Part Rel Mtge 1039-559,561 800K1039 PAGf559 w%~ PARTIAL RELEASE .2!: MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, LUDWIG BROS., INC., a Florida corporation, by Indenture of Mortgage dated the 28th of June, A. D. 1948, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for the County of Dade, State of Florida, bearing Clerk's file number x-60583, granted and conveyed unto NORTH SHORE BANK, a Florida banking corporation, and assigns, the premises therein particularly described, to secure the payment of the SUDl of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars (:1>25,000) with interest as therein mentioned. AND WHEREAS THE SAID LUDWIG BROS., INC., a Florida corporation, has requested the said NORTH SHORE BANK, a Florida banking corporation, to release the premises hereinafter des- cribed, being part of said mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said Mortgage: NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE, that the said NORTH SHORE BANK, a Florida banking corporation, as well in consideration of the premises as of the SuDl of Ten Dollars ($10) to it in hand paid by the said LUDWIG BROS., INC., a Florida corporation, at the time of the execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does remise, release, quit-claim, exonerate and discharge from the lien and operation of said mortgage unto the said LUDWIG BROS., INC., a Florida corporation, its successors and assigns, all that piece, parcel or tract of land, being a part of the premises conveyed by said mortgage, to-wit: The Southerly 25 feet of that portion ot Tract 10 NA of the Revised Plat of portions ot OCEAN SIDE SECTION and TROUVILLE SECTION of ISLE OF NORMANDY, according to the Plat thereot, recorded in Plat book 34 at Page 63 of the Public Records of Dade WEINSTEIN,WEINSTEIN & WEINSTEIN,ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 420 LINCOLN ROAD. MIAMI BEACH, FLORIOA (:(:0:< 1.039 PAGE560 Count~, Florida, tormerly known and described as Lots 5 and 6 in Block lOot OCEAN SIDE SECTION, ISLE OF NORMANDY, according to the Plat thereo1', recorded in Plat Book 25 at Page 60 01' the Public Records ot Dade County, Florida. '1'0 HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenances, . unto the said LUDWIG BROS. INC., a Florida cprporation, and as- " signs torever,'1'r~ed, exonerated and discharged 01' and trom the lien of 9aid mortgage, and every part thereot; provided, always nevertheless, that nothing therein contained shall in apywise tmpair, alter or diminish the effect, lien or incumbrance 01' the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part ot said mortgaged pre- mises, not hereby released theretrom, or any ot the rights and remedies 01' the holder thereof. IN WITNESS ~~OF, the sa~ Mortgagee by its dul:y aut~zed o1'ticers, has hereunto set / '?J day 01' rA~~ 1954. its hand and seal tb1s NORTH SHORE BANK ("~ - ~A ____~ c~ BY~'"' res ent) ~/.~ "- --~'''':;''''''''''''''\.\, _-- \~ v... t.' "_- % ~ .i1......... II/,. ' .. .... "'<;.10 ,/' .: (,./ i' {. '\\ ~ .~ <: -.. ~... .. ". :: '-<.1 L7 (:" ~ " <. .;0 I- .." t ~_ .. ,'" : a:: ~... : t.; ~ /' t\~~ Ci ._""'" ,# . \ -. ",' l4.c,,: ~v't.~,) .Cib_ ./ ,.10, .....", .:;' I". b.,..,....... ':,'_' ... '. '. ':, \ '.\\. ,-' -2- WEINSTEIN, WEINSTEIN & WEINSTEIN.ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 420 LINCOLN ROAD. MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA Boo,<lPi19' 0'or5'61 . u_ r"';,kf STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF DADE ) tbs.t on this /3J:ay of' '''-... . I HEREBY CERTIFY A. D. 1954, b ~ and (;/.0. / ~ and <0 - ~ "y of' NORTH SHORE personally appeared respectively President BANK, a Florida banking corpor- ation, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the f'oregoing conveyance to LUDWIG BROS., INC., a Florida corporation, and severally acknowledged the execution thereof' to be their f'ree act ~d deed as such of'ficers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that they affixed r , thereto the official seal of said corporation, and the said iI$L~S it - nrJ..., this~day of ,.1 ~ \, I't'f 0., t, , \,-lctA c" ".,.' ,....,..., 'c /'(t ~ ,,~"~' <. " ;':.. -.. :~ .. O.L J-i.. . : ; '\'>., " J..': : ~~ k. tt:-: \ e :v, ..~'" :~, ~"'~ ......'.' .~~ " <7 ", ,'.. v.. ,;,. ,t... 1': '.. ". ' ~.""- . " ',~!}RI\J~ ,. instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. my signature and of'fici81 seal at ~ \~1 of' Dade, State of Florida, 1954. II" . ~~ otary Pub ic -(State of' Florida at Large Notary Public, State 01 florido at 1.I~\6 My Commission expues December ~ y Bonded by American SUlely Co. GIll. . State of Aorida, County of Dade. This jnst~lJmoot "'* filed tor record the'_h__3~t ~I'~ 1954 atA:2_~....lf..J\i, aDd dUly recoroed In BooLLt..J~....on Page_~-:~: ~Fiie N~" D-D'~;62~~d r;- E. ':~~THEhMAN / , Cle~ 81a;C;~C . n.c.. WEI NSTEI N, WEI NSTEI N & WEI NSTEIN, ATTORN EYS AT LAW, 420 LJ NCOLN ROAO~ MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA " \ " ~ .....;. at' ~__. IooQ' . . " 0 j. 'b:1-,'~ oS ;J ~' 'Q "" C. i t-<o.. 0.. : t .c: f .....3 ,..;- :\\t1 :. ~ ~ .i~L 6',. ~ ~_~ ,:L .~~ ',,;' ",1\' C. "J,~ !'lw ~ 0 0- " ii' 'dr' .,'" 0. . tA' ; (i ~i , . r'J , () ,t:J 0 ri eo c::> 8' '4 ll. o I'TJ C':l - m .,.., ':1 :~~~~ >,1' .. 1:1' () CI) -,0 >of '" )i 5' g ;;J If "< 0 g 0'1 g "l;l ; t:J~ " i; ~ ?:. t']~ ~~ "" pi 0- ... Ii ! :i , ',':.; , , ~, . 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