Ireland, Delroy Anthony OUTSI,DE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full-time County and Municipal Employees FULL-TIME COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL 'EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY JULY Disclosure for 1ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1(K)(2) OF Tax Year Ending: THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CODE. \0 ZOO ';1 Name: Last Tefl First Middle Q lJ+ln Filing as a (check one): D Miami-Dade County Employee / (7 ~niciPal Employee of: (Y') () , XJ Position Title: 'I-~\ \IE~rTC/(' CountylMunicipal Department 'rA(lSTS County/Municipal Division: /fyour home address is exempt from public records pursuant Work Telephone: to Florida Statutes ~ 119.07, plea~ check here: 0 Mailina A,.Idress (Street Name and. Number) rrY7 ~ ~(, LJ e-Z PIIleE - ..... ..",. , City . State N\ \~t""\ fL Apt. # Zip Code 3S/tJ1 Please list the sources of outside employment, the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you received. If continued on a separate sheet please check here: 0 Name and Address of the Source of Outside Income Nature of the Work Perfonned Amount of Money or Compensation Received f? C~ 1-S 'Z/7 C(, 5 /-...' LJ 'V 2 ftvr Sln+t 40S . {V\ ; a Ml ~ lor I d} ~. I {;, L .--:-- lkJv r: ~ITD(' t,.J S (Ec-, :.\ I ~. ~Ts A/!!f!2 I -< () T"'Y1 .:::v ~ C/;' <=::) "1 -r, "-> ' ~ ~ C"') w w :) T}' - <: tf7 ~ i53 swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement. () C4 f"r] ""-ol Date Signed / ~ t -0'7 10126<<lll MIAMI{)ADEt OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full-time County and Municipal Employees 0~/lO~1 o Miami-Dad~ County Employee ~~nicipal Employee of: C H ~ FULL-TIME COUNlY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY JULY 1 ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1 (K)(2) OF THE MIAMI-DADE COUNlY CODE. Name: Last ~2fI!~ J Filing as a (check one): ~tio~ Title: ,':::j E(J,.-t 1'21 "-t CountylMunicipal partment: t;0 If your home address is exempt from public records pursuant to Florida Statutes 9119.07, please check here: 0 Mailing Address (Street Name and Number) 0EA \" 1'(; et'fI a!h€r City (Yl,A' 'lc,/ ") Disclosure for Tax Year Ending: --1 -< ~"12 r;-: Middle .....~ (f) 4u+L-l1/?"" $ -r, CountylMunicipal Division: {; r c_e ,...-., e_r0 +- Work Telephone: 305. {o')3 - 5-0 c: Apt. # (f/!~j' .~ State P"L Zip Code 951 'I I Please list the sources of outside employment, the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you received. If continued on a separate sheet, please check here: 0 Name and Address of the Source of Outside Income Nature of the Work Performed Amount of Money or Compensation Received JD'DDh€ I t:.rA u V if It- .ge.}l 600 I C) III/\J1 f\!) \~~Iv"l fu. 3J)~ f "EJ 0 €-T fJvf Ct~i21 t1r J hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement. 10126100 Date Signed S/V-O p..,,) = = -..t :x >- ~ ;0 m () :1] -0 ::Jt ~< W N =11 o