Part Rel Mtge 1012-506-508 BQ(jKl012 P4G:5G6 PARTIAL ll.EI&SE OF MatTOA.QE DOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS= WHEREAS, IiESTER STEPNER and SARA JANE STEPNER, bis wife, by Indenture ot Mortgage dated the 27th day af August, A. D. 194;, and recorded in the affice of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. in and tor the Countyaf Dade, state ot Florida, in Mortgage Book 1;8;, Page 404, grant;ed and conveyed unto DADE FEDERAL SAVIHlS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF KIAHI, and assigns, the premises therein particular~ described, to secure the pqlIIeut:. of the SUIIl of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) with interest as therein mentiouec4 AND WHEREAS BERNARD S'l'ElUf, a single man, is the present owner ot the property described in the aforementioned mortgage, AND WHEREAS THE SAID BERNARD STERN, a single man, has requested the said DADE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND WAN ASSOCIATION OF KIAHI to release the premises hereinafter described, being part of said JIIOrt.gaged pr8llli8es, from the lien ani operation ot said Mortgage: HOW, THEBEFCItE, KNOW IE, that the said DADE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF MIAMI, as well in consideration ot the premises as of the 8UI1I of Ten Dollars ($10) to it in hand paid by the said BERNARD STERH, at the t:iJlle ot the execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does remise, release, quit-clailll, exonerate and discharge from the lien and ope~tion af said JIIOrtgage unto the said BERNARD STERN, bis heirs and assigns, all that piece, parcel or tract ot land, being a part. ot the premises conveyed by said mortgage, to-1dt: The Souther~ 2; teet of Lot 36 and the Souther~ 2; feet ot Lot 37 in Block 10 af OCEA.N SIDE SECTION, ISIE OF NORMANDY, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 60 af the Public Records or Dade CoUDt.y, Florida. BOOK 1J12 PAGE507 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenances, unto the said BERNARD STERN, and assigns forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and !'rom the lien of said mortgage, and every part thereof; provided, always nevertheless, that nothing therein cont.ained shall in anywise impair, alter or diminish the effect, lien or incumbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part of said IIIOl"tgaged prelllises, not. hereby released therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder tbereof. IN WlmSS WHEREOF, the said Mortgagee by its duly' authori:aed officers, has hereunto set its hand and seal this Znd da;y of JuDe, 1953. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence ofl "~-"~I;,,,,, , AT , 0 ~ '" DADE FEDERAL SAVINGS.,A!ti:rax'. 1)./-', A TION OF M:Wtt., ..... / ' .. ....,., .... ~~ w.~ <. \) ...... '"r ~:- ! r,~;' \:;~ ";.; ::: .~ -- .... , . Ckw.~ !J~ 'yP;. '/A .. 11.. r Bt ;/ , . rttestt >, d(JL~~ - ere ~' <:" ".;- };'c- ." -:: <t' ~ ~":"~ -800K1Dt~ p~GE508 STAT! OF FLatlDA. ) ) SS COUNTY OF DADE ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 2nd day of Jlme, A. D. 1953, before 1118 perso~ appeared JllSEPH H. LIPTON and H. L. CLEHEHTS, respectiveq President and Secretary of DADE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOA)f ASSOOIATION OF MIAMI, a co:rporation under the laws of the United states of America, to me known to be the persons described in and who ell8cuted the foregoing conveyance to BERNARD STERN and severally ackDo1dedged the ell8cution thereof to be their free act and deed as such otf'icers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and that they affixed thereto the of:1'icial seal of said corporation, and the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS m;y siguature and official seal at Miami in the County 01' Dade, State of Florida, this 2nd day of Jlme, 1953. ..".:.1' ;",; _'I ~j" t. ,~,..1 0/, ':" ';'" \ ~. ,.' .. '~t .J,~ ',~ "" ..~..,,~ ~'~.. ", '.... .... ,. ~. "". ~. :,,01" ;, , :', '; : \-. ~ \~~ :: .,... ~ '~. :~-: -~ ....~ j" :, ..... ~.~....., . ""':'.:'9. .....~ " {' -. ~. "'" Y. '....... ,,"I- , . ' ,i \ v oary c- Florida at Large Notary Public, State ?I Florida at Large. 101J Co~~;..;op ~p~~ Fe!!, ~ 19:>1. Jtal,e '" -,.mda, COllrly 0' ')c-'? '1 'j.I' "s'!"-n"]' ,",." "'."j'U. l.. ..:L '3',," ~- I oJ ',Ii l U,.l'-'ll "-':fJ .. 1_' I\~""V '1(~...,....Jd'" --'--'--r 1954 at4:__t!..1r.._M, ond duly rect;;.ded 1"_ J>'i[' V BOOk..,U:._!._.~_on page__~~__m_File No, ij ,.Il '" .7 E. B. LEATdER1V!.' ~ Clerk CircH Coc'\ B.v t? (1 ~ !S7fie. ~) }s ~ -, ...." ng ~!= I" ~.~' II! f)'"" r I ,; ,;,'. . . , , .~ ,,~,~ V'. or"", ~?~ \, ',.,\ ~c ~,V t\' \, ~ '\ \ ~ \ ~,,,. , . " , 'l.~ ~ ,c ~, r'l b~ ..., ~r .-, ~ ~ 2', ....... .- (1 ..- 6~ (") :J.~ ~;o;;: ~ ::- c: ;.-, G') 'C7 ~',"'t . . .,., 1'1;) ..." ::;r; 1:0. o I'" ,..~ g C.o 00 c,;, oJ ~ -:... ,l"j i"y o~' ...oJ \':";) ,