Warranty Deed 3768-188,189 , " ~p'\~7fi&;:;:i!88 (. , , P'AP'CO'S P'ORM 0 PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 38. FLORIDA WA~"ANTY DEaD teTA,TUTOlty) lIarranty mttb mlyts Jubttdurr. Made II." 8th day of May . A.D. 195 3 . BETWEEN MABEL H. HECKER, a widow, of Ihe County of Dade . in the State of Flo..uu., porty" of the firll port. """ THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, of Ihe COllAty of Dade . in the Slcte of FloridG, part y of lhe .econd part. WITNESSETH. That the...id portY" Ten ($10) of the firll port, for """ in coniideration of the ",m of Dol,.".., 10 her .. in Iuuul paUl by the part Y of the ,ee""" part. the r"".eipt whereof u hereby ~' GC"r&DWlalg~ has Vanl.ed, b.rgained and laid 10 the ...id I-t Y" of the ,ecoru{ part. SUcc$s.2ors. . ,.." . its .. _ <U&d ....p'. forever. ,he followng """,ribed land, ,itUllte. ly.ng """ being in the COIlAIy of Dade """ State of FloridG, ,o-wit: ':~ The Northerly Twenty-Five Feet (25') of Lot Fifty-One (51) in Bl'ock Ten (10) of OCEAN SIDE SECTION, ISLE OF NORMANDY, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 60 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Subject to restrictions of record and zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, pending municipal improve- ment liens, if any there be, and taxes for the year 1953. Th!s conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property shall be used for oft-street parking of vehicles. In the event the Grantee, its successors or as- signs, shall abandon the said property for the use aforesaid, the title to the property shall revert to and immediately revest in the Grantor, her heirs, success om or assigns. " - -i.:<J-Mr"'Ti~v; fD~~,.-.~ ";'f~. '. 'I ',' 'r,c-;:f~- -~ - \' I ." " '''I 'I. F': H;' '~,.*. I I.;~~. ~,~, =0'--' "T5~. ~i!bJEL--- Arul the...id part y of the fi'" part do es hereby fully wotrant litle to ...id land, fJIId will defelul the ...me aga;,.,t the Iowful eloi.... of "" perla'" who....oever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the ...id port y of the fir" part ha S hereunto 'et her Iuuul fJIId _I the d4y fJIId year abo..e written. ~~~:~~':) .~.~....~~) Mabel H. Hecker h, h' ....h.hh'h' h'h.h...h'hh..hh,h,hhhh,hh" "hon. (Seal) v' -~- ..J' ,;' , l'/.t' ,J ~"'wn.r, \ , , . ~'.' ~-~ .tat, of Jrbniba. CIlIlIU1t1t IIf DADE 8001<3768 ?,~Gt189 I , .' JJ lkrl'bg Clll'rtifg that on this day personally appeared before me, an offi<:er duly authorized to administer oath, and take acknowledgments, MABEL Ho HECKER, a widow, to me well known ,0 be the person described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpose therein expressed, '-nil JJ )1urtl1rr Clll'rtifll, That the said . known to me to be the wife of the said , on a separate and private examination taken and made by and before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknow- ledlle ,tM' .h"iflI,ade herself a party to said deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and conveying a#~~er..~iiHt;;~;it~J}!ld interest, whether dower, homestead or of &eparate property, statutory or equitable, ~(l.ttlrh".z4nflf'4e3cribed therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and with- .~. I!)t~.any comeulsfon, ~onstTaint, apprehension or fear of or from her said husband. . :~ ')1.'\ '~1'''' ~ " p t,~~n~l\ ~.t ~fz and offi<:ial seal at ,i:~~~Y,.~!.~...:~i' and State of Florida ,this ?d 'FL~-' ',A..D.1953. dayrJ"H ,';7- My commiss~n expir~: ' ... . ~ Notlrv '\l\)l1t, Stare "fFlotld. Of' lerc.' Ch... ~ Mv nm'l*.ion .~pirt. Ju~. S, /95~. ,,7/ ,(~ ' . ....... Iw Am."'_'" t:,tI'".~ y. ., N .. Notary Public, State of Florida. '" \; , "'- t ~.... l t f'.a. ~ c:r- ~ g '~ pi t;l ~ ~ r '" !:~~ ~ 1 ~ [ ~ l i t L.~ ~ "" ~ e.. fr\ r '!JI' o;e;;. .~ '" ~. ~ ~. .. '" ,So :... 0 .:;: . ';1...' ~ ~ !=' t:J \'\ ,-;: .... .c:. "'" 8 '" ~~ ~ e. '\:c: 0() " ~r.. . -- o ;:ro t")' ~ S" ~ S- ~ , ",.. ~ -- 0 ~ So :::. ~ m ~ C".l . ~. r- ~~J11 ~ :;;,. >- ;;'~-l '" ~ ::c ]" $' i ~ .. 5' 5. "" -- Q.--~ Z a.t r 8 ~ ~ .~ ~.!' l:la ! ~ = l:l l:l .... ....'!Ill - l:l o S; ~P' t'!l . :: t:Y " ~ >'..... , . t-3 p- CD o ...... ~ '<l o .... :0:: ...... m ...... IJl CD ll> () p- o :0:: ll>' 0' CD ~ IJ:l o "'l, C IJ:l CD () I<;' CD '1 .. .., ~ C ~ ll> ~ ...... Po ~ .. .... f"~ ..:.-;, . '"'""i:::::: b f- ~r" 0;;, :: .;1: m~; 0.' of;: 4Z. ,"' ("" '... ", +-t fa = .... = ~ ~ ~ t:Y ~ ~ q .. ~ o '" " o '" ~. r'l ~ .~ - o \-" t..; c'\ " " , . - , .~) '~ " :;:: ?< '.:l .;.J "'1'1 o ;1:) ::n m ~:"") .0 :;0 =' ~ -" \0 - \0