Warranty Deed 3783-138,139WD105 ~ defend the same against the lawful claims of all persoDa who_Ill'. . __._ _ u, _;1_ ' ~~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tha said p~ of the ilr8t part \-"",.. !!_~-- -. :!:!:!:::- '-" ~ . :::-:. --::-:::::::.:::::- I ~d'7h.~ it;~ ~..- (?~ ~~ o a . ar s g~~~~~~~:::::m:=~~~I~, . tvJ /" WARRANTY DEED (STATUTORY) FORM 0 PAN AMERICAN PRINTING CORP'ORAnQlt MIAMI" FLORIDA m4ts 3Juileuture. Made tb10 do 7 day of April ,A.D.leJU... BETWEEN M. B. MARKS and GOLDA N. }iARKS, his wife. of the County of Dade , in the State of Florida, parties of the first part, and THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, of the County of Dade , in the Stale of Florida, partZ.- of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the said p~ of the first part, for and in COI18ideration of the sum of Ten ($10) Doll..... to them ;n hand paid by the part Y . of the second part, the receipt whereof ia hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said part Y of the second part, successors its 'tI1lW. and a88igns, forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of riade ad State of Florida. to-wit: The Southerly Twenty-Five Feet (25') of Lot Seven (7); The South- erly Twenty-Five Feet (25') of Lot Ei~ht (8); The Southerly Twent~-Five Feet (25') of Lot Nine (9); The Southerly Twent~-Five Feet l25') of Lot Ten (10); The Southerly Twenty-Five Feet l25') of Lot Eleven (11), all being in Block Ten (10) of OCEAN SIDE ' SECTION, ISLE OF NORMANDY, according to the Plat thereof, re- corded in Plat Book 25. Page 60 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Subject to restrictions of record and zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, pending municipal improvement liens, if any there be, and taxes for the year 1953. This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property shall be used for off-street parking of vehicles. In the event the Grantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the said property for the use aforesaid, the title to the property shall revert to and immediately revest in the Grantors, their heirs, successors or assigns. And the said parLi.e.sof the fint part do hereby fnlly warrant the title to oaid ImcI. .... wiD (SEAL) (SEAL) ,j f,.t; STATE OF COUNTY OF FLORIDA DADE f I HEREBY CERTIFY that on .this day per80nally appeared hefore me, an officer duly authorized to admini.ter oath. and .takeacknowl<idgemeri"" M. R. MARK~ Ann SnrnA N MARK~, his wife, [, '.. :) - '10 me well known to he' the per80nc1!d",,~riliedln' and who executed'the foregoing deed, and acknowl. edgedhefore metha' +.n",;?, 'executed the .ame freely" and voluntarily' fot,.)!he" puttlo.j' thereiP."'~ pr/l8lled, AND I FURTHER CERTIFY. That the .aiil r+nT.nA lJ I MA Rl{~ J known to me 10 he ti,e wife or the .aiil M. R. MA RKS . on a separate and private examination taken and maue by and before me. !l:eparately and apart from her said husband, did acknowledge that she made herself a party to ssill deed for the purpo8c of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all faer righ~ title and intere8t~ whether dower, homestead or of 8cparate property, !Itatutory or equitable, in and to the lands dCMCrihed therein, and that slle executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and witllOut any compurnon, constraint., apprehension or fear of or from her eaid husband. WITNESS my hand and official seal o' /71.1} tJ11 J;~ COlmty of 'Dade "'1 ",...i nA , th.. ~ 7 ~~b lot, eSA'll'!'li9!!ien 8HJ!ire:'l Bu. 28, 1956. Bonded by Amer con Surety Co. of N. Y. ond State of . April . A. D. 19-53- day of ,-'''''''''''" , ...... __mi8llion expires: \. ,":l.lfl -.'--'--V.. r1,!oy" , -/' . .' ". -.- . .;, ....- ~C>'ll' StOle ,,' Floild. .1 .'0'00 NGT01'V I"'UD..., - ') _ ::>'8 1956. 1.\, 'YliY'.is<;I':;r'l C,<pl~(O~ Ice. 'f l\l 'V . f,ond'?d by I\,~.,:'r'c;en ;)\,l,dtl' ~_a. · Notary Public, Sta~ of Florida .., " -' ::-;~ .; .,,~ ~ - i-, _~~ r::-::, ""! ...t...' rn .-:? ~. <> P '"""11 ,- >> w :>J I:::' ::.':1 .': w ~ ~~~~l .