI hereby acknowledged, does remise, release, quit-claim, exonerate and discharge from the lien and operation of 5aid mortgage u..to the .aid BEACH MEMORW. ClIAPEL, INC., a Florida corporation, its legal represen:tatives hei" and ....ign., all that piece. parcel or trac' of land, being a part of the premile. conveyed by 5aid mortgage, to-wit: Southerly 25 f'eet of' Lots 3 and 4, Block 10, of' ISIJ!: OF :NomwmI, OCEAliSID1!: SBlTIOIf according to the Plat thereof', recorded in Plat Book 25, at Page 60, of' the Public Records of'Dade County, Florida. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .ame, with the appurtenance., unto the .aid BEACH MEMORW. CHAPEL, INC., a Florida corporation, its legal' and ....ig.... forever freed representatives " exo..erated and dilcharged of and from the lie.. of wid mortgage. and every parr thereof; Provided, alway. nevertheless, that nothing .therein contained 5hall in anywise impair, alter or dimini5h the effect, lien or incumbrance of the afore5aid Mortgage on the remaining part of &aid mortgaged premues, not hereby re/e...ed therefrom. or a..y of the right. and remedie. of the holder hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the .aid MOrlgagee by iu duly authorized office", h4ls .et its hand and .eal thil 2ls.t day of Sep1:ellber herelUlto 1955 Sig..P.d, .ealed and delivered i.. the preilence of: l S J , =ASS~~ ' \)~~J~~~;~. By ;:<., ,;..~. . pi ~ _ _ _ Vt;} -~~~11fD!:' ..,;, :- Atte5tedby, ~~.x.~. ..'\\'- Assistant Secret.tf:itJ' \ ' , ~~~ tAc -" Y- ~ \ \ '. "'-, ~ r 'vr,. 8001<.1100. PAGE238 .taU of 31flnriba. I Cltlluntv of DADE 3J Jltrthg Q!trttfg. that on this 21ah day of ~teJiber A. D. 19 55, before me personally appeared E. R. WESClIIER re.pectively/P!~'f1ent and Ass't Secre and W. T. ETZEL, JR. of FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS ANDLOAl'f ASSOOIA!rION OF MIAMI a corporation under the law. of theliUtllTolf UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . to me known to be the perlOUI delcribed in and who executed the foregoing conveytJ1lCe to BEACH !!IBMORIAL CHAPEL, INC.I~ Florida ".' CIW'OIATION and .everally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed", .uch officeTl, for the Ule. and purpole. therein mentioned, and that they affixed thereto the "ffici41 .eal of laid corporation. and the laid m.trument is the act and deed of laid corporation. lIutu'.lI.!1 my .ignature and official .eal at MIAMI ' in the County of DADE and State of FIl'lRm" the d4y and yetii' l"'t aforelaid, .l>t {~ II O"'''i ' , ........~.... J' ./' ...; -.,.' ~'.I ~" " 01'A" ":-,. . . ,.. ~ ....,,--'" l~} ,. . ....' ,.. 1... l \... ." ::~ ~1~'~~' 7- ./' ~.... ....'-.... Ci'............ \~. ,-~'_---'! 17Il.-l-,l~~ #; WO'I'ARY PIlRT.TC STA!I!E OF FLORIDA AT LARGE Notarv Public. Stotl! of Florida at lorg'lll My c~nlmission eX!'Jirc:; Jtl!Y 8, 1958. Bond,) :JV f,IOT2,:ccn Sut'-~~V Co, ct N. Y. \ ;J' ~ S' .., S . ~ Ii So ~f c:l >> :: . ~ "' 0 !!l ~ '~ l 0 ;l' b' . .., c r . to ~ S- O' r ~ - ;; . ~ 1;' " '-.) ~ z :>:l . S. "' n ~ ~ 0 :>- . '" "' . ~ 0 ~ . 1::' >> - .sa. . !; 0 .... z S' t:::t 'C . =.,> & ;; I ~. t::l ~ ~ g t<j i' . ~: " , ... ~ r :' ,"' 0 ~ " ~ , 9 ~ Q ~~ ~ -< >> ... ~ ~ Q ~ - rI ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ \0> ~ c:l '"t ~ "- 0-+ .... c:l (~ - ~\\ "" ~ - ~ .., " ,', '< - > :""l ~, .., " .... ~:~ ' .., ~ c:l 0 0 ", ,~- "'-., 25 " ;", ~ In en , W 0 '8 .., ~ ,~ "~ .. ~ 0 I-" - " t::l ~ r:'J t ~~\ ~ ~ s' ~ ~ ,.. = ti:, , '- ~ .\. t::l \ .., ~ :4- Ij:O c:l 1J:l .., ':.~ ~." -;{') 7' ,\ ..:, ~j' '.:: '3 ~ .~"\ <..' -. -'- ..~ 1.1\ ,~ '("'. :1 ;", ~ ..;... c- ".-.:',',:.)- \~ ~ ....1 :::', :.-. ~, .' '" VI rv