Part Rel Mtge 945-479-481 . BOOK 945 PAG' /~ 79 PARTIAL RELEASE 2!: K:lRTCII\GE KNOW ALL Mm BY THESE PRESENTSr WHEREAS, NATHAN SIEGEL and JEANETTE SIEGEL, his wife, MELVIN FISHER and BIANCHE FISHER, his wife, and M. B. MARKS and GOLIli\ N. MARKS, his wife, by Indenture 01' Mortgage dated the 30th day 01' October, A. D. 1952, and recorded in the o1'fice 01' tbl Clerk: 01' the Circu1 t Court in and for the County 01' Dade, state 01' Florida, bearing Clerk's file nUllber 00-127136, granted and conveyed unto DADE FEDEIlA.L SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION .oF MIAl{[ and assigns, the premises therein particular~ described, to secure the payment 01' the SUII 01' Thirty-'.rIro Thousand Dollars ($32,000) with interest as therein mentioned. AND WHEREAS THE SAID NATHAN SIEGEL and JEANETm SIEGEL, his wife, MELVIN FISHER and BIANCHE FISHER, his Wife, and M. B. MARKS and GOLIli\ N. MARJ<.S, his ufe, have requested the said DADE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF MIAMI to release the premises hereina1'ter described, being part 01' said mortgaged pl'emises, .from the lien and operation 01' said Mortgage: NOW', THEREFORE, KNOW IE, that the said DADE !EDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF MIAMI, as well in consideration 01' the premises as cI. the SUII 01' Ten Dollars ($10) to it in hand paid by the said NATHAN SIEGEL and JEANETTE SIEGEL, his 1Il.1'e, MELVIN FISHER and BIANCHE FISHEll, his wife, and M. B. MARKS and GOLDA N. MARKS, his wife, at the tiE ot the execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does reDiae, release, quit.-cl.a.illl., emnerate and discharge from the lien and operation 01' said mortgage unto the said NATHAN SIEGEL and JEANETTE SIEGEL, his wl..fe, MELVIN FISHER and BIANCHE FISHER, his wife, and M. B. MARKS and OOIDA N. MARKS, his wi.1'e, their heirs and assigns, all that piece, parcel or tract of land, being a part 01' the premises conveyed by said mortgage, to-wit: BOOK 9~5 PAG~ 480 The Souther~ 25 feet of Lots 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, in Block 10 of OCEAN SIDE SECTION, ISLE OF NORMANDY, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 60 of the Public Records of Dade Count)", Flor1da. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .lIlIIe, 1d.th the appurtenances, unto the said NATHAN SIEGEL and JEANETTE SIEGEL, his wife, MELVIN FISHER and BIANCHE FISHER, his wif'e, and M. B. MARKS and GOLJlt\ N. MARKS, his wife, and. assigns forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and :from the lien of said IIIOl'tgage, ani every part thereof; provided, al1fll7S nevertheless, that nothing therein llO!rt.ained shall in an;ywise impair, alter or diminish the effect, lien or inc1llllbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged pr8lllises, not hereby" released therefrCllll, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the said Mortgagee by" its duly authorized officers, has hereunto set its hand and. seal this lOth da)" of June, 1953. Ow,..~~~ ~j;#g. (/a~ .. ~ ~ ::;~ , J.".., ... .. . .....~:F ,~/ ~:\ ~W Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: BOOK '945 PAGt 481 STATE OF FLORIDl ) )ss COUNTY OF DADE ) I HEREBY CERTIFI that on this 10th da;y of June. A. D. 19,3. before me personaJ.ly appeared JOSEPH M. LIP'lON and!L L. CLEMENTS. respective~ President and Secretary of DADE PlmERAL SA VIl<<1S AND Ia.N ASSOCIATION OF MIAMI. a corporation under the laws of the United states of America. to me known to be the persons described in and who eJIBcuted the :foregoing conveyance to NATHAN SIEXlEL and JEANETTE SIEGEL. bis wife. MELVIN FISHER and BLANCHE FISHER. bis wife. and M. B. MARKS and GOLDA N. MARKS. his wife. and severally acknowledged the eJlBcution thereot to be their tree act and deed as such officers. :for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. and t~t they a:ffiJlBd thereto the of1'icial seal of said corporation. and the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS rq signature and official seal at Milllli. in the County of Dade. State of Florida. this 10th day ot June. 1953. " o\'C LaD ~)""'~ \;~,~"'Hi'~&Jion e:lpires Febru.a.ry 23. 1957 _ (~.0"; ...; , ...{~,: ;.';?~. PU,.,\..\c, i~, .~ -'7"", W ......., ~. 'r".",......" ."'....,:' .,::. (: .,-, ...",;- " ~r... "~~....~..." '\j'''' ,..,.'"Loon \ ,', UP' State of Florida, County of Dade. ' , This instrument was liied tor record the...~l....day ~ 1953 aLJ.:_~if!..M, and d~ ';' ,8ti n.-,-d~_:::L:j--;;' BotLL~::...on Page.... 7.f' ,,;:la, CCL..?:">- . .E. B. LEATHERM.4.N Clerk Circuit Court By~~~~~~ ...