Quit-Claim Deed 3783-136,137 BDOi(3783' ~i:;135" . ~~~<II>~~~~~~~~~~iri I QUIT-CLAIM DEED PAPCO'S FORM 8 ..~ "U.Ll.HINCI COftflORATIOtrI MrAMI a2. PLORIDA .L ..; - day of 'Jt.~- and ~EANETTE SIEGEL. his ~ D. 19.53. wife. and In'l1is 3JUllrufurr, Made ohl. BETWEEN lITA'1'HAN STF.GEL r--... , ~ ~ ~., f.~ ~: 1m. bVi ...1il>'..., ~1 t\~J ~>"((lj ~i% ~,~' ,~, ~~~t ) ,~ .,-e-,\., r.-_~~ r~~ L~ Jr':" .1.. . rv:i r. I.~ ~~<t .'^~ U~a): ~{~.>.': llv1 ~ .. .-' "i~& rlb.1 It.51 ~~I: t~ ~,,! ;i:,$:;~ !':"l 111\i. t~ J~t ~\~ ~~ ,!'~ ~~ ~ t:~ I ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~7 f~t~~<II>::t~~~ (ff!"''f$,~.__~. ... _ ~ Seal) !1ELVIN FISHER and BLANCHE FISHER, his wife, ._of the County of , parLie1!..-of the firot part, and n..r'le , and State of Florida THF. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. a Florida munioipal oorporation. of the County of Dade of the and State of---Elorida , part Y second part. WITNESSETH, That the .aid part ies of the first part, for and in comideration of the IDDl of Ten ($10) nollan, in hand paid by the .aid part Y of the oecond part, the receipt whereof i. hereby acknowledged, ha ve remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these prel!en18 do remise, release and quit- claim unto the said part y of the second part ani! :I ts Sllccessors ~ and ....igm forever, all the right, title, interel!t, claim _.and demand which the part iea of the first part b. ve in and to the following deocribed 10L-, p~~ or pareeL of land, sitnate, lying and being in the County of Dade , State of Florida to-wit: The Southerly Twenty-Five Feet (25') of Lot Seven (7); the South- erly Twenty-Five Feet (25') of Lot Eight (8); The Southerly Twenty-Five Feet (25') of Lot Nine (9); The Southerly Twenty-Five Feet (25') of Lot Ten (10); The Southerly Twenty-Five Feet (25') of Lot Eleven (11), all being in Blook Ten (10) of OCEAN SIDE SECTION, ISLE OF NORMANDY, aooording to the Plat thereof, re- oorded in Plat Book 25, Page 60 of the Publio Reoords of Dade County, Florida. This Deed is made for the express purpoae of oonveying to the Grantee herein whatever interest the parties of the first part have to the above desoribed property by virtue of a Ninety-Nine (99) year lease dated Ootober 14. 1952, and filed for reoord on Ootober 28, 1952, in Deed Book 3667 at Page 21 of the Publio Re- oords of Dade County, Florida, and by virtue of that oertain option of purohase dated Ootober 14, 1952, and filed for reoord on November 12,1952, in Deed Book 3613 at.fage 525 of the Publio Reoords of Dade County, Florida. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same tollether with aD and oinpar the appurtenanceo the..... unto belonging or in anywiae appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim what. BOever of the .aid part iea of the first part either in law or equity. to the only proper uoe, benefit d b h f f th d auooea.sors . an e 00 0 e oai part Y of the second part, it... __ and ....gm forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part-i.e.a of the f'uat part haJl:.l.L hereunto let their han<W... and sea~ the day and year first above written~~~ ~ ~SEAL) Sigt!e ea d and delivered in presence of us: g .~ (Seal) :/ L~~Ml^.vC 'f I iI 11 ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~.'-'.: ,il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ I ~ ~ I I I ~ .,31 STATE OF COUNTY Ol" ]<'U)R TDA DADE } I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day pel'8onally appeared hefore me, an officer duly authoriae..! to admini.ter oath. and take acknowledgment.. NATHAN SIEGEL and JEANETTE SIElJEL. his wife. and MELVIN FISHER and BLANCHE FISHER. his wife, to me well known to he the pel'8on.S... deocrihed in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowl- edged hefore me that the:y executed the ume (reely and voluntarily for the purpOlle therein ex- pre...,d. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the .ai.1 JEANETTE SIEGEL and BLA~~~~~H~ to he the~ B.t sai.1NATHAN SIElJEL and HELVIN FISHER, on a separate and private examination taken and maQ._tl hy _~4 J)~[ore me, separately and apart from lEI: said hU8han~ did acknowledge that tbe:yrnade ~~to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all Juaxright, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that iheyexecuted the said deed freely and vol- untarily and without any compulsion, constraint, appr~hen8io~ or fear fl or from ~ said husbandS. WITNESS my hand and official ..,al at J..A.lJ.." ,,'... , ..).Le...~ !b;. ,,17ft Coulliy of Dade day of )U a: My commi.sion 'pirea: and State o( , A. D. 19a. ~'- Notey.v rublic. St6t~ M r-Iortd,j ~t 10rae My commission expires Al1gu~t 1, 19:5~. SOnded by Ame(;c:!1I1 Surery Co. of N-. , '-"'.'C"'"":~--. ----_. !'I OC"l II IT; ..~> ('l ~'.. 0 t-3 ";j u.>2I "'0 ". 0 .. m .. Q e51 " e f$!=';;~ &' p- H H:t> ~ c:::.- . e. :t ..." ..., <1l u.> ~t-3 >> . Q.o '<$<! Q 0 ~!" ~ ~ "" lil trJ~ n r~ """ c 0 (Jl'" ;:j = l"1 =:: Q.~ fe.., ~ I-" ::0 t"'2I . E;~ "... c ~".. g.:z ~ J: 11: l~ ~ cT ~ . J'~ . " ~ u.> i .-j t'l "'l ...... . 5' ~Ul H ~2" r" p-H I i ): Q.[/) 0 0 P, I-"trJ a ~ . (il S e..~ .~ .~r . ~ 11> toe;:> >> n tU El~ ~ 0 :;J Q. ~P:1 e ~_ =- :s: t"' 0 . -- ae . "'l ~ q . .. 0- " t'l I-" 5; I-" 0 ::.. lit ",=" ~ 0' .. ~ . '- . .. Q.::ol ~ ~ ~ ~~. e. ! 11>10 . >> :Po 1Tt'l 0 CD::! " .. ~. 0 0 ~ e. ,,~ lil p, a . ~ Q. ~.... -...- < ~ . ~ I:' 5= f"T OJ :~ .. . _ = oil! III <1l ";j -....1 ! ii. ;".. ~r~ 10 H S "~ . ..... Q u.> 21 ~ .. -... .. ~ Ii. ----- P" lil ~~ ...." IT" ~ . . - 1- ~ .. r - " ".. ~ S'" ::0 !;;Jt-3 ~ I C"l " ;-~ ;. ... .. i 0.;; r HtrJ t:Y , !=' DO ~. _Q.;o .. U 21 ~ a ;""J e. .-!Tar -.., il :!- t J . .0 .'" ~"'. ~ ~ r:c' 0 ~':~ .. ~. -: '" ~ ';;-41 - [,-...1 :') r- :-"1,,..., ") ...J' ~ ,;..~. ""\ ~, r::-. . ,."~ f',;, ~ ~~~4DaJ:~