Warranty Deed 3768-186,187 8001(3768 PAG: 1'86 WARRANTY DEED t.TATUTO"Y) ~AP'CO'S ,",ORM 0 PAPCO poUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 30. FLORIDA lIarranty mttb mlyis JubfUturf. Made thi. 8th day of May . A.D. 195 3 BETWEEN A. CLYDE CONNELLY and M. GERTRUDE CONNELLY, his wife, of the County of Dade , in the State of Floruu.. part i es of the firot part. tUUl THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, of the County of Dade . in the State of Floruu., part y of the .econd part. WITNESSETH, Th4t the ...Ul part ie8 of the firot part. for tUUl in cOrUUleration of the IUm of Ten ($10) - " Dollar.. to t hem in 1umd paUl by t""';-,-.t y of the .econd part, the receipt whereof ia hereby acknowledsed, have v....ed, bcr~ _d aold to the ...Ul partY of the .econd part, ." A.., successors >,' its Iilirx tUUl auip. forever. Me follawns deacrihed lmul. .itwue, 1yinS tUUl heins in the County of Dade tUUl StlJ/.e of Florida, to-wit: The Northerly Twenty-Fiv~ Feet (25') of Lot Fifty-Two (52) in Block Ten (10) of OCEAN SIDE SECTION, ISLE OF. NORMANDY, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 60 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Subject to restrictions' of record and zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, pending municipal improvement liens, if any there be, and taxes for the year 1953. This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property shall be used for off-street parking of vehicles. In the event the Grantee, its successors or as- signs shall abandon the said property for the use aforesaid, the title to the property shall revert to and immediately revest in the Grantors, their heirs, successors or assign~ 193 L And the ...Ul part i e s of the fir.t part do hereby fully WfJ"/IIlt title to ...Ulland, tUUl will defe,uJ the ...me apinlt ihe lGwful clGi"j, of all peraon. who....oever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the ...Ul part ies of the fir" part have hereunto .et their Si tUUl de~ pre.ence of w: ~.m~....~"~: -, 'f. 0 - '5 S-- .-iCe'. J j~~\ I s the day tUUl year ..hove written. ... ........ (Seal) 4 ('(i ~ &tat, nf JrlnrUla, CIllluntv IIf DADE OOD1(3768 P~GE 1,87 \ 1 .J ll,t,bg C!1,rttfg that on this day personally appeared before me, an oUker duly authorized to admini4ter oaths and take acknowledgments, A. CLYDE CONNELLY and M. GERTRUDE CONNELLY, his wife, to me well known to be the person S described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and ocknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpose therein expressed, "nb J )1urtl1rr C!1,rttfty, That the said M. GERTRUDE CONNELLY . known to me to be the, /fIi!e of the said A. CLYDE CONNELLY , on a separate and private ,exiJl'#.nlJlf~ :t4/f'en and lTUlde by and betore me, separately and apart fro",: her s~id h!,,~and, did ock~ "-,, leclg~.t/ioj;,'ihe rnlJ!le herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renounc,ng, relmqu..hrng and conveymg ::- ~l,'heT riglit;.,iitle":9fUl interest, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, " ih a~ ell the, lGndi,#escribed therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and with, ;'o"thriy compu~ionE constraint, apprehemion or fear of or from her said husband. (.'1:" . \ \~ : ~~' E .:", .<<Urss/ ~,i.and and oUkial seal at . "', .,' ./'.....,.:. Co~'Y)~("'" Dade and St4te of Florida ,this r "L day~f /u--~ My commusion 'expires: N.t.ry Public, StOle 01 FJord"",;r :,'."JP. My ~mmi:;,~ion ,!)<,'ne:; '. ~ 1 (;:55 BOl'ld.d b\I f.Ul':( ..... =-~Q k Y. "" ~ AS. . ~ ;j 1;1 '" ~~ ~ fJ ~. "~ e: :.,,0 . ::0 ~ C> ~ ~ ..c:.Av ~ ~~ ~::c _ r~ <:> !II t "" ~ "" ~ S' ~ t:l:l ~ ~ i lI.!. s' ~s. ~ '" ~ .~ "" .. - ~ 1;' ... " '" "'()~ "e- Q . -- ! a: ~ S ~ ;>- ~ ~ ~ ,:..... .t~.. " -- . '~ .- So ~ '" ~ \.'*") '" ~, r ~ ~ 1;' So ~ '" ~ 0- ::l ~ S. ~ .. s'i ... d' ~ ... !. l a g ~ ~ ~ ;>- ~ t:. .-:. ,A,D.1953. ~,I s:: li" 'e e M\ M\!!tf - e S- pa , - OIJ t)' pt I'" ~t; -t~ J:1.9 fI'I I ~ ~"~ WiQ;'l~ , '" Notary Public, State of Floruu., , ,..;! l:>' CD CO fJo c+ '<I o ..., :B:: fJo ~ fJo tJj (I) III C> l:>' . l;:lfllo (I) . ":I c+ 0-- ":I..... S::'<I J:loJ:lo (D(I) 00 00 ;:sS g (I)(D .......... .......... '<1'<1 .. III gg, (IJ ~~ fJo :: .. ." :>:l C e: .- ~ ~ ~ ~ ::: +-+. = ta:J f'l) f'l) t:Y -, ~! I , ~\>> "'~ ( p ~ ~ 92 "- - ..... ~ ~ - <-~ b -,- ., j"i ~.. !--~ '.~) -< ~..: ... :.".J <> "\) "1 :-' fq '" ?~ ..JJ 0 ". ...71 0- ,"1, ?: =', '" ;~ t - ,., p 3: p () -''\ . \0 0 ~ '::t' -,:", "" - \0 ~ ~ n o ,; ~ o '" ~ o VI /....~ ',,-