Warranty Deed 4021-30,31 .' " BOOK4021 PAGE 30 v./() -/ o.r ~<8>~~~~~~~~K~~~1I WARRANTY DEED ' PAPOO'S FORM R, E, A.' PAPCO PUSLOSH'NG CORPORATION \WJ (FROM CORPORATION) MIAMI. FLORIDA m- ~ ~ ~ ~ I if~ I to it in hand paid hy the said parLJ:..- oC the second part, the receipt whereoC is hereby acknowledged, ~/ ha~ granted, hargained and sold to the saidparLJ:- oC the second part, its successors r~ lii5and assigns Corever. the Collowing d;~ed. land .situate, lying and being in the County oC ~~~ Dade snd State oC Flonda;to-Wlt: ~'fjJl The Southerly Twenty-Five Feet (25') of that portion of Tract Ten .~.~'." (10) NA of the Revised Plat of portions of OCEAN SIDE SECTION and ~ TROUVILLE SECTION of ISLE OF NORMANDY. according to the Plat there- ~~ of. recorded in Plat Book 34 at Page 63 of the Public Records of ~.~~' Dade County. Florida. formerly known and described as Lots Five ~ (5) and Six (6) in Block Ten (10) of OCEAN SIDE SECTION. ISLE OF ~ at Page 60 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. ~ ~ '. '~ ~ W~ ~,~ ~~ Made this /tZ ~ ,A. D. 19&. f!~~~~~~<R>~<8>~~~~ day 0(21.' ~, <>>41S 3Jubruturr. LUDWIG BROS. INC. BETWEEN J a corporation existing under the laws oC the State oC Flozoi d.. I having ib principal place of b..sitt~in the County oC Dade Florida and State oC and lawfully authorized to transact busin_ in the State oC Florida. party oC the Cint part, and THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. a Flozoida municipal corpozoation. 01 the County oC Dade Florida snd State oC pa~ of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said party oC the Cint PBrt. Cor and in eoDBideration oC the sum oC Ten ($10) - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - noll~ Subject to restrictions of record and zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach. Florida, pending municipal improvement liens. if any there be. and taxes for the year 1954. This conveyance is ~de upon the condition that the above des- cribed property shall be used for off-street parking of vehicles. In the event the Grantee. its successors or assigns. shall abandon the said property for the use aforesaid. the title to the property shall revert to and immediately revest in the Grantor. its suc- cessors or assigns. And the said party oC the lirst part does hereby Cully warrant the title to said land, and will deCcnd the same against the lawCul claims oC all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said party oC the C"llSt part has canoed th_ p..... sents to be signed in its name by its proper oCCicero, and its corporate ....1 to be aCCixed, atteeted by ib secretary. the day and year above written. ( Corporate Seal) ./ ATl'EST, By LUDWIG BROS. INC. etary ~ -- ..... .... - m ...... '" ., I v ' ~~)-'<...-IcL~~ 'h~ . l,' ,~/'--L4~/ fJud- ~, .:<~-/ ~ ~ :, ~~~- BOOK 4021 PAGE 31 ~<8>~<8.>~ ~ f tA, , "-. fL I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on thi. /.,2 - day of~ A. D. 19 ~54 before me personally appeared K..L1m /'''-''7-1:- ')kA1 I t.l.~~ an.! President and Secretary re.pectively of STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE LUDWIG BROS. INC. ] a corporation under the laws of . . the State of Florida , to me known to be the person. who .igned the foregoing instrument a8 such officers and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed a. such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto the offici.l !eal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporatio:n. WITNESS my .ignature and official seal a1- rn .L~/5'.p,.c..1..... in the County of Dade the day and year last aforesaid. and State of Florida . 9~~~U/~~:;'LI" Notarv Public . -' - . '.....:...._' My commiuion expiree: ~ ol3, I'lSt{ [T1 to r- . . t:i: .~ C"l - " 01- &'f & f!i Q n ~ 1u.~ ~ ~ > ':'.I fI) ~! ~:~ i~~~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ VJ....:T~ :;, {;'".a~\O s: j 0 ....... ~ ~ Q..~ I '"""'i !D ,,~.~; ~~ ~.~ t...:" ~~ ~ 6.. ~ ;' rR =~. rib ~ ~ g.[ I ~ :.~" 'd I . :; ~ ~[gJ f. ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ 'f- ~ .-to t1j"1 g ~... a. ~ .... ="0 g r ();... Q. ~'>j<> -<>- 1::';1 C"lL' ~... a. =ra.& g ~~~ ~~,,[ C1;: 0::"' - .~ ~ _~ 'Jl "t c.. ~. ;. (11 e. ~, cr' E:. ~::" c.. 0 (tI ':"':l~ ~s.. a.S"': Q ....(11 Q ~~;. ~ a c: 5 ~ c.. c.. ~. ;;. c: t:S .... Q ;.;:.... ;:;. ::=..g ':1;.;" ~~9 fill . I I I I I o i '-3 g] !. ~ i9 H >'9 tiI = ; :; ~ s:'4 i = ." .... ~.O:: ., ~ . ~ . . . n o . c . " i , Z o n o . . o . . . ;; z . > ! ~ I " . Q ~ I:tI Cfl -3 ~ > ~ -3 ::> .., o t'l Cfl ~ ~ - '1:l -3 - o 2! ~ ~s ~ ~ t=I ., ~ ..~ ..- i ~ ,q . \ ~... .. '.