Warranty Deed 3812-317,318 ~,i . ,,,,"'i'r'", riA 7 " j)(" 0.',,;', \; BOOK.u,'",," i.._, ,',n; ~A~eo's ,"ORM 0 ~ WI:) 105' WARRANT" DEED (aTATUTQ"y) PAPCO ~UBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 38. FLORIDA ~ , lIarranty mttb iJlyts lub,ntur,. Made thi. 17th d4y of August , A,D. 1953 BETWEEN ROSE GLAZER and WILLIAM GLAZER, her husband, of the County of Dade , in the State of FlorKl4, parties of the fir., part, and THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACE. a Florida municipal corporation, of the County of Dade , in the SUIte of FlorKl4, party of the .econd part. / WITNESSETH, That the ...id part ie s of the fir., part, for and in cOMideration of the .um of Ten (10) to them DollM., i.. han.d paid by JI... part Y of the .econd part. the receipt whereof is hereby ackr&oWledged, have grlllUed, ""'gained /JIId sold to the l4id part y of the .ecorul part, i ts succe~~....&"I. forever, the follow..g tkacribed land, .itU4te, lyinB and being in the County of Dade and State of FlorKl4, to-wit: The Southerly Twenty-Five peet (25') of Lot Thirty-One (31) in Block Ten (lO) of OCEAN SIDE SECTION, ISLE OF NORMANDY, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 60 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Subject to restrictions of record and zoning ordinances of the City of MIami Beach, Florida, pending municipal improve- ment liens, it any there be, and taxes for the year 1953. This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property shall be used for off-street parking of vehicles. In the event the Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall abandon the said property for the use aforesaid, the title to the property shall revert to and immediately revest in the Grantors, their heirs, successors or assigns. . '........~.. And the l4id part ies of the first part do hereby fully waTT/Jllt title to ...id huul. and will defend the ItJme al"Uut the lawful claim. of all perlOR. whom.oever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the l4id parties of the first part have hereunto .~t the i r I han.ds and seaIl the d4y and year above writte... ... .~.............~"ml / .~....m". ;, ,n'n.. '. nn m n.q".~:2Ja:~.m.nnn.nn ~ ~~. (Seal) (Seal) ["\ \j'~ ~J c'~r: ~i"; 8 BOOil,)(J ,U~ ,,10" 'J ~ -:-~ ,'~ \, ,-",'.", -, I &taU nf Jrluriba, Grl1untv l1f DADE 1l llrrrbg Q!rrtifg that on this d4y personally appeared before me, an of/wer duly authorued to admini.ster oaths and take acknowledgments, ROSE GLAZER and '.:U.LL'\.U OL-LZER to me well known to be the person S delCribed in and w/w executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged she before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpose therein expressed. ~nb 1l .Jlurt~rr Q!rrtifV. That the said ROSE GLAZER . known to me to be the wife of the said WILLIAM GLAZER ,on a separate and private examinatwn taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknow- ledge tMt she made herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable. in and to the lands described therein, and tMt she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and with. out any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. JlIfUlU'1I11 my hand and of/wial seal at Miami Beach /0 7'lt Dade and State of Flor ida County of , this d4yof ~ ,A.D.J953: . ~. ;~;.J,.<1'~:jiY:;l' , ,. . ., ~/.l~f{~~ >..,~... < . . .' - - ~:'::L Ft:"J /. c\ l'! C ,_.,- - ~ Notary Public. State.~:FtoriJa:-~ ~'''::, .>" '':. '~,. "-'? ~ .... . ',' r ......}.1. - ~~;~i~~~~T~~,~'~< My comnJission expirea: ~~":t -Publi~. 5t:te.j,f. Florida _ at .... i" Gqn')mls.slQrf e~J)jres Inn - ')7 1917 -~ oy ^mencah Surety Co. of"" Y.. .-, , ,1tI $la t-3 ::r::o - ~ -i (1) 0 "j '" cpo, 0 g~ ~ t cT r.o~~ ~ a'1ll:' '"' ~ ~ to, ,- 0 <5' 11 ...., Po 't' .e >3 ,. .-~ ." .... ~ .., ~~ -:J ~ C ... III .'~ I:>' ~. ~;: .... on I; - 01 lJJ_ 1-"_ CN (1) f-' III .... 0 ~ p- O ..,-, " ,t 'J I ~ ~ I ii ~ (J ~ :#: n 0 '"'" to+. ~ (1 ~ I-" ~ 0 ~ I-" ~ 0 '.....~ - "- UfI " t... "'" ~ ~ t:Y t\ \ g.. ''< 1'Il~ l!J ! ::! 5; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;; s' '< I:l:l :>- 8 l~ l~ i~ tf~~ "" "" ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..,. " ::. ~ ~~Q ~ :;. ;:: Q A 5. a.. :: ; a. ~ g S. "C' ~ So ~ " ~ ~. l ,~ l!: "- 1;' " ~ a. ~ ~ ~ ~ E: ,~ ~Jl J: l:l MI Mll!t4 - l:l Cs; l;!'l .F.J !'I ~ ,.. ~ i! s' ITI -- l ~ '0'-)> - ~ 2 ~ l ~ {: , ~ :>- 1;' "'I:l Lv~ ~ !>- ~ .... ,., Q f-' III to (1) "j .. ,Jf) ) ss.'- ) I hereby certify that on this day personally appeared before me, officer dUlY authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, WILLIAM .~~z~a:,.. to me well known to be the person d escri bed in ana wh exeti\tteq:'the fpr,egoing deed, and aCknowledged before me that he execu t!1~ ,::;'anie freel:y-:al:)d voluntarily for the purpose therein expressea. "."i,.'.. ; ;;':.m.'..,.l'tf~..ll1y,;:p.aD9., ,and official seal at Jersey City, New Jersey, 'Chi ~day(jr ~1\.~gU~t, 1953. ,,-: ~ .?:rj' . :' .:_.'c-...' : - V J a/C.J~ :. ~\ ,: k;: ^ E.Ae: ...~ ...... , \(~. )U f:.: ').1 "'./ , :>-::-.. ~~;~:.:.............~~ ......~.\,\,: ""', "Ii' ," \\ ,".' "-'''/ l. ",III!' //,1'////1/111'" .> STA E OF NEW.r~!iSEy COUNTY ,I OF ffVbS"Q ea , My commission expires / ,