53-8267 RESO RESOLUTION N0. 8267 WHEREAS, A. CLYDE CONNELLYand M. GERTRUDE CONNELLY, his wife, are willing to sell to the City for the sum of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars (~350) in cash, that certain parcel of land situate in Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, described as fol- lows, to-wit: Northerly ~Twenty-Five Feet (25') of Lot Fifty- Two (52) of Block Ten (10) of OCEAN SIDE SECTION, ISLE OF NORD~NDY, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat 'ook 25, page 60 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. AND, 'WHEREAS, the City Attorney has caused to be pre- pared an agreement between the City and the said Owners, in which the terms of said proposed sale are set forth and with which the members of the City Council are familiar, and, WHEREAS, the City Council deehis it to be to the best interest of the City to purchase said land for off-street parking of automobiles upon the terms and conditions set forth in said agreement. NOW, THEP~FORE, BE IT RESOLVEDby the City Council of the City of Mia~i Beach, Florida, that the Mayor and City Clerk be and the are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement ~n the na~e of and on behalf of said City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the disbursing officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to make such disbursements as are called for by said agreement out of funds of the City available for such purpose. PASSED and ADOPTED this 18~h day of February, A. D. 1953. Acting Mayor Attest: WEINBTEIN,WEINSTEtN & WEINSTEIN, ATTORNEY:S AT LAW, 420 LINCOLN ROAD, HIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA